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本 科 毕 业 论 文
题 目:基于单片机的简易计算器
学 院:物理与电子信息学院
专 业:电子信息工程
年 级:10电子信息工程 姓 名:覃海洋
目 录
摘 要 ............................................. 3 Abstract ......................... 错误!未定义书签。 引 言 ............................ 错误!未定义书签。
一、系统总体设计 ................................... 6
1.1设计概述 ......................................................................................... 6
1.2系统整体模块图 ............................................................................... 6
1.3实现方案 ......................................................................................... 6
二、硬件系统设计 ................................... 7
2.1 AT89S52单片机 ................................................................................ 7
2.2单片机复位电路 ................................................................................ 8
2.3单片机的外接晶振电路 ...................................................................... 9
2.4 4x4矩阵键盘 .................................................................................... 9
2.5 八段LED数码管 .............................................................................. 12
2.6 51单片机最小系统 ......................................................................... 15
三、程序调试与系统仿真 ............................. 15
3.1程序调试 ......................................................................................... 15
3.2程序流程图 ..................................................................................... 26
3.3系统仿真 ......................................................................................... 27 结 语 ............................................. 28 主要参考文献 ....................................... 29 致 谢 ............................................ 32
摘 要
Over the past decade, with the improvement of science and technology, the electronics industry developed rapidly, a variety of electronic products emerged, and various types of microcontroller-based device update are particularly significant. In people’s daily life, electronic products are in a wide range of areas. Calculator is an important tool for people's daily life, which helps people quickly complete some tedious calculations, so a good calculator can bring to people greatly easy.
This study designed a simple and convenient calculator to facilitate people's daily life. Meanwhile, the general idea of this design is ---- AT89S52 microcontroller as the master chip, using 4x4 matrix keyboard as input to 8 eight digital tube to do, it can do an unsigned integer add, subtract, multiply, and divide operation. In addition, it has clear and reset function, and with overflow prompts. Such a calculator can meet people’s computing needs.
At the same time, taking into account the environmental requirements of the times, all programs are designed by the C language, so it can reduce the work of writing programs, and can facilitate future transplant procedures, modifications, upgrades. The calculator uses eight-bite tri-state 74HC573D to latch the address and the data of the digital, and use buzzer as an overflow alarm. Single-chip crystal oscillator circuit and reset circuit are used by the conventional circuit.
Key words:AT89S52 ;Calculator ;Matrix keyboard;8 digital tube
引 言
Abstract. Traffic in urban areas is generally regulated by traffic lights, which
represent a traffic flow bottleneck if they are not effectively configured. The dynamic nature of traffic flows makes reliable prediction possible only over a limited time horizon, and hence necessitates continual re-computation solutions. As intersections network size increases, the exponential growth in joint signal timing and traffic states exhibit a computational barrier to determining effective traffic lights timing. So, real-time traffic signal control optimization becomes a challenging problem. The present work investigates the issue of adaptive traffic control using real-time traffic data in multiple intersections. Each network intersection is controlled by an
autonomous agent operating with a view of incoming traffic. The generated model presents ability to identifying dynamic changes in traffic flow conditions as well as adjusting green lights sequences and offering a good coordination between each
intersections neighboring. The main contribution of this model is a real-time adaptive control of the traffic lights, according to discontinuity and heterogeneity of traffic flow. Simulation results confirm the system effectiveness compared to fixed time control, actuated time control and green wave method. And that by mitigating the congestion in terms of maximum throughput traffic flow, minimum waiting time and stops while maintaining fairness among all the network traffic lights. Keywords: Traffic lights control, multiple intersections, adaptive, self-organizing, coordination
1. Introduction
Traffic congestion has become a crucial problem especially in urban locations. This is due to the incapacity of roads to satisfy the expectations of an exponential vehicles number. The consequences are significant costs in terms of man hours lost, excessive fuel consumption, and also an adverse environmental effect through carbon emissions. Thus, congestion reduces the quality of life for many people and represents a major handicap for the road transport system. Nevertheless, it remains the displacement means most used of citizens.
Traffic lights are the key element of traffic control. The combination of several
constraints makes harder to design an effective traffic light control strategy to achieve an optimal real time schedule.
This is especially the case of multiple intersections scenarios since traffic conditions from neighboring intersection have a dynamic impact on the local traffic lights.
Indeed, these flows should become part of the local traffic flow after a certain period. Therefore, the coordination between adjacent intersections should also be taken into account.
Existing methods for traffic lights management can be grouped into three categories: fixed time control,actuated control and adaptive control.
Fixed time control is the most commonly implemented control strategy in the real word. The timing signal is previously calculated based on traffic conditions studied
which is provided by day of week and time of day. A large amount of historical traffic data needs to be collected, recorded and then used to derive some traffic patterns. This is based on different geographic location of intersections and different time periods (e.g.,peak hours).However, these systems cannot be effective because the traffic conditions may change dynamically and significantly from time to time throughout the day. It is only applicable in stable traffic conditions.
The other scheme, called a traffic actuated controller, works by adapting to the volume of vehicles on the road. It does not set a timer for the cycle of signals, but instead measures the volume of vehicles on the road at any given moment and then sets the frequency and interval of traffic lights accordingly. Actuated traffic signal provides a minimum length of green time to each approach during a cycle. This length may be incremented based on vehicle arrivals. The length of every green interval is also constrained by a maximum green time specification.
Compared to fixed time control, actuated control is based on online data which is collected via traffic sensors, as induction loops or infrared sensors that report measurements to a central entity. These traffic volumes data are transferred to the signal control system to decide. However, the variability and unpredictability of
traffic demand on arterial systems often outpace the ability to update signal timings so that signalized intersections operate efficiently.
In the other hand, adaptive traffic control covers a set of techniques which provide a systematic approach for automatic adjustment of traffic lights states in real time. The system aim is to achieve and to maintain a desired level of control system
performance when traffic parameters change in time.
A large variety of adaptive traffic tools have been developed. Thus, the conventional green wave mechanism has been widely used in many cities. It is a traffic control strategy which assigns a fixed offset to a sequence of traffic lights such that if vehicles travel at a certain velocity from specified junction to others, they will not stop at any red lights. The offset is the time needed for vehicles to travel from an
intersection to another one at an expected constant speed. The vehicles are grouped in platoons of varied sizes, determined by signal timings, which progress through the green wave at uniform speed.
Thus, effective adaptive models aim to coordinate signals of controlled intersections so as to improve performances and reduce congestion in urban networks areas.
Generally, adaptive traffic control systems are defined as the application of computing, information, and communications technologies to the real-time vehicles management.
The major researches are focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. IA
provides to be a highly promising field for solving the traffic control problems. Indeed, fuzzy systems, artificial neural networks, multiagent systems, evolutionary computing and swarm intelligence are effective computing control tools in dealing with
complexity and dynamics of traffic situation. Implementation of these traffic lights controls is supposed respond to traffic network demand, adapt timing plans in time, and implement real-time control.
In this paper, an adaptive traffic lights control scheme in multiple intersections is proposed based on multi-agents framework. Multi-Agents Systems (MAS) provide an intelligent approach for addressing the realtime traffic signal control problem, given the distributed nature of traffic flow information. The data provided by the sensor detection equipment are assumed to be available to the proposed traffic control system.
First, prior researches in intelligent traffic signal control are reviewed in this paper. Adaptive traffic signal control problem is addressed. Our basic approach to modeling traffic flows and making traffic signal control decisions within each agent is described in Sections III. In Sections IV, experimental results that indicate the performance characteristics of the proposed approach are presented. Finally, in Section V, summarize different results of the present work and indicate guidelines for future research work.
2. Related works
The traffic congestion problem has motivated researchers to study new control strategies to efficiently manage the traffic movement in urban area. Artificial
intelligence techniques have been widely investigated urban traffic control in different areas. In this section, related works of control traffic lights and principally associated intelligent agent’s applications are presented.
2.1. Knowledge based traffic lights models
Initially, Fuzzy logic (FL) field is adopted to model expert’s knowledge by adjusting traffic signal control parameters such cycle length and phase sequence. FL signal controllers [1–5] use a set of rules to determine the preferred action based on a number of inputs. Although results have shown that these methods arecapable of effective control within small networks, the use of a static rule-base implies that further updates to the system may be required over time. Hence, it is difficult to generate an efficient model, especially for complex intersections.
Decision support systems (DSS) consists of computer technology solutions that can be used to support complex decision making and aims to assist human operator in selecting effective measures. Many DSS traffic control systems were developed such Hoogendoorn and Almejalli models [6, 7]. While it has been demonstrated that these
systems are capable of suggesting effective actions, they rely on large databases of historical traffic data and expert knowledge, which may be hard to acquire and maintain. In addition, the data-bases must be constantly updated with new traffic scenarios and control action.
2.2. Neural network traffic lights models
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been extensively explored as approaches for decision making. Thus, the authors in [8, 9] have successfully proposed ANN to train a traffic signal controller. ANN Models compute decisions by learning from
successfully solved examples. However, as the size of the road network increases, neural networks suffer significant performance degradation. Moreover, when traffic volumes change, they have to relearn an effective method of control.
2.3. Queue theory traffic lights models
The theory of queues is also a widely used approach when it comes to model the tails present at intersections [10, 11]. The queuing theory algorithm uses the law of “Little” in order to determine the lengths of queues. Using queues information? the model is able to develop a dynamic plan for traffic lights in order to reduce the queue average length as well as the average waiting time. However, this theory requires a number of measuring points to manage the intersection and cannot deal with minor conflicts.
2.4. Agent based traffic lights models
Multiagent Systems (MAS) is an IA tool that provides principles for modeling of complex systems involving multiple agents with centralized and/or decentralized coordination mechanisms. There are many researches in traffic lights modeling using MAS. Thus, Dresner and Stone [12] have tackled the problem using a reservation system for collision avoidance at an intersection. In this system, vehicles make a request to a central agent. If the request is accepted, the vehicle needs to follow the prescribed path, to be safe while crossing the intersection. Preliminary
experimentations with this type of system are promising, with minimum delay of vehicles at intersections. However, it lacks the coordination aspect between multiple traffic lights, which is one of the most important problems that affects the design of such systems. Roozemond [13] presents agent model acting autonomously while
sharing gathered data. Then, intersections use this information to make both short and long term traffic predictions with accordingly adjustment. Bazzan [14] has used a decentralized approach combining MAS and evolutionary game theory. This approach models each intersection as an individually motivated agent which must focuses not only on getting vehicles through the intersection, but also on reducing travel times for all vehicles.
2.4.1. Traffic lights models using reinforcement learning
Several applications of reinforcement learning (RL) exist, such as in the works
[15–19]. These models attempt to infer a reward model for various pairs of state/action by allowing interaction between the controlling agents and traffic
environment. In a large network, the problem of the large number of these pairs restricts the use of RL method in this domain, (convergence problem).
2.4.2. Traffic lights models using swarm optimization methods
The swarm optimization methods are another field of artificial intelligence which was applied to control the traffic lights. The works of Oliveira [20] use the principle of optimization distribution of signal based on the amount of pheromone emitted by waiting vehicles. In [21], authors propose autonomous intersection management
(AIM) based on Ant Colony System (ACS) algorithm that evacuates vehicles for each sequence of vehicles arrivals and for large number of lanes. In addition, numerous works has used evolutionary computing to optimize signal plans within a network
[22–24]. These approaches typically aim to represent the signal plans for the entire network as a set of chromosomes and then an evolutionary algorithm is applied. However, this type of solution requires an extremely high puissance of computing with the network size. In complex networks, real-time control may be impossible because the computation may not complete in a suitable time.
2.4.3. Adaptive traffic lights models
Adjustment of traffic lights configuration is the key aspect in optimization of traffic flow model presented in major previous works. However, in the real world, the
configuration parameters of the traffic lights are based on data and designer’s model which is updated frequently.
The multi-agents model can be used in order to deal with these real situations. But, to provide more accurate data, it must be more adaptive with change. The idea is to
endow the system with its own control system, so it can face its dynamic environment and the multiple situations it will encounter. Thereby, the self-organized system is a particularly appropriate approach to apply within traffic control.
Gershenson [25, 26] presented one of the initial applications of self-organized systems to traffic signal control. The author shows that an agent-based solution is capable of controlling traffic signals effectively. Lammer and Helbing extend this work [27] and present another self-organized control system which is shown to effectively handling several traffic scenarios within hypothetical grid-like networks.
The approach proposed by Xaio-Feng Xie [28], presents a model of aggregates incoming vehicles into clusters which enables the real-time computation of signal timing policies. These Self-scheduling approaches give rise to a self-organizing system.
Zhou and al. [29] provides an adaptive traffic lights algorithm which selects the sequence of phases in a cycle, according to the following criteria: the presence of priority vehicles, totalwaiting time and queue length. This algorithm, however, requires the same type of vehicle with same speed.
篇三:简易计算器设计 文献综述
随着社会的发展,科学的进步,微电子技术的发展有着日新月异的变化。电子产品的更新速度之快就更不足为奇了, 单片机的应用已经越来越贴近生活,用单片机来实现一些电子设计也变得容易起来。本课题就是利用单片机设计简易的计算器。
1. 引言
1.1 单片机国内外现状与发展前景
1.2 计算器的发展
2 简易计算器的设计实现
很容易就能掌握。对比上诉两种设计方法,结合自己专业特点,选择用8051单片机来设计简易计算器,因为它是一种通用型的单片机,性价比较高,虽然是8位的单片机,但现在应用的量及范围还很大,同时,因51单片机发展的历史长,学习资料比较多而且完善, 且依靠单片机实现的简易计算器体积小、质量轻、价格便宜、功能强、灵活方便。
3 总结
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[3]常敏,王涵.51单片机应用程序开发与实践 [M].北京:电子工业出版社,2009.3
[5]胡辉.单片机原理及应用设计 [M].北京:水利水电出版社,2005.7
[6]赵建领. 51系列单片机开发宝典[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2007.4
[7]崔武子,赵重敏,李青. C程序设计教程[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2007.6
[8]王秋爽,曾昭龙. 单片机开发基础与经典设计实例[M].北京:机械工业出版社,2008.3
[9]马忠梅.单片机的C语言应用程序设计[M]. 北京:北京航天航空大学出版社,2003.11
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