八年级上册7-12单元单选、阅读专项练习 外研社

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( )21.-what did you buy for mother's birthday?

-winter is coming.So I bought a_____for her.

A.skirt B.sweater

C.dress D.T-shirt

( )22.-What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?

_Fish, I guess. How nice it _____!

A.looks B.sounds

c.tastes D.smells

( )23.-What _____ your sister_______?

-she's friendly and polite.

A.is;like B.does;look like

C. does;like D.does;look

( )24. -Why are you so ______?

-Because the basketball match is very _____.

A.excited;excited B.excited;exciting

C.exciting;excited D.exciting;exciting

( )25.-That man looks ____.Do you know him?

-Yes,I do.His my brother's friend.He is a serious person.

A.quite cold B.cold quiet

C.quite cool D.cool quiet

( )26.-I feel really ______ before the exam.

_Take it easy.I'm sure you can pass it.

A.hungry B.happy

C.nervous D.safe

( )27.-Will you please ______ your teacher to me?

-Sure.Let's go to his office.

A.tell B.introduce

C.want D.take

( )28.-Why didn't you go cycling yesterday?

_Because my _____was broken.I couldn't go cycling without it.

A.cookie puter

C.car D.bicycle

( )29.-Helen is an excellent girl.Everyone likes her.

-Yes.Her parents are very _____ of her.

A.afraid B.excited

C.proud D.happy

( )30.-jane,it's 8 o'clock .Get up and have breakfast.

-But I am not felling_____.I not fell like eating anything.

A.bad B.will

C.fun D.funny

( )31.-The film will be on at half past nine.

-Oh,I______ go now,or I will be late for it.

A.may B.can

C.maybe D.must

( )32.-Do you like the five hostos(主持人) of the programme Topice in Focus. -Yes! I like all of them,_____Hou Feng.

A.especially B.always

C.however D.nearly

( )33.-How do you feel after running 5,000 meters?

-I feel ______tired.

A.too much B.a bit

C.a lot of D.very much

( )34.-What are your parents?

-____ of them are doctors.

A.Both B.All

C.Each D.Either

( )35.-You looked sad yesterday._______?

-I lost my new bicycle.

A.Why were you B.Where were you

C.How are you D.What was the matter


( ) 1.Where is your mum,dear ?

She has gone to the __to buy some milk and eggs.

A.museum B.library C.palace D.supermarket

( )2.Turn__at the traffic lights, and you’ll find the park on __.

A.the right﹔the right B. right;right

C.right;the right D.the right;right

( )3.where is your father ,Jenny?

He is walking __the road with my grabdpa.

A.at B.along C.in D.from

( ) 4.Dad,I’m a little tired .When shall we __the bus?

Take it easy ,dear.we’llger to the cinema in ten minutes.

A.get up B.look for c. get off D. look at

( )5.A(n)__is very useful when you take along trip.

It tells you where to go,what to ert and so on.

A.guidebook B.hat C.dog D.instrument

( )6.__did you get to the park?

We got there by bike.

A.When B.How C. Where D.Why

( )7.I want to watch a movie. Is there a __ near here?

Yes,there is one across from the post office.

A.theatre B.supermarket C.museum D. park

( )8.The park is __quiet in the morning.

A.kind of B.a kind of C.lots of D.a lot of

( )9.The museum is __the hospital __ thw palace.

A.from;to B.between;and C. from;and D.between;/

( )10.Excuse me.Could you please tell me how I getto zhe zoo?

GO__ the bridge and turn left __Jiefang Road.

You can see it on the right.

A.off;in B.at;in C.across; into D.to;to

( )11.It __me ten minutes to get to school.

es B.novels C.across D.along

( )12.What did you see in the gallery yesterday?

Lots of famous __.

posers B.novels C.captains D.paintings

( )13.Lisa walked __me quickly without noticing me this morning.

Oh. She must hurry to go to the hospital to look after her mum.

( )14.Welcome__our school!I’ll show you around.

Thank you very much.

A.to B.in C.of D.at

( )15.Excuse me.____?

It’s over there, next to Hangxing Middle School.

A.Shall we go to the library .

B.Where is the library.

C.What’s the matter.

D.How can I do some shopping.


( )1.It is time for supper now .Let’s _______it.

A. stop having

B. stop to have

C. to stop have

D. stopping to have

( )2—Could you please ______us with some information about the students’ health?

-Of course,it’smy pleasure

A. look

B. provide

C. research

D. protect

( )3.Turkey(火鸡)is a(an)______of Thanksgiving

A. present

B. way

C. animal

D. symbol

( )4.It is large enough to keep 560 lilorams of bamboo, enough to______ the pandas for one week.

A. feed

B. place

C. taste

D. grow

( )5.-Jack, could you help me ______when the plane takes off on the Internet ?

-I’m sorry my computer doesn’t work.

A. get out

B. look out

C. take out

D. find out

( )6.Ihad a hard time with math and I wasn’t_______ to get the bad report from my math teacher.

A. surprising

B. surprised

C. excited

D. exciting

( )7.I’ sorry ,smoking will______ the air in the taxi .

A. keep

B. move

C. pollute

D. stop

( )8.-What is the ______ of the accident ?

A. danger

B. example

C. matter

D. cause

( )9.Don’t forget ______an umbrella______ you .It’s going to rain.

A. to take; to

B. taking ; to

C. to take ; with

D. taking;with

( )10.To______nature is to help ourselves, or we will be punished.

A. protect

B. decide

C. fill

D. pollute

( )11.A new push for _______in the Middle East will begin here tomorrow.

A. advice

B. peace

C. storm

D. plan

( )12.-What would you like for breakfast?

-I like hamburgers.But now I’ d like ______some cakes.

A. eating

B. to eat

C. to drink

D. drinking

( )13.She went ______after her son died. How poor she was!

A. mad

B. angry

C. hard

D. proud

( )14.-Where is my notebook ?

-I don’t know .It isn’t here. Maybe somebody______ by mistake.

A. took it away

B. put it away

C. took away it

D. put away it

15.The boy found ______hard to get along with his classmates.

A. this

B. that

C. it

D. one


( )-Why are you so____,Betty?

-Because I’ll fly to Xi;an to visit the World Garden Expo.

A.excited B.tired C.angry D.awful

( )We have to go there right away because we have____time left.

A.little and little B.less and less

C.fewer and fewer D.more and more

( )-Which of the two books do you prefer?

-____of them.I think they’re interesting.

A.Each B.None C.Both D.All

( )It is ____ for us to learn a foreign language when we grow up,

so we should try to learn the language well when we are young.

A.hard B.noisy C.easy D.strange

( )-I’m hungry. Let’s buy some food from the ____,shall we?

-Good idea

A.bank B.palace C.supermarket D.hospital

( )Our government has made some plans ____people _____some

rare animals.

A.stopped;killing B.to stop;killing

C.stopped;to kill D.to stop;to kill

( )I don’t need these things. Please ____.

A.take them off B.take off them

C.take them away D.take away them

( )-The cookie ____really delicious!

May I have one more?

-Of course,dear.

A.feels B.sound C.smells D.tastes

( )Look!A policeman was helping an old woman go____the road.

A.down B.across C.through D.around

( )-What is your cousin like , Emily?


A.She looks like an actor

B.She is a middle school student

C.She is tall and beautiful

D.She is friendly and polite

( )Fred is afraid of flying.He feels____before getting on the plane.

A.relaxed B.happy C.nervous D.tired

( )-Let’s play football here.

-No,we can’t. My father often tells me____in the street.

A.to play B.not to play C.don’t play D.playing

( )-Can you tell me the ____why you’re late again?

-Because I didn’t catch the early bus.

A.reason B.cause C.danger D.matter

( )It took us a long time ____ Tianjin but we thought the journey was wonderful.

A.to get B.to reach C.getting D.reaching

( )-What’s the matter with you,Cindy?

-____.I just feel a little tired.

A.Tell me more

B.Nothing serious

C.I’m surprised

D.Anything is wrong


1--Can you finish the work on time, Betty?

-- I am afraid I can’t. It is____ for me to finish it in only three hours.

A. important B. impossible

C. easy D. unhappy

2—Daddy, can I put my model plane in the box?

--Oh, sorry. It is ____of new books.

A. full B. filled

C. filling D. having

3 He decided____ a new computer for her daughter.

A. to buy B. buying

C. bought D. buy

4—Stephen, are you thirsty? Let’s go to the____ to drink some tea.

-- That’s a good idea.

A. museum B. restaurant

C. hotel D. teahouse

5—How long did you stay in Hangzhou?

--Oh, we stayed there for 2 weeks. But we wanted to stay ____because it is really beautiful.

A. shorter B. longer

C. more D. less

6 Mr. Write taught____ music. He is an excellent teacher.

A. our B. we

C. us D. ours

7Our teacher told us ____ swim in the river beside our school. It’s dangerous.

A. not to B. not

C. to not D. didn’t to

8 – What’s your dream when you grow up?

-- I want to be an actor. I like ____very much.

A. singing B. dancing

C. performing D. writing

9 My brother bought a CD player ____ me yesterday.

A. to B. for

C. at D. in

10 Edison showed great ____in science when he was young.

A. interest B. interesting

C. interested D. interests

11You answer is right, but Lily is better. I agree ____her.

A. to B. for

C. at D. with

12—Who are you talking about, Kathy?

--We are talking about Lin Yutang, the great ____of language.

A. Doctor B. Farmer

C. Teacher D.Master

13 ____ is a great idea to have a visit to Hawaii. It is a beautiful place.

A. This B. That

C.It D. One

14—Who’s the tall man over there?

--____. I don’t know him, either.

A. Sounds great. B. I don’t think so

C. You’re right D. No idea

15 – Do you like the film the Lord of the Rings?

-- Not____. I think it has too much fighting.

A. badly B. especially

C. so many D. favourite


( )1.-The woman made her son laugh finally after she told him some ____ .

A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts

( )2.-What are you going to do tomorrow?

-I’m not sure. I____ stay at home and do some cleaning.

A. need B. may

C. must D. have to

_( )3.-Tomorrow will be ___. How about having a picnic in the park? -Sounds great! Let’s ask the twins to go with us.

A. sunny B. windy

C. rainy D. stormy

( )4. The wet clothes will soon be____ in the sun.

A. long B. soft

C. pretty D. dry

( )5. I forgot to take my ____ when traveling, so I didn’t take any photos.

A. bike B. camera

C. swimsuit D. railcard

( )6. –As it was a hot day, she wore a ____ dress.

-I wore a skirt that day.

A. warm B. cool

C. beautiful D. red

( ) 7. –Do you know where Taiwan is?

-It’s in the____of China.

A. southeast B. northeast

C. east D. south

( )8. –where is Xiaoling?

-She ____ in her bedroom, but I am not sure.

A. must be B. can’t be

C. maybe D. may be

( ) 9. –Why do Chinese people like rad?

-Because they think it can____ them good luck.

A. carry B. bring

C. make D. take

( ) 10. It’s nice____ Andy____ me with my English study.

A. at; to help B. of; to help

C. with; help D. of; help

( )11. Cultural life (文化生活) in the country can not be compared____ that in a large city.

A. than B. from

C. between D. to

( )12. –I’m afraid I’ll fail the exam again.

-Don’t worry. I’ll do everything____ to help you.

C. bad D. strange

( ) 13. –Can we go swimming?

-No, it’s windy now and it ____rain later.

A. should B. might

C. need D. shall

( )14. -What will the weather be like the day after tomorrow?


A. I’d love to. B. Fine, thank you.

C. I think so. D. It’ll be snowy.



A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


A. money B. ideas

C. jokes D. gifts


( )1. -Who sent you this present?

-I don’t know. I____ it yesterday but I still don’t know who it was from.

A. took B. accepted

C. received D. brought

( )2. -What did you buy for your daughter at the supermarket?

-I bought____, because I couldn’t find____ she likes.

A. something; anything

B. anything; something

C. nothing; anything

D. something; nothing

( )3. –please keep quiet. If you make a lot of____, your father can’t sleep well.

-OK, Mum.

A. voice B.noise

C. sound D. singing

( )4. –Oh, dear! The car hurt this man badly!

-Let’s call 120____

A. successfully B. immediately

C. possibly D. slowly

( ) 5. –May I play computer games, Mum?

-No, you____finish your homework first.

A. must B. can

C. may D. mustn’t

( )6. You’d better stop____. It’s bad for your health.

A. smoking B. to smoke

C. reading D. to read

( )7. –Could I speak to Linda, please?

-____ ! I’ll call her here at once.

A. Hang on B. Stop chatting

C. Get a move on D. Bad luck

( ) 8. –Lucy, please come and help me____ after we have lunch.

-OK, Mum.

A. hand up B. wash up

C. look up D. look down

( )9. –May I put my coat here?

-Sorry, you____.

A. may B. must

C. needn’t D. can’t

( )10. The manager said that everyone should go to work____.

A. at work B. in time

C. on time D. all the time

( )11. –Yesterday I met my favorite singer at the airport and she took a photo with me. -You’re really a ____ dog!

A. luck B. lucky

C. luckily D. luckless

( )12. –They planted____ trees and flowers on both sides of Huangshan Road last year. -Oh, that’s beautiful.

A. lots of B. a lot

C. much D. lot of

( )13. –Would you like to go shopping with me, Mum?

-Sorry, dear,I ____. I’ll have to look after your grandpa.

A. won’t B. mustn’t

C. can’t D. needn’t

( )14. When the ball was going to enter, the goalkeeper jumped and____ the ball.

A. took B. smelt

C. threw D. caught

( )15. –Where is your mother, jack?

-She is____ the guests (客人) at the door.

A. knowing B. greeting

C. pushing D. showing


( )1--Something ____terrible. What goes bad in the kitchen?

--The meat.

A. looks B. tastes

C. smells D. feels

( )2 –Can I wear the clothes I like to school?

--No, you can’t. You____wear a unitform(校服).

A. might B. must

C. may D. would

( )3—Why are you so ____?

--Because our school football team has won the match.

A. excited B. exciting

C. bored D. boring

( )4—Where is Flower Store?

--It’s____the restaurant and the post office.

A. at B. between

C. from D. about

( )5—Do you know who took my bag by mistake?

--Sorry, I don’t know. Let me____who did it.

A. find out B. find

C. look D. look for

( )6 I was very____to meet Li Ming in Chengdu because I heard he had moved to Canada.

A. sure B. surprised

C. tired D. relaxed

( )7I____a box of oranges yesterday, and I still don’t know who it was from.

A. took B. accepted

C. received D. brought

( )8—Do I have to come back tomorrow?

--Yes, you____.

A. can B. may

C. must D.should

( )9—What a good girl Li Ping is!

-- Yes. She often ____her seat to the old lady on the crowed bus.

A. offers B. brings

C. lends D. takes

( )10 I find____difficult to finish the work on time. We only have three hours left.

A. it B. that

C.its D. this

( )11--Where is Tom?

--I’ m not sure. He____be shopping in the supermarket.

A. need B. might

C. must D. can

( )12—Did you have breakfast this morning?

--No. I got up late and went to school_____breakfast.

A. fore B. in

C. without D. after

( )13 Mr. Brown always makes his class____ and keeps his students____.

A .alive; interesting B. lively ;interesting

C .alive; interested D. lively; intersted

( )14—There goes the bell.

-- It’s time for class. Let’s stop____.

A. talk B. to talk

C. talking D. not talk

( )15—Mum, where is my sweater?

-- ____.

A. You are here B. Here it is

C. It’s green. D. Fine


( )21—I often listen to the song Rainbow.

—So do I.It_____beautiful.

A.feels B.smels C.sounds D.tastes

( )22. —Don’tyour history book tomorrow


—Thanks.I won’t.

A.bring B.brought C.bringing D.to bring

( )23. — What do you think of the NBA basketball match

Last night?

—It was_____.I really enjoyed it.

A.boring B.wought C.tiring D.terribll

( )24.He didn’t go there yesterday,_____he?

A.did B.does C.didn’t D.doesn’t

( )25. — I prefer speaking to listening in Enging learning.

—Oh, really?I think you should be good at _____of them.

A.both B.none C.some D.all

( )26. —Yao Ming is very popular among teenagers.

—Yes.Many middle school students are his_____.

A.heroes B.stars C.fans D.brothers

( )27.The little girl_____her seat to an old man on the bus.

—What a kind girl!

A.brought B.offered C.got D.lent

( )28.How much does the ticket _____from Beijing to Wuhan?

A.take B.cost C.spend D.pay

( )29.What were you doing at this time yes terday?

—I_____on the grass and drawing a picture.

A.sit B.am sitting C.sat D.was sitting

( )30. —May I take the magazine out of the reading room?

—No,you can’t You_____read it here.It’s the rule.

A.must B.would C.may D.might

( )31.Around the world more and more people are_____dangerous sporthing activities,become safeand boring.

A.taking out B.thaking off C.taking part in D.taking care of

( )32. —Will you please go to see the moveie Guanyinshan with me?

—sorry,I_____it already.

A.seeing B.have seen C.see D.will see

( )33.How dangerous!She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice cream with_____.

A.the other B.another C.running D.others

( )34.People should stay from junk food _____for children.

A.recently B.especially C.probably D.nearly

( )35. —Are you sure you can do well in tomorrow’s tet,Lucy?

—_____.I’ve got everything ready.

A.It’s hard to say B.especially C.I think so D.Ihope not


( )1— Mr. Liu is a good teacher.

-- Right. He has more than 10 years’ teaching____.

A. situation B. experience

C.altitude D. research

( )2— What’s your____ of your new head teacher?

-- He is very kind.

A. competition B. organizationg

C. impression D. punctuation

( )3— How many students are there in the classroom.

--____. They are all in the lab.

A. some B. none

C.all D. no

( )4—____ I play basketball now?

-- No, you ____. You still have a lot of homework to do.

A. May; mustn’t B. Must; mustn’t

C. May, needn’t D. Must; needn’t

( )5—Where is the post office?

--It’s ____ the corner of the street.

A. with B. out

C. on D. to

( )6—What do you think of the cookies?

-- They taste ____. Can I have some more?

A. salty B.delicious

C. awful D. cheap

( )7—I sent an email to you last night. Have you received it____?


A.yet B. still C. only D. then

( )8— I called you at nine this morning, but nobody answered.

--I____ in my garden at that time.

A. read B. reads

C. am reading D. was reading

( )9—Be quick, or we’ll be late for the plane

--Don’t worry. The plane will ____ in 2 hours.

A. take off B. take place

C. take around D. go off



Tommy and Jimmy were brothers.Tommy was five years old,and Jimmy was three.Their parents were poor,and their house was small .It only had

two bedrooms.At first,Jimmy slept with his parents in the bigger bedroom,and Tommy slept in the other one .But later Jimmy went to sleep with his brother.

One Saturday evening,their mother put them to bed .Then she said to them,―Now be quiet and go to sleep quickly.‖The boys were quiet for a few minutes, but then they started crying.Their mother went to the room and asked ,―Why are you crying,boys?‖Tommy got out of the bed and said,―Jimmy wants half of the bed ‖The Mother said, ―Then give him half of the bed. He's nearly as big as you.‖

―But,‖Tommy said,―he wants his half in the middle of the bed.‖


( )46.Tommy and Jimmy were twin brothers.

( )47.There were two bedromms in their house.

( )48.The two boys slept in the same bed all the time.

( )49.The two boys went to sleep quickly on that Saturday evening.

( )50.Tommy gave half of the bed to Jimmy at last.


Sherry loves dogs very much. Sherry keeps a dog as her pet(宠物). Yesterday Sherry could not find her pet, Lucky. She looked all around her house but Lucky wasn’t there. Sherry was really worried about it! She loved her pet and treated it like her baby. Sherry called the police and put up posters in the streets. She also drove through the streets looking for Lucky. However, she could not find it. Sherry went home late at night. She was very tired and sad. She sat on her bed and cried in the dark. But then, she heard noises coming from moving, and Sherry was scared(害怕的). She slowly stood up, turned on the light, and looked under the bed. Guess what! There, she found Lucky and five baby dogs that were just born! How excited Sherry was!


( ) 1. What might Lucky be?

A.A cat B.A girl C. A baby D.A dog

( ) 2. What may be the title for Sherry’s poster?

Police Report. B. Lost Pet. C. Breaking News. D. Lucky Day.

( ) 3. what does the underlined part ―treated like her baby‖ mean?

A.Sherry cares a lot for her pet.

B.Lucky is Sherry’s child.

C.Lucky acts like a little baby.

D.What did Sherry do to find Lucky?

A. She became a police officer.

B. She put up posters in her house.

C. She looked for Lucky by driving around.

D. She looked for Lucky in her neighbor’s house.

( ) 5. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Sherry doesn’t like dogs.

B. Sherry is a careless person.

C. Sherry found her pet at last.

D. Sherry didn’t like baby dogs.


A poor man worked for a rich man. The rich man made the poor work all day, but didn’t give him enough food. So the poor often felt hungry.

One day, when the poor was having breakfast, the rich man came in and said to the poor man, ―it’s very troublesome to come back for the other meals. So I want you to have your breakfast, lunch and supper now before you go to the fields.‖ ―All right, said the poor man.‖

After breakfast the poor went out. Half an hour later when the rich man went out for a walk, he saw the poor man lying under a tree. He was very angry and said, ―Why aren’t you working now?‖ The poor man sat up and said, ―I have had my supper already and it’s time to have a rest, you know.‖

Why did the poor man often feel hungry?

A. Because the rich man didn’t give him enough food.

B. Because his parents didn’t give him enough food.

C. Because he ate only one meal a day.

D. Because he was poor and lazy.

What’s the Chinese meaning of the underlined word ―troublesome‖?


The rich man asked the poor man to____.

A .have breakfast with him

B. have a rest after breakfast

C. lie under a tree

D. eat three meals at the same time

4.What was the poor man doing when the rich man saw him again?

A.He was working in the fields.

B. He was lying under the tree.

C. He was still having breakfast.

D. He was cutting a tree.

5. From the story, we can learn that____.

A. The rich man had only one meal a day

B. The poor man was very obedient(顺从的)

C. The poor man was clever

D. The rich man was kind to the poor man


This year we had a bad snowstorm at the beginning of January. That morning, the first thing I noticed was white snow, everywhere. And I knew it was snowing a lot

After some time, it was hard to see the trees outside. The wind was blowing hard and ice outside and outside of my window I thought the power was going to stop. Luckily, it didn’t and we could watch TV and warm ourselves inside

The radio reported some people were getting into trouble in their cars on the hill .It also told people to stay away from the roads because they were icy and dangerous. The government closed down some dangerous roads

It was Tuesday 4th. The snow had lasted for three days .Our school was open though many other ones were closed .But I had to stay at home because of the icy road .The next day I would go back to school and I hoped everything would be OK again.

Joe Smith is a singer. He and his wife like traveling a lot. Every year they visit a small town called Gum Tree in January and July

One summer, they went there by train again On the first day, they planned to go hiking in the mountains, but it rained a lot. So they had to stay in the hotel. They tried to think about something interesting to do. At last, they decided to walk to the only cinema in the town and watch a movie there.

A few minutes later, they got to the cinema. When they went into the cinema hall,the lights there were still on. And there were only nine people sitting there. When the people saw the Smiths they started clapping. Joe was excited and said to his wife, ―Aha, I can not believe(相信) the people in such a small place know me and they are friendlier than I thought. They must like my songs. Then a young man said to them, ―Thanks for your coming!The cinema won’t show the movie until ten people buy the tickets. There’re eleven now, so the movie is starting.


( ) 1.Joe Smith and his wife visit the small town _______.

A. once a year B. twice a year C. once a month D. twice a month

( ) 2.The Smiths_______ because it rained a lot on that day.

A. went hiking B. climbed the mountain C. slept in the hotel D. went to the movies

( ) 3.The cinema_______ when the Smith got to the hall.

started showing the movie

didn’t start showing the movie

had only ten people in it

finish showing the movie

( ) 4.We can infer(推断)the Smiths _______.

A. liked going to the movies

B. knew all the people in the town

C. often sang for the people in the town

D. lived in a hotel not far from the cinema

( ) 5.The people in the cinema welcomed the Smiths because ______

A. they could watch the movie at last

B. they all knew Mr. Smith

C. they liked Mr. Smith’s songs

D .they wanted to be friendly to visitors

