Chapter 3 Environment

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Chapter 3 Environment


1.生命,生活 无生命的,死气沉沉的 关心,介意 粗心的,不介意的 2. 吸收

3. 环境 n 环境方面的 adj 有关环境方面 adv 环保 4. 行动 v n

起…的作用,充当 采取行动 The atmosphere around Earth acts like the glass 5. 到达,神,伸手

“到达,抵达” When will they reach Shenzhen?他们什么时候到达深圳? “伸手够到” He reached his hand out for the book. 他伸出手来接书。

reach reach Shenzhen及物动词,后面直接接地点。 arrive arrive in Shenzhen,

arrive at our school

get to get to our school, get here, get there, get home 6. 更喜欢 认为…胜过… 7. 没有,缺乏 与with意义相反 a man without friends 没有朋友的人

I can’t do it without your help. 你不帮忙,我干不了。 He left without saying a word. 他一句话没说就走了。 8. 创造,造成,产生 9 导致,产生

cause sb./sth. to do 导致…发生/产生 cause sb. sth. 给…带来(后果,麻烦等) The heavy rain caused the rivers to rise. 暴雨导致河水上涨。

The failure in his job cause him much anxiety.工作中的失败令他忧心忡忡。 10.习惯;习性 n.

be in the habit of … =have the habit of … 有…的习惯 form(get into, develop) the habit of … 养成…的习惯 break the habit of … 戒除…的习惯 eg: My father is in the habit of staying up.我爸爸有熬夜的习惯。 11温暖,暖和

warmth是由“形容词+th”构成的名词,类似的还有 long—length wide—width deep—depth 二、重点词组:

1 be different from 与…不同 be the same as 与…相同

2 be in danger 处于危险中 eg: The animal is in danger. be in trouble 处于困境、麻烦中 be in trouble with sb. 与某人有矛盾

3 a kind of 一种 all kinds of 各种各样的 4、let…in 让…进入;准入 let…out 让…出去

5 keep…from doing sth.=stop…(from) doing sth.=prevent…(from) doing sth. 阻止…做某事/ 阻止…发生

It lets sunlight in and keeps much of the warmth from getting out. 它吸收阳光并且防止大量热散发出去。 6 as…as; 和…一样 not as/so…as 不如 7 take in 吸收 = absorb 吸收

take out带出去;取出 take on从事 take off 起飞;脱 take care of 照顾 take part in 参加 8 that is, “也就是说;即 ” 对前面的解释

He is coming next Friday, that is , on the 23rd. 他下周五来,也就是23号来。 9 in order to +do sth. 为了… 可以放句首或句中 in order that+从句 可以放句首或句中 so as to +do sth. 不能放句首,只能放句中 to do 可以放句首或句中 eg: She arrived early in order to get a good seat. In order to get a good seat, she arrived early. She arrived early so as to get a good seat. She arrived early to get a good seat. To get a good seat, she arrived early.

She arrived early in order that she could get a good seat. In order that she could get a good seat, she arrived early. 10 all the way 一路上;自始自终

The girl was happy all the way.这个女孩一路上都很高兴。 by the way顺便说 in a way 在某种程度上

on one’s way to… 在去…的路上 lose one’s way 迷路 11 from…to… “从…到…”

from house to house 挨家挨户 from time to time 有时 12 throw away扔掉

13 mountains of =a mountain of 大堆;大量

lots of ,a lot of ,a great quantity of 14 cut down 砍伐 15、as many as 多达…

16 keep in 保留 …and it is keeping in too much heat! 17 too much和much too意思取决于第二个词

too much=much,修饰不可数名词,前者语气更强,可数名词可用too many=many来修饰; much too=too,往往用来修饰形容词或副词,但前者语气更强。 There is too much rain.雨水太多了。 He drives much too fast.他开车开得太快了。 You are asking too much.你要求太多了。 18 in the form of 以…的形式 in form 形式上

The donation are given in the form of money. 捐赠是通过金钱的形式给予的。 19 as…as 的用法 as + adj./adv.原级+as “和…一样” not as/so + adj./adv.原级+as “…不如…” eg: This rope is as long as that one. This rope is not so/as long as that one.

20 make sb./sth.+ do eg: He made me stay with him.他让我和他在一起。

make sb./sth.+ adj. eg: He tried to make them happy.他设法使他们高兴。 make sb./sth.+adj.比较级 “使…更加…”eg: He made the garden more beautiful. make sb./sth.+n. eg: He made her his wife.他娶她为妻。

make sb./sth.+过去分词 eg: He made the house painted.他粉刷了这栋房子。 EXERCISES: 1单项选择题

( ) 1. ---The water isn’t clean and the air isn’t fresh any more. ---I agree. The _____ has been awfully polluted. A. atmosphere B. environment C. sunlight D. land

( ) 2.---Why should I wear thick clothes today, Mum? ---________________________. A. Because you look nice B. Yes, you should C.Because it’s cold outside D.I don’t think so ( ) 3.---The ____ nearly drowned that area.

--- Yes. It was caused by the typhoon and made the water level ____ suddenly. A. flood; rise B. wind; rise C. flood; to rise D. wind; to rise. ( ) 4.---He is ______ using “environmentally friendly” things. --- That’s true. He does a lot of things to protect the environment. A. in order of B. in trouble with C. in the form of D. in the habit of ( ) 5.Dora is _____ younger than her friends, but she often ____ the oldest one..

A. too; acts like B. much; works as C. too; works as D. much; acts like ( ) 6.---I will go on vacation in the UK.

---The UK is a beautiful country. _____, you will have a wonderful trip. A. That is B. This is C. In total D. For example ( ) 7.--- How can we protect our city?

--- _____ protect our city, we ____ become green consumers..

A. In order of; should B. In order to; can’t C. In order to; should D. In order of; can’t ( ) 8.---____ did this forest fire happen?

--- No one knows. Maybe it ____by the dry weather.

A. How; was caused B. When; is caused C. How; is caused D. When; was caused ( ) 9.---Why don’t you think the air now is _____ that of 20 years ago? ---_______ it’s badly polluted by waste gases.

A. as good as; Though B. as well as; Because C. as good as; Because D. as well as; Though ( ) 10.---Now most teenagers don’t like to talk with their parents.

--- Yes, but I am _____them. I like to talk with them ____ parents can give me valuable suggestions..A. different from; though B. the same as; though C. the same as; because D. different from; becasue

( ) 11. ---I think bananas taste much better than other fruit. Do you think so? --- Of course! _______.

A. I prefer bananas, too B. I don’t know C. I don’t agree with you D. I never eat bananas ( ) 12. When we speak to people, we should be ______.

A. as polite as possible polite as possibly C. as politely as possibleD. as politely as possibly ( ) 13.Trees are important. They can _____ harmful gases and release oxygen. A. get in B. take part in C. let in D. take in

( ) 14.We have ____ homework every day. It takes nearly four hours to do it. A. mountains B. like mountains C. mountains of D. mountain of ( ) 15.---Don’t you think making too much noise can ____ pollution? --- Yes, I think so. A. cause B. get C. reduce D. save 2 填空

Plants need to ________ (吸收) water from the soil.

People have realized the importance of _______________(保护) the environment. The car industry __________ (创造) many jobs in China.

Last Sunday, I went to see my grandpa in the ____________ (乡村). The ___________ (大气层) has become thinner than before.

The Bureau of Health is __________ ________ (采取行动) to stop the disease from spreading. When I am in trouble, I always _____ my teachers _____ help(请求帮助).

His elder sister _______ _______(充当) a mother after his mother died. The ________ _________(温室效应) causes the level of seas to rise.

As a green consumer, we should only buy and use ___________ ______ things (环保物品). 3用英语解释下列句子

1. Tom is weaker than Peter. _____________________________ 重点句型:

1. We must do something . 我们必须做些事情来拯救地球。 2. , Earth would be as cold and lifeless as the surface of the moon. 没有它,地球将会像月球表面一样寒冷且没有生命。

3. It sunlight and keeps much of the warmth from getting out. 它吸收阳光并且防止大量热散发出去。

4. The burning and trees is making the greenhouse effect worse because trees take in harmful gases. 燃烧和砍伐树木使得温室效应更加糟糕,因为树木可以吸收有害气体。 5. This creates rubbish and it pollutes our land and seas. 这造成了大量垃圾,并污染了我们的土地和海洋。

6. save Earth, the book is asking us to became “green consumers”. 为了拯救地球,此书号召我们成为“绿色消费者”。

7 That is enough to reach all the way Earth the moon.那足够从地球一直到月球。

