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Title: A Comparative Study of English
and Chinese Culture on Idioms
First of all, my appreciation goes to my parents and my family. It is their hard work and years of care that have earned me the opportunity for my study at university.
And I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all other teachers who gave me lectures during the past three academic years. I have benefited so much not only from their courses and lectures but also from their constant encouragement.
Finally, I would like to offer special thanks to supervisor, Lu Li. It is for her constant encouragement and critical instructions that this paper appears in the present form.
Idioms for a nation, just like a mirror, are rooted in life. Both Chinese and English idioms have their own national characteristics. Idioms are lively and pellucid expressions which reflect the specific national cultural background. Taking the perspective of cross-culture, the paper is a comparative study of English and Chinese idioms, through the analysis of value system, religion belief, aesthetic customs and history. The purpose of the research is to reveal the cultural similarities and differences between English and Chinese idioms. The study could deepen people?s understanding of two different cultures and promote the exchange of Chinese and Western culture.
Key words: English and Chinese idioms; value system; religion belief; aesthetic customs; history
摘 要
Introduction……………………………………………………………1 I. The concept of idioms………………………………………………...1 1.1 Definition of idioms………………………………………………..1
1.2 Cultural background of idioms…………………………………….2
2.1 Individualism in western countries………………………………...3 2.2 Collective values in China…………………………………………3 III. Different religion beliefs……………………………………………4 3.1 Christianity in western countries ………………………………….4 3.2 Confucianism in China…………………………………………….5 IV.Different aesthetic customs………………………………………….6 4.1 Conception on animals…………………………………………….6 4.2 Conception on colors………………………………………………7 4.3 Conception on age…………………………………………………9 V.Different history and tradition……………………………………….9 5.1 Stories from history………………………………………………..9 5.2 Different cultural traditions……………………………………….10
5.3 Different habits in daily life ………………………………………11
Conclusion..............................................................................................12 Bibliography…………………………………………………………...14
As we all know, language is like a bridge over different people and different
cultures in the world. Idioms, as a special part of language, contain a large amount of information of histories, geography, culture and so on. They are the heritage of history and product of cultural evolvement. Chinese and English are two of the most influential languages in the world. China, as one of the civilized ancient countries, has a long history of more than five thousand years with a large population and an immense territory. The Great Britain, as the hometown of Industrial Revolution and an important country in Europe, also has a long history. We can learn about the culture after we study about the idioms and know more about the cultural background. Francis Bacon said, “Generous wit and spirit of a nation are discovered by their idioms” [1:35]. Comparing the different cultures on English and Chinese idioms will help us have a better understanding on differences and similarities of the two languages in the cross-cultural communication and translation.
I. The concept of idioms
1.1. Definition of idioms
Idioms are the essence of a language, which are always philosophical and eternal. According to Oxford Advantaged Learner?s English-Chinese Dictionary, an idiom is “a phrase or sentence whose meaning is not clear from the meaning of its individual words and which must be learnt as a whole unit”. “In the broad sense, idioms may include : set phrases; proverbs; sayings; epigrams; slang expressions; colloquialisms; quotations; two-part allegorical sayings, of which the first part ,always stated, is descriptive, while the second part , sometimes unstated, carries the message(chiefly in Chinese). [1:71] While in Chinese, idioms are called as ?熟语?,including:短语,成语
(usually consisting of four words),俗语,谚语,格言,箴言,名言(quotation or recorded utterance ) ,警句,隽语,俚语,粗话,行话,歇后语(including pun),习语.”
1.2Cultural background of idioms
Both China and Britain have a long history, which fertilized their brilliant cultures. The common experiences and reciprocal interaction in various aspects through long-time communication between the two countries induce a lot of common points in culture.
In early British history, Britain was occupied by the Roman Empire for nearly four hundred years. The Romans left their deep marks on Britain culture. In 49 B.C. the Roman emperor Caesar sent the order of burning out boats after his army passed Lupigen River, showing the determination to take a all-out war. That is the origin of the English idiom 'burn one?s boat? [12:3]. Incidentally, in 208 B.C. General Xiangyu in China sent the similar order to smash all the boats after the army passed River Zhang in attempt to show its determination of winning the war, which made the birth of the Chinese idiom '破釜沉舟?[14:11]. The two idioms are stunningly the same in form and meaning, which reflect the same point in culture ------ the same concept to show inexorable determination or irrevocable decision.
English idioms and Chinese idioms are gems of the two languages as well as the crystallization of the two national cultures. Most of idioms are of vivid images which are appropriately used to compare to other things, consequently, they often contain distinctive national and local colors. Some idioms have quite clear meanings; some are implicit and profound, which could cause a great deal of association, while others may include several meanings, which depend on the context to define its real indication.
Both English and Chinese idioms have their national characteristics. They reflect different the value systems, the religion beliefs, the aesthetic customs, and the history and tradition.
II. Different value systems in China and western countries 2.1. Individualism in western countries
Different people have different values. It is a desirable point of consideration and evaluation for different people. In western countries, the main line of value is individualism; they advocate the independence of the community. For example, “don?t put your finger in the pie(不要多管闲事)” it present the Life Philosophy of individualism in western countries. It tells people do not care about others; the best way is mind your own business.
Individualism in western countries is also reflected in people?s time system, they pursuit for efficiency and be optimistic. For example, “time is money(时间就是金钱)” like a Chinese idiom “一寸光阴一寸金”, it tells people that time is limited, we should use limited time to do unlimited things, create more useful things for others, this idiom is also full of economic color. “punctually is the politeness of kings(守时乃帝王之理)”and “punctually is the soul of business(恪守时刻,为立业之本)”also reflect punctuality has became advocated in western countries. Although in Chinese idiom we say “浪费时间等于谋财害命”, generally speaking, Chinese people?s punctuality is weaker than western countries?. To be affected by Individual-based values, people pay more attention to their own privacy, such as ages, incomes, religion believe and individual housing. As an English idiom says “an Englishman?s home is his castle(英国人的家是独立王国)”.
2.2. Collective values in China
Contrary to Individualism in western countries, Collective value has become advocated in China. Collective value is the main line in Chinese culture. To be affected by Collective value, human relation based has a special station in Chinese idiom; it reflects in the spirit of cooperation among people, it is the result of over twenty-five hundred history of China. For example, “一个篱笆三个桩,一个好汉三个帮”, “众人拾柴火焰高”and “独木不成林,单丝难成缕”, they all reflect a re
preventative force of collective. This relation also reflect the close relation between affection and relationship, people usually tend to the return of affection and relationship and pay attention to the friendship and obligations from each others. “一日为师终生为师” tells the Chinese traditional relationship between teachers and students. “谁言寸草心” expresses the children?s kind heart to how much their parents owe to them. And “士为知己者死”tells us the personal loyalty and obligation between good friends. Human relation based reflects in the relation ship between the individual and the collective, Chinese claim “个人服从集体,小家服从大家”,so they have the lofty idea of collectivism “先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐”. As a whole, collective value has a special station in Chinese culture.
III. Different religion beliefs
3.1Christianity in western countries
Religion plays an important role in the development of the language. Different religions produce different idioms. Different countries share different customs and beliefs. It is certainly much easier to learn about other cultures if one approaches them. For example, most English people believe that it is common to communicate with each other in euphemism, in order not to lead to awkwardness and embarrassment. Therefore, the following examples illustrate some kinds of “die”; most of examples are the same to our country.
To go to glory 升天了 To be gone or To expire 逝世
To depart or To pass away 去世,与世长辞 To close (end) one?s day 寿终 To breathe one?s last 咽气,断气 To go west 归西天
To pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘 To depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉 To give up the ghost 见阎王
To be no more 不在世 To kick the bucket 翘辫子 To join the majority 会见祖先
To kick up one?s heels 登腿,翘脚 [7:11]
In western countries especially in Britain and America, people believe in Christianity. The Bible has been regarded the classical Christian scripture, which establishes a foundation of western countries? culture, art and ideology, Idioms concerning the Bible can be found everywhere. For example, “doubting Thomas”(怀疑的托马斯)is an idiom from the Bible now stands for “不肯轻易相信别人的人(people who will not believe in others easily)”. And The idiom “cast pearls before swine”(把珍珠丢在猪的面前) is also from the Bible: New Testament, and now it stands for “not to give the precious things to people who cannot really appreciate it (不要把珍贵的东西送给不识货的人)”or “not to play the lute to a cow (不要对牛弹琴)”. “Go to hell(下地狱去)”is a curse. Others are like “ ?a lion in the way?, ?Nobody is born learned, even bishops are made of men.?, ?It?s better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.?, ?Bad priests bring the devil into the church? ?Judas kiss?, ?a dead dog?, ? the apple of one?s eye?(掌上明珠) , ?wash one?s hands of a thing?(洗手不干).” Besides, there are many proverbs in English based on the metaphors and themes of God and demon. For example: Man proposes, God disposes(谋事在人,成事在天); God helps those who help themselves. (自助者必有天助); Everyone for himself and the devil take the hindmost(人不为己,天诛地灭).
3.2Confucianism in China
As China has a long history, Confucianism plays a special role in Chinese religion belief. Confucianism is the cornerstone of traditional Chinese culture. It is a complete ideological system created by Confucius, based on the traditional culture of the Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties. Confucianism has dominated a feudal society that in essence has lasted 2000 years and for that reason its influence over the history, social structure and the people of China cannot be overlooked.
Buddhism has been transmitted to China for more than one thousand years, which
occupies the leading position in Chinese traditional religions. People believe there is a “Buddha” who can dominate the world and decide everyone?s destine. Many Chinese idioms come form Buddhism, such as “佛口蛇心”、“佛头着粪”、“借花献佛”、“五体投地”、“一尘不染”、“现身说法”、“回头是岸”、“在劫难逃”、“大慈大悲”etc. There are also proverbs coming from Buddhism. For example,“不看僧面看佛面”、 “闲时不烧香,临时抱佛脚”、“跑得了和尚跑不了庙”、“泥菩萨过河,自身难保”、“放下屠刀,立地成佛”、“一个和尚挑水吃,两个和尚抬水吃,三个和尚没水吃”. [9:9] Most Chinese believe Buddhism, they are deeply influenced by Buddhism, we usually use this idiom “放下屠刀,立地成佛”,it is translated into “to drop one?s cleaver and become a Buddha-achieve salvation as soon as one gives up evil”. However, most English people believe Christianity, they uphold Christian culture. Different beliefs in Chinese and English reflect the two different languages. Therefore, we should take it seriously in cross-cultural communication. Otherwise, it is confused. Such as “谋事在人,成事在天”is “Man proposes, God disposes”, the translation seems to be the best way, however, the two background of beliefs and cultures are different, if it is translated into “Man proposes, God disposes”, Chinese become believing Christianity not Buddhism. Thus, we should take “Heaven” instead of “God”.
IV . Different aesthetic customs
Conceptions on animals
As different ethnic has different national personality, they all have their own aesthetic habit and aesthetic emotion. English and Chinese belong to two different language families. Chinese belongs to the Han-Tibetan language family. Being limited to the living conditions, climate and so on, several animals find the same environment on which they rely for existence as the human being. These animals and the human beings are interdependent. While the man are the most emotional animals that give the animals different affection, as a result, the symbolic meaning of the animals vary greatly.
The cattle had once done great contributions to Chinese agriculture in history, so
there emerged idioms concerning this animal, such as “力大如牛”,“倔犟如牛”,“鞭打快牛”.For the English, horse is used as an important tool whose merits and contributions are outstanding. Consequently, there are equivalent idioms having the same meaning as Chinese idioms in English, such as “as strong as a horse”, “as stubborn as a mule” and “The horse that draws best is most whipped.” Besides, the British advocate horsemanship. They like raising horses and holding horse-races. Thus there are a great number of idioms concerning horse, such as: “dark horse”, “eat like a horse”, “bet on the wrong horse”, “change horse in mid-stream”, “hold one?s horse”.
In western culture, the cunning fox specially likes eating the goose surreptitiously. If leaving the fox to look after the geese alone, wouldn?t it mean looking for trouble? We have no such knowledge in Chinese. Thereby, the English idiom “set a fox to keep one?s geese”(让狐狸看鹅)would be quite baffling to the Chinese. But there is an identical idiom in Chinese ——“引狼入室”which means the same thing as “set a fox to keep one?s geese”.[13:7] Both of the two idioms are translated correspondingly and vividly.
It is worth mentioning that, in Chinese?s eyes, tiger is the king of wild animals. It has rich cultural symbolized meaning, including the commendatory connotation, such as valor, grandeur and might, as well as the derogatory connotation of cruelty, savageness and ferociousness. While in English culture, lion is the king of all animals, consequently, there are obviously much more English idioms concerning lion than the Chinese idioms concerning tiger, so that “we often translate lion into ?虎? in English translation, such as ?a lion in the way?(拦路虎), ?place oneself in the lion?s mouth?(深入虎穴)”.
4.2 Conceptions on colors
There are three kinds of basic colors: red, yellow and blue. Colors are cognized mainly through the seven kinds of colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and purple in the spectrum. Due to the different countries? historical backgrounds, geographical locations, customs and traditions, people have diverse cognitions of
colors, so the idioms rising under the conditions reflect such regional differences. Taking “red” and “white” for example, in western countries, red is regarded as brutality and unluckiness. Red means bleeding. So there appears some having derogatory and taboo color words, such as “red skin(对印第安人的鄙夷称呼),red tape(繁文缛节,官僚习气),in the red(亏损),out of red(扭亏为盈), red alert(空袭、紧急警报), red cock(纵火引起的火灾), red cent(毫无价值的事物)”. While in China, red means luck and joy. There are many Chinese idioms obviously having complimentary sense, such as开门红 (get off to have a good start), 红颜薄命 (a beautiful girl has an unfortunate life), 红运当头(have a good luck), 红光满面 (in the pink), 红男绿女(gaily dressed young men and women), 红得发紫(extremely popular), 红极一时(enjoy popularity for a time), 红装素裹(clad in white, adorned in red).
People in western countries look upon white as the symbol of purity, as well as some implications of racial discrimination. The westerners are white people who entrust extremely noble symbol to white. In English there are:white hat(好人),white lies (善意的谎言), white--headed boy(宠儿),the white hope(带来荣誉的人),white slavery(逼良为娼——西方人认为白种人不能做奴隶),etc. However it is different in China. In Chinese?s eyes, white stands for funeral and revolt, which has derogatory color? For example, there are白日做梦(indulge in wishful thinking), 白费口舌(waste one?s breath),一穷二白(poor and blank),白忙乎(in vain) ,白字连篇(reams of wrong characters), 白云苍狗(white clouds change into grey dogs-the changes in human affairs often take freakish forms)[8:13].
Although yellow and blue are different, the symbols are same in the two different national cultures. The two stand for diadem and dignity. Many examples illustrate such English idioms.
A blue-blooded family 表示具有王室血统的家庭 Blue Book 蓝皮书
The boys in blue 专指皇家警察和水兵 Blue ribbon committee 一流的委员会
And such Chinese idioms are familiar to us, for example, “黄袍加身”,it is same to English “raise sub to the purple”,“黄屋”and so on.
4.3 Conceptions on age
At the age issue, westerns? attitude is quite different from that of Chinese. In western country, age has become one of the most representative privacy. “You can?t teach an old dog new trick(年逾花甲不堪教)” a saying that means old people can learn nothing new. It has sad color on the olds. “Old as the hill” means really old. And “over the hills” also means old. “No spring chicken” means no young anymore. On Chinese tradition, the orderly often link to the old veteran experience, so we usually call others “老王” “老李” and so on. Thus, the orderly in china is not a matter for regret. Since ancient time, The Chinese nation has a fine tradition of respecting elderly people. In Chinese idioms, we say “莫道桑榆晚,微霞尚满天”,“老骥伏枥,志在千里”. The different aesthetic customs also reflect in vehicle on both Chinese and English. For example, “all is fish that comes to the net (抓到篮子便是菜)”, “to cry up wine and sell vinegar (挂羊头,卖狗肉)”, “love me love my dog (爱屋及乌)”, “better be the bead of a dog than the tall of a lion (宁为鸡口,不为牛后)”.
V. Different history and tradition
5.1Stories from history
There are lots of idioms coming from historical allusions, myths and legends. The structure of these idioms is very simple but they have profound meaning, so we can not translate and understand these idioms from the literal meaning. It?s necessary for us to learn and understand the English allusion and myths as well as the Chinese allusions and myths. It?s useful to learn about the origin and development of English and Chinese language and culture. For example“东施效颦”it is from《庄子·天运》and now it means imitating somebody stupidly. “名落孙山”it refers to a person who fail in the exam and is not enrolled.“叶公好龙”means a person who professed love of what one really fears. Other allegorical stories like“守株待兔”、“愚公移山”、“黔驴
技穷”、“刻舟求剑”are often quoted and widely loved by Chinese people. The ancient myths and legends also produce lots of idioms. In Chinese, such set phrases as“嫦娥奔月”、“夸父追月”、“画龙点睛”“精卫填海”、“女祸补天”are all pieces of beautiful and touching myths. The proverbs “天冷不冻织女手,饥荒不饿苦耕人”and“雷公先唱歌,有雨也不多”contain the legendary characters.
While English traditional culture is deeply associated with the Greek Roman Myth. For instance, the Trojan Horse(特洛伊木马), “Pandora?s Box”(潘多拉之盒,指灾难,麻烦,祸害的根源)”, Achilles? heel”(阿基里斯的脚后跟,指唯一致命弱点), “meet one?s waterloo”(一败涂地), Penelope?s web(铂涅罗铂的织物,指永远完不成的工作), “crocodile?s tears” (鳄鱼的眼泪), it is just like the Chinese idiom “猫哭老鼠假慈悲”[11:45].
There are also many set phrases based on the Greek Roman legends. For example: I fear the Greeks, even when bringing gifts(Greek gifts: 危险的礼物;糖衣炮弹) . When Greek meets Greek, and then comes the tug of war. Homer sometimes nods.
5.2Different cultural traditions
Both English and Chinese idioms have a close relationship with their cultures. So it is necessary to know the cultural traditions.
Due to the two different cultures and backgrounds, and different understanding of the source language, these idioms may be translated in the light of each cultures and backgrounds. Origin of idioms is closely related to their backgrounds, different idioms have serious national cultures. Chinese take farming as the dominant factor since ancient times, farmer plays large part in China; people accumulate rich experience in agriculture, which give rise to lots of idioms in terms of agriculture. The following Chinese idioms belong to this type.
瓜田李下 in a melon patch or under a plum tree 地老天荒 till the end of the world 五谷丰登 a bumper grain harvest
风调雨顺 good weather for crops
On the other hand, England locate in island, in history, people used to engage in fishing and voyage, therefore, some such idioms arise from the culture. Such idioms include:
A sea of faces 人山人海
Fishing for compliments 讨别人的恭维 To drink like a fish 牛饮
Struggle not against the stream 潮流不可抗拒 To keep one?s head above water 奋力图存 A cold fish 冷漠的人
To have other fish to fry 另有他图 To sail one?s own boat 独立行动 In low water 不如意(经济不宽裕)
These idioms are very interesting, if you know the cultures and background in the related country.
5.3Different habits in daily life
Idioms are closely related to people?s work and life. So the idioms have strong national colors. Britain is an island country on the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by the sea, which was once leading the world with its navigation, so lots of English idioms have something to do with navigation and fish. Such as: a drop in the ocean“沧海一粟”; plain sailing “一帆风顺”between the devil and deep sea“进退维谷”; know the ropes“懂得秘诀”; go with the stream“随波逐流”; as close as an oyster“守口如瓶”; steer clear of all doubtful questions“避免一切暧昧的事情”; feel under the water“感觉不适”.
While “China is an agricultural country. The peasants have presented many idioms about farm work, such as ?斩草除根? which is translated literally into ?to cut the weeds and dig up the roots?, its figurative meaning is ?to stamp out the source of the trouble?. More examples: ?瑞雪兆丰年(?a timely snow promises a good harvest);
?顺藤摸瓜? (its original meaning is to follow the vine to get the melon; its extended meaning is to track down somebody or something by following clues ); ?捡了芝麻,丢了西瓜? (its original meaning is to pick up the sesame seeds, but overlook the watermelons; its extended meaning is ?mindful of small matters to neglect of large ones? )”.
Typically speaking, English people use “spend money like water” to describe someone who splashes money on something. While Chinese people say“挥金如土”. “However many idioms concerning boats and water cannot be given the same equivalents in Chinese, such as , to rest on one?s oars(暂时歇一歇), to keep one?s head above water(奋力图存)all at sea(不知所措)”[15:22].
Due to the geographical and environmental factors, the bamboo shoots grow abundantly in China, thus, there are idioms concerning bamboo. On the contrary, bamboo doesn?t grow in British islands at all; even the word “bamboo” is a loan one, so that there are no English idioms in this aspect. For example, “the Chinese idiom ?雨后春笋?is translated into ?spring up like mushrooms?” in English.” In Chinese culture, ?east wind? is ?the wind of spring?; summer is always connected with extremely hot or the intense heat, so ?赤日炎炎似火烧? ?骄阳似火?are terms often used to describe summer. While Britain is located in western hemisphere, with North Temperate Zone and marine Climate, so ?west wind? is the symbol of spring. The famous English poet Shirley?s ?Ode to west wind? is a praising song of spring. Summer in Britain is a warm and comfortable season, which is usually linked with ?lovely?, ?gentle? and ?nice?. Shakespeare compares thee to a summer in one of his poems, ?shall I compare thee to a summer?s day? Thou art lovelier and more temperate?”
Idioms are the reflections of people?s experiences, views, and emotions. In whatever language, they are extremely important. It is very interesting and useful to study and compare English and Chinese idioms; we should pay more attention to
different kinds of idioms in the two languages, and we must fully understand their cultural backgrounds, customs and connotations so that we can use them correctly. As for English major students, it is very necessary for us to master enough general knowledge of idioms, and we should realize that some idioms can be translated literally, but others should be treated in a flexible way. We should do more practices, pay more attention, accumulate more knowledge, consult the dictionaries for the unknown often, and ask the experts for advice. Finally, It is my hope that it will increase learner's interest in English, and let the learners know learning English is happy and easy rather than boring and difficult.
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- 文化
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