8A Unit1词汇练习

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1. Do you know these books are those ____________ (青少年) over there?

2. My best friend Kitty likes to tell everything to me, because I can always keep


3. It’s ________ (有礼貌的) of you to give your seat to the old on the bus.

4. Do you think it’s possible for me to ________ (信任) a person who always tells

_______ (谎言)

5. My brother is very ________ (幽默的) and he likes to watch shows of Zhou Libo. 6. There is a book market in Nanchan Temple. It sells all kinds of _______ (杂志)

and teaching materials.

7. It’s so hot today. I am too _______ (口渴的) to walk on. Let’s have some drink. 8. Reading books the whole morning made me so ______ (无聊). I want to have a


9. The old man _______ (微笑) to me when I came into the room.

10. Our monitor has a good _______ (意识) of mine. And he is never late for school. 11. There is a _________ (直的) road from our school to the lake.

12. I can’t decide which dress to ___________(选择). Can you give me some advice? 13. He looked unhappy because he failed the maths ___________ (测试)

14. You’d better not ask a fat person about his _________ (重量). It’s not polite. 15. What’s the _________ (高度) of your brother? He is so tall.

16. My best friend Wang Lin came first in the music _______ (竞赛) last week. 17. Johnson’s father is to be a ___________ (游泳者) like Michael Phelps. 18. My sister is a small girl with a __________ (马尾辫)。

19. Helen is very _________ (害羞的) every time she talks with her English teacher

because she is not good at English.

20. What’s your _________ (计划) for the coming National Day? 21. I want to be a _________ (社会的) worker when I grow up. 22. Is your cousin Tom kind and _________ (耐心的)? 23. His brother is tall. He has a _________ (方形的) face.

24. You can talk to your parents or your friends when you feel _________ (不快乐) 25. Betty is a ________ (勤奋的) student. She is good at all the subjects.

26. George did an _________ (杰出的) job in the competition and won the prize.

27. Our English teacher always has a _______ (微笑的) face when she comes into the


28. Simon always likes to donate his money to help the poor. He is a _________(慷慨

的) boy.

29. The show I’m a singer helps audience rediscover many good _______ (嗓音). 30. You look _______ (苗条的) and more fashionable in so charming a dress.

31. Edison is one of the most popular __________ (sing) in our country. He took part

in the singing competition as a tutor in Mango Station.

32. Don’t care only about __________ (you), Tom! You should help your parents do

something at home.

33. Xiao Shenyang is always very _________ (humour). We all like him very much. 34. Different students have different _________ (person), so they may behave


35. I have as ________ (many) water as you do.

36. Lily got the ________ (few) points in the game, so she was very sad.

37. My mother is always ________ (busy) than my father. She is the _______ (busy)

in family.

38. Of the two sports players, Tom is the _______ (tall) one.

39. Of all the popular Korean stars, I think Rain is the _______ (smart) 40. Daniel is one of the slowest _________(swim) in my class. 41. He looks much ________ (healthy) this year than last year.

42. Qi Baishi was one of the famous _______ (art) in China. His painting are very

expensive now.

43. Of the two girls, Betty is the __________ (slim) one. 44. Are you _________ (will) to clean up the room with us? 45. My best friend, Helen, has bright _________ (smile) eyes. 46. The ________ (high) of the tall building is over 125 meters.

47. Do you think Millie is the _______ (pretty) among the girl students? 48. Johnson has the _________ (little) bread of us four.

49. China became the second ________ (large) movie market in the world.

50. “You’re old enough, boy. You’d better do it ________ (you).” My father said to

me. 动词填空

1. My maths teacher likes telling interesting stories and always __________ (make)

us happy.

2. I heard Daniel _________ (not pass) the maths exam? ----- Oh, really?

3. The baby _______ (cry) in the bedroom. Can you do something to make him


4. Just a minute. He _______ (come) back soon.

5. There are lots of beautiful flowers in the show ________ (enjoy)

6. Look! How fast Wang Ming is running!----- I ________ (not know) he could run

so fast.

7. He is looking forward to _______ (hear) from his family.

8. I hope you _______ (call) me after you get to your hometown.

9. Daniel _______ (spend) as much time as he could _______ (practise) playing the

piano, so he got the first prize.

10. It’s really great ________ (share) our joy with you and your friends.

11. Who do you think ________ (give) him the present? ------ His best friend did. 12. When I met Jenny in the street, she stopped ________ (nod) at me. 13. Look! How happy your mother ________ (look)!

14. Mr. Green ________ (talk) to the manager. You’d better call him later. 15. We _______ (be) very happy if you can join us.

16. Wow, the cake tastes good. Who ________ (make) it?

17. How amazing it is _________ (see) so many beautiful butterflies! 18. ---- Thank you for the delicious food last night.

----- I’m glad you ________ (enjoy) it.

19. The boy is crying. Can you make him _________ (laugh)? 20. Is Jack good at ________ (tell) jokes? ----- No, he isn’t. 句子翻译

1. 再来一块披萨怎么样?

What about ________________________________________________________? 2. 比赛获胜之后,足球运动员和他们的粉丝们一起分享快乐。

The football players __________________________________________ their fans after they won the match.

3. 你怎么可以相信他的话呢,他总是撒谎。

How can you ______________________________________________? He always __________________________________________________________ 4. 我有困难时,他总是关心我。

He always _______________________________________ when I have problems. 5. 你可以和我讲任何关于你自己的事,我会保守秘密的。

You can ______________________________________________. I will __________________________.

6. 哈利波特小而圆的眼睛使他看上去很聪明。

Harry Potter’s ______________________________________________________ 7. 当心!不要把书撞到地上。

Be careful! _____________________________________________ the floor. 8. 贝蒂总是愿意帮助需要帮助的人。

Betty is always ____________________________________________________ 9. 我们不能因为不喜欢别人就说别人的坏话。

We can’t _____________________________________________because we don’t like them.

10. 这个乐于助人的男孩在公交车上总是把他的座位让给需要的人。

The helpful boy always ______________________________________________

11. May梳着又长又直的头发,看起来很甜美。

May looks _________________________________________ hair. 12. 当有事使我烦恼时,我常常会去找我的好朋友Linda。

When ___________________, I often _________________ my good friend Linda. 13. --- Max长大后想当什么?


---- What _________________________ when he ______________________? ---- He wants _________________________________________________- 14. 她的腿太长,桌底下放不下。

Her legs __________________________________________ under the desk. 15. 李红的油画是三幅中最漂亮的。

Li Hong’s painting is ______________________________ of the three. 16. 长江是世界上最长的河流之一。

The Yangtze River is ______________________________ in the world. 17. 他花在学习上的时间比我多。

He spends ______________________________________________ than me. 18. 我希望将来某一天能环游世界。

I hope _______________________________________________ in the future. 19. 你能告诉我你的未来计划吗?

Can you tell me _______________________________________________? 20. Nora 能够仔细地倾听别人,并且帮助他们解决问题。

Nora can ______________________________________________their problems. 21. 我将更多地了解怎样才能做一个优秀的社会工作者。

I will _______________________________________ a good social worker. 22. Mike 很有幽默感,因此和他在一起我从不感到无聊。

Mike ___________________________________, so I never _________________. 23. 我认为踢足球比看电视健康的多。

I think playing football ______________________________________________ 24. 说别人的坏话是不礼貌的。

It’s not polite _______________________________________________________ 作文

假如Jack是你的好朋友,请根据表格中的信息,写一篇短文介绍你的朋友Jack。 长相 个性 特长 未来计划 大眼睛,方脸,深褐色的头发,朋友中个子最高,总是面带微笑 乐于助人,慷慨大方,有耐心 喜欢音乐,钢琴弹得好 当一名像周杰伦一样的歌手,周游世界

