
更新时间:2024-03-30 05:49:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Unit 10

1. We need not have subscribed to the Yahoo Internet service, because the university did the subscription free of charge for its faculty and postgraduate students a week ago.

2. I simply had no idea of whom my grandmother was referring to when she was talking about a young man with glasses from her neighborhood who brought her a train ticket with his own money and walked her onto the train.

3. His situation was desperate as he was now felt to the tender mercies of his creditors.

4. The president declared resolutely that these regulations applied to everyone without exception, be it a teacher, student or administrator.

5. The boy confronted his teacher’s accusation with a firm voice and denied the charge that he had cheated in the final exam.

6. Cultural traditions have a strong binding power. For example, many Westerners keep to the custom of getting married only in June.

7. In the era of market economy, the concept of “Consumer First” should be reinforced by the manufacturer.

8. “The style is the man”, as the saying goes. I believed that a writer’s personality is, to a large extent, embodied in his or her style of writing.

9. In this country, conventions allows women to wear skirts, but not trousers, to say nothing of jeans.

10. Not all people think alike. Take architecture for example. People may see a building in a different light and from different angles. Some may appreciates its exterior appearance and others appreciate more about its interior decoration.

Unit 11

1. We are extremely sorry that all the flights are delayed on account of the dense fog. 2. The chair person of the conference did not declare the meeting open until all the

delegates turned up.

3. The newly arrived professor gave us a lecture on psychology with such a strong

southern accent that we hardly knew what he was driving at.

4. As the day of the ball was drawing near, Ann felt all the more worried, for she had no

fancy jewels to wear for the occasion.

5. Though he has been strictly trained as a modern dancer, he is widely known more as a

poet than as a dancer.

6. The old woman was all to pieces when news came that her young son was killed in a

fierce battle.

7. Tom believed that he had an aptitude for painting. He really considered himself

something of an artist when he was whitewashing the fence.

8. You can exercise your imagination, but these exercises must be done in accordance

with the requirements set down in the instructions.

9. As he was not prepared at all for any bad news concerning his health, he was quite

taken aback when the doctor told him that he must be hospitalized for surgery with no

delay. 10. What strikes us most about our new coach is his high sense of responsibility, keen

sense of observation, and unaffected sense of humour

Unit 12

11. It was not until quite a while later that I remembered she had hinted vaguely in a letter to me that she would not like to live in a foreign country for long and would come back and settle down in her motherland.

12. After the release of 17 British passengers, the British Prime Minister continued to express his concern over the safety of the other British passengers still onboard the hijacked airliner.

13. We all found Mr. Smith a bit weird, for every time at the mere mention of roses he would fly into a temper.

14. To her great distress, the so-called diamond necklace of the British royal family, which cost nearly all her savings, turned out to be nothing but an imitation.

15. It was out of everyone’s expectation that he rounded off his basketball career by entering the business of fur trading.

16. A Western dinner differs from a Chinese dinner in many ways. For example, a Western dinner usually begins with a soup and ends with a dessert.

17. On the eve of the Chinese Spring Festival, the streets are crowded with children in their holiday best, letting off fireworks.

18. Every citizen in a modern society is supposed to know the law and obey the law. No one is an exception.

19. Now and again, the villagers would see the old fisherman sitting on the big rock, who, staring at the little island in the distance, seemed lost in his memory, with an occasional bitter smile on his lips.

20. “If you dare to bring the matter up to the board of directors, I’ll…” he broke off, with a hint of threat in his voice, his eyes fixed on her in hostility.

Unit 13

21. With the successful birth of the animal cloning technology, there is far more to cloning than the biological and medicine sciences.

22. The father and his son look alike, and in terms of personality, the son is an exact replica of the father.

23. We should never overlook the possible global consequences of a regional war. We must bear in mind that it was the regional conflicts that sparked the two world wars of the 20th century.

24. Many countries in the world were thrown into the debate over the moral implications of the legalization of the practice of euthanasia.

25. The Hurricane Michi of 1998 rendered homeless tens of thousands of residents in Central American countries.

26. It was very moving that many drivers with official licenses in this country have

signed an agreement to become organ donors after death.

27. In international relations, conflict would be sure to arise if a nation, be it big or small, should violate the United Nations Charter and disrupt the world order which is established according to the UN Charter.

28. The children of this “Project Hope” school work very hard, with the determination to live up to the hopes and expectations of the organizations and individuals that provide financial support, and to become useful citizens of the country as soon as they can.

29. In many urban families in China, the parents impose much too great expectations upon their by sending them to evening or weekend classes of various kinds against the will of the children.

30. This school attaches great importance to the all-round development of their students, and encourages them to develop healthy interests of their own.

