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Unit 3 Months of a Year



中外节日。通过学习“Tell me something about your??,When is???What do you

Usually do on???”等句子结构,去获取信息。能运用从课文中学到的语言描述一年



1. 学习名词:January,February,March,April,May,June等

2. 复习动词及短语:make,join,start,plant trees,have a party,fly kites等。

3. 交流要点:What are you making? We’re making boat.

When is the Dragon Boat Festival? It’s usually in June. Can I join you?

Welcome.Let’s make it together. 【教学重难点】


2.月份词汇中发音较难掌握的发音,如:February,April,August,etc. 3.综合运用已学知识和新知识进行口头交流。


Lesson One 第一课时

【教学过程】: (一)warm-up 1. Greetings.

T: Hello,boys and girls! Nice to see you.

How many seasons are there in a year? (学生不懂可做汉语提示) Ss:There are four seasons.

They are spring, summer,autumn and winter. T: How many months are there in a year? (首次出现month,学习并教读)

There are 12 months in a year.

Today we’ll learn the name of month.

( 二) Presentation 1. Learn the new words

(展示PPT,分别呈现January,February,March,April等单词。) 教授方法:教读、齐读

操练方法:齐读、快速认读、英汉互译 2. Learn new dialogue

T:Do you know the Dragon Boat Festival? (展示PPT,呈现端午节的画面) 教读:Dragon Boat Festival

T:On that day people usually go boating. (三)New dialogue on page 25,pary one ----What are you doing? We’re making a boat.

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. 播放录音,让学生跟读,听录音训练学生听力。




(一)Greetings and review.

T: Hello,boys and girls! Nice to see you.

How many months are there in a year? Ss:There are 12 months in a year. T: Yesterday,we have learnt 6 months.

Can you read them out?

(全班集体认读单词,注意纠正个别单词的发音。) 操练方式:集体认读单词

以组为单位one by one Poin and read (二)Review the dialogue. ——What are you doing? We’re making a boat.

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming.


1.Learn the new words

T:Do you know when is the Dragon Boat Festival?

Ok,let’s listen to the tape,then ,we’ll fine the answer. 3. Learn the dialogue about part 2

