
更新时间:2023-09-30 13:30:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


必修1Unit 1 △survey add up upset ignore calm calm(…)down have got to concern be concerned about walk the dog get along with △gossip fall in love exactly disagree grateful dislike join in tip △secondly Swap △dialect expression Midwestern African Spanish play a part (in) eastern southeastern northwestern recognize lorry loose △vet go through △Amsterdam Netherlands △Jewish German △Nazi set down series a series of △Kitty outdoors spellbind on purpose in order to dusk at dusk thunder entire entirely power face to face curtain dusty no longer/not…any longer partner settle suffer suffer from △loneliness Highway recover get/be tired of pack pack (sth) up suitcase △Margot Overcoat Teenager Item 必修1Unit 2 △subway elevator petrol gas official voyage △conquer because of native △Amy come up apartment Actually AD base at present gradual gradually Danish △enrich vocabulary △Shakespeare make use of spelling △Samuel Johnson △Noah Webster latter identity fluent fluently Singapore Malaysia such as frequent frequently usage command request

△Lori △Houston △Texas accent △Buford △Lester △catfish Lightning straight block cab 必修1Unit 3 Journal transport prefer disadvantage fare △route △Mekong Flow ever since persuade cycle graduate finally schedule fond be fond of shortcoming stubborn organize care about △detail △source determine determined change one’s mind journey altitude make up one’s mind

give in △atlas △glacier △Tibetan △rapids valley △waterfall pace bend △meander △delta Attitude △Qomolangma Boil forecast parcel insurance wool as usual reliable view △yak pillow midnight at midnight flame beneath △Laos △Laotian temple cave 必修1Unit 4 earthquake quake right away well △crack △smelly △farmyard Pipe burst million event as if at an end nation canal steam dirt ruin in ruins suffering extreme injure △survivor Destroy brick dam track useless shock rescue trap electricity disaster dig out bury mine miner shelter a (great) number of title reporter bar damage frighten frightened frightening congratulation judge sincerely express outline headline cyclist 必修1Unit 5 △Nelson Mandela quality △warm-hearted mean active generous △easy-going self selfish selfless selflessly devote devoted △William Tyndale △Bible △Norman Bethune

△invader found republic principle △nationalism △livelihood △Mohandas Gandhi peaceful △giant △leap mankind △Elias lawyer guidance legal fee △passbook △Johannesburg out of work hopeful △ANC Congress)

youth league Youth League stage vote attack violence as a matter of fact blow up equal in trouble willing unfair turn to △ quote Release lose heart △Robben Island escape blanket educate educated come to power beg relative terror cruelty reward △Transkei

set up sentence be sentenced to anti- anti-black △Cape Town president △Nobel Peace Prize opinion 必修2Unit 1 △cultural former worth △rebuild local apart take apart △Leningrad painting castle △Windsor Castle trial as well host responsibility △olive △wreath replace motto swift △similarity △Athens charge △relic rare valuable survive vase dynasty △Taj Mahal △ivory △dragon △amber in search of △Frederick William I △Prussia amaze amazing select honey design fancy style decorate jewel artist belong belong to △Peter the Great in return △Czar troop △St Petersburg Reception △Catherine Ⅱ at war remove less than wooden doubt △Konigsberg △the Baltic Sea △mystery △eyewitness Evidence △Jan Hasek △Czech Republic explode entrance △Hans Braun sailor sink △Anna Petrov maid △Berlin think highly of △Johann Webber informal debate 必修2Unit 2 ancient compete competitor take part in medal stand for △mascot △Pausanias Greece Greek magical volunteer homeland regular basis athlete admit slave nowadays gymnastics △athletics Stadium gymnasium (gym) in charge physical fine poster advertise △Atlanta △princess glory bargain △prince hopeless △Hippomenes foolish △goddess pain one after another deserve △striker 必修2Unit 3 △abacus △calculator △PC(=personal computer) △laptop △PDA(personal digital assistant) △analytical calculate universal simplify sum △Charles Babbage Operator logical logically technology technological revolution artificial intelligence intelligent △Alan Turing

Solve △mathematical protection wild come into being △county from…on reality △designer personal personally tube △transistor △chip as a result total totally so…that… network web application finance mobile rocket explore △Mars anyhow goal happiness human race △supporting download △programmer Virus △android Signal △teammate △Nagoya △Seattle type in a way coach arise with the help of electronic appearance character mop deal with watch over △naughty Niece △spoil 必修2Unit 4 Wildlife △habitat △threaten decrease △endanger die out loss reserve hunt zone in peace in danger (of) △Daisy △species Carpet respond distant fur △antelope △Zimbabwe relief in relief laughter burst into laughter mercy certain importance △WWF(Word Wildlife Fund) rub protect…from mosquito △millipede Insect contain powerful affect attention pay attention to appreciate succeed △Indonesia △rhino secure income employ harm △Milu deer bite △extinction dinosaur Inspect △unexpected Incident dust according to △Mauritius △disappearance fierce so that ending △faithfully △Colobus monkey 必修2Unit 5 △classical roll △rock’n’roll (rock-and-roll) △orchestra △rap folk jazz △choral △the Monkees Musician dream of △karaoke pretend to be honest attach attach…to form △fame passer-by earn extra instrument perform performance pub cash in cash studio millionaire play jokes on actor rely rely on broadcast humorous familiar

be/get familiar with or so break up △reunite Attractive addition in addition sort out △excitement △ballad △overnignt arrival △Christopher Columbus gain independence independent gather agriculture agricultural award △produce rooster magpie

weep △announcer set off remind remind … of … forgive vt. (forgave, forgiven) 必修3Unit 2 Diet spaghetti

nut dip △tadpole △lily confident △Freddy brief briefly devotion afterwards invitation beard sensitive painful above all 必修3Unit 1 take place beauty harvest celebration hunter starve origin religious △seasonal ancestor Obon grave incense in memory of Mexico feast △skull bone △Halloween belief dress up trick play a trick on poet △Columbus Day admire energetic look forward △carnival △lunar Easter n.(耶稣)复活节

△parade day and night clothing Christian Jesus Cherry blossom as though have fun with custom worldwide △ rosebud Fool necessity permission prediction fashion Trinidad Carla Hari parking parking lot △Valentine’s Day turn up keep one’s word hold one’s breath apologize drown sadness obvious wipe weave herd the Milky Way muscle protective

bean pea cucumber eggplant pepper mushroom peach loemn balance balanced diet barbecue mutton △kebab roast stir fry stir-fry ought ought to bacon cola sugary sign lose weight slim curiosity hostess raw vinegar get away with lie tell a lie customer discount win … back weakness strength consult n

△manufacture goods △etc representative settlement motivation 必修5Unit 4 journalist △involve editor photograph photographer △concise △imaginative technical technically thorough gifted △idiomatic housewife crime edition ahead of department swell swollen △blister △watery △char △nerve scissors unbearable basin squeeze squeeze out over and over again △photography △unforgettable △assignment delighted admirable unusual assist assistant submit profession professional colleague eager concentrate concentrate on amateur update acquire assess inform deadline △interviewee meanwhile depend on case accuse accuse…of △accusation deliberately so as to (do sth) △deny sceptical guilty dilemma demand △demanding publish △scoop section accurate senior polish chief approve process △negative appointment 必修5Unit 5 aid first aid temporary fall ill injury bleed △nosebleed △sprain △sprained ankle choke cupboard skin △essential organ △layer barrier poison ray complex variety liquid radiation mild mildly pan stove △heal tissue electric shock bandage in place △ointment △infection vital symptom △label kettle pour wrist damp △Casey sleeve blouse tight tightly firm firmly throat △Janson ceremony bravery △Slade stab a number of put one’s hands on treat apply pressure ambulance △scheme △Southerton make a difference △bruise 选修6Unit 1 △realistic abstract sculpture △sculptor

gallery faith faithfully △consequently aim conventional typical evident △Giotto di Bondone △renaissance △the Renaissance adopt scholar flesh in the flesh △Matisse geometry bunch Manhattan

avenue preference △Guggenheim Museum △display appeal sparrow △kitten tke it easy run out of △cinquain be made up of tease salty △droop △dread endless △haiku △humanistic possess possession superb △perspective technique △Masaccio coincidence by coincidence △masterpiece △impressionism △impressionist △post-impressionist a great deal shadow ridiculous controversial attempt on the other hand predict △landscape specific figure clay △critic △bronze marble △Mona Lisa △Leonardo da Vinci carve delicate △Michelangelo △canvas △Picasso café allergic △effectively exhibition aggressive appeal to fragile △circular △metropolitan reputation civilization Egypt Egyptian visual fragrant △Monet △Whitney △Madison contemporary permanent district committee signature 选修6Unit 2 △poetry tick rhyme convey △emotion nursery nursery rhyme concrete △repetition contradictory △hush △mockingbird diamond △brass △billy-goat flexible pattern △squire cottage △coffin △syllable minimum translation branch △melt (melted; melted, molten) △brimful in particular eventually △await transform △revolve △utter sorrow bare librarian forever △stem △cement section appropriate exchange diploma sponsor blank compass bride bridegroom championship △rhythmic darkness warmth try out scholarship pianist violinist let out load 选修6Unit 3 cigarette

alcohol alcoholic abuse △fitness △sexual stress △stressful △obesity adolescent adolescence ban appendix illegal pill △robbery △slippery △HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

at risk △SARS (Severe Acute quantity quantities of tend go up △Charles Keeling △measurement per data result in trend catastrophe due due to tough addicted addicted to △nicotine accustom accustomed accustomed to

withdrawal △bad-tempered automatic automatically mental mentally quit effect lung pregnant abnormal breathless unfit strengthen △resolve decide on packet feel like (doing) △relaxation desperate chemist △gum △chewing gum disappointed △weaken ashamed comprehension in spite of take risks (a risk) get into etc (et cetera) Respiratory Syndrome)

△immune survival sex △fluid △inject △injection needle △spill (spilt, spilt)

male female △condom △homosexual prejudice judgement △disco abortion cigar embarrassed awkward 选修6Unit 4 consume △renewable △greenhouse △Fahrenheit come about △Sophie △Armstrong graph random phenomenon (复数-ena) subscribe subscribe to △fossil fuel △byproduct △Janice △Foster △methane △Celsius flood △drought △famine △George Hambley oppose opposed be opposed to mild △environmental △environmentalist consequence state range even if keep on glance steady steadily tendency widespread on the whold △economical △hectare average existence outer on behalf of △individual advocate commitment put up with pollution growth electrical △appliance so long as casual an so on motor can

circumstance microwave refresh educator contribution △imperative △heading △slogan presentation nuclear disagreement 选修6Unit 5 diagram volcano △volcanic △volcanology △volcanologist erupt eruption ash △crater △lava hurricane questionnaire alongside equipment appoint △observatory database △Mount Kilauea evaluate burn to the ground wave △molten fountain absolute absolutely △spaceman suit helmet boot make one’s way potential actual △geology △Mount Etna △Sicily △sample candidate △Mount Vesuvius △threat bungalow △Pompeii △tornado typhoon thunderstorm precious novelist fog document rainbow uncomfortable balcony unconscious shoot (shot, shot) shot tremble sweat anxious anxiety panic (panicked, panicked) △tsunami glance through △Manchu vary from…to… diverse △diversity △crane △leopard △spectacular bathe △arouse appreciation △peak △persuasion guarantee 选修7Unit 1 disability disabled hearing eyesight △syndrome △infantile paralysis △Rosalyn lap ambition ambitious dictation △Sally noisy suitable entry beneficial △Marty in other words clumsy △bump outgoing adapt adapt to bench cut out microscope out of breath absence fellow annoy annoyed △annoyance all in all firm software sit around as well as parrot tank tortoise in many ways psychology psychologically make fun of encouragement conduct △mainstream △fulfilling never mind politics abolish △abolition resign slavery literature △Barry Minto △Mount Kilimanjaro companion assistance congratulate congratulation bowling graduation certificate all the best architect

△Sanders adequate access accessible △wheelchair handy △earphone △impair row basement outwards exit meet with approval dignity profit △italics community 选修7Unit 2 △household fiction desire △Isaac Asimov satisfaction △Larry Belmont test out △Claire bonus alarm alarmed apron sympathy overweight elegant △Gladys Claffern favour pile scan fingernail absurd haircut △makeup accompany cushion bedding necklace clerk counter ring up turn around awful

affair armchair declare cuisine envy leave…alone digital mailbox state aside set aside grand △Marion △alphabetical receiver in all affection bound be bound to biography holy △imagination △transfusion part-time △master’s degree staff △Philadelphia navy junior △PhD=Doctor of Philosophy biochemistry △Boston talent chapter △the Foundation △empire theoretical framework thinking divorce obey disobey assessment 选修7Unit 3 △snorkel △aquarium anecdote △Clancy △baleen △baleen whale annual

△migration witness accommodation shore offshore opposite yell pause △oar telescope teamwork △blow-hole dive flee △harpoon drag depth △meantime △in the meantime lip △overboard urge abandon shark Help (…) out relationship conservation △iceberg jog seaside net target tide △driftnet dimension reflect pure cell aware be/become aware of vivid neat seaweed narrow flashlight upside down suck △sea-slug △turtle △eel sharp

tasty △giant △clam grey scare (be) scared to death shallow steep boundary Antarctic the Antarctic awesome △leap seal △refund pension pensioner 选修7Unit 4 airmail △Papua fortnight hear from (be) dying to roof muddy textbook concept △bucket the other day weekly △bubble relevant remote △ridge weed △hut rectangle rectangular adjust platform broom tin jar sniff participate interpreter grill dry out △leftover △evil dry up otherwise privilege paperwork arrangement toast comb astronaut angle catalogue donate voluntary in need purchase anniversary seed △seedling △vaccination △loan sew sewing machine △supplement ox △plough trunk trunk library tractor Kenya △Bangladesh click tailor △Tanzania △economic political △Nepal △Uganda distribute distribution △financial security operate △Sudan clinic △Malawi 选修7Unit 5 adjust to keep it up fit in motherland visa queue cafeteria lecture qualification preparation recommend shopkeeper idiom comfort substitute academic requirement essay tutor △revise revision draft numb acknowledge as far as one is concerned contradict autonomous occupy be occupied with enterprise apology seminar videophone Rugby bachelor bachelor’s degree routine minibus optional day in and day out cage bark battery △site △Julie △Abigail drill oilfield △Jamie △Sam △Lima △Cuzco △the Andes △Peru △Lia agent travel agent △geographical

parallel △Lake Titicaca abundant △Inca govern △onwards destination △Machu Picchu inn out of the question △hike △Puno tomb △the Amazon settle in 选修8 Unit 1 △California △Californian △illustrate distinct distinction △immigrant live on strait △Bering Arctic the Arctic means by means of… △prehistoric majority ministry Catholic △Alaska △San Francisco △adventurer make a life △despite hardship elect federal rail percentage △Los Angeles Italy Italian Denmark keep up △Hollywood boom aircraft

△Cambodian Korea Korean Pakistan Pakistani △immigrate immigration racial crossing vice nephew pole applicant customs socialist socialism occur cattle △Hispanic indicate back to back luggage shave △cable △cable car △Andrew Hallidie tram apparent apparently brake conductor slip △wharf bakery ferry △Angel Island team up with hire △fascinating mark out seagull take in angle a great/good many apply for nowhere △miserable punishment justice mourn civil

authority reform grasp △thoughtful thankful insert 选修8Unit 2 differ exact △cutting twin △identical commercial straightforward △complicated undertake pay off breakthrough procedure △nucleus △somatic △embryo carrier cast cast down altogether arbitrary △fate correction object objection △impact medium the media obtain attain moral conservative forbid accumulate in favour of side road constitution compulsory opera chorus loaf flour owe shortly retire

bother (be) bound to (do) assumption regulation △nonsense △popularity △Jurassic Park strike strike…into one’s heart △bison △calf from time to time bring back to life initial △DNA vain in vain resist drawback merely △restore △aurochs decoration unable △great auk feather △quagga △fairly in good/poor condition turkey △dye claw adore hatch reasonable 选修8Unit 3 △amphibious △George Stephenson patent call up courtyard now and then walnut distinguish merciful product powder set about perfume stainless △jelly cube cubic abrupt abruptly convenient caution expectation passive merry merrily seize △recognition criterion △claim valid file ripe string glue △rod freezing greengrocer identification directory dial rainfall △courtroom innocent lantern bear jam △Alexander Graham △microphone forehead beaten track △occasionally dive into dynamic set out (to do) △multiple △Morse dot tap wire straw △reproduce current helicopter triangle △tetrahedron stable

△invaluable associate practical △James Dyson refrigerator court extension hang on out of order get through ring back ring off version competence △competent jeep personnel 选修8Unit 4 △Pygmalion △George Bernard Shaw adaptation classic caption plot professor △Higgins △phonetics △colonel △Pickering △fateful whistle garment woollen hesitate uncomfortable uncomfortably troublesome wallet outsome thief handkerchief △disguise △in disguise mistaken brilliant classify remark betray upper extraordinary condemn

△gutter properly pass…off as…

△duchess ambassador acquaintance make one’s acquaintance handful △amazement △in amazement fortune authentic generally speaking status superior in terms of… △disapprove rob antique musical stocking △believer Buddhism △Buddhist △Buddha △vowel △Pearce cookie teapot cream nail show…in wax disk △wax disk shabby △curtsy △shilling referee compromise horrible laundry bathtub sob waist vest disgusting once more in need of △heartily overlook

alphabet △effective fade fade out 选修8Unit 5 △identify alternative △archaeology △archaeological △archaeologist starvation tentative accuracy △excavate △excavation interrupt acute assume regardless regardless of mat quilt beast at most centimetre sharpen sharpener cut up △scrape △scraper ample messy primitive △bead botany botanical analysis seashell ripen category significance somehow systematic spit delete album scratch academy receptionist onion kindergarten skateboard fed up with yogurt radioactive radioactivity division BC melon wrinkle pulse △vein applaud look ahead howl accelerate spear arrest dizzy △eyebrow △cheekbone △arrowhead △axe hammer gay gaily skilful date back punctuation △worship △craftsmanship 选修九Unit 1 hurdling boxing somersaulting lunge approximate approximately conventional laughter reality in reality adjustment tough extreme vomit gymnastics gymnastically unfit fascinate meditation spiritual

marathon urge accomplish motivation devotion soul sacred deed conception tact regret repentance wisdom virtue noble doom bid juggle amateur champion therefore springboard economics entire attain profile courageous appreciate appreciation accountant receptionist lawyer politician scarf zip underwear overcoat salary wage 选修九Unit 2 latitude voyage mercy at the mercy of encyclopedia alongside exploration minimum celestial pole equator horizon overhead seaweed nowhere offshore outward tide secure knot log nautical nautical mile magnetic random awkward reference precise simplify portable shortcoming update tendency reliable swoop parcel peck cliff expedition compulsory reform survival incident departure crew deposit dilemma drawback dusk routine reckon reckoning starvation psychology tension gradual gradually foresee thirst set loose tear hardship jaw jaws of death roar background 选修九Unit 3 associate associate with barrier brochure commonwealth adequate ecology autonomous federal defence policy tax taxation nation citizen citizenship celebration birthplace tolerate tolerance migrant homeland via superb rust rusty tropical splendour timetable heritage aboriginal out of respect fortnight reservation highway cradle rainfall agriculture sow bachelor correspond correspond with owe owe … to enclosure authority

desperate shrink barbecue talk … into … wind limb venom venomous anti-venom paralyze sickness recover funnel snatch amongst vinegar unconscious 选修九Unit 4 pollinate pollinator courtyard balcony exotic date back to distant goods scale conflict missionary endeavour anchor tight tightly seal container restriction fluency shave thunderstorm pirate appeal appeal to dove botanist chrysanthemum red date lower beard ripe irrigation weed spear string spade postpone pyramid monument rot evolve evolution nectar attach attach to typical petal tube delicate fragrant daisy odour odourless give out dull musty fruity wasp beetle bat moth 选修九Unit 5 casual garment turn … into …. advertiser advert inform association target fit into basis technique lane feature conscience worthy corporation budget expense broadcast rely rely on visual generate response stereo have no use for refresh partly murder suitcase sheet actress typist spokesman fluent hostess invitation appoint chairman raise dial operator litre mature fashion misleading dishonest alcoholic tobacco ban promote immoral decent ethics ethical offending beware consumer trustworthy 选修十Unit 1

venture web suffering gall-bladder strengthen endurance hut stove unbearable cosy block out breathless rotten

blacken circumstance blast hoarse bless selfish hook aboard seasickness anyhow steward crush 选修十Unit 2 respectful disrespectful disrespectfully emperor shorten modernize throne duke burden hand over responsibility armchair confirm rewind cash cheque signature terminal vacant dusty respond staff suspect mourn urgent bedding vital cheerful persevere perseverance faith give way to framework rank morale select booming swear advocate freezing stool gratitude punishment loyal tactful odd stout optimism delay discourage dynamic regular grasp give off bored liver chef changeable caution admirable commitment proverb boundary allocate whichever darling adore pray care for majesty lord bridegroom distribute troop contradict hear out on behalf of flattery flatter beyond question speak out friction forecast oppose pack up frontier give away fond be fond of deceitful corrupt greedy greed innocent cunning storage author sacrifice make a name allergic sneeze insult scold drunken scratch baggage demand props 选修十Unit 3 civil trolleybus register boycott prohibit offence unjust separation tradition submit unwilling seize seize on collision collision course hopeful negotiate chaos sandal punctual coincidence pedestrian march pavement salute abuse hostility resolve prayer bomb supreme

nationwide constitution constitutional fundamental battle happiness liberty skim evident self-evident brief discrimination currency lotus cuisine educator seminar acquisition ballet album resemble cassette tend to (do sth) messy injustice possess sponsor eccentric generous merchant staight away warehouse bargain burglar sequence inspect philosophy commit live out creed brotherhood oasis symphony almighty quotation metaphor simile dominate 选修十Unit 4 efficient efficiently diameter recipe booklet endeavour competent up to … caption digest beneath adopt preview frequent in detail manual assess consult underneath shabby rainbow brewery acute bent cab n tiresome vague bonus auditory tactile oral component concrete 选修十Unit 5 literary genre recount consensus equality in force twist contradiction get round limitation obstacle ironic hopeless under the name of … skeptical see through deception approval explicit struggle against outspoken growth childhood hail revelation premier ambiguous concession stand out critic bungalow chain dangle semicircle squeak pull oneself up roof collar bench pine claw squirrel romance vain in vain signal discount sensitive decline arrogant at length enquire against one’s will think ill of do everything in to …

rejoice initial fault hasty hastily sensible 选修十一Unit 1 tectonic geological geology plateau backbone graze one’s power

strip carve paddle uninhabited scarce warlike wipe out take over fence immunity immune treaty enquiry extension vertical axis 选修十一Unit 2 detect jogger forensic spray fingerprint stain wrap peculiar 选修十一Unit 3 strategy myth harmony well-balanced prescription cope cope with let down proportion fulfill representative ownership unrest civilian fasten elastic suspension appetite buffet pasta porter suite lounge laundry helicopter brunch dairy statistics eco-friendly subtropical fiord not to mention recreation raft get around hemisphere schedule extensive flexible pace insurance insure theft handy consultant guidance database cater cater for sb/sth bind torso surgeon X-ray abnormal emergency by law jury imprisonment assessment widow compensate maximum motive savagely ward lame thriller confidential ministry funeral memorial trend unemployment taxpayer import aluminum surplus flame greengrocer greengrocer’s alley remark make of sth/sb candidate furnish expel allowance every so often effective agenda interval session contradictory revise curriculum informal deadline rigid subscribe post-graduate academy stead stand sb in good stead employer diploma Format glory glory in forgetful administration choir postcode withdraw sake for one’s own sake pursuit pursue pedicab sleep rough feed on philosophical socialism receipt overweigh ensure reproach jealousy

cease cease to be count up reinforce 选修十一Unit 4

split violate temporary statesmanlike unconditional scar howl zoom zoom in on insignificant fleece 选修十一Unit 5 vice versa (be) faced with scholarship in disbelief drop into unsettling dozens of bureaucratic ethos minefield unwary autobiography build on prosperous to tell you the truth tempt appendix roundabout

merciful at the crack of dawn quick as a flash hatch whistle heel a wolf in sheep’s clothing pint dead to the world socket stagger agony belly wrestle marble arch coarse pillow quilt trough slice wear off saucer freeway plug hydrogen clay moustache mustard enlarge tournament fist combat walnut transparent transparently tug dismay pulse now and again expectantly suck co-operate hand out preference anticipation intellectual arithmetic algebra interpersonal complex agro-scientific core drop in recommendation call on composer stewardess diplomat embassy referee brake swerve missile circuit go on-circuit razor shaver oval orbit substance curriculum vitae (CV) nickname presentational fabulous IELTS

accountancy function

