更新时间:2023-03-22 21:28:01 阅读量: 经典范文大全 文档下载
Good morning, everyone!
Today, I am very honored to stand here to speak, my speech topic is: ‘Be a responsible and observant person’.
Microsoft President Bill Gates once said to his employees: ‘People can not be great, but can not be irresponsible.’The sense of responsibility is a person's character and ability .It is the essential quality for a person to be successful. To gain a respect in society, a person should integrate a sense of responsibility into his life and always reminds himself to be a responsible person.
We should not only be responsible for ourselves but be care of our parents and teachers who give us more. As a member of society, we are also responsible for our country and society. If you didn't do it or didn't do it well before, is it time to change? We can't change yesterday, but we can think about today and decide tomorrow. When we enjoy the convenience brought to us by others at the same time, we should also take our own responsibility.
I hope the students make responsibility be their friends, take the spirit of responsibility into a habit, and do a responsible person.
另外我想和大家交流一下“自由”与“规则”的关系。“自由”就是车轮,“规则”好比是方向盘。方向盘虽然限制了车轮,但却保证了车轮正确的前进方向,规则对我们也是如此。有一则寓言讲述了这样一个故事:有位骑师,训练了一匹十分温顺的好马。他想,给这样的好马加上缰绳是多余的,于是有一天骑马外出,就解掉了缰绳。马儿在原野上自由地奔跑,当它知道没有缰绳的束缚后,就越发大胆起来,跑得越来越快。骑师无法控制,也不能重新给马儿拴上缰绳。马一个劲地狂奔着,连蹦带跳,竟把骑师摔下了马背。马儿继续往前 冲,最后冲下了深深的山谷,摔得粉身碎骨。骑师后悔不已,他伤心地说:“可怜的好马呀,是我造成了你的灾难。如果我不冒失地解掉缰绳,你就不会落得这样凄惨的下场了。”这则寓言向我们道出了自由和规则的关系,自由是我们的向往和需要,但规则保障和保护了我们的自由。然而,在现实的学习生活中,我们都渴望得到自由,希望无拘无束的生活学习。大家想一想:我们只要自由、不要规则,能行吗?如果行,那么我们会不会变成脱缰的野马?
In addition, I want to share with you the relationship between "freedom" and "rules". "Freedom" is the wheel, "rules" is like the steering wheel. The steering wheel limits the wheel, but it keeps the wheel in the right direction, and the rules are the same for us. A fable tells us a story about a jockey who trained a horse that was very gentle. He thought it would be superfluous to put a rein on such a fine horse, so one day he rode out and took the rein off. The horse ran freely across the field, and when it knew that there were no reins to hold it. It grew bolder and began to run faster and faster. The jockey has no control and cannot put the horse back on the reins. The horse galloped so wildly that it threw its jockey off his back. The horse kept on rushing, and at last came crashing down the deep valley and was crushed to pieces. The jockey was full of regret. ‘Poor good horse,’he said sadly, "I have caused your disaster. You would not have come to such a miserable end if I had not been so bold to take off the reins." This fable tells us the relationship between freedom and rules. Freedom is what we want and need, but rules guarantee and protect our freedom. However, in the real life of learning, we are eager to get freedom, hope unfettered learning life. Think about it: as long as we are free, and there is no rules, can we? If so, will we become a runaway horse?
As we all know, the outside world we live in is a world defined by boundaries. In real life, it is realized by some specific rules, such as laws and regulations. It is the rules which guarantee everyone can according to their own will to live their own learning life,and also ensure the true meaning of freedom for each of us. Students, if you want our learning environment to achieve the ideal state, you must consciously abide by the school rules and regulations, only in this way, you will enjoy the rules to bring you freedom,and bring you happiness
That's all for our presentation. Thank you.
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