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Unit 5 Let’s celebrate Task

Teaching Aims:

1. Write a passage about the festival and how to celebrate it 2. Learn how to make posters Teaching importance:

1. New words and phrases and pronunciation 2.Learn how to write posters Teaching Preparation

Multi-media, pictures about different festivals Teaching Contents: Basic contents:

words: west candle way light shine through

phrases:in the west in many ways give a treat of some candy

Other contents phrases:make …out of shine through

Teaching procedures:

1. Show six pictures about festivals, and ask: what festival is it? Then ask: Which is your favorite festival? Lead in: Halloween。Then review something about Halloween, and ask questions:

(1)When is Halloween? (It’s on 31 October) (2)Who celebrate it? (People in the west)

Learn word: west. Is the USA in the west of the world? (Yes). Practice phrase: in the west.

(3)Do Chinese people celebrate Halloween?

(No, we don’t. It is a traditional festival in the West.)practice phrase again: in the west

(4)How do people celebrate Halloween?

(People celebrate it by dressing up, playing ‘trick or treat’, eating

candies, making pumpkin lanterns and having parties .So they celebrate it in many ways .Tell students:We also celebrate our Chinese New Year in many


ways. Practice phrase: in many ways.

(5) Do you know how to play ‘trick or treat’?

(They usually knock on their neighbors’ doors and try to get a ‘treat’, or they play a trick on the neighbor ) learn words: usually, neighbor . (6). How do we make pumpkin lanterns out of pumpkins?(make A out of B:用B做成A make doors out of wood, make windows out of glass, learn phrase: make…out of)

(They cut out eyes, the nose and sharp teeth, then put candles in them). learn word: candle

Do you know why they put candles in them? (Because the light can shine through them) learn word: shine, through, read these new words after teacher.

2. Millie wants to make a poster showing Halloween. First, she made a writing

plan. Please open the book and turn to page 66.Look at her writing plan and finish these T&F questions, and correct them.

(1)The spring Festival is one of the traditional festivals in the East (2)It is on the last day of October. (3)People all over the world celebrate it. (4)They celebrate it in many ways.

(5)Children knock on their neighbours’ doors and ask for money. (6)People make pumpkins out of lanterns. (7)People often put candles in the lanterns .

3. Read the outline on page 66, write the information on page 67 Part B. work in pairs then check the answer, and point out language points. Read after teacher.

4.According to page 66: Millie’s writing plan, teacher and students discuss together―――How to make a poster to show your favourite festival. Help them how to write this passage: What is your favourite festival? When is it? Who celebrate it ?...What do people do to celebrate it ? 1)How do people celebrate ?

2)Then give the students an outline about the Spring Festival, make a poster about the Spring Festival according to the outline. Or students can make posters about other festivals.

5. Teacher says:Now it is time to show your poster. Let’s play a game to show it. Students don’t write their own name and the name of the festival after finish the poster. Divide the students into groups of four, each student read one poster, then other students guess the writer and name of the festival. 6. Discuss the posters in pairs, check the language and correct it. Ask 4 to

5 students to read their passages for the whole class loudly. 7. Homework

Ask the students to correct and add information and draw the pictures, make the posters.

