上海市复旦大学附属中学2018届高三上学期周练英语试题 含答案

更新时间:2023-11-19 08:30:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



II. Grammar and Vocabulary (20%) Section A (10%)

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given words; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

He Zhigang’s eyes pleaded with the elevator dial as he stood waiting on the ground floor.

The red numbers wouldn’t budge. He glanced at his phone. The elevator. The phone. He pushed back his helmet, lifted the delivery bag of steamed buns and prepared to run up 20 flights of stairs. The elevator doors opened. He exhaled. The hungry office worker probably won’t remember who brought him lunch on a Friday afternoon, or(21)________ it was 11 minutes and 20 seconds before the allotted time. Maybe he’ll notice the colorful uniforms that flood Beijing streets and think of the beef noodle soup that came still too hot to eat, or the deliveryman who screeched past on an electric scooter and nearly took out his driver's side mirror.

These wai mai, or take-out, drivers symbolize China’s transformation from a poor society (22)_______(dedicate) to manufacturing to a more affluent(23)________ driven by consumption.

Delivery drivers are “high risk” because they run red lights and drive(24)________traffic. They meld (融入)into the chaos of the street ,where cars make U-turns in the middle of the road, bicycles ride on sidewalks and motorcycles play chicken with oncoming traffic. Eye contact acknowledge defeat. Electric scooters like He’s (25)_________(add) to the scramble(争抢)only.

The dinner crush(26)_________(start)by 6 p.m. when He walked into a west Beijing mall. He’d just passed a bag of noodles to the hand that(27)_________(emerge) from an apartment door. Now he needed to pick up a plate of sashimi, which he’d never eaten. Lines of Japanese, Korean and Yunnan restaurants occupied the mall’s top floor, (28)_________(beg) for customers who weren’t there. Instead, red-shirted wai mai drivers poured out of the elevator. Blue shirts came from the

right. Yellow took the escalators. These drivers may not benefit from China’s economic rise as much as their customers, but they’ve secured a spot in a country(29)________ opportunity comes and goes quickly.












“I’m(30)_______deliveryman. He picked up the sushi, nodded at the other drivers, and got back on his bike. Hungry people were waiting.

Section B

Direction:Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word

can be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

On a(an)(31)_______ bullet train, a virus suddenly spreads throughout like wildfire. Will you lend a helping hand to those in need, or focus all your energy on self-preservation?

Train to Busan, a South Korean zombie film which raises this question, has recently set Chinese social media aflutter. To fulfill his young daughter’s birthday wish, divorced hedge fund manager Seok-wu (Gong Yoo) takes the girl on a train from Seoul to Busan to visit her mother. Early in the journey, a scruffy-looking young woman staggers onto the train at the last second, herself(32)_______ infected by something.

It doesn’t take a hardcore fan of the genre to predict what happens next–the dead-looking girl takes a bite out of a passing attendant, then all hell breaks(33)________. Both would-be saviors and cowardly egocentrics(以自我为中心)are among those who are able to fight their way to survive.However, unlike the traditional powerful and obliging heroes of Western zombie stories, Seok-wu, as the lead protagonist, never intends to save the day during the most part.

Setting his character’s tone, the self-(34)________ man locks the door for his own safety when a pregnant woman fleeing from zombies tries to get in. He forbids his daughter to offer her seat to an elderly woman, telling her that only ones own

A.absorbed B.affection C.less D.loose AB.matters AC.more AD.owes BC.packed BD.secure CD.seemingly ABC.teams

well-being(35)_________ matters in extreme conditions. He also uses his contacts to try(36)_________ a way out for him and his young daughter, not considering his hundreds of fellow passengers. Even when he(37)_________ up with a dauntless(无所畏惧的) bruiser and a high school baseball player to fight the zombie hoard, the viewer can guess that his only motivation is the survival of him and his daughter.

Compared with the familiar gore-fests of TV series like The Walking Dead (2018-), Train to Busan actually provides a(38)________bloody setting, instead focusing on the complexities of human behavior, rather than the senseless shedding of limbs. The zombie genre has been done to death – no pun intended – but Train to Busan largely(39)________ its success to its vivid character portrayal. For example, the central character is a workaholic father who doesn’t pay enough attention to his daughter but ends up putting his life at stake for her. We also see a selfish, middle-aged man who later reveals that his only mission is to simply reunite with his mother. Love and relationships seem to be a central theme, with a young couple proving their loyalty to one another as well as two elderly sisters who serve to represent family(40)________.

III. Reading Comprehension (45%) Section A:

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, CandD.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. At a certain age, you may feel as if you’re still at life’s beginning yet also disturbingly close to the(41)______.You feel acutely that there’s much left to do. You were going to win an Oscar, pick up a Nobel Prize in physics and get elected president,(42)______you haven’t even gotten around to auditioning for a film, taking a university physics course or brushing up on your(43)______.

It’s almost enough to make you want to live forever. But then isn’t the real goal a life hugely increased not so much in(44)______ as in width? A life during which it’s(45)_____ to pursue every one of a wide range of concurrent possibilities?

It’s true, if you were immortal, that you might eventually get to be a philosopher and a cantor and an actor and a psychoanalyst and a novelist. But don’t forget: Over that vastly extended period, life would certainly not(46)_____ exposing you to still further choices. When you finally entered psychoanalytic training in 2100, you’d

have to forgo any number of other new possibilities that might at that(47)______ present themselves, such as joining an *expedition to Alpha Centauri, or learning to create art with the previously(48)______ colors recently made visible on the spectrum. You might have crossed one possibility off our list, but you’d have(49)______ three more. Hundreds of years in, you’d still feel as though you’d(50)______ moved beyond the opening stages of what life has to offer.

Many activities you once loved, meanwhile, would fall out of fashion or out of reach. As an aging mortal, your knees might make it tough to run a marathon, causing you to(51)______ all the healthy racers. As(52)_______ youthful immortal, by contrast, you might remain fit to run marathons over the centuries. But perhaps the beloved urban races of your youth would have long since disappeared,(53)_______ because of impossibly hot global temperatures and the fact that future civilizations find interplanetary relays far(54)______ exciting. All of the things you once did have shelf lives. The longer you live, the more of them die, increasing the weight of the time that has flowed through your fingers.

Many of us 60- and 70-somethings will remember George Burns’ quip goes: Old age isn’t great but it sure beats the alternative. There’s also truth to the reverse.(55)______ isn’t great, but it sure beats the alternative.

41.A. end

B. interval C. milestone

D. next

42.A. but B. otherwise C. since 43.A. academics 44.A. depth

B. diplomas

D. whereas

D. politics D. weight

C. marathons

B. height C. length

45.A. coincidence B. enough 46.A. cease

B. chase

C. impracticable D. possible C. confess C. present

D. continue D. pretend

47.A. preserve B. prepare

48.A. unbearable B. unconscious C. unimaginable D. unique 49.A. added B. adopted C. obtained

D. omitted


50.A. actually B. barely C. significantly vaguely

51.A. encourage B. energize C. envy

D. exploit


52.A. permanently B. personally C. potentially purposefully

53.A. banned B. restored C. suspending D. reappearing 54.A. anything but B. far more 55.A. Future Immortality

Section B


He lived a tragically short life, but one that was full of incident. The English writer Percy Bysshe Shelley chose the wrong day to go on a sea trip: He drowned in the Gulf of Spezia near Italy, aged 29, in 1822.

Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Shelley went to the University of Oxford but did not complete his studies. He was thrown out for writing a book called the Necessity of Atheism at a time when you couldn’t talk easily about not believing in God.

This radical view of the world led him to take the side of the underdogs of society. In Manchester in 1819 there was a demonstration of between 60,000 and 8000 working people. They wanted to be able to vote for members of parliament. They were cut down by the police, and many were killed or injured. To express his support for there cause. Shelley wrote a poem called The Masque of Anarchy. It closes by asking people to rise in “unvanquishable number” and reminds readers :“You are many-they are few” This calls for people to rise up-the spirit of revolution-is present in many of his poems. Perhaps his greatest poem is Ode to the West Wind. Although it seems simply to be about nature and the seasons, these actually show social struggles. It was written at a time when those struggles seemed to have been defeated. Everything seemed to be winter as far as social justice went. Nevertheless, Shelley ends the piece with an inspiring question: “If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind”

Of the many memorable question :“If winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” Of the many memorable lines Shelley wrote, these may be the most meaningful. They also perfectly expects the idealism and political commitment in his poetry.

56. According to the test, Percy Shelley . A. Died of an illness at a young age

C. other than C. Death

D. still less D.

B. Youth

