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Unite one:
There are two factors which determine an individuals intelligence. The first is the sort of brain he is born 1.with .Human brains differ considerably, 2.some being more capable than others .
3.But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with ,an individual will have a low order of intelligence 4.unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what 5.happens to the individual-the sort of environment in which he is brought
6.up .If an individual is handicapped 7.environmentally, it is likely that his brain will 8.fail to develop and he will 9.never attain the level of intelligence of which he is 10.capable. The importance of environment in determining an individuals intelligence can be
11.demonstrated by the case history of the identical twins, Peter and John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in 12.separate foster homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an 13.isolated community with poor educational 14.opportunities. John, 15.however, was educated in home of well-to-do parents who had been to college, This environmental 16.difference continued until the twins were
17.in their late teens, 18.when they were given tests to 19.measure their intelligence. Johns I.Q was 125,twenty-five points higher than the 20.average and fully forty points higher than his identical ,,,
Unite tow:
Recent studies of the human brain have resulted in some interesting discoveries. Scientists believe that a way to improve the power of the brain may soon be possible.
Scientists have 1.discovered that the brain can make its own drugs. The brain contains a protein 2.substance which can act directly 3.on the brain to change aspects of mental activity. Some may change or improve, for example, 4.creativity, intelligence, imagination, and good memory.
Chemicals found in the brain 5.carry messages .In recent years scientists have found chemicals that 6.affect mood, memory and other happenings of the 7. mind .About 25 have been found 8.so far .
Today the role of 9.chemicals and protein substance in human behaviour is creating much 10.interest .Research seems to show that they may help 11.control insomnia, pain, and mental illness .They have a great capacity to 12.stimulate the brain to conquer deficiencies. 13.They also improve the qualities of memory and 14.learning already in the brain .They hold the secret to mood and emotion. Some day there may be a chemical way to create a better more 15.efficient brain.
Unite three:
By measuring the amount of HIVs genetic material in various representative tissue samples from infected people, and extrapolating form these 1.samples to the entire body, Haase estimates that at most 1 in 2,500 cells, maybe fewer, is infected with HIV. This is nowhere near enough for direct cell killing to account for the depletion in their numbers that 2.leads to AIDS.
Haase says that his own work now shows that large numbers of CD4 cell ate becoming 3.trapped in lymph tissue, and he believes that HIV also 4.disrupts the production of new cells. In common with a number of other researchers, he also believes that HIV may cause the 5.loss of uninfected CD4 cells by triggering abnormally high levels of cell suicide ,or apoptosis-a separate process that has been a subject of research throughout the 1990s .
Taken together, these 6.findings clearly suggest that HIV keeps the 7.immune system in a state of constant activation, and unbalances it in four 8.ways :by trapping mature cells ,by stopping the production of new cells, by triggering abnormally high rates of apoptosis and by killing a small but significant 9.number of cells ,
directly. Their combined impact leaves the immune system depleted and unable to 10.cope with opportunistic infections.
How will any of this affect treatments? Would better knowledge of the ways in 11.which the virus disturbs the immune system enable researchers to 12.rebuild it ,broadening the depleted repertoire of CD4 cells ? Roederer , at least, thinks that drugs that directly affect the immune system will be needed.
Others go 13.further, Jay Levy at the University of California , San Francisco, worries that 14.prolonged treatment with cocktails of antiviral 15.drugs might even fool the immune system and “put it to rest”, by keeping levels of HIV so low in the body 16.that they fail to trigger any immune responses 17.at all. This might make individuals who stop 18.taking the drugs even more vulnerable. He
19.argues that immune-restoring treatments should be given
20.alongside antiviral drugs. Already, some researchers are working on novel approaches such as developing genetically engineered T cell to replace lose CD4 cells.
Unite four: what is Golbalization?
Economic “globalization” is a historical process, the result of human innovation and technological progress .It refers to the
increasing integration of economies around the world , particularly through trade and financial flows. The term sometimes also 1.refers to the movement of people (labor) and knowledge (technology)
2.across international borders. There are also broader cultural, political and environmental dimensions of globalization that are not
3.covered here .
At its most basic, there is 4.nothing mysterious about globalization. The term 5.has come to common usage since the 1980s, reflecting technological advances that 6.make it easier and quicker to complete international 7.transactions –both trade an financial flows, It refers to an extension beyond national borders of the same market forces that have operated for centuries 8.at all levels of human economic activity-village markets, urban industries ,or financial centers.
Markets promote efficiency 19.through competition and the division of labor-the specialization that allows people and economies to 10.focus on what they do best .Global markets offer greater opportunity for people to tap into more and larger markets around the world. It means that they can11. have access to more capital flows, technology, cheaper imports, and larger export markets. But markets do not 12.necessarily ensure that the benefits of increased efficiency are shared by all. Countries must 13.be
prepared to embrace the policies needed, and 14.in the case of the poorest countries may need the support of the international
munity as they do so .
Unite five: Spinal Cords
Agricultural and public-health experts in Britain find many other serious flaws in the government's 1.handling of the mad-cow epidemic. Officials waited 18 months after discovering the first cases of BSE to declare it a “notifiable” 2.disease ,requiring that all cases be reported to the authorities. They waited nearly three years to 3.forbid use of cattle brains and spinal cords in food for
4.humans .The government offered to compensate farmers for
5.any suspected BSE cases they destroyed—but at far less then the animal's 6.normal value, a rate that 7.discouraged farmers from reporting the disease in their herds, according to critics. “It could all have been over in a month,” says Millstone. “It might have cost a few million pounds. But that's a fraction of what it's going to cost now.”
Currie argues that the government 8.likewise fumbled when it disclosed the possible link between CJD and mad-cow disease. “If you are going to announce a health scare,” she says, “you have to
9.announce at the same time what you are going to do about it.”
The government has yet to announce any 10.preventive measures beyond afew tightened restricttions, such as the ban on mammalian meat in cattle feed. Currie herself knows all too well how easy it is to start a public health 11.panic ; she left her post as health minister after helping touch off a scare in the winter of 1988-98 over the safety of British eggs and other farm 12.products.
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