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试卷制定:礼县实验小学英语教研组 出题人:魏瑶会

姓名 班级 学号

一、找出每组单词中划线部分读音不同的一项。(5分) ( )1.A.sisiter B.lion C.right D.violion ( )2.A.goose B.too C.good D.zoo ( )3.A.student B.much C.excuse D.cute ( )4.A.peach B.teacher C.really D.please ( )5.A.grape B.apple C.grandma D.taxi 二、补全单词。(5分)

( )1.st_dent A.e B.a C.u ( )2.g_ _l A.ai B.ir C.ur ( )3.sh_ _pener A.ar B.er C.or ( )4._ _ac_ A.bl,k B.al,k C.pl,k ( )5.ch_ _ _ A.era B.air C.are 三、根据提示给下列单词分类。(10分)

a. tiger b.grandma c.box d.twelve e.apple f.orange g.sister h.umbrella i.ten j.fox

1.表示数字的有____________________ 2.表示人物的有 ____________________ 3.表示动物的有____________________ 4.表示物品的有 ____________________ 5.表示水果的有____________________

四、找出与句中划线部分单词意思相反的词。(10分) ( )1.Look!The giraffe is so tall.

A.short B.big C.cute

( )2.The man is my grandpa.

A.boy B.girl C.woman

( )3.The rabbit has a short tail.

A.small B.long C.short

( )4.The panda has black eyes.

A.brown B.red C.white

( )5.Wow!The mouse is so small.

A.big B.tall C.short 五、选择。(10分)

( )1.The dog_____small ears.

A.has B.have C.are

( )2.—Mom, _____is my doll? —It’s in the box.

A.where B.what C.who

( )3. —_____you ______oranges? —Yes,I do.

A.Are,like B.Do,like C.Does,like

( )4.______about pears?

A.Who B.What C.Where

( )5.______a big fish!

A.How B.What C.Where

( )6.Let’s_____TV.

A.watching B.watch C.watch to

( )7.—_____? —Sure.Here you are..

A.Can I have a pear B.How many pears do you have C.Where is the pear

( )8. Amy:_____. Mr Black:Thank you!

A.Happy Teacher’s Day B. Happy Women’s Day C. Happy Children’s Day

( )9.______have red eyes.

A.Monkeys B.Rabbits C.Pandas

( )10. —Who’s that girl over there? —_____.

A.He’s my father B.She’s my mother C.She’s my sister

六、根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在前面的括号内。) (10分)

( ) Can I use your pen? 1、Yes, I do . ( ) Do you like bananas? 2、She's my mother . ( ) Who's that woman? 3、I can see 11. ( ) How many cats can you see? 4、It's under the chair. ( ) Where is the ball? 5、Sure. 七、情景交际。(10分)

( )1.周六和小明约定八点整到公园门口,你八点半才到,你会对他说:

A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.It’s OK.

( )2.暑假里邀请朋友一起到动物园玩,你会说:

A.Let’s go to the park. B.what about you? C.Let’s go to the zoo.

( )3.在动物园里你能看到哪些标语?

A.Don’t feed the animals. B.Keep off the grass C.No smoking.

( )4.你想知道别人有多少本书,你会说:

A.Do you have some books? B.How many books do you like? C. How many books

do you have?

( )5.母亲节到了,你可以这样对妈妈表示节日的祝福:

A.Happy Teacher’s Day B. Happy Women’s Day C. Happy Children’s Day

( ) 6. 当别人问你来自哪里后, 应回答说::___________

A. You're welcome. B. I'm from America. C. My name is Li Mei. ( ) 7..当你很惊讶地看到一只大鹅时, 应说: _______.

A. What a big goose! B. How beautiful! C. What a big fish! ( ) 8. 当你把物品给别人时, 应说: ______.

A. It's here. B. Here you are. C. Here it is. ( ) 9. 当你正在找玩具汽车时, 应说: ______.

A. Where is my taxi? B. Where is my car? C. This is my car. ( ) 10. 当看到别人要摔跤时,应说:_________. A. Watch TV. B. Watch out. C. Look at me. 八、选出下列句子正确的翻译。(5分) ( )1.Come in,please.

A.加油! B.请进!

( )2.Raise your leg.

A.放下你的腿。 B.抬起你的腿。

( )3.Have some fruits.

A.请吃一些水果吧! B.请喝一些饮料吧!

( )4.I am tall,I can get the apple s.

A.我个子矮,我够不到苹果。 B.我个子高,我能够到苹果。

( )5.I know all the animals.

A. 我害怕所以的动物。 B. 我知道所有的动物。

九、给下列单词排序,组成一句完整的话。(10分) 1.she sister is your(.)

____________________________________________ 2.small a is the one monkey(.)

______________________________________________ 3.see you how can many teachers and students(?) ______________________________________________ 4.I can have peach a please(?)

______________________________________________ 5.the box toy are in your(?)



There are five people in my family-my father,my mother,my sister Kate,my brother Jack and I.

My father is a teacher.He is tall.He likes lions.He likes watermelons.My mother is a farmer.She is short.She likes to feed dogs and chickens.She likes eating strawberries.Jack,Kate and I are all students.Jack likes monkeys.Kate and I all like pandas.Because we love peace.(和平)

( )1.There are seven people in my family. ( )2.My father likes eating watermelons.

( )3.My mother is tall.She likes to feed chickens. ( )4.Jack is my brother.He likes monkeys. ( )5.My sister Kate doesn’t like pandas. 十一.请默写26个字母的大小写.(5分) Aa

附加题:按要求写句子。(10分) 1.I am from America.(对划线部分提问)

______________________________________________ 2.My name is Tony.(对划线部分提问)

______________________________________________ 3.I like grapes.(改为否定句)

______________________________________________ 4.She is my mother.(改为一般疑问句)


5.My bag is under the chair.(对划线部分提问) ______________________________________________

