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新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列 商务英语翻译




1. 课程及学习方法简介 2. 商务英语实务与翻译




英语词汇多达几十万,并且词语表义较为灵活,对上下文的依赖也较大。如,\一词,本义为\木板\,但在不同上下文中,可以表示\车\、\船\、\伙食\、\会议桌\、\委员会\等。而在商务英语中,\往往用来表示\董事会\,如,\of the board\(董事会主席或董事长);或者,它经常用在FOB (Free on Board,离岸价,船上交货价)价格术语中,意思是\船\。


literature 在普通英语中,它表示\文学\;而在商务英语中,它则表示\including leaflets, instruction, product catalogue, price list, etc. (文字宣传资料,诸如产品说明书、产品目录、价目表等)\。 例如:


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In order to market our new product,we have printed fine literature.(为了推销新产品,我们印了精美的宣传资料。) 例如:

Please send me any literature you have on camping holidays in Tahiti. 请惠寄贵处有关在塔希提岛野营度假的宣传资料。

claim 在普通英语中,它的意思是\要求,认领\;而在商务英语中,它则表示\request for a thing considered one's due (索赔)\。 例如: You can claim your money back if the goods are damaged. 如果货物有损,你可以索赔。

reference 在普通英语中,它表示\参考,查阅,提及\;而在商务英语中,它的意思是\or firms named by a customer asking a supplier for credit, from whom the supplier can get information about the business reputation of the customer (担保人,证明人)\。 例如:

He has excellent references from former employers. 他拥有前任雇主非常好的证明。

除了属于英语共核部分(English common core)的词汇以外,商务英语还有着其特别的专门词汇。例如:

backlog: orders to supply, needing to be dealt with quickly (积欠未交货的订单) e.g. We have a large backlog. (我们积压的订货甚多。)

in-tray: tray for incoming documents (放在办公桌上用来装收到的文件的容器,收文篮;用于盛放将要发出去的文件的容器叫out-tray, 发文篮)

e.g. When l am away,please help to check my in-tray. (我不在的时候,请帮我查看我的收文篮。)

overheads:routine administrative and maintenance expenses of a business (公司的日常开支,如电费、文具费、汽车油费等)

e.g. We have some money indeed,but we are very sorry that we cannot return the money now,as we have to consider our overheads. (我们确实有些钱,但是,非常抱歉,我们目前不能还这笔钱,因为我们得考虑我们的日常开销。)

1. a country mile一段很长的距离


A: Is the house close to the central city? 那房子挨着市中心吗?


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B: It is a country mile from downtown. But it won’t be a problem since you drive. 离城中心远着呢。可既然你开车这就不成问题了。

A: The distance is not really a problem. The real problem is whether I can afford it. 远近到不是问题,问题是我是不是买得起。 B: Don’t worry about it. It’s a real bargain. 不用担心,很便宜的。

2. a drug on the market 滞销商品,滞销货,供应过剩的商品

drug的本义是“麻醉药品”,而麻醉药品是不能在市场上公开出售的,因此该词常常用来指“滞销货”。 A: The things Micheal bought home were usually a drug on the market for adults.


B: That’s not abnormal for a youngster. Young people all seem to be crazy about such things.

这对年轻人来说没什么不正常的。看起来他们对这些东西都非常感兴趣。 A: The real problem is that he’s using my money for them. 问题是他拿我的钱去买的呀。

B: He’s your son, after all. Who else’s money do you suppose him to use? 他毕竟是你的儿子呀,不然你想让他拿谁的钱去买呢 3. a fair shake 公平的待遇

shake在口语中有“处置、对待”的意思。当fair的意思为“公平的”时,这个短语的意思是“顺利的、有意的”时,它的意思就是“好机会”。 A: Bob, can you ever make a thing right? 鲍勃,你就不能做对一件事吗?

B: Yes, I can and I am doing the right thing. 我能,而且我现在干的就是对的。

A: You should go and see how Allan handles it. 你真该去看看阿伦是怎么处理问题的。

B: It’s that Allen again! Why can’t you ever think of giving me a fair shake?


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又是那个阿伦!你怎么就不能考虑对我公平点? 4. a fat chance 微小的机会

fat本是“很多”的意思,但在这里用了反意,表示“微小的机会”;表示同样意义的短语还有a fat lot,指“很少”。

A: What do you think of his plan? 你觉得他的方案如何?

B: I have a feeling that it is doomed to fail. 我感觉它注定要失败。

A: Why don’t you vote against him? 干吗不投票否决他的提议?

B: It’s a fat chance of voting out his suggestion. 投票否决他的提议,其机会渺茫。



outstanding accounts:accounts that are overdue for payment (到期未付的帐) e.g. We hope the outstanding account can be settled within this month. Otherwise, our accounting department will consider changing the conditions of payment for future orders. (我们希望你方本月能将欠帐结清,否则,我方财务部将考虑改变定单支付条件。) unsocial hours:time for overwork (与社交活动冲突的时间、加班的时间)

e.g. We should emphasize the large extra bonus for working in unsocial hours.(我们应当重视对加班发高额奖金。)

living out of a suitcase: often go on business trips (经常出差在外)

e.g. My husband is a sales-manager.He is a man living out of a suitcase.(我丈夫是销售经理,老是出差在外。)

make five clerks redundant:dismiss five clerks (裁员五名)

e.g. Our branch is badly overstaffed.We have now decided to make eight clerks redundant.(我们分公司严重超员,我们已经决定裁员八名。)

flexitime system:system of flexible working hours (弹性工作制度:一种根据工作特点灵活确定上下班时间的工作制度。例如,某人每天工作的八个小时内,只有从上午十点钟到下午三点钟是一天中最忙的时间,那么,经商定他可以不在正常的上午八点钟上班,在晚些时候到公司上班;下午也不一定在规定的五点钟下班,可以提前下班。他集中精力的工作时间(如10:00~15:00)叫做core time,灵活的工作时间叫做flexiband)


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e.g. The first item on the agenda is a discussion of the management's proposals on flexitime system.(会议安排表的第一项是讨论资方提出的弹性工作制。)


1. confirm 例一:

We'd like to inform you that our counter sample will be sent to you by DHL by the end of this week. Please confirm it ASAP so that we can start mass production.

通知您,我们的回样将于本周末用特快专递给您。请尽快确认,以便我们开始大批生产。 例二:

Payment will be made by a 100% confirmed, irrevocable Letter of Credit。 付款方式为 100% 保兑,不可撤消信用证。

注解:在第一个句子中,confirm 的意思是\确认\。在第二个句子中,confirmed L/C 应翻译为\保兑信用证\,即指一家银行所开的由另一家银行保证兑付的一种银行信用证。 2. negotiable 例一:

Part-time barman required. Hours and pay negotiable. 招聘兼职酒吧侍者,工作时间和薪水面议。 例二:

This Bill of Lading is issued in negotiable form, so it shall constitute title to the goods and the holder, by endorsement of this B/L.

所签发的提单为可转让的。故只要在提单上背书,便确定了货物和持票人的所有权。 注解:在第一句话中,negotiable 的意思是\可商议的\;在第二句话中的意思则是可转让的\。\可转让提单\经过背书后即可将所有权转让给他人。值得注意的是,negotiating bank 则是议付银行,即购买或贴现汇票的银行。 3. average 例一:

If a particular cargo is partially damaged, the damage is called particular average. 如果某批货是部分受损我们称之为\单独海损\。 例二:

It's obvious that the products are below average quality. 很明显,这批产品的品质是中下水平。

注解:在第一个句子中,particular average 意思是\单独海损\,是指在保险业中由于海上事故所导致的部分损失。第二个句子中average是指\平均的\。 4. tender 例一:

Under the CIF, it is the seller's obligation to tender the relative documents to the buyer to enable him to deliver the goods.

在 CIF 价格术语项下的责任是向买方递交有关单证,使其能在货物到达后提取货物。 例二:

He became as happy as if his tender for building a mansion had been accepted. 他欣喜若狂,好象他承办大厦筑的投标被接受了。 注解: 商务英语中的重要条款用词非常正规,第一句话中,tender 是用作动词,相当于 give。而在第二句中,tender 是用作名词,意思是\投标\。


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名片上的英语地址写法和英语信纸上地址的写法一样,与中国人地址的写法顺序相反。 英国加工与包装机械协会有限公司上海代表处的邮政编码和地址是: 200135 中国上海浦东新区商城路660号乐凯大厦1511室

英语译文: Room 1511, Lucky Mansions No. 660 Shang Cheng Rd. Pudong New Area Shanghai 200135 China

与“路”相对应的英语是road,缩写为Rd.。 “街”一般翻译成street。“大街”翻译成main street。 “里”、“弄”、“巷”都可以用lane来翻译。 “胡同”,可以用alley “新村”翻译成village

“小区”可翻译成residential quarter/area



Chairman of the Board, President 2.“总裁”

Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.) 3.“总经理”

General Manager,缩写为G.M.。 Managing Director

总工程师 Chief Engineer; Engineer-in-Chief 总干事 Director-General 总监 Controller

总务长 Dean of General Affairs 总督 Governor 总管 Head Clerk

总理 Prime Minister; Premier Chief Accountant 总会计师 Chief Architect 总建筑师 Chief Designer 总设计师

Chief Editor; Editor-in-Chief 总编辑 Chief of General Affairs 总务主任


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Chief of General Staff 总参谋长 Commander-in-Chief 总司令 General Accountant 总会计师 General Agent 总代理商 General Consul 总领事 General Designer 总设计师 General Manager 总经理

General Secretary; Secretary-General 总书记;总干事 General Store Supervisor 总务管理员 Auditor-General 总稽查 Consul-General 总领事 4.“副??” (1)Deputy

副经理 Deputy Manager 副主席 Deputy Chairman

Deputy 一般是用来表示企业、事业行政部门的副职

Peter Davis, the Deputy Planning Director of North Yorkshire 彼得·戴维斯,北约克郡负责规划的副主任

Alan Plumpton, Deputy Chairman of the Electricity Council 电力委员会的副主席阿兰·普朗普顿 (2)Vice-

Vice- 常和President, Chairman, Chancellor等连用。

Vice-chancellor在英国、澳大利亚、新西兰、中国香港的大学里指正校长、院长,在美国,Vice-chancellor应理解为“副校长” (3)Associate, Assistant

Associate常用于表示职称的副职。Assistant的基本意思的“助理”。 Vice-president 副总裁 Vice-chairman 副董事长 Vice-minister 副部长 Vice-consul 副领事 Vice-premier 副总理 Deputy Chairman 副主席

Deputy Director 副主任,副厂长 Deputy Editor-in-Chief 副总编 Deputy Manager 副经理 Associate Professor 副教授 Associate Chief Physician 副主任医生 Associate Research Fellow 副研究员 5.“名誉??”

“名誉??”的英语通常用Honorary 或者Emeritus。例如: Honorary Chairman 名誉主席 Emeritus President(或President Emeritus) 名誉校长 6.“代??”


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“代??”可翻译成\。例如:Acting Factory Director代厂长 7.“兼??”

“兼??”可以翻译成and或and concurrently. 例如:

Chairman of the Board of Directors and (concurrently) Chief Executive Officer 董事长兼首席执行官

President and Chief Operating Officer 总裁兼首席业务官


(1)Company (Co.)

company 是英国英语,如在英国《公司法》的英语是Company Law。company一般指已经登记注册、具有法人资格的公司,不管其规模大小。 联合国际公司 Union International Co.

壳牌石油公司 Shell Oil Co.

中国人民保险公司 The Poeple's Insurance Co. of China (2)Corporation (Corp.)

corporation是美国英语。如在美国《公司法》的英语是Corporation Law. Chrysler Corporation 克莱斯勒汽车公司


China National Textile Import & Export Corporation 中国五金矿产进出口总公司

China National Metals and Minerals Import & Export Corporation 中国国际信托投资公司

China International Trust & Investment Corporation 中国对外贸易运输公司

China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation (3) Incorporation

United Air Lines Incorporation 美国联合航空公司 (4) Firm

consulting firm咨询公司,law firm律师事务所。 (5) Agency 翻译公司

Translation Agency 中国外轮代理总公司

China Ocean Shipping Agency 广告公司

Advertising Agency (6) Line(s)

Shanghai Air Lines 上海航空公司 Hawaiian Air Lines


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夏威夷航空公司 Northwest Airline

西北航空公司(美国) Delta Air Lines

三角航空公司(美国) British Airways 英国航空公司 (7) Industries

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 三菱重工公司(日本) Amsted Industries

阿姆斯特德工业公司(美国) 沪浦实业公司 Hupool Industries (8) Products Avon Products

雅芳公司(美国) (9) Enterprise (s) Coca-Cola Enterprise

可口可乐企业公司(美国) Winn Enterprises

胜利企业公司(美国) (10) Stores Wal-Mart Stores

沃尔-马特百货公司(美国) American Stores 美国百货公司 (11) Service (s) 服务性质的公司 U.S. Postal Service 美国邮政服务公司 Japan Postal Service 日本邮政服务公司 (12) System 系统公司

Electronic Data Systems

电子数据系统公司(美国) Sun Microsystem (13) Group ING Group

ING 集团公司(荷兰) American International Group 美国国际集团公司 Munich RE Group


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慕尼黑RE集团公司 (14) Holding (s) HSBC Holdings

汇丰控股有限公司(英国) ABN Amro Holding

ABN 阿莫罗持股公司(荷兰) Nablsco Group Holdings 纳贝斯科控股公司(美国) (15) Assurance, Insurance New York Life Insurance 纽约人寿保险公司(美国) Standard Life Assurance

标准人寿保险公司(英国) (16) Laboratories

laboratories 有时用来指“制药公司” Abbott Laboratories

艾伯特(雅配)制药公司(美国) Tyco Laboratories 泰科制药公司 (17) Office

Fire Office 火灾保险公司 Life Office 人寿保险公司

Frankfurt Tourist Office 法兰克福旅游公司 Beijing Leewen Trading Company, Shanghai Office 北京丽文贸易公司上海办事处

China National Machinery and Equipment Import & Export Corporation, Guangdong Branch, Shenzhen Office

中国机械设备进出口总公司广东分公司深圳办事处 (18) Associate, Alliance, Union, United等 John Smith and Associates 约翰·史密期合伙公司 Royal & Sun Alliance

皇家与太阳联盟公司(英国) Union Camp (Wayne, NJ)

联合坎普公司(美国新泽西州韦恩) (19) “零翻译” Dow Chemicals

道尔化学公司(美国) Apple Computer

苹果计算机公司(美国) Digital Equipment

数据设备公司(美国) British Steel



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General Cinema

通用电影公司(美国) Scott Paper

斯科特造纸公司(美国) Boeing

波音公司(美国) Unilever

联合利华公司(英/荷) Time Warner


合资企业 joint venture

中英合资企业 Sino-British joint venture 合作企业 contractual joint venture

中美合作企业 Sino-US contractual joint venture

独资企业 all foreign owned firm / wholly foreign owned enterprise


advertisement 广告 commercial 电视广告

message 广播中插播的小广告 slogan 广告的标志性语言 (一)、英语广告的语言特点及其翻译 1.词汇特点 (1)错拼

Drinka pinta Milka Day. Drink a pint of Milk a Day. 一天请喝一品脱牛奶。

We know eggsactly how to sell eggs. 我们确实知道如何卖蛋。 (2)杜撰新词

When your taste grows up, Winston out-tastes them all.

随着你的鉴赏能力的提高,您会觉得温丝顿香烟味道超群。 Give a Timex to all, to all a good Time.

给诸君一块“天美时”表,各位就掌握了好时光。 (3)词语搭配反常

When it is difficult to communicate clearly with words, speak Polaroid ...When you talk about life, speak Polaroid.

言词难以清楚交流时,找“拍立得”吧!谈论生活时,找“拍立得”吧! In the best circles, washing machine is pronounced Parnall. 在上层社会里,“洗衣机”念作“帕纳尔”。 2.句法特点


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Ad Agency: How about a beautiful shot of beer being poured? Client: Every beer does that.

Ad Agency: Well then, a close-up of the bottle. Client: Every beer does that.

Ad Agency: We cloud go with a celebrity. Client: Join the line.

Ad Agency: How about your chairman as a spokesperson? Client: Cars, airlines, razors, etc. Ad Agency: A shot of grain fields. Client: Boring. Ad Agency: Music?

Client: It's a magazine ad. Ad Agency: Girls in bikinis? Client: That's original.

Ad Agency: Maybe we need more time. Heineken

Just being the best is enough.

—— 一杯美丽的正在倾倒的啤酒图像怎么样? —— 所有啤酒广告都那么做。 —— 那么,来个啤酒瓶的特写吧。 —— 所有啤酒广告都那么做。 —— 找个名人。 —— 老俗套。

—— 你们的老总做发言人?

—— 车、航空公司、剃刀都这么样。 —— 啤酒花田的图像。 —— 无聊。

—— 来点儿音乐? —— 这可是杂志广告。 —— 穿比基尼的少女? —— 真够有创意的。

—— 也许我们需要更多时间。 —— Heineken.

至优啤酒足以说明一切。 Pity the Pickpockets!

Tilley Endurables. \best travel and adventure clothing in the world\classically styled, long-lasting, comfortable clothes with secret pockets, security pockets, and \em hell!\washing instructions.

The (free to you!) 68-page catalogue is a hoot! 扒手可怜!

Tilley Endurables 衫。“世界上最好的旅游、探险衫”:式样古朴大方,耐穿,舒适,附有秘密口袋、安全口袋及极易清洗。 免费赠送68页的商品目录。


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(2)多用疑问句和祈使句 Fluent in French?

An excellent communicator? A good organizer?

Then develop your career within this sales support role. 法语说得流利吗? 非常善于交际吗? 是个优秀的组织者吗?


If you are looking for lifelike sound from small, beautiful and durable speakers, listen to our Bose speakers, and begin to live your life to music.




Featherwater: light as a feather Featherwater眼镜——轻如鸿毛

Today, Sakura Bank is like a thriving sakura. 如今,樱花银行就如一棵怒放的樱花树。


EBEL the architects of time



MAKE TIME FOR TIME 抽出时间读《时代》 I'm More satisfied!



I WANT THE BODY OF A GREEK GOD I want to work out in a huge fitness center.

I want to stay in the heart of the Central Business District. I want a room with a view of three countries.


我想入住能眺望三个国家的房间 我最想住在世界上最高的宾馆里


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No problem too large. No business too small. 译文:



Unlike me, my Rolex never needs a rest. 不像我,我的劳力士从不休息。 Don't cry. We'll repair it.

We're handbag specialists. Whenever it hurts we'll heal it.

And we'll guarantee the repair for nine months. If you wish, send us your bag and we'll heal it. 别哭,我们会来修理。

我们是手提包行家。不管它什么时候受了伤,我们会将它治愈。 九个月保修期。愿意的话,把包给我们,保证修好。


Sea, sun, sand, seclusion—and Spain! 大海、太阳、沙滩、幽静——西班牙! 只要您住进新旅馆“客恋塔”,您就能享受这一切! Sweet, Smart & Sassy 蜜、美、迷

A Mars a day keeps you work, rest and play.



Making a big world smaller. 我们把世界变小了

We've hidden a garden full of vegetables where you'd never expect. In a pie.



The choice is yours The honour is ours 选择在你们, 荣耀在我们。


1. Grab Life By The Horns---Dodge

2. A world of comfort. ----Japan Airline

3. Why is there a tiny little frown on this tiny little face? Perhaps I should turn off the lights. Is he feeling cold? Let me cover his little hands. Maybe he wants teddy beside him? What's with


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that tiny frown? Wait a minute. What tiny frown? Little details matter to us. Because they matter to you. Malaysia Airlines

4. Quality never goes out of style----Levi's

5. You'll go nuts for the nuts you get in Nux.

6. When the wind bites ... and you feel like a bite ... then bite on a Whole Nut ...

7. Coke refreshes you like no other can. 8. With so many carrots, I'll be a real gem! 9. Tide's In. Dirt's Out

10. Slow cooked taste for your fast paced world.

11. If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes, don't listen ... they're probably trying to trick you into living.

12. Do something for nothing and you'll get everything. 不计回报的付出将会给你带来一切。



Dear Sirs,

Subject: Acrylic Sweaters

Thank you for your letter of July 5, 2001, offering us US $L.22, M.21, S.19 per dozen C.I.F. C 5% New York.

In reply, we very much regret to say that we find your price rather high and out of line with prevailing market level.

Such being the case, it is impossible for us to accept your price, as the goods of similar quality are easily obtainable here at a lower figure. Should you be prepared to reduce your limit by, say, 3%, we might come to terms.

It is in view of our long-standing business relationship that we make you such a counter-offer. As the market is declining, we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and answer us as soon as possible. Sincerely yours, ...


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英国《金融时报》罗尔?兰丁金(Roel Landingin)马尼拉报道 2007年10月9日 星期二


亚洲开发银行(ADB)和联合国(UN)机构昨日联合发布的报告显示,未来8年,亚太地区多数国家有望将贫困减少一半,实现全民教育以及教育方面的男女平等。 亚太地区的贫困率为约17%,尽管这一数字高于拉美和加勒比地区,但由于经济的快速增长,亚太国家在消除极度贫困方面取得了更大进展。报告称:“按照每天1美元的标准,整个亚太地区有望实现这一目标,部分原因是许多国家快速的经济增长,尤其是在近年的中国。” The Asia-Pacific region’s rapid economic growth has helped cut extreme income poverty but has had less of an impact on addressing widespread hunger and infant mortality, according to a new report.

Most countries in the region are on track to reduce poverty by half, attain universal education and achieve gender parity in education in the next eight years, according to


report released yesterday by the Asian Development Bank and UN agencies.

Although the region’s poverty rate of about 17 per cent is higher than in Latin America and the Caribbean, Asia-Pacific countries are making much faster progress in eliminating extreme poverty thanks to rapid economic growth. “Based on the $1-a-day measure,

the region as a whole is on track, due in part to rapid economic growth in


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many countries, most recently in China,” it said.




亚洲开发银行贫困部门主管施拉迪提亚?贾德吉(Shiladitya Chatterjee)表示,亚太地区在减少贫困方面取得了快速进展,但在解决饥饿、儿童死亡率以及其它社会目标方面步伐缓慢,造成这种差异的部分原因可能在于基础服务领域公共投资不足。


But the report also noted that the region was making very slow progress in addressing child mortality and nutrition, improving maternal health and providing safe drinking water and sanitation. As a result the region’s least developed countries are likely to miss the United Nations’ millennium development goals for 2015 unless they get external help. Reducing hunger “is one of the region’s greatest failures” with 28 per cent ofunder-fives

underweight, the authors of the report declared. Shiladitya Chatterjee, head of the ADB’s poverty unit, said the disparity between rapid progress in poverty reduction and the slow pace in addressing hunger, infant mortality and other social goals could be partly explained by a lack of public investments in basic services. He said: “While Asia now has more resources


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because of rapid growth, the translation of those resources into effective programmes to raise standards in education and health care access is not taking place as much as it should.”

1. Here No Evil

hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil; harmless films containing nothing evil hear, here synonyms.

2. Stolen Art—Thieves Get The Picture understand the situation.

3. The Quality Of Mersey Is Strained Paul Mccartney.

4. Staying Ale and Hearty ale; hale & hearty.

5. The Not So Happy Families of Windsor surname of British royal family. 6. Beowulf At The Door 7. All Aboard For Abroad 8. Pain In Spain 9. Sax Appeal

The quality of mercy is not strained.

10. The Peace Crop?????: Charity Begins Abroad charity begins at home.


1. 英语重形合(Hypotaxis),汉语重意合(Parataxis)


Work hard, and make progress every day. 你不知道谁知道。

If you don't know, who knows.

·An Englishman who could not speak Chinese was once travelling in China. 一个英国人,不会说中国话,有一次在中国旅行。



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There was an Englishman. He could not speak Chinese. He was once travelling in China. 同理,假如我们将此句译成:一个不会说中国话的英国人有一次在中国旅行。读上去便稍有绕口之嫌。


·Tragedies can be written in literature since there is tragedy in life. 生活中既然有悲剧,文学作品就可以写悲剧。

·The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country.





If you want to grasp one's heart, you have to grasp his stomach first. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.·

I fell madly in love with her, and she with me. 我疯狂地爱上了她,她也疯狂地爱上了我。

·Back and forth his head swiveled, desire waxing, resolution waning. 他来回晃着脑袋,欲望在膨胀,意志在萎缩。 我担心你误解了我。

·I am afraid of you misunderstanding me. 对此我深信不疑。 I'm sure of it.


The very sight of it makes me nervous.

4.英语重物称(Impersonal);汉语重人称(Personal) ·A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Ogilvie in. 译文 奥格尔维进门时带进来一缕雪茄烟雾。(汉语不说:一缕雪茄烟雾伴随奥格尔维时来了)。

·Bitterness fed on the man who had made the world laugh. 译文 这位曾给全世界带来笑声的人自己却饱尝辛酸。 The sight of rice noodles reminded me of my hometown. 一看到米粉,我就想起了我的家乡

The overwhelming happiness over the good news left me speechless. 听到这个好消息时,我高兴地一句话也说不出来。


·The challenge from the Third World has always been foreseen by our shipping companies.


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译文 我们的航海运输公司总能预见来自第三世界的挑战。 ·An illustration is furnished by an editorial in the Washington Post. 译文 《华盛顿邮报》的一篇社论提供了例证。


·As we lived near the road, we often had the traveler or stranger visit us to taste our gooseberry wine, for which we had great reputation, and I confess, with the veracity of an historian, that I never knew one of them to find fault with it.

译文 我们就住在路边。过路人或外乡人常到我们家,尝尝我们家酿的醋栗酒。这种酒很有名气。我敢说,尝过的人,从没有挑剔过。我这话像历史学家的话一样靠得住。

Gypsies are often treated with disapproval, lark of trust, and lack of understanding because their way of life is so different from the way wost other British people live. 吉普赛人的生方式和大部分英国人大不相同,所以人们对吉普赛人的态度总是不以为然很不信任,而且对他们的生活缺乏了解。

A merchant, whose daughter had married a man with whom it proved she could not get on very well, was surprised some weeks later to see the young lady return home with all her belongings.



·It is a good plan to imagine an argument with a person having a different bias. 译文 借助于想象与持不同偏见的人进行辩论,是一个很好的办法。


· I have never met a person so difficult to understand as my husband.(形容词词组) 译文 我还从未遇到过像我丈夫这么难以理解的人。

· This is by far the most interesting book I have ever read. 译文 这是我读过的最有趣的书

· You must stand up for your friend.(动词词组) 译文 你得支持你的朋友。

· To be kind to the enemy is to be cruel to the people.(不定式短语) 译文 对敌人的仁慈就是对人民的残忍。 · Mary is considering changing her job. 译文 玛丽正在考虑调换工作。


· He is always thinking of how he could do more for the people.(表示赞扬) 译文 他总是考虑如何为人民做更多的事。

· He is constantly leaving his things about.(表示讨厌) 译文 他老是乱放东西。

· I am now living in a very pleasant flat.(表示满意) 译文 我现在住在一间非常舒适的公寓里。

· You have always been making that mistake.(表示不满)


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译文 你老是犯同样的错误。

· My wife is always changing her clothes.(表示厌烦) 译文 我夫人总是在更换服装。


· To err is human, to forgive divine. (= is divine) 译文 错误是人之常情,而宽恕别人则是超凡的。 · Last year I didn't get any socks for Christmas, but this year I seem to have had nothing but. (nothing but socks for Christmas.)

译文 去年我得到的圣诞节礼物中没有袜子,而今年却尽是袜子。

· Do you know the language in which the word for goodbye is also the word for hello? And love? And kindness? If you know anything about Hawaii, then you must know the word. That's right, it's aloha. (New English Course, p. 262)





The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 1. n-v. 2. n-adj.

那项计划是成功的。 That plan is a success.


Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 3. n-adv. 4. v-n. 5. adj-n. 6. adj-v. 7. adv-n. 8. adv-v. 9. adv-adj. 10. prep-v.

一. 名词翻译成动词

Advertising campaigns have, however, promoted a growing realization of the advantages of these small plastic cards.

然而,大量的广告宣传促使越来越多的人认识到这种塑料小卡的好处。 有三种名词在汉译时多转换成动词。


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He seemed immune to these emotions. He was beyond any pretension. 他好像不受这些感情的影响,他毫不虚荣矫饰。

Undoubtedly they don't have the intention of making an engineer of him. 他们肯定没打算把他培养成工程师。 (2)具有动作意义的名词。

He smiled and took a swig from the bottle. 他微微一笑,就着瓶子喝了一大口。

The slight fall is celebrated by mist and spray. 小小的瀑布以水气弥漫,水花四溅而闻名于世。


Unfortunately, I was a bit bossy and I was not a good listener. 遗憾的是,我这个人有点儿专横,不太善于听取别人的意见。

表示人物的名词并不强调其代表的人物而是强调其动作,所以汉泽时应转换成动词 Old people are usually advocates of early rising. 老年人通常主张早起。

John has always been a disciple of balanced diet. 约翰一直坚信食物搭配要营养均衡。 a swell of muscles 肌肉鼓起 a decline in health 健康衰退 an escalation of war 战争升级 a reduction in numbers 数目减少 a rise in fuel prices 燃料涨价 a drop of the index 指数下跌 an upsurge of emotions 情绪高涨

a steep plunge of economy 经济急剧恶化

China's first atomic blast in October 1964 was a great shock to the whole world. 1964年10月中国爆炸了第一颗原子弹,全球为之震惊。

The making and care of the gardens and the nursing of the young ants are done by the smallest workers.



1) They (franchises) are a factor of rising importance in economy. 译文:特许经营在经济领域中的地位日益提高。

2) The seizure of American hostages in Iran sharpened the pain of national humiliation. 译文:伊朗方面扣押美国公民作为人质,这更让所有美国人倍感耻辱。 3) 知识是人类创造的

译文:Human beings are the creators of knowledge. 4) 禁止违反游戏规则。

译文:Any violation of the game rules is prohibited.



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由于许多形容词具有动态的一样,如英语中的pride oneself on sth. 和be proud of sth. 在意义上是差不多的。再如汉语中的“繁荣”一词,在 没有上下文的情况下,很难说什么词性。

1) The latest trend in franchising has been diversification in the variety of products offered. 译文:特许经营的最新发展趋势是经营的产品丰富多样。

2) The increasing prosperity of China has brought pride to all the Chinese people in the world. 译文:中国日益繁荣昌盛,全世界华人都为之骄傲。

3) 土豆、芥末、生菜、黄瓜之类都是居家生活每天都少不了的。

译文:Tomatoes, mustard, lettuce and cucumbers and the like are necessities in daily life. 4) 由于数量稀少,环境适应性差,迄今未见饲养展出。

译文:Due to their scarcity and inability to adapt to new environments, no blood pheasant has been raised in any zoo so far. 5) 那项计划是成功的。

译文:That plan is a success. 6) 演出获得巨大成功。

译文: The perform is a big success. 7) 独立思考对学习是绝对必要的。

译文: Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 四.汉语动词和英语副词之间的互相转换 独立思考对学习是绝对必要的。

Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study. 动词的词类转化 (一)动词转化为名词

1 Neutrons act differently from protons. 中子的作用不同于质子。

2 He personified the evil that was in the world. 他是世上一切邪恶的化身。

3 We can house you if the hotels are full.

如果旅馆都客满了,我们可以给你提供住处。 五.形容词的词类转化 (一)形容词译成名词

1. He was eloquent and elegant. 他有口才,有风度。

2. Ice is not as dense as water. 冰的密度比水小。



可译成汉语动词的英语形容词大多是表达知觉、情感和欲望的形容词。 1. I am sure they will win the basketball game. 我相信他们将打赢这场篮球赛。 2. The couple is fond of modern music. 这对夫妇喜欢现代音乐。

3. When metals are cut, the shining surface is visible, but it turns grey almost immediately.


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1、He is physically weak but mentally sound. 他身体虽弱,但智力正常。 mentally challenged 智障 physically challenged 残疾

vertically challenged 身高不匀 七.副词翻译成动词

1、The meeting was over and they all went home. 会议结束后,他们都回家了。 2、请开门让我进来。

Please open the door and let me in. 3、I must be away, the time is up. 我该离开了,时间已经到了。

1) She sat silently for a while, then started weeping.


2) I heard someone call my name when the meeting was over. 译文:会议结束后,我听见有人叫我的名字。 3) 他们也笑着泼水回敬。

译文:They splashed back laughingly. 4) 这种裤子现在非常流行。

译文:Such pants are very in these days.


1、On this question, people of different age groups think differently. 关于这个问题,不同年龄组的人有不同的想法。 2、The film impressed me deeply. 这部电影给我留下了深刻的印象。


可转译成汉语动词的英语介词一般以含有动作意义的介词为多。 1. She is against smoking and drinking. 她反对抽烟和喝酒。

2. You can't imagine how angry he was at the news. 你想像不出他听到这个消息时是多么生气。


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无霜冰箱 frost-free fidge 油漆未干 wet paint 别动 freeze

禁止践踏草坪 keep off the lawn

1) Western society (about 1.2 billion people) cannot bring the remaining 5.1 billion people in less developed countries up to the Western consumptive \earth's resources.



2) But with the world steel industry deep in the doldrums, who needed iron ore carriers? 译文一:但是世界钢铁工业很不景气,谁还需要这些矿砂船呢?(反说) 译文二:但是钢铁工业如此萧条,谁还需要这些矿砂船呢?(正说)


1) They could accept this suggestion with dignity. 他们可以不失面子地接受这个建议。 2) She failed to perceive the difference. 她看不出有什么不同的地方。 3) That ancient vase is above price. 那个古花瓶是无价之宝。 4) Stop behaving like a fool! 别像个傻瓜似的!

5) It is beyond his power to preside over such an important meeting. 主持这样重要的会议是他力不能及的。 (二)英语反说,汉语正说

1) The lion is no less cruel than the tiger. 狮子与老虎一样残忍。

2) There is nothing in his house but bare walls. 他家徒四壁。

3) I tried hard not to lose a word of what he said. 我努力想听清楚他讲的一字一句。 4) He came back with no hope on his face. 他满脸绝望地回来了。 (三)汉语正说,英语反说 1)就在这儿等着,我马上就来

Stay here and wait; I shan't be long. 2)我们走到桥边就停下来。


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We went no further than the bridge. 3)他可是非常勇敢的。 He is no coward.


I have taken no more than six courses this semester. 5)我们很快就可以完成任务了。

It will not be long before we finish our job. 6)中国直到20世纪80年代才开放旅游业。

China did not open up to tourists until the 1980s. (四)汉语反说,英语正说

(1)那列火车很快就看不见了。 The train was soon out of sight.

(2)他已长大,不再需要这些玩具了。 He has outgrown these toys. (3)我一时想不起他的名字了。 His name slipped from my memory. (4)他的文风丝毫也不矫揉造作。 His style is void of affectation. (5)他根本不是当音乐家的料。 He is anything but a musician. (五)“暗含否定”或“意义否定句”包括下列七种形式,汉译时应译出否定意味。 (1)副词或相关词组表示否定。

If one can judge from the results of the municipal elections, things are going ill for the conservative Government.


His being higher in learning and birth than the ruck of soldiers is anything but a proof of his worth.

他受的教育和出身都比一般士兵高,但这决不能说明他的品质。 此类词还有:reluctantly(不情愿地),amiss(不恰当地),still more (much more)(更不用说),somehow(不知怎的)等。 (2)形容词或相关词组表示否定。

He is the last man to give up the experiment halfway. 他决不会中途放弃实验。 我绝对不去那个地方。

That's the last place I'd love to go. A wise man is superior to flattery. 聪明的人不会被阿谀所左右。 I'm wiser than to believe that. 我还不至于笨到相信这种话的程度。 此类例子还有:free from ice(不结冰),far from being rich(很不富裕),null and void(无效), be averse to (不愿,不喜欢),be alien/remote from the subject(与主题无关),be a bit off(有点不舒服),be new to(对??不熟悉),be foreign to(与??无关)等。 (3)连词或相关词组表示否定。

But that I saw it, he would have been drowned.


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His being surprised at the news is more than I can describe. 他对这个消息所感到的惊奇远非我所能描述。 此类词还有:only that(要不是),other than(与??不同),than(不至于),for fear that(以免),better...than(宁要??而不要)等。 (4)介词或相关词组表示否定。

Ancient superstitions are at a discount in the new society. 旧迷信在新社会吃不开了。

They gave us coffee of a kind, but we couldn't drink it. 他们给我们送来了极差的咖啡,我们简直没法喝。

此类例子还有:beyond my power/reach(非我力所能及),out of the swim(不甚了解),beyond words(无法形容),out of humor(不高兴),in two minds(犹豫不决),past patience(忍无可忍),inside of two days(不到两天),wide of the target(未击中)等。 (5)名词或相关词组表示否定。

Lord, what a far cry from this man to that woman. 天啊,这个男人和那个女人多么不同呀! He's always the square peg in a round hole. 他总是跟周围的一切合不来。

此类例子还有:objection(不赞成),Hobson's choice(无选择余地),white lies(无伤感情的谎言),anybody's guess(谁也说不上)等。 (6)动词或相关词组表示否定。

She knows better than to spend all her money on clothes. 她不至于把所有的钱财都花在衣着上。 I haven't heard from him since he lived here. 自他离开这儿后,我就没收到他的来信。 此类例子还有:let alone(更不用说),talk sb. out of sth.(劝某人别做某事),overhear(无意中听到),doubt(怀疑??不是),fall short of (不足,未达到)等。 (7)惯用句式。

这类句子较多,现列出几例: If ever I heard the like. 我从未听过这种说法。 Who is there but may err? 人孰无过?

Take care how you cross these busy streets. 千万不要横穿这些拥挤的马路。 For all I care. 不关我的事。


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The minister was found to have appropriated government money. 部长被发现挪用公款。

He had been fired for refusing to obey orders from the head office. 他因拒绝接受总公司的命令而被解雇了。

The schoolboy was knocked down by a minibus when crossing the street. 那名男生在穿过街道时让一辆小公共汽车撞倒了。 He was praised by his teacher. 他得到了老师的表扬。

Problems should be resolved in good time. 问题应及时加以解决。

For a long period to come, most of China’s elderly will continue to be provided for by their families.


1. Though Hamlet has been deprived of the throne, everyone respected him. 尽管哈姆莱特被剥夺了王位,但是大家仍然尊重他。 The throne:royal authority or power, 王位,王权,地位 2. The senior citizens should be respected everywhere。 老人应到处受到尊重。

3. She was caught in the downpour。

她被大雨淋了。 Downpour: sudden and heavy fall of rain。 4. The dictionary has been affected with damp。 字典受潮了。


1. Solution to the problem was ultimately found。 这个问题的解决办法终于找到了。

2. He was assassinated in a theatre last night. 他昨晚在一家剧院遇刺身亡. Assassinate: 刺杀

The meeting is scheduled for April the sixth. 会议定于四月六日举行。


新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列 商务英语翻译

Water can be changed from a liquid into a solid. 水能够从液体变为固体。

When rust is formed, a chemical change has taken place. 当锈形成的时候,就发生了化学变化。

She was given a new pen by her father. 她父亲给了她一只新钢笔.

Heat and light can be given off by this chemical change. 这种化学反应应该能够放出光和热。

Only a small portion of the solar energy is now being used by us. 我们现在只能利用一小部分太阳能。

Communication satellites have been used for living transmission in our country. 我国已将通讯卫星用于实况转播。

Modern scientific discoveries lead to the conclusion that energy may be created from matter, in turn, may be created from energy.


The issue hasn’t yet been thoroughly explored. 人们对这一问题迄今还没有进行彻底探索。

She was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed. 有人看见她在案发前后进入了那座楼.

What we say here will not be long remembered, but what we do here can change the world. 我们在这里所讲的话人们不会长久记住,但是我们在这儿所做的事却能够改变世界。

They are said to build another bridge across the river. 据说他们正在江上建另一座桥。

Measures have been taken to prevent the epidemic from spreading too quickly. 已经采取了措施防止传染病的蔓延。

Water can be shown as containing impurities. 可以证明水含有杂质。

The unpleasant noise must be immediately put to an end. 必须立刻终止这令人讨厌的噪声。

Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft.



新东方在线 [www.koolearn.com] 网络课堂电子教材系列 商务英语翻译

The decision to attack was not taken lightly. 进攻的决定不是轻易做出的。

History is made by the people. 历史是人民创造的。

Printing was introduced into Europe from China. 印刷术是从中国传入欧洲的。

The first explosive in the world was made and used in China. 世界上最早的炸药是在中国制造和使用的。


一、定语从句的翻译 (一)前置法

1)Pollution is a pressing problem which we must deal with. 污染是我们必须解决的一个迫切的问题。

2)A youngster who has no playmates of his age living nearby may benefit greatly from attending nursery school.

附近没有同龄伙伴的儿童,上托儿所可以得到很多益处。 (二)后置法


1)They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives.


2)Each team plays ten or eleven games each season which begins in September and ends in November.

每个队每赛季参加十到十一场比赛,每个赛季九月份开始,十一月份结束。 B.省略关系代词,把定语从句译成并列谓语

3)It is he who received the letter that announced the death of your uncle. 是他接到那封信,说你的叔叔去世了。

4)Some of the energy is converted into heat, which helps to maintain our body temperature at about 37℃.

能量的一部分被转化为热,来帮助体温维持在37℃。 C.把关系代词译成人称代词

5)We have seen many chemical changes, from which physical changes are different. 我们见过许多化学变化,它们和物理变化不同。


