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Nsce2. U2.AR1 Preview Assignments

A. Put down the part of speech (词类,词性) and the Chinese meaning of the following words (make sure you know how to read them):

1. empathy: 11. evoke: 2. unfold: 12. distinct: 3. well: 13. plight: 4. retrieve: 14. repertoire: 5. trace: 15. stroke: 6. virtually: 16. toddler: 7. precursor: 17. diverge: 8. distress: 18. keenly: 9. disturbance: 19. discipline: 10. mimicry: 20. misbehavior:

B. Translate the following expressions into English based on the text:

1. 泪水涌出 1. 2. 表示同情和关爱的举动 2. 3. 同感行为 3. 4. 最初先兆 4. 5. 独立于其他人 5. 6. 一种身体模仿 6. 7. 轻拍头和肩膀(安慰) 7. 8. 在······各有不同 8. 9. 对······的总体敏感度 9. 10. 培养出一套同感反应行为 10.

C. Answer the following questions:

1. What did Hope do when she saw another baby fall?

2 Why did Michael give his teddy bear to Paul?

3. Who observed and recorded these actions?

4 When was the word empathy first used in English to describe such reactions?

