初中英语_Module 1 Unit 1 It smells delicious.教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思

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Module 1 Feelings and impressions

Unit 1 It smells delicious.

ⅠTeaching model

Listening and speaking

ⅡTeaching method

PWP approach

ⅢTeaching aims

1. To listen and understand sentences with sense verbs.

2. To understand the conversation.

3. To learn to use sense verbs.

ⅢTeaching Objectives

1. Key vocabulary: smell-smelled-smelled (smelt-smelt), soft, sour, mm, cookie, pizza,

lovely, done, try, have a try, pie, sound, sweet tooth, salt, jam, for,

favorite, ear

2. Key structures:Sense verbs: feel, look, sound, smell, taste, adjectives

ⅢTeaching aids

Tape recorder, OHP, video

ⅥTeaching Steps

Step 1 Warming-up

1.Game time: Touch the answer of the question and repeat it three times.

What do you use to look/ watch/ taste/ feel/ smell?

dc8157737ed184254b35eefdc8d376eeafaa1742e the sense verb to fill the blanks.

We can use our _____ to _____.

We can use our _____ to _____.

We can use our _____ to _____.


Step 2 learn sense verb look/ watch/ taste/ feel/ smell one by one. Ask Ss. to make sentences by sense verbs to express the feeling about the pictures.

Step 3 look at the picture and make a condensation according to the following pattern .

--How does the boy look?

-- It looks lovely.

Step 4. Consolidate the way to use the sense verb.

Step5. Listen to the tape and fill the blanks.

1. The cookie tastes sweet.

2. The milk ________________.

3. This bed _________________.

4. Tom ____________________.

Step6. Listen to the tape and check what is Betty making?

Step7. Group work : Each group choose their favorite food and introduce the food to us

Step8. Read the passage fluently and translate it into Chinese, learn the important language points by themselves.

Step9. Try to find out some adverbials to match the sense verbs as much as possible.

Step 10. Use the sense verbs to describe your birthday party. Then share your feeling in the whole class.

Step11. Homework: make some sentences with sense verbs.



本节课为外研版八下英语Module1 unit1 ,以感觉和印象为话题,内容主要谈论对事物的感觉,了解表感觉和知觉的系动词用法。学生围绕该知识点大量进行听、说、读、写方面语言实践活动。让学生在使用语言的过程中学习语言,并养成自觉使用英语的习惯。


1. I ____ already ____ (make) the bed .

2. They ___ just ___ (go) . They will be back soon .

3. When ___ you ____(meet) him ? Last night or this morning ?

4. She _____(not come) here recently .

5. She _______(never see) the man before .

6. I ____ (meet) him before , but I forget his name .

7. It is eleven o’clock . He _____(not come) back yet .

8. He _____(write) five stories so far .

9. She ____(be) a teacher for ten years , she likes her job very much.

10. ___she ___(call) on you lately ?


1. 课前预测并关注学生易错的知识点,本单元教学内容涉及到的感官动词有feel, look, smell, taste, sound,其中smell, taste 应是教学的重点,也算难点,应重点训练,并结合语境,要求学生掌握并运用。大听力(活动三)——听并完成表格,设计的内容稍显多,可以适量减少。

2. 课内的学习策略仍应继续保持关注,要注意在课的结束时及时归纳,让学生知道本节课所学知识。

3. 本课设计的教学环节,最后一个学生活动groupwork没有时间呈现,思考下课的前部分对感官动词的教学没有分重点(smell, taste),中间听力活动一的插入,有点突兀,但是觉得还是有训练的必要。

4. 继续关注学生的语音面貌;对教学内容逐一取舍;师生对话多元化,可以适时“生问师”;英语四大技能教学中注意习惯的培养,策略的渗透,并合理运用。

5. 板书设计要清爽大方。

Teaching aims

1. To listen and understand sentences with sense verbs.

2. To understand the conversation.

3. To learn to use sense verbs.

