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Unit5 signs


1.在一个购物中心 2.注意 3.一个果汁店 4.一些果汁 5.一个书店 6.想要做...... 7.带.....进去 8.禁止吃喝 9.吃一些面条 10.在一个饭店 11.禁止乱扔 12.禁止停车 13.禁止抽烟 14.危险

15.对......说 16.如此开心 17.远足 18.在森林里 19.到......时间 20.感觉劳累 21.寻找 22.带一些 23.想要一个 24.继续走路 25.在树上 26.许多猴子 27.在他们周围 28.这个标志 29.这些标志 30.那个标志 31.那些标志 32.进去


过去和现在 六年前

读书和画画 做许多事情 20年前 写信

在办公室 打电话给人 一部手机 写邮件 三十年以前 听

看报纸 在网上 看电子书 交朋友

买东西 来自世界各地 购物 看新闻 努力工作 度假 一节英语课 看出去 继续 星期几

生气了 造一个句子 吃一个蛋糕 等待 在蛋糕里 三岁 一岁


( )1. What this ? It “No smoking”

A.do, mean, means b.does,means,means c.does,mean,means ( )2. a sign the shop.

A. There’s, in b. Have, in c. Has, on


( )3. We shouldn’t here and there,

A.litter b.littering c.litters ( )4. Can he in the bookshop?

A.smoke b.smokes c.smoking ( )5. that sign interesting? Yes, I think so.

A. Does b. What’s c. Is ( )6. There is a shop. He wants to . A.go in b.go to c.goes ( )7. Ben and Jack some signs the wall.

A.can see, on b.can look at, with c.can’t look at, on ( )8. When your father get up every morning? He up at six. A.does, get b.do, get c.does, gets ( )9. Are there storybooks in your room? Yes, there are . A.any, some b.some, any c.any, any ( )10. What this sign mean? It “No fishing”

A.does, means b.do, means c.do,mean ( )11. In the US, people call the metro “ ”

A.underground b.subway c.bus ( )12. The sign “No parking”.

A.mean b.means c.looks ( )13. There’s American student in my class. She is girl.

A.an,a b.a,an c.an,the ( )14. Grandma is reading. We make noise.

A.should b.shouldn’t c.can ( )15. In ,people call the metro “underground”

A.the US B.the UK c. China ( )16. What on the plate? There some bread. A.is, are b.is, is c./,is ( )18. What you do at last week? We were on an in the forest.

A.did, picnic b.does, outing c.did, outing ( )19. My mum is her keys in the bag.

A.looking for b.looking around c.look at ( )20. Can I drink or eat here? No, you .

A.can b.can’t c.should ( )21. We take the hamburgers the food shop.

A.should, out b.shouldn’t ,into c.can, at ( )22. Can we our cars in the street? No, you can’t.

A.litter b.park c.take ( )23. Look ! The boys in the playground happily.

A.are playing b.play c.are play ( )24. My brother a sign the hospital now.

A.look at, on b.is looking at, on c.is looking at, in ( )25. The sign means“ ”. We should be careful.

A. No eating or drinking b. No smoking c. Wet floor


( )26. You see the sign over there ? It means we shouldn’t litter.

A. Are b. Does c. Can’t ( )27. Please smoke here. The sign over on the wall “No smoking” A.don’t , means b.doesn’t ,means c.can’t, mean ( )28. Gao Shan and Liu Tao went on outing in the forest last Friday. A.a b.an c./ ( )29. Su Hai and SuYang are reading magazines a bookshop now.

A.in b.on c.to ( )30. We sleep in class? No, you can’t.

A. Can b. Should c.shouldn’t ( )31. Get up! It’s time breakfast now.

A.to b.for c.on ( )32. that sign “No swimming”.

A. Do, means b. Does ,mean c. Is , mean ( )33. SuHai can’t her bag. Now she it.

A.find, is looking for b.look for, is finding c.find, look for ( )34. You shouldn’t in class.

A.park b.talk c.swim

( )35. She brought some bread and milk the classroom.

A.for b.into c.at ( )36. His mother is giving a toy the baby.

A.for b.to c./ ( )37. They see a lot of dogs around . A.them b.their c.they 三、根据词的适当形式填空

1. Look , the old man (pick)the flowers in the garden. 2. The sign (mean) “No pets”.

3. Liu Tao likes (play)football very much. 4. These (watch)are from his parents. 5. This is not (I)bag. 6. Helen dances (good).

7. What does that sign mean? It means you shouldn’t (litter)there. 8. Can you see that sign? Yes, I think it means “No (swim). 9. My father (take)a walk everyday. 10. Can you see those (sign)?

1. Don’t (make) any noise here. 2. Can you (spell) the word?

3. Su Hai (write) a letter to Jim last week. 4. What are the students (do)? They’re (read)books. 5. Liu Tao (play) basketball every afternoon. 6. Helen (eat) a cake yesterday.

7. There are three (sentence) on the blackboard.


8. My brother (be) six years old last year. 9. Mike (can’t) ride a bike two years ago. 10. My sister wants (watch) TV.

11. My father used a telephone (call) his friends then. 12. Do you want (go)shopping with me?

13. I (read)and (watch) TV with LiuTao last night. 14. Don’t (look) out of the window.

15. All the students (talk) in the classroom now.


1. It means“Wet floor”!(对划线部分提问) it ?

2. They mean you can’t litter here.(改为一般疑问句) You can’t litter here? 3. He sees some signs in the park.(改为否定句)

He signs in the park.

4. Open the door.(改为否定句) the door. 5. He asks Ben some questions about signs.(改为现在进行时)

He Ben some questions about . 6. Can I come in? (作否定回答) , 。 7. They are watching TV now.(用every Sunday替换now改写句子)

They everyday.

8. Li Ming can sing an English song.(改为一般疑问句) Li Ming an English song? 9. It means you can’t smoke here.(改为同义句) It means “ ”. 10. That’s an apple.(改复数句)

Some . 11. The children are flying kites in the playground.(改为否定句) The children kites in the playground. 12. It means “No littering”.(对划线部分提问) does it ?

13. We should walk on the grass.(改为否定句)

We walk on the grass. 14. Open the window.(改为否定句) open the window.

15. It means “No smoking”.(改为一般疑问句) it “No smoking”? 16. It means “Danger”(划线提问) does it ? 17. Go and sit there.(改为否定句) go sit there.

18. I can see some food on the table.(改为一般疑问句)


see food on the table? 19. She is looking for her bag.(对划线部分提问) she looking for?

1. It was Sunday yesterday.(对划线提问) it yesterday? 2. Make a bottle with paper.(改为否定句) a bottle with paper. 3. He waits for the answer.(改为一般疑问句) he for the answer?

4. Jack reads e-books on the Internet.(改为一般过去时) Jack e-books on the Internet.

5. The English lesson goes on.(改为一般过去时) The English lesson on.

6. I could make these sentences .(改为一般疑问句) make these sentences?

7. My grandpa made friends at school twenty years ago.(改为否定句)

My grandpa friends at school twenty years ago.



2.the, floor, it, means, wet, is(.)

3.are, they, a, at, centre, shopping(.)

4.you, do, some, want, juice(?)

5.it, you, not, can, means, here, litter(?)

6.can, you, not, your, take, juice, the ,into, shop(.)

7.that, you, see, can, sign(?)

8.you, it, means, can, eat, not, drink, or(.)

9.are, noodles, they , eating, some, a, in, restaurant(.)

10.smoking, is, someone,here(?)

11.do, smoke, please, not, here(.)

12.are,we,an, on, outing, the, in, forest(.)


13.Bobby, tired, and, feels, and, hungry(.)

14.is, he, looking, the, for, bananas(.)

15.find, they, a, sign, a, on, tree(.)

16.see, they, lot, a, of, monkeys, them, around(.)

17.know, why, not, should, we, I, bananas, eat(.)

18.can, put, where, we, it(?)

19.we, put, can, it, the, on, tree(.)


1.这个标志是什么意思? 它的意思是我们不可以在这里停放自行车。 Does sign ?

It we can’t our here. 2.我们不应该在草坪上走路和丢杂物。

We or on the grass. 3.请不要摸它。它是危险的。

Touch it,please. It’s .

4.我能在那里游泳吗? 不,你不能。那个标志的意思是 禁止游泳。

I there? No , you . That sign means . 5.现在他们正在餐厅吃些面条。

They’re some in a now. 6.昨天他妈妈去了一个购物中心。

His mum went to a yesterday. 7.这个标志的意思是你不应该到处停车。

This sign means you everywhere. 8.小心!那些面包周围有一些蜂蜜。

!There are some bees . 9.他们在干什么? 他们正在谈论公园。

They ?

They the park.

10.我可以看电影吗? 不,你不可以。 你应当做家庭作业。 I ?

No, . You should . 11.你们学校有一些标志吗? 是的,有一些。

There signs in your school? Yes, there . 七、搭配

A B ( )1. Could Jim write one year ago? A. She could write.


( )2. What day is it today? B. Sure, here you are. ( )3. Can I have an e-book? C. Thank you. ( )4. How many radios can you see? D. It’s Thursday. ( )5. Let’s go shopping this afternoon. E. Great !

( )6. What could Helen do? F. I can see seven. ( )7. Your dress is so beautiful. G. Yes , we did.

( )8. Did you have a party last night? H. No, he couldn’t. ( )9. How old was Ben two years ago? I. Yes, I can. ( )10. Can you make a new sentence? J. Ten . 八、辨音

1.bear wear( ) 6.read eat( ) 11.year near( ) 2.ear hear( ) 7.bird girl( ) 12.arm card( ) 3.sister father( ) 8.shirt dirty( ) 13.party warm( ) 4.like ride( ) 9.make radio( ) 14.cloud shout( ) 5.fit ride( ) 10.take make( ) 15.winter sister( ) 十、写出下列单词的过去式

Am play can read Is tell do write Are say take draw Visit have become make bring meet Wear go find Get fly catch Come see buy 十一、根据中文提示完成下列句子 1.五年前,本会读和画,但是不会写。

Five , Ben and draw,but could not . 2.他昨天下午干什么了? 他写信给他的朋友们。 What he yesterday afternoon? He to his friends.

3.你喜欢听收音机吗? 是的,我喜欢。 Do you like the ? Yes, I .

4.你爷爷喜欢干什么? 他喜欢看报纸

What your grandfather ? He likes . 5.二十年前,我们从商店里买衣服。

We shops years . 6.他们在干什么? 他们正在上一节英语课。 What they ?

They an . 7.博比正在往教室外面看。

Bobby is the classroom. 8.今天是星期几? 今天是星期三。


What is it today? It . 9.我会用“蛋”造句。

I can “egg”. 10.去年他会读书和画画。

He books and pictures last . 11.现在他有一部手机,他能在任何地方给人们打电话 。

Now he a . He can call people . 12.十年前,我爷爷听收音机。

Ten , my grandpa the radio. 13.现在他有来自全世界的网友。

Now he from over the . 14.博比仍然朝门外面看。

Bobby is still the . 15.现在他可以在网上看新闻。

Now he can the Internet. 16.现在她也在网上购物。

She the Internet too.




1.保持安静 2.这些图片 3.使......变脏 4.又乱又脏 5.在水里 6.乘公交车 7.步行去 8.从.......搬走 9.把......放在......里 10.栽更多的树 11.做得好 12.在垃圾桶里 13.在地板上 14.扫地 15.擦桌子 16.步行回家 17.放学后 18.住在 19.许多电影院 20.干净又漂亮 21.在地上 22.吃香蕉 23.做那个 24.捡起来 25.太迟了 26.去医院 二、单项选择

( )1. Who your school so clean? The cleaners.

A.makes b.making c.make ( )2. The water dirty? Yes . There a lot of dead fish.

A. Is, are b.is, are c. Is ,is ( )3. There a lot of air around us.

A.is b.are c.am ( )4. I can see many around the lake.

A.bus and cars b.bus and a car c.buses and cars ( )5. There are a lot of in China.

A.city b.cities c.citys ( )6. We can the bus and the metro to school.


A.took b.take c.by ( )7.


