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ACF absorption correction factor 吸收校正因子 A/D analog to digital (converter)模拟数字化 ADF annular dark field 环形暗场

AEM analytical electron microscope/microscopy 分析电子显微镜/学 AES Auger electron spectrometer/spectroscopy 俄歇电子光谱仪/学 AFF aberration-free focus 无像差焦点

ALCHEMI atom location by channeling-enhanced microanalysis APB anti-phase domain boundary 反相畴界 ATW atmospheric thin window BF bright field 明场 BFP back focal plane 后焦面

BSE backscattered electron 背散射电子

BSED backscattered-electron diffraction 背散射电子衍射 BZB Brillouin-zone boundary

C(1,2,etc..)condenser (l, 2, etc.) lens 第1,2...聚光镜 CB coherent bremsstrahlung

CBED convergent-beam electron diffraction 会聚束电子衍射 CBIM convergent-beam imaging 会聚束成像 CCD charge-coupled device 电荷耦合装置 CCF cross-correlation function 互相关函数 CCM charge-collection microscopy CDF centered dark field 中心暗场像 CF coherent Fennel/Foucault

CFEG cold field-emission gun 冷场发射枪 CL cathodeluminescence阴极发光

CRT cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管 CS crystallographic shear 晶体学切变 CSL coincident-site lattice DF dark field 暗场

DOS density of states 态密度 DP diffraction pattern 衍射花样

DQE detection of quantum efficiency 量子探测效率

DSTEM dedicated scanning transmission electron microscope 专业扫描透射电子显微镜 DTSA desktop spectrum analyzer

EBIC electron beam-induced current/conductivity EELS electron energy-loss spectrometry 电子能量损失谱 EFI energy-filtered imaging 能量过滤成像

ELNES energy-loss near-edge structure 能量损失近边结构 ELP energy-loss program (Gatan)

EMMA electron microscope microanalyzer

EMS electron microscopy image simulation 电子显微学图像模拟 EPMA electron probe microanalyzer

ESCA electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis ESI electron spectroscopic imaging

EXAFS extended X-ray absorption fine structure 扩展X射线吸收精细结构 EXELFS extended energy-loss fine structure 扩展能量损失精细结构 FCF fluorescence correction factor 荧光校正因子 FEG field-emission gun 场发射枪 FET field-effect transistor 场效晶体管 FFT fast Fourier transform 快速傅立叶变换 FOLZ first-order Laue zone 一阶劳埃区

FSE fast secondary electron

FTP file transfer protocol 文件传输协议

FWHM full width at half maximum 半极大处全宽度半峰全宽 FWTM full width at tenth maximum GB grain boundary 晶界 GCS generalized cross section

GIF Gatan image filter Gantan图像过滤 GOS generalüed oscillator strength

HAADF high-angle annular dark field 高角环形暗场 HOLZ higher-order Laue zone 高阶劳埃区 HPGe high-purity germanium 高纯Ge

HRTEM high-resolution transmission electron microscope/microscopy 高分辨透射电子显微镜/学 HV high vacuum 高真空

HVEM high voltage electron microscope/microscopy 高压电子显微镜/学 IDB inversion domain boundary 反相畴界

IEEE International Electronics and Electrical Engineering IG intrinsic Ge

IVEM intermediate voltage electron microscope/microscopy 中等电压电子显微镜/学 K-M Kossel-M?llenstedt

LEED low-energy electron diffraction 低能电子衍射 LLS linear least-squares 线性最小二乘 LUT look-up table 对照表 MC minimum contrast 最小衬度

MCA multichannel analyzer 脉冲高度分析仪 MDM minimum detectable mass MLS multiple least-squares MMF minimum mass fraction

MSDS material safety data sheets

NCEMSS National Center for Electron Microscopy simulation system NIH National Institutes of Health

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology OR orientation relationship

OTEDP oblique-textured electron diffraction pattern PB phase boundary 相界

P/B peak-to-background ratio 峰背比

PEELS parallel electron energy-loss spectrometer/spectroscopy 并联电子能量损失谱仪/学 PIMS Precision Ion-Milling System PIPS Precision Ion-Polishing System PM photomultiplier 光电倍增器

POA phase-object approximation 相位物近似

QHRTEM quantitative high-resolution transmission electron microsc.定量高分辨透射电子显微学 RB translation boundary (yes, it does!) RCP rocking-beam channeling patterns RDF radial distribution function

REM reflection electron microscope/microscopy 反射电子显微镜/学 RHEED reflection high-energy electron diffraction 反射高能电子衍射 RHF relativistic Hartree-Fock

RHFS relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater SAD selected-area diffraction 选区衍射 SE secondary electron 二次电子

SEELS serial electron energy-loss spectrometer/spectrometry 串联电子能量损失谱仪/学 SEM scanning electron microscope/microscopy 扫描电子显微镜/学 SF stacking fault 堆垛层错

SHRLI simulated high-resolution lattice images 程序的名称 SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry S/N signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比

SOLZ second-order Laue zone 二阶劳埃区 SRM standard reference material

STEM scanning transmission electron microscope/microscopy 扫描透射电子显微镜/学 STM scanning tunneling microscope/microscopy 扫描隧道电子显微镜/学 TB twin boundary 挛晶界

TEM transmission electron microscope/microscopy 透射电子显微镜/学 TMBA too many bloody acronyms UHV ultrahigh vacuum 超高真空 UTW ultra thin window 超薄窗口 V/F voltage to frequency (converter)

VLM visible-light microscope/microscopy WB weak beam 弱束

WBDF weak-beam dark field 弱束暗场 WDS wavelength-dispersive WP whole pattern 全图

WPOA weak-phase object approximation 弱相位物近似 WWW World Wide Web

XANES X-ray absorption near-edge structure X射线吸收近边结构 XEDS X-ray energy-dispersive spectrometer X射线能量色散谱仪 XRD X-ray diffraction X射线衍射

YBCO yttrium-barium-copper oxide 钇钡铜氧 YAG yttrium-aluminum garnet 钇铝石榴石

ZAF atomic number, absorption, fluorescence correction ZAP zone-axis pattern

ZOLZ zero-order Laue zone 零阶劳埃区

ALCHEMI atom location by channeling-enhanced microanalysis 原子位置通道增强微分析

ATW atmospheric thin window 对应于超薄窗,大概是常压薄窗

BZB Brillouin-zone boundary 布里渊区界

CB coherent bremsstrahlung 相干韧致辐射

EBIC electron beam-induced current/conductivity 应该是电子束诱导电流/导电性 ELP energy-loss program (Gatan) 能量损失程序(Gatan公司)

EMMA electron microscope microanalyzer 电子显微微分析仪

EPMA electron probe microanalyzer 电子探针微分析仪

ESCA electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis 化学分析的电子能谱(也就是常见的XPS仪) ESI electron spectroscopic imaging 电子谱成像

FSE fast secondary electron 不知道:快速二次电子? FWTM full width at tenth maximum 半高宽吧

IEEE International Electronics and Electrical Engineering 著名学会:国际电子和电气工程 IG intrinsic Ge 只知道intrinsic是内能 K-M Kossel-M?llenstedt 会聚束衍射的一种花样? MDM minimum detectable mass


MMF minimum mass fraction 最小质量分数?

MSDS material safety data sheets 材料安全数据表

NCEMSS National Center for Electron Microscopy simulation system 电子显微学模拟系统国家中心 NIH National Institutes of Health 美国国家健康研究所

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 美国国家标准和技术研究所 OR orientation relationship 人际导向?猜的

OTEDP oblique-textured electron diffraction pattern 斜纹电子衍射花样?

PIMS Precision Ion-Milling System 精密粒子减薄系统

PIPS Precision Ion-Polishing System 精密离子抛光系统

RB translation boundary (yes, it does!)

这个似乎是搞笑的,不懂:传递界面?有双重含义 RDF radial distribution function 径向分布函数

SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry 二次离子质谱

SRM standard reference material 标准参考材料

TMBA too many bloody acronyms


V/F voltage to frequency (converter) 电压到频率转换器?

VLM visible-light microscope/microscopy 可见光显微镜/显微学也就是光学显微镜 WDS wavelength-dispersive

波长散射谱(这里少了spectrum或者spectrometer) WWW World Wide Web 互联网,也叫万维网,^_^

ZAF atomic number, absorption, fluorescence correction


