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初 四 英 语 试 题

本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分,共9页,满分90分,考试时间100分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项:


2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。答案不能写在试卷上。 3.第Ⅱ卷必须用0.5毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置,不能写在试卷上;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案。

4.答案不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带修改。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 一、完形填空(共10小题,满分10分)

阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 Last night my family all went skating. It was the first time for Joshua to skate. Every time he 1 , he would try to get up as fast as he could and start again. He did this many times. When he had 2 rest, I asked him if he was OK. He looked at me and said, “Yes, Mom, this is fun.”

As I watched Joshua, I 3 that we do the same thing throughout life. We all have dreams we try to achieve. We start out all excited, believing that we can solve any 4 that comes our way. Then we get knocked down. We get up and start again, 5 with less enthusiasm(热情). The next time we fall, we find it a little harder to get up. Some 6 their dreams when success is just around the corner.

Suddenly I saw Joshua was actually skating. He seemed to have good balance. I was so 7 . I said, “Joshua, that is it. You are really skating.” He said, “I know, Mom. I have been skating all night.”

That was when I realized 8 secret of success. Joshua did not know that he was not skating like everyone else. He just kept working hard and his efforts(努力) brought good results.

Joshua 9 me two lessons that night. One lesson is to keep trying and never give up.

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The other lesson is to keep our eyes 10 our goals(目标) and not on the people or circumstances(环境) around us. Joshua did not care what he looked like to others; he only cared about finishing the task. 1. A. rested 2. A. a

B. fell B. an

C. stood C. the

D. played D. 不填 D. remembered D. chance D. after D. think up D. active

3. A. hoped 4. A. dream 5. A. but

B. pretended B. problem B. until B. give up B. serious B. her

C. realized C. idea C. so

6. A. make up 7. A. worried 8. A. his 9. A. found 10. A. in

C. look up C. proud C. my

D. their

D. suggested D. around

B. taught B. at

C. designed

C. on





More than forty years ago, a group of artists gathered to develop a television program. They planned to make a television show that would teach young children about subjects like reading and math in a fun way.

Sesame Street was first shown on TV on November 10th, 1969. It was produced by a group called The Children’s Television Workshop, and today it was called The Sesame Workshop. The show combines animation (动画), music, large puppets (布偶) and human actors to create funny and creative lessons. Some of the most famous characters on the show are Big Bird, Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, and Bert and Ernie. Puppet maker Jim Henson created these lovely characters.

Research is an important part of what made Sesame Street special. The show’s creators studied children very carefully to understand how to best keep them having fun and learning. When the show was first introduced to children, some of its creators were not sure whether it would last one season. But forty years later, Sesame Street is the longest running children’s

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television program in the United States.

As part of its fortieth anniversary (周年纪念日), Sesame Street had a special guest on its show. First Lady Michelle Obama showed a group of children and Big Bird how to plant. She explained that the seeds would grow into vegetables, which are healthy and good to eat. She also had a message to the parents who watch the show with their children. She said parents can help their children do things to have healthy lives, like getting enough exercise. 11. The lovely characters in the program were created by ________. A. Cookie Monster B. Jim Henson C. Big Bird D. Michelle Obama 12. Sesame Street was produced mainly________.

A. to make money B. to introduce the United States C. to teach parents D. to help children learn

13. On the program’s fortieth anniversary, First Lady tried to help parents learn ________. A. how to grow and eat vegetables correctly B. to watch the show with their children C. to teach children to do enough exercise D. the importance of a healthy life for their children


If you’re too busy, maybe it’s time you slowed down and enjoyed a meal with a friend. Try to get away from fast food and choose slow food.

For years, the pace(节奏)of life has increased for many people. They are too busy to cook. Luckily, there are business people who take the chance to provide a “fast” way to deal with the problem. You can go to the supermarket and buy cooked food. All you have to do is to heat it and you can enjoy your meal in 10 minutes.

Still too slow? OK, just go to a fast-food restaurant, order your meal and within 5 minutes it will be made for you.

The problem is health. Fast food has much more fat, sugar, salt, oil and calories(卡路里)and far fewer vitamins(维生素) than homemade food. And so, since people have always wanted to live longer, a small but growing population is choosing not only fresh food, but also organic(有机的)food.

Another reason for changes in eating habits is social. Over the centuries, mealtime has been used to visit, laugh and learn. However, today most of us are having a very different lifestyle! Some people have realized it and they are looking for ways to return to that. Goodbye, McDonald’s.

Finally, it makes you feel good to plan your meal, cook your meal and see your meal

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looking like the picture in your cook book. So if you’re too busy, maybe it’s time you slowed down and enjoyed a homemade meal.

14. Why do many people buy cooked food in the supermarket? A. It saves them time. B. It saves them money.

C. They think it’s delicious. D. They think it’s a fashion to eat it.

15. The writer thinks we just have to wait________ minutes at most for our meal in a fast-food restaurant.

A. three B. five C. eight D. ten 16. Fast food is low in______.

A. sugar B. salt C. vitamins D. calories 17. What does the underlined word “that” in paragraph 5 mean? A. Visiting friends. B. Enjoying slow food.

C. Having a different lifestyle. D. Eating in a fast-food restaurant.


You will have a lot of reading to do in this grade this year. You can do more of it in less time if you learn to read fast.

Perhaps your teacher has told you to break some bad habits and keep some good ones of reading. Check yourself by answering “yes” or “no” to these questions: ? Do you move your lips(嘴唇) when reading silently? ? Do you point to words with your finger as you read? ? Do you move your head from side to side as you read? ? Do you read one word at a time?

If you answer “yes” to one of these questions, start at once to break the habit. If you move your lips, you can hold your fingers over them, or hold a piece of paper between them while reading. You may know it and then stop them.

If you point to words, you can hold the two sides of your book, one side with your left hand, the other side with your right hand. Then you won’t have a free finger to use while reading.

If you move your head, you can put your chin(下巴)in one hand to hold your head. If you read only one word at a time, you need to work very hard to read more words at each glance(一瞥) as your eyes move along the lines of words.

Even if you read fast now, learn to do even faster. Fast reading is to read whole groups of words at each glance and let your eyes move along the lines of words as fast as you can. Anyone who practices doing these things will be able to read faster. 18. If you answer “no” to the questions, we can tell that you______.

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A. have good reading habits B. have bad reading habits

C. are very knowledgeable D. are hard-working

19. You may hold your fingers over your lips while reading so as to ______. A. tell others to be silent B. feel whether your lips move or not C. stop your reading loudly D. keep yourself from talking to others 20. How many bad reading habits are mentioned in the passage? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five. 21. This passage is mainly about ______.

A. how to read faster B. how to choose reading materials C. the importance of reading D. some good habits of reading


One rainy morning, my phone woke me up. 22

Clearly, my friend had left it in the taxi the night before. The driver had called other numbers in the phone but I was the first one who answered.

A rainy morning for taxi drivers in this big city is a very busy time . 23 I told him the street where I lived and quickly jumped out of bed and got dressed so I could meet him on the corner.

24 Also, I was so happy for my friend who had only recently moved to this city. And I could imagine how important his mobile phone was to him!

I asked the taxi driver for his name, so my friend himself could thank him. 25 Then he drove off.

I e-mailed my friend telling him I had his phone and how I had received it. Hearing this, my friend was thankful and said kindness was really everywhere in this world.

A. When he arrived, I thanked him and praised him for having such a kind and beautiful heart . B .He asked me where he could meet me to give me the mobile phone. C. The taxi driver was a kind-hearted man.

D. He said my praises and thanks were all that he needed.

E. It was a phone call from a taxi driver who had my friend’s mobile phone.




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