2017年高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Cloning课时作业

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Unit 2 Cloning



体裁:说明文 话题:医学 词数:319 时间:7′

Each year,half a million people die from brain aneurysms(动脉瘤)—when a blood vessel bursts in the brain.An aneurysm is a bulge in a blood vessel that can burst.If that happens in the brain,it can be deadly.For survivors,physical disabilities are often severe.They may include memory problems,loss of balance,trouble speaking and even blindness.But new technologies are increasing survival rates and reducing disabilities.

Beaumont Bacon is a survivor who makes light of her experience because she is a comedian.She uses humor to make others laugh.Now she's working on a new show.Michael Alexander is her doctor.He operated on Beaumont Bacon after her attack.“She had bleeding in the frontal area of her brain,so right above the eyes.The part that was in the brain was about maybe the size of an egg.So,that's a fairly large bleed.”

Ms.Bacon had a better chance at survival than most people because of Dr.Alexander.He directs the Neurovascular Center in Los Angeles.The center offers new technologies that include placing a catheter(导管) into an aneurysm,then threading wires to promote blood clots(血栓).This technique reduces the chances of another burst blood vessel.“You don't have to open up the skull or open up the brain to do surgery.It's all done from inside the blood vessels.So it reduces the amount of blood loss,and the recovery is much faster.”

For Beaumont Bacon's recovery,the hospital worked to prevent problems commonly found in patients with a burst aneurysm.The problems include brain swelling that can shut down blood vessels.She spent a month in a coma(昏迷)—unable to communicate with doctors,friends and loved ones.But with a year of treatment,she recovered.Now,she is making people laugh. 1.What is the purpose of the text?


A.To give some practical advice. B.To tell an interesting story. C.To introduce a treatment technology. D.To present a research result.

答案 C [推理判断题。本文说明了一项治疗大脑动脉瘤的新技术,所以本文的写作目的是介绍一种新的治疗技术。故选项C正确。] 2.What do you know about aneurysms?

A.No technologies can treat them nowadays. B.They are deadly wherever they happen. C.Few people die of them every year. D.They may cause severe disabilities.

答案 D [细节理解题。根据第一段中的For survivors,physical disabilities are often severe.They may include...可知,动脉瘤可以造成严重的身体的残疾。故选D。] 3.The new technology has the following benefits EXCEPT that ________. A.it is much faster for the patient to recover B.it doesn't cause any pain for the patient C.it reduces the amount of blood loss D.it need not open up the brain to do surgery

答案 B [细节理解题。根据第三段内容可排除A、C、D三个选项。故选B。] 4.It can be known from the passage that Beaumont Bacon ________. A.was always in a coma during the surgery B.recovered soon after the treatment C.returned to work after the treatment D.was the first to apply the new technology

答案 C [细节理解题。根据短文第二段中的Now she's working on a new show.以及最后一段最后一句Now,she is making people laugh.可知,Beaumont Bacon在治疗后又重返工作岗位了。故选C。]


体裁:记叙文 话题:人物与事件 词数:301 时间:6′

There were about 70 scientists working on a very important project.All of them


were really tired because of the pressure of work and the demands of their boss but everyone did not think of stopping their job.

One day,one scientist came to his boss and told him,“Sir,I have promised my children that I will take them to the exhibition so I want to leave the office at 5:30 pm.” His boss replied,“OK. You're permitted to leave the office early today.”

The scientist started working.He continued his work after lunch.He devoted himself to his work and when he finished his work,it was 8:30 pm.Suddenly he remembered the commitment he had made to his children.

He looked for his boss but he was not there.He closed everything and left for home.He was feeling guilty for having disappointed his children.When he reached home,he found the children were not there.

His wife was sitting in the hall and reading magazines.His wife asked him,“Would you like to have coffee or shall I serve dinner if you are hungry?” But the man asked,“Where are the children?” His wife replied,“You don't know? Your boss came here at 5:15 pm and has taken the children to the exhibition.”

The boss found him working seriously at 5:00 pm.He thought to himself,this person will not leave the work,but if he has promised his children they should enjoy the visit to the exhibition.So he took the children to the exhibition instead of the scientist.The scientist was deeply moved.

Do you know who the boss was? He was the leader of India's successful nuclear weapons and missiles(导弹) program and the former president of India—Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam.

【语篇解读】 员工在努力工作,忘记了带孩子去参观展览的承诺。老板亲自带孩子去看展览。这是一群不平凡的人,他们是谁呢?

5.The underlined word “commitment” in Paragraph 3 means ________. A.explanation C.expression

B.promise D.apology

答案 B [词义猜测题。根据上面一段中的I have promised my children再结合本句语境可知,画线单词的意思应该是“许诺;诺言”。]


6.The best title of the passage probably is ________. A.Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam B.A hard-working scientist

C.India's nuclear weapons and missiles program D.A caring and respectable boss

答案 D [主旨大意题。通读全文可知,这位老板代替科学家带领科学家的孩子们去看展览,说明他是一位关心别人同时又是一位令人尊敬的老板。故文章标题应该是D。] 7.Why did the scientist ask for a leave? A.He was too tired to work.

B.He wanted to have coffee with his wife.

C.He planned to take his children to an exhibition. D.His boss asked him to do so.

答案 C [细节理解题。根据第二段中的I have promised my children that I will take them to the exhibition so I want to leave the office at 5:30 pm.可知,科学家请假的原因是他要带孩子去看展览。]

8.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.the scientist felt sorry for not taking his children to the exhibition B.Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam loved children and often played with them C.the scientist would go to the exhibition after talking with his wife D.the scientist would be grateful to his boss

答案 D [推理判断题。根据短文内容以及The scientist was deeply moved.可知,科学家对老板的行为充满感激。]


Little-known facts about germs

Germs are everywhere and in so many forms.__9__ There are some steps you can take to help prevent the spread of germs in your personal space.

Computer keyboards can have more germs than a public toilet.Keys and spaces on a keyboard are main breeding grounds for bacterial and viral growth.__10__ Clean your keyboard regularly with specialized wipes for electronics,and remove dust with


an air duster.

__11__ While it seems to make sense that covering your toothbrush would protect,the opposite is the case.With a cover on your brush,a more humid environment is created and more likely to encourage growth of germs.Wash your toothbrush when done,and allow it to air dry.Make sure you store it away from the toilet.

Hand sanitizer(洗手液) does not always replace soap and water washing.Hand sanitizer is great when you're not near a sink,and need to clean your hands.But given the choice of a spritz of sanitizer or good old soap and water,choose the soap and water route.__12__ Lather up and scrub hard for at least 20 seconds,and wash between your fingers and the back of your hands.Don't skimp with the hand sanitizer either—cover the same hand areas as for soap and water.

__13__ If you freeze foods that you suspect might be spoiled,freezing them will not kill the germs already in the food.Freezing prevents further bacterial growth,but when you thaw it out,the bacteria continue to increase and pollute your food. A.Freezing food does not kill germs.

B.Try not to eat outside especially in summer. C.Exposure to germs can lead to many illnesses.

D.Toothbrush covers do not protect your brushes from bacteria. E.There are a lot of effective ways to get rid of germs in your house. F.Soap and water are only a better germ fighter when done properly.

G.Some reports show five times more germs on a keyboard than on a public toilet. 答案

9.C [本文第一段为主题段,说明细菌无处不在,形式多样,可以产生许多疾病,以下几段是说明一些知之甚少的关于细菌的实事以及应该采取的不受细菌伤害的方法。选项C说明细菌会产生很多疾病,应该属于主题段内容。故选C。]

10.G [本段标题为“计算机键盘比公共厕所有更多的细菌”,选项G正是说明了一些报告


11.D [本段内容主要说明牙刷盖不能保护你的牙刷不受细菌的侵入。故选项D可做本段的


12.F [本段说明洗手液不能代替肥皂和水洗。选项F正是说明肥皂盒水洗如果正确使用是


