七年级英语下册 Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road教案(新版)冀教版

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Unit 1 A Trip to the Silk Road

Lesson 1 A trip to China

I. Learning aims

Key vocabulary: trip silk road lead note chance send news Key phrases: learn about(学习,了解);

learn(?) from?(向??学习??、从??获得??知识); learn to do sth.(学习做某事)

send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.(把某物寄给某人) tell sb. sth.= tell sth. to sb.(告诉某人某事) think about(考虑、认为)

Key structures: What does \\do sb. think about sth.? Practice listening、speaking、reading and writing skills. II. Learning important points

We are learning about the Silk Road this month in school. 这个月我们正在学校学习丝绸之路。 (1).learn about 学习、了解

(2).learn(?) from?(向??学习??、从??获得??知识) (3).learn to do sth. 学习做某事

learn to swim 学习游泳 learn to ride a bike 学习骑自行车 (4).the Silk Road

2.Mum and dad, may I ask you a question? 爸爸妈妈,我可以问你们一个问题吗?

May I?? 此句式表达有礼貌地请求对方允许,语气十分委婉,还可以表达为:Could I \\ Can I?其肯定回答常用:Yes.可以。\\ Sure.\\ Certainly.当然可以。否定回答为:I`m sorry, you can`t.抱歉,不行。\\I`m sorry, but?抱歉,但??\\ You`d better not. 你最好别这样。 3.Who will lead the trip?

lead用作及物动词,意为“带领、指路”。其过去式led,名词为leader(l领导者、领先者)。 4.Here is the note from my school. 这是我们学校的信笺。 note用作可数名词,意为“信笺、笔记”。


(1).make \\ take notes 意为“做笔记”。 (2).leave sb. a note 意为“给某人留便条”。

5.I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news. 我将给李明发电子邮件,告诉他这个好消息。 (1).send及物动词,“寄,送”,过去式为sent。 send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.意为“把某物寄给某人” (2).tell sb. sth.= tell sth. to sb. 意为“告诉某人某事” 6.What does Mrs. Smith think about the trip? 史密斯夫人认为这次旅行怎么样? think about意为“考虑,认为”

7.This is a good chance for you. 对你来说这是一次很好的机会。 chance用作可数名词,意为“机会、运气”。 III.Learning difficult points

1.My school is planing a trip around China with Li Ming`s school. (1).trip用作可数名词,意为“旅行、旅程”,通常指短距离的旅行。 ①trip名词,一般用语,侧重于“短途旅行”。 ②travel名词,泛指旅行的过程

(2).around用作介词,意为“遍及、全”,后跟表示地点的名词,around China意为“中国各地”,相当于all over China。

2.Some students from my class will go to China and travel on the Silk Road. 我班里的一些学生会去中国,在丝绸之路上旅行。

本句是一般将来时,一般将来时用于描述将要发生的动作或存在的状态。它的基本结构是“will+动词原形”。 We will get there on time. will结构的句式变化是: 肯定句 否定句 主语+will+动词原形+其他 主语+will not\\won`t+动词原形+其他 2

Will +主语+动词原形+其他? 一般 肯定答语:Yes, 主语+will. 疑问句 否定答语:No, 主语+won`t. 特殊 特殊疑问句+will+主语+动词原形+其他? 疑问句 例如:

She will join the English club. She won`t join the English club. Will she join the English club? Yes, she will. No, she won`t. Where will she go?

3.I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news. 我会给李明发一份电子邮件,告诉他这个好消息。

news是不可数名词,意为“新闻、消息”。可用piece表示其数量,例如:“一则新闻” a piece of news。 “两则新闻” two pieces of news。 IV. Learning Guide ㈠.Autonomic Learning 1.Review and learn the new.

(1).Fill in the blanks and learn the key vocabulary. ①You will have a good____(旅行). ②My father is wearing a____(丝绸) shirt. ③There are some cars and buses on the____(公路). ④Don`t worry. I will____(带路) the way for you. ⑤That will be a good____(机会) for you. Don`t miss it. ⑥Is there any____(新闻) in the newspaper? ⑦Let`s____(送) a birthday card to him. ⑧They are taking____(笔记) in class.


(2).Translation and learn the key phrases and structures. ①今天晚上我会去看电影。

②猜怎么着!这个月我们在学校学习有关丝绸之路方面的知识。 ③我会发一份电子邮件给李明,告诉他这个好消息。 ④你知道那则新闻吗?

⑤我班里的一些学生会去中国,在丝绸之路上旅行。 ⑥史密斯夫人认为这次旅行怎么样?

(3).Listen and write true or false in order to know more about the lesson. ①Jenny is learning about the Silk Road this month in school. ( ) ②Li Ming`s school is planing a trip to Canada. ( ) ③Ms. Martin will go to China with the students. ( ) 2.Reading methods

(1).Fully master the meaning of the key vocabulary、phrases and structures given in lesson 1.

(2).Explain the difficult points appeared in lesson 1. 3.Study and read intensively

(1).Use the key structures of every paragraph to read effectively.

(2).Obstacle jump method. If you meet difficult problems in the process of reading,you can put them aside to deal with new knowledge. After that, you can concentrate your attention on that difficult problems.

(3).Seize “key points”. It can be effective to comprehend the content and implications of an essay thoroughly through analysis and consideration of key points.

㈡.Dispel suspicion using mutual help.

1.We are learning about the Silk Road this month in school. 这个月我们正在学校学习丝绸之路。 (1).learn about 学习、了解

I want to learn about the history of China.

(2).learn(?) from?(向??学习??、从??获得??知识) We must learn from each other.


(3).learn to do sth. 学习做某事

learn to swim 学习游泳 learn to ride a bike 学习骑自行车

(4).the Silk Road 丝绸之路 the是定冠词,此处用在由普通名词组成的专有名词前。 the Great Wall 长城 the Summer Palace 颐和园 2.Mum and dad, may I ask you a question? 爸爸妈妈,我可以问你们一个问题吗?

May I?? 此句式表达有礼貌地请求对方允许,语气十分委婉,还可以表达为:Could I \\ Can I?其肯定回答常用:Yes.可以。\\ Sure.\\ Certainly.当然可以。否定回答为:I`m sorry, you can`t.抱歉,不行。\\I`m sorry, but?抱歉,但??\\ You`d better not. 你最好别这样。 3.Who will lead the trip?

lead用作及物动词,意为“带领、指路”。其过去式led,名词为leader(l领导者、领先者)。 The road leads you to the post office. lead还可用作不及物动词。 You lead, and I`ll follow.

4.Here is the note from my school. 这是我们学校的信笺。 note用作可数名词,意为“信笺、笔记”。 (1).make \\ take notes 意为“做笔记”。

We should make \\ take notes carefully in class. (2).leave sb. a note 意为“给某人留便条”。 He left his son a note on the table.

5.I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news. 我将给李明发电子邮件,告诉他这个好消息。 (1).send及物动词,“寄,送”,过去式为sent。 send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb.意为“把某物寄给某人” My friend often sends me books.

(2).tell sb. sth.= tell sth. to sb. 意为“告诉某人某事” I will tell him my name.

6.What does Mrs. Smith think about the trip? 史密斯夫人认为这次旅行怎么样?

think about意为“考虑,认为”,about是介词,后可跟名词、代词或v.-ing 形式。


What do you think about Spots Weekly?

7.This is a good chance for you. 对你来说这是一次很好的机会。 chance用作可数名词,意为“机会、运气”。

have a chance to do sth.= have a chance of doing sth. 意为“有机会做某事”,by chance 意为“偶然地”。

It`s a good chance to learn from workers.

8.My school is planing a trip around China with Li Ming`s school. (1).trip用作可数名词,意为“旅行、旅程”,通常指短距离的旅行。 We will make a trip to the seaside. Have a good trip.

①trip名词,一般用语,侧重于“短途旅行”。 He wants to make a trip to the Great Wall. ②travel名词,泛指旅行的过程

(2).around用作介词,意为“遍及、全”,后跟表示地点的名词,around China意为“中国各地”,相当于all over China。 People around the world love peace.

9.Some students from my class will go to China and travel on the Silk Road. 我班里的一些学生会去中国,在丝绸之路上旅行。

本句是一般将来时,一般将来时用于描述将要发生的动作或存在的状态。它的基本结构是“will+动词原形”。 We will get there on time. will结构的句式变化是: 肯定句 否定句 一般 肯定答语:Yes, 主语+will. 疑问句 否定答语:No, 主语+won`t. 特殊 特殊疑问句+will+主语+动词原形+其他? 主语+will+动词原形+其他 主语+will not\\won`t+动词原形+其他 Will +主语+动词原形+其他? 6

疑问句 例如:

She will join the English club. She won`t join the English club. Will she join the English club? Yes, she will. No, she won`t. Where will she go?

10.I will send Li Ming an e-mail and tell him the good news. 我会给李明发一份电子邮件,告诉他这个好消息。

news是不可数名词,意为“新闻、消息”。可用piece表示其数量,例如: Do you know the news about the fire? “一则新闻” a piece of news。 “两则新闻” two pieces of news。 ㈢.Inquiries and suggestions. 1.What is Jenny`s school planing? 2.Who will lead the trip?

3.What does Mrs. Smith think about the trip? 4.Why will Jenny send Li Ming an e-mail?

5.What is Jenny learning about this month in school? ㈣.Group work.

Set an situation and ask the students to make their own conversations in groups and act them out.

㈤.Expand and improve.

1.I hope Tim can come to my birthday party. Then we____a much happier time. A. have B. had C.will have D. have had 2.Let me tell you____news about cellphones(手机).

A. A B. many C. some D. few 3.Please_____this book_____my teacher.


A. send; to B. give; \\ C. send; for D. give; for 4.What____he think____the trip?

A. do; \\ B. does; \\ C. does; about D. do; about 5. --Do you have any plans for your winter vacations? --I____for Hainan next Sunday.

A. leave B. will leave C. leaving D. left ㈥.Finish the task.

1.Fill in the blanks with the learnd words . (1).I plan to go on a____to Beijing this summer. (2).I have some good____for you.

(3).Many people____to Hainan for their winter holiday. (4).Follow me! I will____you there.

(5).I want to go to Beijing. Then I will have a____to see the Great Wall. ㈦.Challenge

1.Read the note given on page 3 from Jenny`s school and take turns asking for permission to go on the trip.

Task tips: What do you want to do?Where\\When do you want to go? Who will you go with? Notes:

Lesson 2 Meet you in Beijing

I. Learning aims

Key vocabulary: exciting along kilometre special culture arrive leave Key phrases: how far(多远) how many(多少)

from?to?(从??到??) Key structures: How exciting!

How far is it from?to?? It`s about?kilometres.


The Silk Road is about 6500 kilometres long.

Practice listening、speaking、reading and writing skills. II. Learning important points How exciting! 太令人激动了!

(1).exciting意为“使人激动的;令人兴奋的”。是以-ing结尾的形容词。 (2).The distinctions between exciting and excited. ①excited意为“兴奋的”,用来形容人。 ②exciting意为“令人兴奋的”,用来修饰物。 1.How far is it from Beijing to Xi`an? 从北京到西安有多远?

(1).问两地之间的距离有多远时,用“How far is it from?to??”,还可以使用“How far away is?from??”或“How many kilometres is it from?to??”。 (2).The distinctions between how far and how long. ①how far问距离有多远。

②how long问时间多久、多长,还可以提问物体的长度。 (3).from?to?

①表示从某一地方到另一地方。例如: from China to Canada


He often watches TV from seven o`clock to nine o`clock in the evening. 3.The Silk Road is about 6500 kilometres long! 丝绸之路长约6500千米!


The river is five metres deep. The road is 2000 kilometres long.

4.Arrive in Beijing and take a train to Xi`an. 到达北京,乘火车去西安。


①arrive意为“到达”。当表示到达某地时,arrive后要加介词in或at。到达较大的地方,如北京、上海等用in;到达较小的地方,如车站、学校、市场等用at。例如: We will arrive in Shanghai on January 7. ②arrive、get and reach

是不及物动词,其后若跟地点名词,要用arrive in 或 arrive arrive at。 是不及物动词,其后若跟地点名词,要用get to。 get th

reach 例如:

是及物动词,其后可以直接跟地点名词。 She finally arrived in New York. We will get to Beijing tomorrow. Lisa will reach the village soon.

当arrive 后接home、there、here等地点副词时,需去掉介词。例如: I will arrive here next week.

5.Come back to Beijing and leave Beijing. 回到北京,然后离开北京。 ①come back意为“回来”。例如: I will come back soon.

②leave用作及物动词,过去式为left,意为“离开、动身、出发”;leave for?意为“动身去??”,for后的名词是目的地。例如: They leave London for Paris. I`m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. Mr. Li left for Lanzhou. III.Learning difficult points

1.We will travel along the Silk Road together.



1.The meeting will last____2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. A. between B. from C. under D. at 2.The street is____.

A. thirty kilometres long B. thirty kilometres far C. thirty kilometre long D. thirty kilometre far 3.We like the action movie because it is____.

A. boring B. bored C. exciting D. excited 4.They will____in Shanghai in two days.

A. get B. go C. reach D. arrive 5._____is it from Beijing to your hometown? It`s 230 kilometres.

A. How old B. How far C. How many D. How much ㈦.Challenge

1.It`s two kilometres from my home to the park. (就划线部分提问)2.He will visit his grandfather this weekend. (改为否定句) 3.She will send me a card.(改为同义句) Notes:

Lesson 3 A visit to Xi`an

I. Learning aims

Key vocabulary: hit ancient drum ring bell enjoy dish tour guide pit move sign

Key phrases: climb up(爬上、攀登) have fun(玩的高兴、尽情玩) want to do sth.(想要做某事) places\\ a place of interest(名胜)

Key structures: Let`s do sth. No+名词或动名词形式!


Practice listening、speaking、reading and writing skills. II. Learning important points

You can climb up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. 你可以爬上大雁塔。

climb up意为“爬上、攀登”。Up用作副词,表示动作向上;若表示动作向下,则用down。 1.You can hit the ancient drum in the Drum Tower. 你可以在鼓楼上击打古老的故。

.hit用作及物动词,意为“击中、撞到”,其过去式仍为hit。 .ancient用作形容词,意为“古老的、古代的”。

3.You can also ring the ancient bell in the Bell Tower. 你也可以在钟楼上敲打古老的钟。 (1).also用作副词,意为“也”。例如: Jim can also speak Chinese well. Analysis: also\\too\\either

常用于肯定句或疑问句中,位于be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之 also 前。 too either 例如:

He also likes playing soccer. He likes playing soccer,too.

He doesn`t like playing soccer either.


4.Eat delicious Chinese food and enjoy the special dishes of Xi`an. 吃美味的中国食品,享受热别的西安菜肴。



常用于肯定句或疑问句的句末,前面通常用逗号隔开。 常用于否定句之后。 17

5.Let`s go to the first pit! 让我们去第一个(兵马俑)坑。

Let`s是let us的缩写形式,let`s do sth.“让我们做某事”。其回答为“Ok \\ All right.”; 其否定回答为“Sorry, I?”。 Analysis: Let`s\\ Let us Let`s 包括说话人和听话人双方在内,含有催促、建议或请对方一起行动的意思。 表示请求对方允许自己(第一人称复数)做某事,这里的us不包括听话对方在Let us 内,不能缩写为let`s。 6.I want to sit on one of horses! 我想坐在其中一匹马身上!

“one of+名词复数”,表示“??之一”。 7.Please stand here with me and move with me. 请和我一起站在这儿,随我一起移动。


.move用作不及物动词,意为“移动、搬动”,指位置改变,常用move to sp.,表示“搬到某处”。move也可用作及物动词。 8.Look at the sign,“No photos!” 看那牌子,“禁止拍照!”

no+名词或动名词,表示“禁止做某事”,常用于公共场合,提醒人们注意,no在此处意为“不准、不许。“No photos!”相当于“Don`t take photos!” 例如: No talking! No swimming!

9.What places of interest does Part 1 of the lesson talk about? 课文第一把分谈到什么名胜古迹?

places\\ a place of interest 意为“名胜”。 III.Learning difficult points

1.Eat delicious Chinese food and enjoy the special dishes of Xi`an. 吃美味的中国食品,享受热别的西安菜肴。



Analysis: like\\love\\enjoy


含义 love表示“热爱、爱”,感情较为强烈。


like、love可以和to do搭配,也可以doing搭配。 搭配 enjoy只能和doing搭配,不能和to do搭配。


enjoy doing sth. enjoy oneself 喜欢做某事 玩的开心

You will enjoy yourself. IV. Learning Guide ㈠.Autonomic Learning 1.Review and learn the new.

(1).Fill in the blanks with the words in the box and learn the key vocabulary.

hit enjoy ring move ancient ①Who will go and____the bell first. ②Please____your desk beside the window,Tom. ③Jeff ran too fast and____his head on the tree.

④It`s a nice day today. Let`s go to the beach and_____the sun there. ⑤Some____cities have walls around them.

(2).Fill in the blanks and learn the key phrases. ①I want to____(击鼓). That`s funny. ②She is interested in_____(古代史). ③The sign says“____”(禁止拍照).


④They will____(攀登) the high mountain. ⑤We want to____(拍一些照片) of the tower. (3).Translation and learn the key structures. ①欢迎来到西安。

②这座城市有300年历史了。 ③中国历史悠久。 ④你想敲那个钟吗?

⑤让我们去吃美味的中式食物吧。 2.Reading methods.

(1).Fully master the meaning of the key vocabulary、phrases and structures given in lesson 1.

(2).Explain the difficult points appeared in lesson 1. 3.Study and read intensively.

(1).Use the key structures of every paragraph to read effectively.

(2).Obstacle jump method. If you meet difficult problems in the process of reading,you can put them aside to deal with new knowledge. After that, you can concentrate your attention on that difficult problems.

(3).Seize “key points”. It can be effective to comprehend the content and implications of an essay thoroughly through analysis and consideration of key points.

㈡.Dispel suspicion using mutual help. 1.You can climb up the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. 你可以爬上大雁塔。

climb up意为“爬上、攀登”。Up用作副词,表示动作向上;若表示动作向下,则用down。例如:

Don`t climb up the tree. It`s dangerous.

2.You can hit the ancient drum in the Drum Tower. 你可以在鼓楼上击打古老的故。

(1).hit用作及物动词,意为“击中、撞到”,其过去式仍为hit。例如: He hit the ball hard with the racket.


____ ____ ____to Nanjing with her friends? 3.She will stay at home.(改为否定句) She____ ____at home.

4.They are walking across the river.(改为同义句) They are____the river.

5.They will arrive in Shanghai in two days.(改为同义句) They will____Shanghai in two days. Notes:


A car hit the tree yesterday.

(2).ancient用作形容词,意为“古老的、古代的”例如: Xi`an is an ancient city.

3.You can also ring the ancient bell in the Bell Tower. 你也可以在钟楼上敲打古老的钟。 (1).also用作副词,意为“也”。例如: Jim can also speak Chinese well. Analysis: also\\too\\either

常用于肯定句或疑问句中,位于be动词、助动词或情态动词之后,实义动词之 also 前。 too either 例如:

He also likes playing soccer. He likes playing soccer,too.

He doesn`t like playing soccer either.

(2).ring用作及物动词,意为“敲(钟)、打电话、按(铃)”;用作不及物动词,意为“鸣;响”。其过去式为rang。Ring用作名词,意为“戒指、环、圈”。例如: Please ring the doorbell. Listen! The telephone is ringing. She wears a beautiful ring.

4.Eat delicious Chinese food and enjoy the special dishes of Xi`an. 吃美味的中国食品,享受热别的西安菜肴。

(1).enjoy用作及物动词,意为“喜欢、享受”。其后可接名词、代词和动名词,但不能接动词不定式。例如: I enjoy my job.

He enjoys reading books. ①Analysis: like\\love\\enjoy 含义

常用于肯定句或疑问句的句末,前面通常用逗号隔开。 常用于否定句之后。 like是表示“喜欢”的普通用语。 21

love表示“热爱、爱”,感情较为强烈。 enjoy侧重“享受”,即可以从中得到乐趣。 like、love可以和to do搭配,也可以doing搭配。 搭配 enjoy只能和doing搭配,不能和to do搭配。


enjoy doing sth. enjoy oneself 例如:

They enjoy collecting stamps. You will enjoy yourself.

(2).dish可用作可数名词,意为“菜肴、盘、碟”。其复数形式是dishes。例如: What is your favourite dish? There are many dishes on the table. 5.Let`s go to the first pit! 让我们去第一个(兵马俑)坑。

Let`s是let us的缩写形式,let`s do sth.“让我们做某事”。其回答为“Ok \\ All right.”; 其否定回答为“Sorry, I?”。 Analysis: Let`s\\ Let us Let`s 包括说话人和听话人双方在内,含有催促、建议或请对方一起行动的意思。 表示请求对方允许自己(第一人称复数)做某事,这里的us不包括听话对方在Let us 内,不能缩写为let`s。 6.I want to sit on one of horses! 我想坐在其中一匹马身上!

“one of+名词复数”,表示“??之一”。例如: English is one of my favourite subjects.

喜欢做某事 玩的开心


7.Please stand here with me and move with me. 请和我一起站在这儿,随我一起移动。

(1).这是一个祈使句。祈使句以动词原形开头,句首加please(请)表示礼貌,please也可放在祈使句末,其前加逗号。祈使句的否定形式是在动词原形前加Don`t。例如: Please spell it. Please don`t spell it.

(2).move用作不及物动词,意为“移动、搬动”,指位置改变,常用move to sp.,表示“搬到某处”。move也可用作及物动词。例如: They will move to their new house next week. Please move the box.

8.Look at the sign,“No photos!” 看那牌子,“禁止拍照!”

no+名词或动名词,表示“禁止做某事”,常用于公共场合,提醒人们注意,no在此处意为“不准、不许。“No photos!”相当于“Don`t take photos!” 例如: No talking! No swimming!

9.What places of interest does Part 1 of the lesson talk about? 课文第一把分谈到什么名胜古迹?

places\\ a place of interest 意为“名胜”。例如: There are many places of interest in Beijing. ㈢.Inquiries and suggestions.

1.We know that she enjoys____books very much.

A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read 2.Don`t jump to a conclusion! Let`s_____the problem first.

A. to discuss B. discuss C. discussed D. discussing 3.Marry enjoys dancing. It`s one of her____.

A. prize B. prizes C. hobby D. hobbies 4.Who is r____the doorbell? Maybe it`s Lisa.

5.She doesn`t like playing tennis. She e____playing volleyball.


6.You can try the special d____of Xi`an. They are delicious.

7.We don`t know the way. We think we need a g____to lead the way for us. 8.We don`t want to live here. We will m____to a big city. ㈣.Group work.

Share the information you found about the questions“Why did people build the Drum Tower and the Bell Tower? What is special about the Wild Goose Pagoda? Search the Internet and find out more about these and other places in Xi`an.”Then do a role-play. One or two students can be the tour guide and the rest od the group can be the tourists. Task tips: What is the name of the place?

How old is it? Why is it special? What interesting things can you see or do there? ㈤.Expand and improve.

1.We know that she enjoys____books very much.

B. read B. reads C. reading D. to read 2.Don`t jump to a conclusion! Let`s_____the problem first.

B. to discuss B. discuss C. discussed D. discussing 3.Marry enjoys dancing. It`s one of her____.

B. prize B. prizes C. hobby D. hobbies 4.You can`t take photos here. Look at the sign,“____!” Oh,,sorry.

A. No photos B. No talking C. Not photos D. Don`t photos 5.Can I swim here?

I`m sorry. It`s dangerous. Please look at the sign“____”. A. No smoking B. No pets C. No swimming D. No photos ㈥.Finish the task.

1.What can you see in Xi`an? Listen and say them out. 2.Read the lesson and answer the questions. ①How long and how old is the wall in Xi`an?

②What places of interest does Part 1 of the lesson talk about? ③What does Danny want to do? Can he do it? ④What does Jenny want to do? Can she do it?



Describe the Walled City and the Terra Cotta Warriors in your own words. Notes:

Lesson 4 A visit to Lanzhou

I. Learning aims

Key vocabulary: group bridge cross wide another main sand believe sir safe fall

Key phrases: go for a walk(去散步) take a picture(照相)

Key structures: Can we do sth.? What does\\do?mean in English?

Practice listening、speaking、reading and writing skills. II. Learning important points The group takes a train to Lanzhou. 这个团体乘坐火车去兰州。


1.Later,they go for a walk along the Yellow River. 后来,他们沿着黄河散步。

(1).go for a walk意为“去散步”。go for +a\\an+n.意为“去做某事”。类似的短语还有go for a swim去游泳,go for a drive开车兜风。例如: I often go for a walk after supper. (2).walk名词,意为“散步”。

v. 步行 v. 散步 短语 They will walk to school. They are walking in the park. go out for a walk;have \\ take a walk 25

I don`t believe he is an honest man.

5.They find a camel man on their way to Mingsha Mountain. 他们在去鸣沙山的路上发现一个骑骆驼的人。

on one`s way to?意为“在某人去??的路上”。当后接here、there或home时,要省去介词to。例如:

I bought a pen on my way to school yesterday. 6.Is it safe? 安全吗?

safe是形容词,意为“安全的”,其反义词为dangerous。例如: It is safe to cross the river in this boat.

safety是名词,意为“安全”。其反义词是danger。例如: Safety first.

7.You will not fall off. 你不会跌落下来。

Fall作不及物动词,意为“落下、跌倒”,其过去式为fell。fall off为固定短语,意为“跌落、下降、减少、离开”。例如: The top button fell off. fall构成的短语还有:

fall behind落在(??的)后面,跟不上 fall into?落入??中 fall down跌倒、掉下 fall asleep入睡、熟睡 ㈢.Inquiries and suggestions. ①Where does the group take a tour? ②What is Dunhuang famous as?

③What is the best famous cave in the city? ④What animal does Danny want to ride?

⑤The camel is tall,will they be all right if they ride it? ㈣.Group work.

Continue the dialogue in this lesson.What happens after Jenny and Danny get on the


camels? Examples:

A:I want to have a picture taken on the camel. Can you help me?

B:Of course. Look here and say,“Cheese!” Great!

A:Thanks. Now I`ll take a picture of you. Smile!

㈤.Expand and improve.

1.Beijing is famous____the Great Wall. A. as B. for C. with D. of

2.Don`t worry about the children. They are in a____place. A. danger B.dangerous C. safe D. safety

3.On the way____the mountain village,we found the local house different from ours. A. to B. by C. at D. on

4.He saw a girl crying____his way to school this morning. A. in B. on C. from D. for

5.Our city is very beautiful. It`s famous____the City of flowers. A. of B. on C. as D. in ㈥.Finish the task.

1.I don`t like this book,can you show me____one. A. the other B. other C. another D. others 2.Beijing is famous____the Great Wall. A. as B. for C. with D. of

3.On the way____the mountain village,we found the local house different from ours. A. to B. by C. at D. on

4.He saw a girl crying____his way to school this morning. A. in B. on C. from D. for

5.Our city is very beautiful. It`s famous____the City of flowers. A. of B. on C. as D. in


㈦.Challenge Translation:

小心不要从梯子上掉下来。 Notes:

Lesson 6 Jenny`s dairy

I. Learning aims

Key vocabulary: diary last few hold Olympics thousand instrument Key phrases: fly to(飞往) look for(寻找) a few(一些,几个) thousands of(数以千计的)

Key structures: I will come back someday.

Practice listening、speaking、reading and writing skills. II. Learning important points This is our last night in China. 这是我们在中国的最后一个夜晚。


(1).last作形容词,意为“最近的、上一个的”,只能放在名词之前。 last week上周 last night昨天晚上 (2).last作副词,意为“最后、最近一次” 2.We will fly home tomorrow. 明天我们将乘飞机回家。

fly to?意为“飞行??,乘飞机去??”,相当于go to?by plane\\air,其后接地点副词(here、there、home)时,须去掉to,fly的过去式为flew。 3.I loved the music and colorful clothing. 我喜欢那音乐和鲜艳的衣物。



没有复数形式,后接单数位于动词。表示“一件衣服”,要说an article\\piece of clothing。 clothes意为“衣服”,统指身上穿的各种服装(包括上衣、裤子、内衣等),是复数名词,不能与数词直接连用。例如:

Our art teacher often wears beautiful clothes. 4.It is a few years old? 它只有几年的历史??

a few意为“一些,几个”,其后接可数名词复数。 She has a few pen friends.

Analysis: a few\\few\\a little\\little

修饰可数名词。a few表示“一些,几个”,而 a few\\few few表示“几乎没有”。 修饰不可数名词。a little表示“少量,一些”,而littlea little\\little 表示“几乎没有”。


We will give you a few minutes. She has few friends in China. We still have a little time. There is little money in my wallet. 5.It held the 2008 Olympics. 它举行过2008年奥运会。

hold作及物动词,意为“举行、拿着”,其过去式为held。 6.Danny looked for birds there. 丹尼在那里寻找小鸟。

look for意为“寻找”,强调寻找的动作;find表示寻找的结果,意为“找到”。例如: I looked for my pen everywhere,but I can`t find it. The related phrases: look after照看 look out当心 look like看起来像


look up查找 look at看

7.Where else can you travel thousands of years in time? 你还能在别的地方旅行,做到数千年时光倒流。

thousand数词,意为“千”。当前面有具体数词时,其后不加-s,不和of连用。thousands of意为“数以千计的”。例如:

There are about six thousand students in our school. Thousands of birds are flying to the south. 8.I will come back someday. 将来有一天我会回来。

Someday作副词,意为“将来有一天”,常用于一般将来时。例如: He will come to see you someday.

9.What event was held at the Bird`s Nest in 2008? 2008年,在鸟巢举行了什么事件?

was held意为“被举行”,为一般过去时态的被动语态,其结构为“was\\were+过去分词”。 The party was held yesterday. III.Learning difficult points 1.It is a few years old? 它只有几年的历史??

a few意为“一些,几个”,其后接可数名词复数。 She has a few pen friends.

Analysis: a few\\few\\a little\\little

修饰可数名词。a few表示“一些,几个”,而 a few\\few few表示“几乎没有”。 修饰不可数名词。a little表示“少量,一些”,而littlea little\\little 表示“几乎没有”。 We

will give you a few minutes. She has few friends in China. We still have a little time.



