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Unit 9 Can you come to my party?

第四课时 Section B (3a-selfcheck)

设计:蔚晓琳 审稿:雷印东

【课前预习】 1.学习目标:


2.能给出不能接受别人邀请的具体理由。 3.提高自己的读写能力。 2.认知目标:

1)词 汇:housewarming opening concert headmaster event guest calender daytime 2) 语法项目: 1.用can发出邀请 2.情态动词have to/must

3.学会使用将来时表示将来计划或行动 3) 语言目标:

预习本课内容,完成下面的任务: 任务1【应掌握的词组】

the opening of ......的开幕式、落成典礼 reply in writing书面回复

go shopping去购物 do homework做家庭作业 go to the concert去听音乐会任务 not......until 直到.......才 2.【应掌握的句子】

I would like to invite you to the opening of our new library at NO.9High School. 我想邀请您来参加我们第九中学新图书馆的落成典礼。

Please reply in writing to this invitation by Friday,December 20th.



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answer 为一般用语,主要用于对问题、指责等的回答;reply的用法较正式,多用于对问题作出解释、辩论或陈述性回答。

二者作名词时都指“……的答案或答复”,均与 to 连用。例如: Answer this question.回答这个问题。

I asked her the reason, but she didn’t reply.我问她为什么,她却不回答。 I received no reply / answer to my request.我的要求没有收到任何答复。 answer 后面可直接跟宾语,而reply 跟宾语时须与 to 连用;answer 可表示对电话、敲门等作出的“应答”,reply 则不能。例如:

You must reply to/answer this letter right away. 你应当马上回复这封信。 Who answered the telephone? 谁接的电话? 如果是指练习题的“答案”,一般用 answer。例如: The answer to 6×10 is 60. 6乘以10 的答案是60。


1.表示能力:能,能够,会 He could swim when he was five. Can you drive a car? —Yes, I can. —No, I can’t.

2. 表示推测:可能,会 I think the work can be completed ahead of time. What can he mean? 注:表示推测时,could不是过去式,只是语气更委婉;若是推测已发生的事或过去的情况,用can/could have done

八年级英语导学案 Unit9第四课时 第 2 页 共 6页

Today is Sunday. He can’t/couldn’t be at school.

Mike can’t have found his car, for he came to work by bus this morning. 3. 表示“有时也会” It can be quite windy there, especially in spring. 4. 表示允许:可以 (口语中常代替may) You can first lend me one book this time. You can’t take the book out of the room. 注意:1. 表示允许别人做某事只能用can,不能用could。 2. can’t和mustn’t一样,都可表示“不准,不允许”。

5. 表示请求,可以Could you tell me how I can get to the railway station? 注意:could不是过去式,只是语气较can更委婉,注意在回答中不可用could。Could I have the television on? Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.

6. 表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。 Can this be true? This can’t be done by him. How can this be true?

He may /might be very busy now. Your mother may /might not know the truth. It may/might rain this afternoon. He may come, or he may not. She may still be waiting for us. 1). 作此种用法时,也可用might(不是过去式) 语气更委婉;若是对过去情况的推测,用may/might have done (本来可以做某事) You may/might have helped me when I asked you. 2). 表示推测时,may not意为“可能不”,can’t意为“不可能”,前者较后者语气弱得多。He may not come today, for it’s raining. He can’t come today, for he has gone to America.


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( )1. — What is today? It is __________.

A. Monday B. Monday the 14th C. 14th D. Monday ( ) 2. Thanks for ________ me to the party. A. ask B. asking C. asks D. to ask ( ) 3. — Can you go to the library with me?


A. I’m like B. I’d love to C. I’d love D. I’d to like ( ) 4. You can invite classmates ________ your party. A. in B. to C. come D. come to ( ) 5. The old man still has all his own ________ . A. tooths B. toothes C. teeth D. teeths ( ) 6. Now they are ________ the Great Wall.

A. visit B. visited C. visiting D. to visit ( ) 7. ________ I can come another time?

A. Maybe B. May be C. May D. Be ( ) 8. Is she ________ the little girl?

A. look after B. babysiting C. looking D. babysitting ( ) 9. She has to study ________ a chemistry test. A. on B. at C. to D. for

( )10. –Happy birthday!- _____. A. Thanks B. the same to you C. I do too ( )11. –Would you like to come to my party?-______.

A. Yes, please B. No, I’m not C. I’d love to D. No, please not ( )12. I have _____ homework to do, I can’t go with you.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. a few ( )13. He ___ stay at home, because his mother was ill.

A. has to B. have to C. had D. had to ( )14. I went to the mountain _____. What about you ?

A. next week B. the day after tomorrow C. yesterday D. tomorrow ( )15. ___ today? It’s April 4th

A. What B. What’re C. What’s D. how’s

( )16. ____ Friday morning, I like to go to the movie ___ friends.

A. in, on B. on, with C. on, and D. at, with

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D. Not at all ( )17. Would you please ____me ____ the housework?

A. help, in B. to help, with C. help, doing D. help, do ( )18. Are you __ football this weekend?

A. playing B. play C. play a D. Plays


1. Thank you for your i__________. I’m sorry I can’t visit you. 2. — Can they go to the c__________ ?

— No, they can’t. They’re going to the party. 3. He has to p_________ the piano twice a day. 4. She’s babysitting her sister the W_____day.

5. I usually get up early on w_______. On weekends I always sleep late. 6. Next week I will be _______ (有空的). 7. Thanks for _______ (帮助) me.

8. Michel Jordon is a great _________(美国的) basketball player. 9. He has tennis ________(训练) every day. 10.________ (化学) is my favorite subject.


1. Thanks a lot for _________ ( invite ) me.

2. Please ________ ( not talk ) to Jim. He’s doing homework. 3. She __________( have ) a computer lesson today. 4. Look! Some people ________ ( take ) photos here. 5. She’d love ______ ( go ) with you.

6. Do you have ______ ( be ) at home today?

7. My mother is busy ________ ( clean ) the room now. 8. I’m busy. I have a lot things _______ ( do ). 9. We have fun ________ ( visit ) the zoo.

10. It takes him an hour _______ ( listen ) to music.

三、 句型转换.

1. He would like to play with us. ( 改一般问句 ) ____ he ____ to play with us?

2. They can play the piano. (对划线部分提问) _____ can they _____?

3. You should eat something. ( 改否定句 ) You ______ _______ ________. 4. Today is Tuesday. (对划线部分提问) ______ _______ is today?

5. He did his homework last night. ( 变否定句 )

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He _____ _____ his homework last night. 6. I’m playing football. (对划线部分提问)

_____ ______ you _______ ? 7. Would you love to play with us ?

— Yes,_________________________. ( 给出肯定答语 ).

四 选词填空

about, if, much, face, such, capital, sit, clock, name, stand

Big Ben is not the name of a man. It is the name of a huge __1__ in London .London is the___2____ of the UK. This clock has four _____3___ ,

so no matter (无论)where you stand ,you can read the time on the face of Big Ben. Each face is the size of a double-decker (双层的) bus. The hands are _____4___ four meters long. It is about the size of two people ___5___ on top of each other. __6___you go to London , you may want to visit the House of Parliament (国会大厦). That is where you will find Big Ben__7___ at the top of the clock tower in the House of Parliament. You will hear it as well as see it. The big clock makes __8____ a

loud sound, “Ding Dong, Ding Dong,” when it goes every quarter of an hour. The clock __9____after a big man. He was Sir Benjamin Hill. He did__10______ building work in London many years ago.

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