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单 元:Unit4 课 题 :Where’s my car? 课 时: Period 1 教学内容:A Let’s learn Let’s play Let’s spell 教学目标 知识与技能:

1. Talk about where things are; 2. Inquire where things are;

3. Learn the using of preposition “on, in, under” 4. Can listen speak read the sentences A:where is my(the)...? B:It's on(in)the... 过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class. 情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity. 教学重点:

New words: on in under chair desk where car is. 教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them. 教学准备:T’s word cards 教学过程: Step1 Warm up

T: Good afternoon, boys and girl. Nice to meet you.

T: Where is your nose? Where is your mouth? Touch your mouth. Where is your ear? Yes. Good. Where is your pencil? Where is your ruler? Show me your pen! It’s a box. It’s a car. Oh, What’s missing?


Step2 Presentation

T: My car is missing. Where is my car? (Ss read where is my car?) T: Look, look, look. Here is it! It’s on the desk. (Teach on the desk, On on on, on the desk.)

Where is my car? It’s on the desk. Step3 Let’s practice

T: Where is my car? Ss: on, on, on, on the desk. T/S: Where is my pencil case? Ss: on on on, on the desk. T/S: Where is my ruler? Ss: on on on, on the pencil case Step4 Presentation

T: Where is my book? (Teacher is looking for it ) T: Er-eh! Where is my book? T: On your desk? T: On your chair?

T/S: Oh, look!It’s under the chair.

T: Under, under (Read and show the word card un-der) Under, under, under the chair. (Ss read it )

T: where is my book? Ss:under,under,under the chair. Like this teach the preposition in and toy car/ in the toy box T: It’s a toy car. I have a toy car too. (toy car ) B-oy, boy, t-oy, toy, toy, toy

T:I have many toys. Toy bear. Your turn! (Ss do) Put it in the box. Toy boat, I put it in the box. T:Now, I have a toy box. (Teach toy box) It’s in the toy box.

T: Toy ? , It’s in the toy box. T:Take out a toy,put it on the box。

Ss:A toy bear. (It’s on the box. T good. / It’s in the toy box. T: in the toy box? Ss: no! on the toy box.)


Step5 Guess game

T:Let’s play a guessing game.

T: Where is your sharpener? A: under the chair. B: under the desk. You can guess. Or under the chair? Under the desk? Let’s have a look.Under the desk? No. Under the chair? Yes. Step6 Group work

T: A: Where is my book? B It’s under the Chair.

A: Where is my car? B It’s under the Chair. (make a dialogue with your desk mate. ) Step7 Let’s do

T:Great. Er, where is my ?? Oh, yes. It’s here. Put my book on my desk. Ok, boys and girls, put your book on your desk. Where is your book?

Put your book under your chair. Where is your book? Put the book on your chair. Where is your book?

Very good. Put your book on your desk and put your hands one your desk too. Great. Step 8 Homework

1.Copy the new words:on in under chair desk where car is . 2.Listen Let’s learn on P39 and the words fluently. 板书设计:Unit 4 Where is my car?

A:where is my(the)...? B:It's on(in)the...




单 元:Unit4 课 题 :Where’s my car? 课 时: Period 2 教学内容:A Let’s talk Let’s do story time 教学目标 知识与技能:

1. Talk about where things are; 2. Inquire where things are;

3. Learn the using of preposition “on, in, under” 4. Can listen speak read the sentences A:where is my(the)...? B:It's on(in)the... 过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class. 情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity. 教学重点:

New words: on in under chair desk where car is. 教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them. 教学准备:T’s word cards 教学过程: Step1 Warm up

T:Let’s sing a song Where is the toy car? Step2 Revision

T: My book is missing. Where is my book? Guess .Ss guess It’s on the desk. It’s under the chair/ in the desk.

Step3 Presentation


T: Where is my pencil box? (Teacher is looking for it ) Ss: On your desk? T: No.

Ss: In your desk?

T/S: Oh, no!It’s under the chair. Like this practice the target language. Step4 Let’s talk

T: Look at the pictures,let’s read the conversation,then listen to the tape, read it after the recorder. Step5 Group work

A: Where is my book? B: It’s under the Chair. A: Where is my pen? B: It’s in the pencil box. (make a dialogue with your desk mate. ) Step6 Let’s do

T:Stand up, listen to the order then let’s do . Step6 Story time

Let’s look at the cartoon,what our friends Zip and Zoom are doing? Let’s go and have a look. Step 8 Homework

1.Recite the new words:on in under chair desk where car is . 2.Listen Let’s talk on P38 and read the words fluently. 板书设计:Unit 4 Where is my car?

A:where is my(the)...? B:It's on(in)the...




单 元:Unit4 课 题 :Where’s my car? 课 时: Period 3 教学内容:B Let’s learn Let’s play Let’s do 教学目标 知识与技能:

1. Talk about where things are; 2. Inquire where things are;

3. Learn the using of preposition “on, in, under” 4. Can listen speak read the sentences A:Is it in your bag? B:Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Have a good time! 过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class. 情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity. 教学重点:

New words: cap ball boat toy box map it 教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them. 教学准备:T’s word cards 教学过程: Step1 Warm up T:Let’s do on P39. Step2 Revision

T: Put some school things on the desk/in the desk/under the desk and so on. Review Where is my book? Guess .Ss guess It’s 6

on the desk/It’s under the chair/ in the desk. Step3 Presentation

T:Point the cap, ask What’s this? It’s a cap. Teach the new word cap.I hide it , Where is my cap? Lead Ss ask Is it in/on/under...?

T: Where is my cap? Ss: Is it in your desk? T: No.

Ss: Is it on your desk? T: Oh, no!

Ss: Is it under your desk? T: Oh, yes!

Like this teach the other new words and practice the target language. Step4 Group work

A: Where is my book? B:Is it under the chair? A: Yes/No. B: It’s in the pencil box. (make a dialogue with your desk mate. ) Step5 Let’s do

T:Let’s look at the cartoon, then stand up, listen to the order then let’s do . Step6 Summary

Let’s sum up ,then let’s read them. Step 8 Homework

1.Copy the new words: cap ball boat toy box map it . 2.Listen Let’s lesrn on P42 and read the words fluently. 3.Practice the target language with your partner.


板书设计:Unit 4 Where is my car?

A:where is my(the)...? A:Is it in your bag? B:Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.




单 元:Unit4 课 题 :Where’s my car? 课 时: Period 4 教学内容:B Let’s talk Start to read Let’s check 教学目标 知识与技能:

1. Talk about where things are; 2. Inquire where things are;

3. Learn the using of preposition “on, in, under” 4. Can listen speak read the sentences A:Is it in your bag? B:Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Have a good time! 过程与方法:

Use tasked-based teaching methods and situation teaching method, with some games and chants to interest the class. 情感态度价值观:

Pupil is interested in the activity. 教学重点: New words. 教学难点:

Pupil can make up some dialogues with them. 教学准备:T’s word cards 教学过程: Step1 Warm up

T: Let’s sing a song Where is the toy car? Step2 Revision

T:Show some school things. Ask Where is my book? Ss answer It’s on the desk. It’s under the chair/ in the desk.


Step3 Let’s talk

T: Where is my cap? (Teacher is looking for it ) Ss: Is it in your bag? T: No, it isn’t. Ss: Is it in your desk?

T/S: Oh, no!It’s under the chair. Like this practice the target language.

T: Look at the pictures,let’s read the conversation,then listen to the tape, read it after the recorder. Step4 Group work

A: Where is my book? B: It’s under the Chair. A: Where is my pen? B: It’s in the pencil box. (make a dialogue with your desk mate. ) Step6 Let’s check

T: listen to the tape then let’s tick or cross . Step6 Start to read

Let’s look at the cartoon, read and tick or cross, finally let’s check it out. Step 8 Homework

1.Recite the new words in unit4 .

2.Listen Let’s talk on P41 and read the words fluently. 板书设计:Unit 4 Where is my car?

A:where is my(the)...? B:It's on(in)the...



