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摘 要:激情犯罪现象在现在社会越来越常见,各国刑法大都对于激情犯罪作了相应规定,一般都适用从轻、减轻处罚原则。我国刑法中对于激情犯罪没有相关的法律法规规定,但在司法实践中对于激情犯罪往往是从宽处罚却没有具体的法律依据。对此,本文通过对我国激情犯罪司法实践的梳理,探讨激情犯罪在司法实践中的困难,并对激情犯罪量刑的基点进行分析。本文由以下几部分组成: 第一部分,激情犯罪的罪质。通过对各国激情犯罪构成要件特征的比较、对照及其优劣辨析,其中包括激情犯罪的概念,法律规定,典型案列的比较、对照及其优劣辨析,以确立其罪质的应然构造①。

第二部分,激情犯罪的刑责。通过对若干相关司法判例及其司法解释的量刑结果追问,提出当前激情犯罪的司法实践困惑,不仅在于定罪,更在于量刑,尤其是关于其量刑基点的诸多争议与分歧。具体表现在面对被害人的言行刺激或挑衅,激情犯罪人存在:1、意识失常,意志失控;2、意识正常,但意志失控;3、意识与意志均正常,只是由于受情绪或情感的制约、影响而陷入非理性的心理状态。 第三部分,激情犯罪量刑基点的法理思考。通过对激情犯罪刑事归责的事由考察,旨在引出激情犯罪的量刑基点思考:其一,对激情犯罪是否需要从宽,强调其量刑基点的共识性;其二,对激情犯罪为何从宽,强调其量刑基点的正当性;其三,对激情犯罪如何从宽,强调其量刑基点的合理性;其四,对激情犯罪从宽的限度检视,强调其量刑基点的科学性与均衡性。

第四部分,激情犯罪量刑基点的层阶建构。通过对激情犯罪量刑基点的要件化、类型化与法定化设置,旨在实现激情犯罪从宽处罚的规范、公正与透明。 关键词:激情犯罪;量刑基点;罪行均衡;公正

The basic point of the crime of passion crime

Abstract:The phenomenon of crimes of passion in now society is becoming more and more common, the criminal law of various countries mostly for crimes of passion made the corresponding provisions, generally applicable, be given a lighter or mitigated punishment principle. The criminal law of the people's Republic of China for the crime of passion without the relevant laws and regulations, but in the judicial practice for the crime of passion is often lenient punishment without a specific legal basis. In this regard, this article through the judicial practice of China's passion to sort out, to explore the passion of crime in the judicial practice of the difficulties, and the basis of passion for crime sentencing analysis. This paper consists of the following parts: The first part, the nature of the crime of crime of passion. Passing to constitute the essential characteristics of compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of analysis to all the crimes of passion, including the concept of crime of passion, laws and regulations, the typical case of compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of analysis, in order to establish the ideal structure of incrimination. The second part, the criminal responsibility of passion crime. Through several relevant judicial precedent and judicial interpretation of the sentencing the questioning, proposed the crimes of passion the confusion in judicial practice, not only is conviction, more lies in the sentencing, especially on the sentencing basis points to a lot of controversy and disagreement. Specific performance in the face of the victim's words and deeds stimulus or provocative, crimes of passion: 1, awareness of the disorder, the volitional control; 2, the normal sense, but volitional control; 3, consciousness and will were normal, just because of the restriction and influence of mood or emotion in non-rational

psychological state.

The third part, the legal thinking of the basic point of the crime of passion. The crime of passion criminal return responsibility of subject study, aims at introducing the sentencing basis for crimes of passion thinking: one, of crime of passion is lenient, emphasizing the sentencing basis points of consensus; second, to crime of passion why leniency, emphasizing the legitimacy of the sentencing basis points; third, to crime of passion how lenient, emphasizing the rationality of the sentencing basis points; fourth, crime of passion lenient limit view, emphasizing the sentencing basis points of scientific and balanced.

The fourth part, the construction of the basic level of passion crime sentencing. Through passion crime sentencing basis points for the elements, types and legal settings, aimed at achieving passion crime punishment standardized, fair and transparent.

Key words: passion crime; basic point of sentencing; balance of crime; justice


一、激情犯罪的罪质 ................................................ 5 (一)国外对于激情犯罪的法律规定 .................................. 5 (二)国内对于激情犯罪的法律规定 .................................. 5 (三)激情犯罪的概念及特征 ........................................ 6

1、激情犯罪的概念 ............................................... 6 2、激情犯罪的特征 ............................................... 7 (四)激情犯罪的构成要件 .......................................... 7

1、主观上的自我控制能力 ......................................... 7 2、客观上要有被害人的不当的激烈言词。 ........................... 8 3、时间上的紧迫性。 ............................................. 8 4、侵害的对象只能是不当言行的当事人,没有法律的特殊规定,不能涉及第三人。 ........................................................ 8 5、激情犯罪不是存在所有的刑法罪名中。 ........................... 8 二、激情犯罪的刑责 ................................................ 9 (一)最高人民法院发布的典型案例: ................................ 9 (二)司法实践中激情犯罪人不同表现时的量刑。 ..................... 10

1、意识失常,意志失控 .......................................... 10 2、意识正常,但意志失控 ........................................ 10 3、意识与意志均正常,只是由于受情绪或情感的制约、影响而陷入非理性的心理状态。 ................................................... 10 此 ............................................................. 10 三、激情犯罪量刑基点的法理思考。 ................................. 11 (一)激情犯罪的从宽处罚 ......................................... 11 (二)激情犯罪从宽处理的原因 ..................................... 11 (三)激情犯罪从宽处理的原则以及限度 ............................. 12 四、激情犯罪量刑基点的层阶建构 ................................... 13 (一)确立激情犯罪刑事责任减轻处罚的法定化、合理化 ............... 13 (二)笔者认为,激情犯罪立法的理论基础包含以下三点: ............. 13 (三)激情犯罪是一种特殊的犯罪 ................................... 14 结语 ............................................................. 15



国外对于激情犯罪的法律规定可以追溯到十三世纪初期,当时英国在审理谋杀罪时遇到很多案件的侵权人是在受到某种刺激后陷入一时的情绪失控,从而实施了与其原本意识不一致的犯罪行为,如果对这些人直接认定谋杀罪显得失去了绝对的公平,因此当时的陪审团在经过很多案件的积累后,认定上述的行为成立非预谋故意杀人罪,对侵权人不再直接适用死刑②。到了十七世纪,英国对于激情犯罪的法律理论越来越成熟,渐渐的形成一系列关于激情犯罪的判例。到现在为止,英国、瑞士、法国、意大利等很多国家对激情犯罪都有所规定,大陆法系中比如日本国家中虽然对激情犯罪的直接法律规定较少,但是也在刑法总则有相似的法律规定,并且一些司法解释中国涉及到总则性的量刑规定。 (二)国内对于激情犯罪的法律规定



