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Section Ⅲ Discovering Useful Structures


1.Yesterday we were deeply moved(move) by the movie directed by Zhang Yimou.2.I am very delighted(delight) at the news that my brother got the first place in the long-distance race.

3.We were all inspired by the inspiring speech made by the well-known teacher.(inspire)

4.My parents were satisfied(satisfy) with the plan for our summer vacation.5.Tony is really amusing and tells jokes when he thinks we’re getting bored(bore).6.Guided(guide) by an artist, the girl made great progress.

7.Though defeated(defeat) many times, the man didn’t lose heart.

8.Worried(worry) about their children’s safety, parents together with the teachers went into the mountains in search of the lost(lose) students.9.Praised(praise) by the head teacher, Amy was excited all day.

10.Completely examined(examine) by the doctors, Mr.Lee went back to work right now.


1.When it is seen from the hill, the town looks more beautiful.

→Seen_from_the_hill,_the town looks more beautiful.

2.When he was asked about the accident, Mr.Black burst into tears.

→When_asked about the accident, Mr.Black burst into tears.

3.Mr.Yang, who was deeply moved, thanked the kids again and again.

→Mr.Yang,deeply_moved,_thanked the kids again and again.

4.I have read the book twice, which was written by a famous British writer.→I have read the book written_by a famous British writer twice.

5.As they were influenced by the warm-hearted worker’s example, the couple did countless good deeds.

→Influenced_by the warm-hearted worker’s example, the couple did countless good deeds.


1.(2017·全国卷Ⅱ)In their spare time, they are interested(interest) in planting vegetables in their garden.

2.We all felt excited(excite) that Wu Dajing won the first gold medal for our country at the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Olympics.

3.We feel honoured(honour) to have you here in our English Week Activities.4.Greatly touched(touch) by the teacher’s words, he did a lot of things to help classmates.

5.Hearing(hear) the bell, the students began to enter the classroom.

6.Divided(pide) into three groups, the students began to discuss the topic left over last time.

7.Offered(offer) an important role in a new movie, Andy has a chance to become famous.

8.Supported(support) by his brothers, he could continue his study in the university.

9.Seen(see) from t he top of a thirty-storey building, Beijing looks more splendid.10.Given(give) enough water and sunlight, the plant will grow to three metres.11.Faced(face) with a difficult situation, Arnold decided to ask his boss for advice.

12.Judging(judge) from the number of cars, there were many people at the meeting.Ⅱ阅读理解

Since I was born, I have been listening to music all the time.Not just any music, but the right kind of music.

It may seem strange to say that, but hearing good music played well by a big music group is something that a lot of people no longer experience.Most people are musically illiterate(了解不多的) simply because they have never had any chance to listen to good music.Many people are unfamiliar with the sound of a symphony orchestra(交响乐团).They only hear orchestra music while watching ads and films.But to me a symphony orchestra is the biggest instrument in the world.To hear a full symphony orchestra on stage and to feel the power of the sound—it is like a big wave.It is an amazing experience and it is one that I was lucky enough to grow up with.My mother was a well-known singer.She had been a member of the Vienna State Opera and the Budapest State Opera and as a baby I was taken along to concerts and stages.I was not necessarily listening to classical music but always good music played well.My mother was the sixteenth child in her family.She was the youngest and by the

time she was born, her oldest sister also had a child with whom she shared a bed.With so many loving families around her, my mother grew up happily to be a cheerful woman.Because I lost my father when I was very young, I do not remember much about him.What I do know is largely what I have been told by my mother.I am like him in many ways.He was obviously a very serious man, always appearing sad.I seem to have inherited(继承) something of that from him.Fortunately, I inherited far more of my mo ther’s happiness—a real show business personality(性格).


1.Why does the author think that most people are musically illiterate?

A.They are not interested in music.

B.They don’t listen to music very often.

C.They can’t tell good music from bad music.

D.They have no chance to listen to well-played music.

D解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的Most people are musically illiterate(了解不多的) simply because they have never had any chance to listen to good music.可知,多数人都没有机会接触高质量高水准的音乐作品。

2.What does the author think of hearing a symphony orchestra on stage?

A.It inspires him to get on stage one day.

B.It makes him feel like getting stuck in a big wave.

C.It’s very different from hearing orchestra music in films.

D.It can create the same feeling as watching powerful ads.

C解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的They only hear orchestra music while watching ads and films...it is like a big wave.可知,现场听交响乐表演和听电影中的交响乐体验是完全不同的。

3.What can be learned about the author as a baby?

A.He helped his mother a lot.

B.He learned music from his mother.

C.He went to his mother’s workplace.

D.He listened to classical music every day.

C解析:细节理解题。由第三段中的as a baby I was taken along to concerts and stages 可知,作者常常被妈妈带到工作的地方。

4.What would the author probably like to do in the future?

A.To be a teacher.

B.To be a stage player.

C.To be an ad designer.

D.To be a businessman.

B解析:推理判断题。由最后一段中的a real show business personality可知,作者有可能成为舞台表演者。


Deciding whether or not to take part in an extracurricular(课外的) activity can be a challenge(挑战).Before signing up to play on the volleyball team, first consider the advantages and disadvantages of such a decision.

1.________ Students are successful when they take part in many activities.They do well in their classes and feel more connected to school.Research shows that students in extracurricular activities have better attendance and grades.

Extracurricular activities also help students make new friends and lasting relationships.2.________ Even though we became friends a long time ago, we are still close today.

While these activities have many advantages, students should consider the downside as well.3.________ Extracurricular activities can be too much for students who do not practise good time management.Students need to be good at managing their time between different activities.

Another downside to extracurricular activities involves transportation.4.________ This situation limits students’extracurricular choices to those outside the school and closer to home.A few of my classmates joined the school’s cultural club.They later discovered that it met after school.These students dropped out of the club because they had to catch their buses.

Only you can decide if extracurricular activities are right for you.Activities outside the school can help you succeed in many areas of your life.5.________ Are you up for a challenge?

A.We were both in the eight-and-under age group.

B.Some clubs or sports meet before or after school.

C.One downside is that it can create a busy life for students.

D.Many students are tired from all the things they have to do.

E.Taking part in extracurricular activities has many advantages.

F.I met my best friend when we were on the YMCA swim team.

G.However, you need good time management skills to deal with a busy life.



2.F解析:本空是对前一句的举例说明,且下一句中的we became friends与F项中的I met my best friend在语意上相关。


4.B解析:B项内容与下一句形成因果关系,本空后面的This situation指代B项内容。



Traffic jams(堵塞) are a common problem in larger cities.In some cities, traffic jams get so bad during rush hours that it is sometimes 1.____________(fast) to walk than to drive.Traffic accidents are also a problem.Sadly these problems are not easy to solve.However, a traffic system(系统) being tested in several cities in Northern Europe has led to some surprising 2.____________(result).The system 3.____________(call) “shared-streets”.It is a system that has very few traffic laws.As a result, shared-street areas have no traffic lights or street signs.Although most people would expect this to cause the number of traffic jams and accidents 4.____________(go) up, until now 5.____________ has been a great drop in both.One reason 6.____________(be) that the shared streets-system encourages people to be more 7.____________(care).Without traffic rules, people slow down and pay more attention 8.____________ each other.Normal traffic systems, on the other hand, depend on signs, 9.____________ people often miss or don’t follow, leading to accidents.Also, the shared streets system decreases(减少) traffic jams because without fixed(固定的) parking spaces, it is easier for cars to move around 10.____________(free) when there is a lot of traffic.




3.is called解析:考查一般现在时的被动语态。system与call构成逻辑上的被动关系,且此处介绍的是一般情况,故应用一般现在时的被动语态。

4.to go解析:考查动词不定式作宾补的用法。cause sth.to do sth.意为“使某物做某事”。

5.there解析:考查there be结构。both在此指代traffic jams和accidents,设空处所在句意为“到目前为止,交通堵塞和交通事故都有大幅度的减少”,故填there。there be表示“存在”。

6.is解析:考查主谓一致。此处描述的是客观情况,应用一般现在时,因为主语是One reason,故填is。

7.careful解析:考查形容词作表语的用法。more与设空处作表语,由slow down可知,设空处表示“小心的”,故填形容词careful。

8.to解析:考查介词。设空处所在句意为“没有交通规则,人们往往会放慢速度,注意其他车辆”,故填介词to。pay attention to...意为“注意……”。


10.freely解析:考查副词。设空处作状语修饰move around,表示“自由地”,故填副词freely。

