C6455flash 烧写文档

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1、 将C6455_flashburn\\hex2image\\pjt_use 文件目录下的bootload.asm 添加到自己工程中,

将c6455.cmd 替代自己工程中的CMD文件,编译。

2、 将自己工程中生成的***.out 文件改名为flash.out.复制到C6455_flashburn\\hex2image文


3、 运行test2.bat(双击)

4、 将C6455_flashburn\\hex2image目录下的TI_ARR.C文件复制到上一目录C6455_flashburn


5、 在CCS中加载C6455_flashburn\\ Flashburn.pjt工程重新编译工程,将编译生成的

C6455_flashburn\\Debug\\ Flashburn.out下载到DSP中运行。当显示WRITE DONE!!时烧写结束并成功。 二、选择加载模式




即上电复位后CPU直接从2M—Byte L2级存储器的地址O处开始执行代码 2、主机接口引导(BOOTMODE[3:0] = 0001b and BOOTMODE[3:0] = 0111b)

CPU上电复位后。YO部分将处于激活状态.可以进行正常的通信.但DSP的内核仍处于复位状态,一直等待主机向HPI控制寄存器中的DSPNT位置l 这样在引导过程中.外部主机通过主机接口访问DSP的整个存储空间,对它们进行初始化。主机完成初始化工作以后.向接口控制寄存器的DSPINT位写1.引导过程结束 然后CPU退出复位状态.开始执行地址0处的代码。

3、EMIFA 8比特外部ROM引导(BOOTMODE[3:0]=0100b)

位于外部CE3空间的ROM中的一部分程序首先通过EDMA被搬人到2M—Byte L2级存储器的地址0处.但是依靠EDMA仅从CE3空间中拷贝从起始地址处开始的1KB个字节来实现。用户可以指定外部加载ROM的存储宽度 这种引导方式可以保证DSP在脱机情况下进行.但由于DSP自带的Boot Loader载入的代码量太少f只有1KB).因此需要用户自己编写二次引导代码.本文也将介绍这种引导方式。


当在I2C主引导模式运行时.DSP作为主设备来控制I2C总线.并从外部I2C EEPROM或者其他从设备处将用户代码拷贝进来。为了能正确地将代码从外部存储器搬移至DSP内部,用户程序需要将数据按照一定格式存储在E2ROM中.按照这些格式存储的数据便是自举表(Boot table) 自举表是Boot Loader程序能正常运行的保证.只有将数据按照自举表的要求存储。用户程序才能被搬移到DSP内部正常运行。在自举表中除了用户数据外还需要一些Boot Loader控制数据.

例如程序入口地址、程序的长度和寄存器配置等信息。 5、I2C从引导(BOOTMODE[3:01=01 10b)


以一定的格式传过来的数据。在此种模式中,一个ARM或者其他器件来充当主设备用来向其他I2C总线上的所有从DSP设备传递自举表中的数据.故它可用于多DSP的同时引导 二、bootload.asm文件编写与注释


//××××××××××××× bootloader ××××××××××××××××××× .title \ .option D,T .length 102 .width 140

COPY_TABLE .equ 0xb0000400

.sect \ .global _boot


;************************************************************************ ;* Debug Loop - Comment out B for Normal Operation


zero B1

_myloop: ; [!B1] B _myloop nop 5 _myloopend: nop


;* Copy code sections


mvkl COPY_TABLE, a3 ; load table pointer mvkh COPY_TABLE, a3

ldw *a3++, b1 ; Load entry point


ldw *a3++, b0 ; byte count

ldw *a3++, a4 ; ram start address nop 3

[!b0] b copy_done ; have we copied all sections? nop 5


ldb *a3++,b5

sub b0,1,b0 ; decrement counter

[ b0] b copy_loop ; setup branch if not done [!b0] b copy_section_top zero a1

[!b0] and 3,a3,a1 stb b5,*a4++

[!b0] and -4,a3,a5 ; round address up to next multiple of 4 [ a1] add 4,a5,a3 ; round address up to next multiple of 4


;* Jump to entry point



b .S2 b1 nop 5




* Copyright (c) Texas Instruments Inc 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 *

* Use of this software is controlled by the terms and conditions found in the * license agreement under which this software has been supplied.



*/ /*


* lnk.cmd v5.00 *

* Usage: lnk6x -o -m lnk.cmd * cl6x -z -o -m lnk.cmd

* * Description: This file is a sample linker command file that can be * used for linking programs built with the C compiler and * running the resulting .out file on a C620x/C670x * simulator. Use it as a guideline. You will want to * change the memory layout to match your specific C6xxx * target system. You may want to change the allocation * scheme according to the size of your program.

* * Notes: (1) You must specivy a directory in which rts6x00.lib is * located. either add a -i\ * file or use the system environment variable C_DIR to * specify a search path for the libraries.

* * (2) If the run-time library you are using is not named * rts6200[e].lib, rts6400[e].lib, or rts6700[e].lib, be

* sure to use the correct name here.

* *


*/ -c

-heap 0x1000 -stack 0x3000

/* Memory Map 1 - the default */ MEMORY {

L1D: o = 00f00000h l = 00008000h L1P: o = 00e00000h l = 00008000h

BOOT: o = 00800000h l = 00000400h //bootload程序地址 L2: o = 00800400h l = 00200000h //应用程序地址 }


.bootload > BOOT .text > L2 .stack > L2 .bss > L2 .cinit > L2 .cio > L2 .const > L2 .data > L2 .switch > L2 .sysmem > L2 .far > L2 .testMem > L2 } ??


利用CCS中hex6x.exe工具可以将out文件转化为hex文件 1、编写批处理文件makefile.cmd文件

flash.out /* input COFF file */ -a /* create ASCII image */

-image /* Create a memory image (no */ -boot -order L

-map memory.map /* create a hex map file */ -memwidth 32 /* Width of ROM/Flash memory -map appl2.map create a hex map file */ -bootorg 0xb0000400 /* address of the boot/copy-table */

-bootsection .bootload 0xb0000000 /* section containing our asm boot routine */


FLASH: org = 0xb0000000, len = 0x40000, romwidth = 32, files = {image.hex} }

2、将hex6x.exe工具、批处理文件、.out文件放在同一文件夹下或者指定文件夹下 在Windows命令cmd中到指定文件夹下输入hex6x.exe makefile.cmd



//×××××××处理程序××××××××××××// #include #include

char str1[128]; char str2[128]; char str3[128]; long Cnt = 0;

int getline(FILE * fp1, char * str1) { int i = 0; char chr1, chr2; while(1) { chr1 = getc(fp1); str1[i++] = chr1; if(chr1 == 0xa) /*回车换行*/ goto getlineend; if(chr1 == EOF) goto getlineend2; }

getlineend: str1[i] = 0; /*add '\\0' */ return 1;

getlineend2: return 0; }

void putConvline(FILE * fp2, char * str1) { /*convert .hex data to '0x........,' data */ int i,j; unsigned int strLength;

int num; char oriNum[12]; char rstNum[10]; strLength = strlen(str1); num = strLength / 12; /*00 08 00 00 --->12 char*/ rstNum[8] = ','; rstNum[9] = ' '; /*space*/ for(i=0; i

main() { FILE *fp1, *fp2; int flag; int length, i, j, k; int SrcIdx, DstIdx; int backChar; /*回退字符*/ int f_end; int lineCnt = 0;

char read_ch[7]; long n_modify_ptr = 0; if ((fp1=fopen(\ { /* 以只读方式打开文件1 */ printf(\ exit(0) ; } if ((fp2=fopen(\ { printf(\ exit(0) ; } flag = 0;

begin: f_end = getline(fp1, str1); if(f_end == 0) goto end; if((str1[0] >= '0') && (str1[0] <= '9') || (str1[0] >= 'A') && (str1[0] <= 'F')) { putConvline(fp2, str1); } lineCnt++; if((lineCnt % 100) == 0) printf(\ goto begin; end: fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); }

七、建立burnflash的工程用于烧写flash 1、burnflash。C文件 /*



1.PREDIV IN THE REGISTER WINDOW ALWAYS HAVE THE WRONG VALUVE! 2.this program is for initialization of the PLL1;

3.PLL1 should be initialized before anythings after POWER ON;

4.once you want to reconfigure the PLL1,you should power-off then on;

============================================================================ */

#define CHIP_6455 #include #include #include \

#include #include

#define FCnt 0x40000*4 //Byte #define FLASHADDRESS 0xb0000000; //TIME_TMR TMR_s_e1,TMR_e_e1; //TIME_TMR TMR_s_b1,TMR_e_b1; //TIME_TMR TMR_s_e2,TMR_e_e2; //TIME_TMR TMR_s_b2,TMR_e_b2;

void main ( void ) {

volatile unsigned int i,j;

volatile char * PData = (volatile char*)ProgData; unsigned char *pfadd; volatile char D=0; int Pll_Delay;

// initialize PLL1


InitPLL1(20); //50MHz*20 = 1GHz to CPU CORE InitPeriphral(); //enable all Periphrals InitPLL2(); //ddr2 250MHz EMIFA 125MHz


TMR_InitDrv(1000); //1000MHz

//TEST FOR TIMER0 and TIMER1 LED1_flash(1000); //1000ms

//WRITE flash


//TMR_GetTime(&TMR_s_e1); ChipEraseALL();

//TMR_Delta(&TMR_s_e1,&TMR_e_e1); LED1_flash(200); //1000ms

pfadd =(unsigned char *)FLASHADDRESS; //TMR_GetTime(&TMR_s_b1); for(i = 0;i

WriteFlashByte(pfadd++,PData[i+3]); WriteFlashByte(pfadd++,PData[i+2]); WriteFlashByte(pfadd++,PData[i+1]); WriteFlashByte(pfadd++,PData[i]); }

//TMR_Delta(&TMR_s_b1,&TMR_e_b1); printf(\ LED1_flash(10000); //1000ms while(1){}; }


/********************************************************************* * (C) COPYRIGHT TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC. 2000-2002 *

* FlashBurn 64x Target Code header */

/* Change Log: */

#ifndef __datah__ #define __datah__

#pragma DATA_SECTION(ProgData, \static far unsigned int ProgData[0x40000]= {

#include \};





