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2011 河北师范大学 英语综合真题

参考书: 英语教学法教程 王蔷主编 高等教育出版社 语言学教程 胡壮麟主编 北京大学出版社

教学法部分 75分

1. What is lesson plan? What are the principles for good lesson planning? 15分 第四单元

2. Task based language teaching is widely promoted in English language teaching nowadays, so what is task based language teaching? A task has four main components, what are they? 15分 第二单元

3. Based on your understanding of the new English curriculum, what do you think the challenges would be for English language teachers? give some suggestions for teachers to deal with changes and challenges in the process of curriculum reform 20分 第三单元

4.As we all know ,good lesson can serve as a useful record of what has been covered ,and provide a basis for assessing learning by the end of a unit or term ,use what you have learned to design a lesson plan 25分 具体设计内容参照教学法P189 关于 ESKIMOS ,考试内容就是一篇关于外国人文的文章,与ESKIMOS 格式难度都相似 第四单元

语言学部分 75分

1. 第二单元的元音辅音的描写,强烈建议一定要熟记书上列出的每个元音和辅音的发音方式和位置,师大几乎年年考,例如【P】:voiceless bilabial stop 2. 名词解释

Progressive assimilation 第二单元 pidgin 第七单元

potential behavior 第十二单元 p308

3. Analyze the following sentence by means of Tree Diagram Flying plane can be dangerous 第四单元树形图要掌握好

4. What are the seven types of meaning by G.Leech? 第五单元

