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1) His speech was so eloquent that all the birds were

glad they had brought him, and nodded their heads ______approval of all he said.

A) in B) at C) to D) on

2) The official in the tax office ________ that the

shopkeeper was innocent.

A) contented C) contained B) consented D) contended

3) The new furniture does not ________ to the design

of the new room.

A) conform C) condemn

B) confine D) confirm

4) The employer is ________ to ask for references. A) conceited C) condemned B) entitled D) despair

5) I am very ________ of all the support you gave me. A) eloquent C) appreciative B) jealousy D) spoiled

6) Although they are sisters, they are the ________

opposite of one another. A) very

B) much C) little D) just

7) The rumors of an attack were later ________. A) convinced C) conformed

B) confirmed D) confined

8) His self-confidence was ____ by repeated failures. A) underestimated C) undermanned B) underexposed D) undermined

9) I have__ you that it's not worthwhile to take the risk. A) secured C) assured B) ensured D) insured

10) The gun ____ the monkeys and they all escaped. A) bothered C) overflowed B) impressed D) startled

11) Knowledge without common sense ________ little. A) counts C) counts up B) counts on D) counts for

12) The police have ________ all the other suspects,

so only one now remains.

A)reduced C)diminished B)eliminated D)removed

13) He's very___to his pupil's need for encouragement

and knows when to praise them. A) sensational

C) sensible

B) sensitive D) sensuous

14) Reading the newspaper ________ one of my

parents' life habits since they retired.

A) become C) have become B) are becoming D) has become

15) My uncle was made ________ his research work due to his ill health.

A) giving up C) to give up B) given up D) give up

16) He will never ________ the window this afternoon

when he was playing football in the front yard. A) admit to break C)admit having broken B) admit to have broken D) admit him break 17) He has a very strange ________ on life. A) interview C) outlook

B) perspectives D) angle

18) They ________ themselves that the accident was a million-to-one chance. A) reassured C) insured

B) realized D) instructed

19) I ______my fear of flying by taking several short

flights last month. A) undermined C) confronted B) overcame D) challenged

20) There is noise on this ____. I can hardly hear you.

A)occasion B)connection C)case D)scene 21) If anything happened to the kids I'd never_____


A) forgive C) threaten B)dismiss D) convince

22) These events are a major_____to the establishment of a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

A) dismissal C) consequence B) grip D) setback

23) As a child, he was very ________ to nose and throat infections.

A) prone B)confined C) tend D) attached 24) I'm only just beginning to get over the severe

________ I felt about losing my job.

A) setback C) reversal B) rejection D) depression

25) I was not able to ________ all I set out to do. A) accomplish C) attain

B) plan D) establish UNIT 3

1) In 1930s,the Japanese, ___ with modern weapons,

came to China, _____ to make her _____ by them. A. arming; hoping; controlling B. armed; to hope; to be controlled C. armed; hoping; controlled

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D. arm; to hope; to controlling

2) Reading the newspaper _____ one of my parents’

life habits since they retired.

A. become B. have become C. are becoming D. has become

3) My uncle was made ____ his research work due to his ill health.

A. giving up B. to give up

C. given up D. give up

4) Each parent and child __ asked to attend one of the

lectures given by Professor Wang during this term. A. were B. are C. has D. is 5) He will never _____ the window this afternoon

when he was playing football in the front yard. A. admit to break B. admit to have broken

C. admit having broken D. admit him break 6) She _____ polite at the party last night. But actually she is not the least bit polite.

A.was B.would be C.were D.was being 7) If he ____ his mother’s advice, he _____ be much

better now.

A. should have taken; would B. took; would C. had taken; would D. took; ill 8) Mary _____ for Washington to take part in her

grandmother’s birthday party next Saturday. A. is leaving B. left C. was leaving D. would leave

9) It is the first time that we _____ such an

interesting trip since we’ve been in college. A. took part in B. take part in C. will take part in D. have taken part in 10) _____his support, I think we’ll win the election. A. To give B. Giving C. Given D. Having given Complete the following sentences with the appropriate

words from the box. Change the form if necessary. comfort concern furthermore suppress drug integrate homemaker compel knowledge meantime respect shame 1. I don’t want to go out for a walk; ____________, I

don’t have time to do so. 2. The _____________ that he had arrived at the

airport safely made his parents very happy. 3. The frequent ___________ of her own feelings has made her rather reserved.

4. Two groups ___________________ into one team

in order to make it stronger.

5. In some countries, women become ___________ after they get married.

6. The conference will begin in an hour; in the

_____________, let’s have a cup of tea. 7. It is such a(n) ___________ order that everyone of

us must obey it; otherwise, we will be dismissed. 8. His kindness and care gave his mother great


9. The teacher is so _____ that we are all very ______. 10. Juvenile delinquency is often the result of

____________ abuse.

11. She showed a great deal of _________ about

her husband’s illness, since the doctor told her it

was life-threatening.

12. She felt so sorry for his ____________ behavior

at the meeting this morning in front of so many



Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each of

the following sentences.

1) Joe and his professor took ____ of Joe’s progress

to decide what Joe should do next.

A. inventory C. invention B. inventive D. inventor

2) You don’t know the circumstances of divorce, so

don’t make ____ judgments about it. A. morale

C. moralistic

B. moral D. morality

3) Thousands of lives will be ____ if emergency aid

doesn’t arrive in the village soon. A. at stake B. at ease

C. at hand D. at random

4) More than 5,000 residents will participate in the first _____ of the project.

A. phrase C. pharmacy B. phase D. phenomenon

5) Jack’s been busy those days. We’d better give

him a ring ____ he forgets? A. in the case B. in case of

C. in case

D. in the case of

6) In order to attract more excellent students, some

schools have to ____ recruiting teachers from overseas. A. resort in B. resort to

C. resort from D. resort out of

7) A season ticket ___ the holder to make as many

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journeys as he wishes within the stated period. A.grants B.promises C.entitles D.presents 8) In recent years much emphasis has been put ____

developing the students’ productive skills. A. over B. onto C. in D. on

9) With the development in science and technology

man can make various flowers___before their time.

A. be bloomed

C. bloom

B. blooming D. bloomed

10) According to the American federal government,

residents of Hawaii have the longest life ____ :77.2 years. A.scope B.rank C.span D.scale 11) There were no rooms ____ in the hotel. A. available B. accessible

C. achievable D. acceptable

and has written numerous books on gender differences. (accomplish)

9. He said good night ____________, promising that he would phone Tom in the morning. (haste)

10. __________________ can lead to frantic and

unwise career development. (vigilance)

11. He showed complete _____________ of the most

basic knowledge about IT. (ignore)

12. This could have serious ______________ for the

company’s future. (imply) 13. The answer is _____________ ,which means you

lose a point. (correct) 14. The civil war would bring about greater

_____________ in the region. (stable)


1. This book to the Chinese students. A. appoints B. applies C.supplies D suits 2. It was so of him to stamp out of the restaurant

just because people didn’t agree with what he said. A.childless B.childlike

C.childishly D.childish

12) Not having a good command of English can be a

serious ____ preventing you from achieving your


A. obstacle C. offense B. fault D. distress 13) It’s very ____ of you not to talk aloud while the

baby is asleep. A. concerned

C. considerable

B. careful D. considerate

14) Our hopes ____ and fell in the same instant. A. aroused B. arose C. raised D. rose 15) Many a player who had been highly thought of has

____ from the basketball scene. A. disposed C. discouraged B. disappeared D. discarded

Directions: Complete the following sentences with the

appropriate forms of the words in brackets. 1. Pollution on this level is no longer socially

____________. (accept) 2. The country lose millions of dollars due to tax

____________. (avoid)

3. She’s so ____________ that it’s hard to be her confidant. (defend)

4. He gave a ________________ of how the washing machine works. (demonstrate)

5. The _____________ gorilla is the largest in the

group. (dominate)

6. This will simply lead, in my ______________, to

further problems. (estimate)

7. There is a possibility of severe water shortage in

the ______________ future. (foresee) 8. Mr. Smith is a(n) ________________ sociolinguist,

3. Frankfurt, Germany, is in one of the most populated regions of Western Europe. A. densely B. vastly

C. enormously D dense

4. Our journey was slow because the train stopped

____ at different villages. A.continually B. continuously C.gradually D. unceasingly

5. Not only the professionals but also the amateurs

will____ from the new training facilities. A. derive B. acquire

C. benefit D. reward

6. Positive social relationships increase our life span

and improve our minds and bodies. Such improvements, however, are only __ effects. A. associate B. secondary C. vice D. side 7. Language is accompanied by a continuous flow of

nonverbal , which involves not only the voice but also the face and the body. A. discussion B. conversation C. communication D. conference

8. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular ___ children as Coca-cola.

A. for B. in C. to D. with 9. A dark suit is ___to a light one for evening wear.

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A. favourable B. suitable

C. proper D. preferable

10. The manager lost his just because his secretary was ten minutes late.

A. mood B. temper C. mind D. passion 11. A lot of people you, so don’t let them down. A. look down upon B. look over C. look up to D. look on 12. Everybody says he is an writer. A. imagination B. imaginary C. imaginative D. imaginable 13. Rose told them all to Oliver.

A. which happened B. that had happened C. which had happened D. what had happened 14. He always did well at school having to

do part-time jobs every now and then. A. in case of B. in spite of C. regardless of D. on account of 15. He climbed up into the tree and picked all fruit reach.

A. near B. within C. inside D. at 16. The pressure _____ causes Americans to be

energetic, but it also put them under a constant emotional strain.

A. to compete B. competing C. to be competed D. having competed 17. In the dark I could have taken her your sister. A. to B. after C. in D. for

18. The absence of children at Christmas ____Ritz’s mind.

A. preyed in B. preyed at C. preyed on D. preyed for

19. She cooked the meat for a long time so as to make

it enough to eat. A. mild B. slight C. light D. tender 20. As a result of careless washing, the jacket to a

child’s size. A. shrank B. compressed

C. dropped D. decreased

21. We regret to inform you that the materials you

ordered are . A. out of stock B. out of work C. out of reach D. out of practice 22. She tears of sorrow for what she did. A. bled B. shed C. fell D. flowed

23. Although these wide modern roads are generally

splendid and well maintained, with few sharp

curves and many straight , a direct route is not always the most enjoyable one. A. selections B. separations

C. series D. sections

24. The destruction of these treasures was a loss of

mankind that no amount of money could . A. stand up to B. make up for C. come up with D. sort out

25. Our professor told me to write in a style to my subject.

A. assembled B. fitful

C. appropriate D. approximate 26. Finding a job in such a big company has always

been ____ his wildest dreams. A. under B. under C. above D. beyond 27. I’m not sure whether I can gain any profit from the

investment, so I can’t make a(n) ____ promise to help you.

A. exact B. defined C. definite D. sure

28. The clothes a person wears may express his

or social position. A. curiosity B. determination C. status D. significance

29. _____ the storm, the ship would have reached its

destination on time.

A. But for B. In case of C. In spite of D. Because of

30. Human behavior is mostly a product of learning, whereas, the behavior of an animal depends mainly on . A. instinct B. consciousness C. conscience D. impulse

Directions: Complete the following sentences with the

correct form of the words in the brackets. 1. Employees must fill in those ____________ forms

before having an interview. (apply)

2. It was so ____________ of him to stamp out of the

restaurant just because people didn’t agree with

what he said. (child)

3. She could faintly hear voices as she began to regain

______________. (conscious) 4. It rained ______________ all summer, which

completely spoiled our vacation. (continue) 5. The children were ____________ of receiving gifts at the Christmas party. (expect)

6. Parrots learn human language by ________.(imitate) 7. She attempts to avoid her husband’s ___________

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gaze. (penetrate)

8. He expressed his ______________ at her father’s


9. She nursed her father with devotion and great

_______________ during his illness. (tender)

10. Most young children are eager __________. (learn) 11. I found his remarks deeply ____________. (offend) 12. I don’t know him ____________, but I’ve read his books.(person)

13. Pink is a ___________ of red and white. (combine) 14. He has a natural _________________ about the

world.(curious) 15. The experiment produced some ______________

results, so we all feel puzzled. (expect)


Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the words or phrases according to the meanings of the expressions given in Chinese in brackets.

1) The company is moving into unfamiliar _________

(领地,领域) with this new software.

2) ___________ (拥有) secretarial skills, she will easily find a job.

3) He got __________ (沮丧的) when he learned that his team lost again.

4) He had the sudden __________ (冲动) to shout out

“Rubbish” in the middle of her speech. 5) If you're rude to him, it may ___________ (危及,损

害) your chances of promotion.

6) I said I would do it and I __________ (遵守) my


7) It could soon be an offence to publish articles or

photos which ____________ (干涉,侵入) on personal relationships, finances or health.

8) The proposals to reduce the strength of the army

have been the subject of much __________ (争议). 9) ______________ (与……相比) our small apartment,

our uncle's house seemed like a palace.

10) The election campaign has now entered its final

___________ (阶段). 11) He thought his whole world ______________ (崩

溃,倒塌) when his wife died. 12) The terrorists have been __________ (追踪) down and arrested abroad.

13) The company has changed some of its working

practices _____________ (作为反应) criticism by


14) The painter gave the art students _____________

(有建设性的) criticism of their works. 15) Convenience foods which are already prepared for

cooking are ____________ (可得到的,可利用的) in grocery stores.

16) There are concerns that these poor people may not

___________ (幸存) the winter. 17) I offered the ____________ (选择的,两者选一的) suggestions of spending the vacation in the

mountains or by the sea.

18) Mr. Swan will give a ____________ (一系列) of lectures related to their subjects and purposes. 19) Some scientists argue that the complex

organizational life of ants should be attributed to ____________ (本能).

20) Our military response to the ____________ (侵略

性的) act was limited and sufficient to show our destination.


1. Every teacher ought to kids to think

about current issues.

A) incorporate B) reinforce C) challenge D) transform

2. These weapons add a new to modern warfare. A) flavor B) factor C) aspect D) dimension

3. Her tears great sympathy from the audience. A) elicited B) aroused C) commanded D) engaged

4. We have all the latest safety features into the design of the car.

A) absorbed B) incorporated C) accumulated D) insulated

5. We worked hard to a barren landscape

into an area of beautiful pastureland. A) transfer B) transform C) transmit D) transport

6. What could have her this state of despair? A) brought; to B) brought; on C) brought; about D) brought; forward 7. He strode quickly down the street, ignoring the

beggars who were out their hands for money. A) extending B) stretching C) lending D) reaching

8. You can’t your children evil forever.

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