
更新时间:2023-11-27 11:14:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




1. The output was reduced to 25%. 产量减少到了25%。

2. By the year 2012 the world’s annual oil output is expected to fall to 40%. 到2012年,世界石油年产量预计将下降到40%。

3. The error probability of the equipment was reduced by 2.5 times. 这一设备的误差率降低了3/5。

4. This year, the production of this kind of machine in our plant is estimated to increase to 3 times compared with 2006. 今年我厂这种机器的产量预计是1980年的3倍。(或:今年我厂这种机器的产量预计比2006年增长了2倍。) 5. Johnson finished the 200-meter dash in 22 seconds flat. 约翰逊跑完200米正好用了22秒。

6. Doctor Smith treated cool 30 patients that day. 史密斯医生那天正好给30位病人看了病。

7. The explosion is complete in a few thousandths of a second. 爆炸在千分之几秒内便得以完成。

8. Hundreds of tall buildings have sprung up in the metropolitan city of Nanjing this year. 今年在南京这座大都市里建造了数以百计的高楼大厦。

9. Tens of millions of Yuan (RMB) have gone into the building of this auditorium with modern electronic facilities. 在建造这座装有现代化电子设备的大礼堂时花费了几千万人民币。 10. The renovated model of lathe turns twenty percent faster than the previous one. 这种改进型车床比原先未改进的车床快了20%。

11. There is an about 100% increase of steel in this steel works in 2006 as compared with 2005. 2006 年这座钢铁厂的钢产量比2005年增加了近100%。

12. The principal advantage over the old model of refrigerator is a four-fold reduction of both noise and weight. 与旧式冰箱相比,它的主要优点是重量和噪音都减少了3/4。

13. Ten to one, we will overfulfill our production plan for this month. 十有八九,我们将超额完成这个月的生产计划。 14. Let’s go fifty-fifty on the dinner check. 餐费我们均摊吧!

15. The Royalty rates indicated in Attachment of Contract shall be applicable for five (5) years following the date of receipt of the technology, after which, they will be reduced by one percent (1%) per annum.


16. In addition to the payments under the preceding paragraph, Employer will make commission payments to the Employee based on 2.50% of gross sales. This commission will be paid monthly on the last day of the following month. 除前一条款中提到的酬劳外,聘方将以毛销售额的2.50%支付给受聘方作为佣金。这笔佣金每月支付一次,在次月的最后一天支付。

17. The total volume of state purchase in the first quarter rose by 5 percent, compared with the same period of last year. 和去年相比,国家第一季度的总采购量增加了5个百分点。


1. We hereby engage the bills shall be duly honored on presentation. 我们在此保证,单据一经提交,我们会如期承兑。 [honor在一般语篇中译作“给??以荣誉,赞扬”,在银行业务中常指“承兑”。]

2. He became as exhilarated as if his tender for building a mansion had been accepted. 他欣喜若狂,好像他承办大厦建筑的投远已经被接受了。 [tender在一般语篇中指“温柔的”,在商务语境下往往指“招投标”或作动词指“向?提交”。]

3. The total of our current assets and fixed assets comes to 15 billion US dollars. 我们的流动资产与固定资产之和达150亿美元。 [current 在一般语篇中译成“当前的”,而在金融会计行业中则根据上下文常译为“流动的”或“活期的”。]

4. The company has an absolute interest in the building. 该公司对这幢大楼拥有绝对产权。 [interest 在一般语篇中译为“兴趣”、“利益”、



5. Managers with stock options may be using their firms’ resources to increase the short-term value of their own holdings. 拥有认股期权的经理可能在利用公司资源增加自己所持股权的短期价值。 [option 在一般语篇中常指“选择权”,而在股票行业中往往指“期权”。] 6. It treats futures and options uniformly while recognizing the unique features of options. 它把期货与期权同等对待,同时承认期权独有的特色。 [future 在一般语篇中指“将来”,而复数futures在金融行业中指“期货”。]

7. The group is the largest of the four companies, with 15 production facilities throughout the country. 该集团公司是四个公司里最大的,在全国拥有15个生产基地。 [facility一词在此商务语境中作“供特定用途的场所”解,而在一般语篇中则用来指“容易、便利、设备、工具”等含义。]

8. The team is directed by senior management from the Audit, Clearing, Legal, Market Surveillance, Research and Trading Floor Department of the CME. 该小组由芝加哥商品交易所(CME)的审计、结算、法律、市场监督、研究及交易场部门的资深主管组成。 [clearing和floor在一般语篇中分别译作“清扫”和“地板”,而在此商务语境中则分别译作“结算”和“场”。]

9. Mr. Smith is the artificial person of the company. 史密斯先生是该公司的法人代表。[artificial通常指“假的”、“人工造的”,在此artificial person应译为“法人(代表)”。]

10. As of the end of April this year, China had 1,170 listed companies with a total stock market capitalization of 4,546.223 billion RMB. 到今年四月底,中国有1 170个上市公司,其股票的市场价值达到45 462. 23亿元人民币。 [句中的listed companies指“上市公司”;而market capitalization是证券界最常见的词汇之一,常略为market cap,意为“(股票)的市场价值”,简称“市值”。]

11. Here the exporter’s assets (the money due from the overseas buyers) will always match his liability (his foreign currency borrowings). 这样,出口商的资产(应收海外买方的款项)和自己的债务(海外借款)之间总是(保持)平衡的。 [match 翻译成“相等、相似、相配、相当于”等都不合适,故在此引申为“平衡”。]

12.... And for good reason: Lenders worry that they’ll be throwing money to a black hole.

??其原因很清楚,放款者担心他们的钱会扔进一个无底洞。 [原文中的for the good reason 的本义是“好的,站得住脚的”,但在这里不能译作“有一个很好的理由”,必须引申为“很清楚”、“很简单”或“只有一个”才符合汉语的表达习惯。而black hole原意为“黑洞”,如果照字面翻译会令人费解。另外,钱扔进黑洞就找不回来了,因此,通过引申,译为“无底洞”比较确切。] 13. Its acquisition of the group will allow it to gain access to France’s railway business.

它对该集团的收购将使其得以进入法国铁路业。 [access在英文gain access to中为名词,在翻译过程中可经过词性转换,变成动词“进入”。]

14. The unit cost is $ 98, but in view of the size of the order, we can offer a 5% discount. 单价是98英镑,不过考虑到您的定货量,我们可以给您打九五折。 [5 % discount翻译成“5%的折扣”,显得有点罗嗦,译成“九五折”更符合汉语的表达习惯,这里应用到视点转换的翻译技巧。]

15. Tobacco and smoking were the subject of 413 broadcast news stories during the year. 那一年里,广播新闻报道提及烟草和烟草工业413次。 [subject从名词变成动词,用到了词性转换的技巧。] 16. The products are exported to these densely populated countries. 产品出口到这些人口稠密的国家。 [densely由副词经过词性变换变成形容词]。

17. And no wander: being foreign makes his already complicated life as a mobile telecoms executive more complicated still. 毫不奇怪,做移动通信公司的经理已经让他的生活够复杂的了,而身为外国人,还得加个“更”字。[该句话中complicated出现了两次,译文可以把第二次出现的complicated(复杂)省略。]

18. About 22 percent of the European Union’s exports go to, and 20 percent of its imports come from, developing countries.

欧盟22%的出口是针对发展中国家,而同时其20 的进口也是来自发展中国家。[译文中出于汉语表达的习惯把“发展中国家”重复。]

19. I bought the book from a self-service bookstand.

这本书我是从一无人售书处购得的。[视点转换:把Self-service(顾客自理的)翻译成“无人售货的”。] 20. We should be grateful if you would give us further details of American computers at the earliest time. 如蒙尽快惠告美国电脑的详细情况,不胜感激。 [该句中作主语和宾语的we,you和us都省略了。]

