雅思口语IELTS Speaking Topics

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IELTS Speaking Topics

Each test lasts between 11 - 14 minutes. There are three parts to the test which give candidates the opportunity to demonstrate a range of different speaking skills.

PART ONE(speaking questions 4-5 MINS)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

.what's your name? Is that your full name? What shall i call u?

Does your name has any special meaning? How old are you?

Are you from wenzhou? If not, which part in china? What are you studying in wenzhou university?


Describe your family?

Do you have a large or small family?

How much time do you spend with your family? What do you like to do together as a family? Do you get along well with your family?

Are people in your country generally close to their families? Who is your favourite family member?


1. What do you do?

2. What are your responsibilities?

3. How many hours do you work each day? 4. Do you enjoy your work?

5. Is there some other kind of work you would rather do?

6. If you could change your job or profession, what would you do? 7. Describe the process of getting a job in your country. 8. Describe the company or organization you work for. 9. What is your position?

10. What do you like about your job? 11. What do you dislike about your job?


1. 2. 3. 4.

Describe your education.

What kind of school did you go to as a child? Did you go to a co-educational school? What was your favourite subject as a child?

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Who was your favourite teacher?

What is the education system like in your country?

Do you think your country has an effective education system? What are you studying now?

What is your area of specialization?


1. Describe your hometown. 2. What’s special about it?

3. Where is your hometown located?

4. Is it easy to travel around your hometown? 5. What is it known for?

6. What do people in your town do?

7. What are the main industries in your hometown? 8. What problems face your hometown?

9. What languages are spoken in your hometown?

10. What are the advantages of living in your hometown? 11. What are some problems faced by your hometown? 12. Compare your hometown with another city.

13. What are some environmental problems faced by your hometown?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What’s the weather like in your country? Does the weather affect your mood? How do rainy days make you feel?

What’s your favourite season of the year? What do you like to do when it’s hot? What do you usually do in the winter?

How many seasons does your country have?


Do you like to travel?

What kind of places have you visited in your life? Which place would you really like to visit? Why? What’s the best place you’ve ever visited? Have you ever visited a foreign country?

Do you prefer travelling by yourself or in a group? Which country would you like to visit most?

What are the personal benefits of travelling abroad?


1. Do you use the Internet much during the day? 2. What do you usually do on the Internet?

3. What are some advantages of the Internet? 4. What are some disadvantages?

5. Do people in your country use the Internet a lot? 6. Do you do any shopping on the Internet? 7. Do you send and receive email regularly? 8. Who do you usually communicate with? 9. How often do you check your email?

10. Do you think writing email has strengthened or weakened people’s writing skills? 11. What are some disadvantages of email?


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Describe a friend.

How long have you known each other? What do usually do together?

What do you like the most about him / her? How often do you see each other


Do you have any hobbies?

What are some of your hobbies?

When did you first develop this hobby?

What are some of the advantages of having a hobby? How much time do you spend on your hobby?


Do you enjoy shopping?

How do you feel about shopping? Do you like shopping on the Internet? Do you have any favourite stores? What don’t you like about shopping?

Which is the most popular place to shop in your hometown?

PART TWO(student is given one cue card and is expected to speak for 3-4 minutes)

First Cue

Describe a child that you know. You should say: Who the child is How you know the child When you see the child

Explain why you like/dislike this child.

Second Cue

Describe someone who has had an important influence on your life.

You should say: Who the person is

How long you have known him/her What qualities this person has

Explain why they have had such an influence on you.

Third Cue

Describe an old person that you know.

You should say:

What your relationship is to this person

How often you see them

What people think about this person

Explain why you like them.

Forth cue

Describe a lake, a river or a sea you have visited.

You should say: Where the lake is

How often you have visited it What activities you do there

Explain why you like this particular place.

Fifth cue

Describe a present you have given someone.

You should say: Who you gave it to What kind of present it was

How it compared to other presents you have given Explain why you decided to give this particular gift

Sixth cue

Describe a sporting event you attended.

You should say: What kind of sport is was

How it compared to other events you’ve been to

How often it takes place

Explain why you consider this event to be of interest

Seventh cue

Describe a TV show that you enjoy.

You should say: What type of show it is How often it is on

How popular it is with other people in your country

Explain why you like it.

Eighth cue

Describe a happy childhood event.

You should say: When it happened Who was involved How you felt at the time

Explain why you remember this particular occasion

PART THREE(This part is a two-way discussion with the examiner 4-5 MINS)

Eating habits

1. Tell me about the types of food that people eat in your country.

2. How are the eating habits now in your country different from eating habits in the past?

3. How healthy is your country’s food?

4. Why do you think different cultures have different table manners? 5. How may eating habits change in coming decades?


How are education priorities today different from those in the past? What is your opinion on the way languages are taught in schools? How can the type of school you go to affect career success?

What changes do you think will happen in the classroom in the near future? Environment

1. Is water pollution a problem in your country? 2. What are some of the causes of water pollution?

3. What can individuals do to try and ensure water is kept clean?

4. Do you think problems with the cleanliness of water will improve in the future? 1. 2. 3. 4.

Influence of television

1. How popular is watching television in your country?

2. Tell me about the types of programme that are generally on television in your country.

3. Why do people like watching television?

4. Do you think state or private television is better?

