SQA HND 商务行为技巧考试 outcome1-3

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Unit Title:Behavioural Skills for Business Assessor Name:

Submission Date: 03/11/2014

Outcome 1-3

Candidate Name: Candidate ID:

Course Group: Business with Accounting

Candidate Grade: 2012

Word Count: 2486


Q1: Manage role theory…………………………………………………2 Q2: Behaviours Skills……………………………………..……………4 Q3: Conflicts……………………………………………………………..10 Q4: Metting and Briefings……………………………………….12 Q5: Time Management………………………………………..14 Q6: Stress management…………………………………………….15 Q7: Problem Solving……………………………………………….16 References…………………………………………………………………17


Q1: Manage role theory

Henry Mintzberg’s research,the manage role consists of interpersonal role,informational role and decisional role. In this case, Jess as the role of a leader. Jess and the relationship between the employee is not good, but jess must establish a friendly relationship with them. Then she should lead the team to achieve organizational goals, also need to help and encourage the team to achieve the company's goal to complete the task of decision-makers.

Interpersonal role:A manager’s interpersonal roles are the result of the position he or she holds in management.

There are three roles below: Figurehead role:

Duties may be involved in daily affairs, almost does not include a serious communication or important decision-making, however, they can be smoothly is very important to an organization, managers cannot be ignored.

The top level manager represents the company legally and socially to those outside the organization. Liaison role:

the highly manager according to communication with external environment, which get the favors and information for the organization. The top level manager uses the liaison role to gain favours and information. The supervisor uses management to maintain the routine flow of work.

Leader role:

Manager manages the organization, he is responsible for the members of the group work, make up the role of the leader on this point. These actions have some directly related to leadership, for example, in most organizations, managers are usually responsible for hiring and training staff. In addition, there are also some action is indirectly to exercise leadership.


play a leadership to encourage, mobilization and communication between the manager and subordinate relationship

Informational role:The informational roles link all managerial work together; there are three roles about that:

Monitor role:

To seek and obtain some various in specific information for company. Disseminator role:

The manager transmits special information into the organization. Jess should receive and transmit more information from people outside the organization than the supervisor. Spokesperson role:

The manager disseminates the organization’s information into its environment. the top level manager is seen as an industry expert, while the supervisor is seen as a unit or departmental expert.

In this case, Jess is a monitor role as a new manager, and she should monitor the behavior of staff and transmit important information to the company.

Decisional role: The decisional roles make significant use of the information, there are four roles about that:


the role of manager can reformation the project and make decision. Disturbance handler:

the manager is responsible for the remedial action when the company face the trouble. Resource-allocator:

the manager is responsible for distribution the resource for each department. Negotiator:

the manager as a representative for organization in the primary negotiates meet.


In this case, Jess is the resource allocator as a manager. He's In a new team, the team has not yet been assigned. As the role of the resource allocator, Jess to unite the whole team. Fully allocated tasks, better communicate with other departments. Department at the same time a good task allocation can strengthen the team's ability to handle problems.

Leadership theory

Leadership is just one of the many assets a successful manager must possess, some of approaches to leadership can be used for Jess. There are some approaches to leadership, which includes the trait approach, the functional approach, the behavioral approach, the style approach, the situational/contingency approach and the transformational approach.

The trait approach: some trait should be possessed by a leader, which they should have the spirits about adaptable, ambitious and achievement-oriented, tolerant of stress and cooperative ect.

The functional approach: John Adair argues that the effectiveness of the leader depends upon their ability to meet three overlapping areas of need of the group being led. Team needs maintaining morale, developing cohesiveness, maintaining orders, ensuring effective communication within the group. Task needs defining objectives, planning the work, allocating resources and so on. Individual needs personal issue,and dealing with conflict between group needs and individuals needs.

The behavioral approach: Ohio State University studies and Michigan studies has the same result of study, they aim to employee-concerned and production-concerned. The style approach: the leadership Grid presents two axe vertical axis measure concern for people (similar to consideration or employee-concerned); the horizontal axis measures concern for task (similar to initiating structure or production concerned)

The situational approach: Fiedler’s model of management, the contingency model, suggests that a manager should choose task or employee orientation according to the in


There also has some informal way to relieving stress:

1. Changing you attitude and perceptions: Access to social support, in order to reduce loneliness; a sense of humor; Talk to friends, a balance between work and play.

2. Changing physical quality: enough sleeping and rest; appropriate nutrition; heath care plan.

3. Changing environment: giving up some activities; changing job or residence; stating new job in other areas.

4. Changing relationship between you and environment: confidence; improving skill in target and time management

In the case, Jess of personal‘s stress has following: he cannot effectively communicate with subordinates and she could not effective control her own work time. Jess can go to fitness center exercise to relax or he also can go to see a musical or a movie to get enjoyment and relaxation of body and mind. The method of releasing others’ stress: Jess should recognize the reason why others feel stress and try her best to help others to solve the problem together. When others have stress, Jess can provide some personal suggestion and thoughts which may help others a lot. e.g. Carol can try to communicate with others, by the opinions of others to get to know her own shortcomings and to change and to relax.

Q7: Problem Solving

There are two types of problems and decisions, it is includes Programmed decisions and Nonprogrammer decisions.


The problem solving process has six steps; as following, 1. Defining the problem; 2.Developing potential alternatives; 3.Evaluating the alternatives; 4.Selecting the best alternatives; 5. Implement the decision; 6. Controlling and evaluating.

Problem solving technique (such as substitute, combine and so on); managerial actions to solve problems (recognizing the existence of problem, acknowledging the problem, involving other party, understanding each other’s position, enlisting their co-operation, discussing possible solutions, planning action, resolving the problem in a mutually acceptable way).

In this case the core problem is lack of effective communication.

Jess as the manager of the company does not take action management activities of the organization, coordination and command. She also did not act well in the manager roles of figurehead, liaison and resource allocator. And she also has problem in giving authority to subordinates. The key factor leaded to his problem is that he didn’t have sufficient and effective communication with his staff and workmates.

Jess should be according to the different tasks of different employees assigned to them, those distinct personality that is suitable for the employees, this will depend on how and employees jess subordinate communication can do that. He should solve the conflict between the staff immediately and its also should take care of keeping good relationship with other department and the when commanding works, He should express clearly what should be done. In addition, He also want to timely feedback the information to the organization.

A lack of communication because jess. He will have a lot of pressure at work. It is largely affected jess's work efficiency. In addition, he in relatively poor time management skills. When Jess allocated work, the Elspeth got problem in work, she should immediately feedback to leader and not continue working. However, it is result in she continually fails to meet deadlines and often has to put in extra hours to cope.


So this will influence the time management. And the Jess working longer hours than necessary. So the Jess must communication with well the Elspeth and improve the time management skills.




Behavioural skills for business - Scottish Qualifications Authority. F279.23292/6

Study on the mechanism of corporate culture power from the view of strategic human resource management- Yang Hao Web:




