自考英美文学选读_Percy Bysshe Shelly

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Percy Bysshe Shelly 珀· 比· 雪莱Shellly(1792-1822) ,was born into a wealth family at Sussex, his father was a conservative man of the landed gentry, and his mother was a beautiful woman. He was a quiet and thoughtful boy. Though gentle by nature. His rebellious qualities were cultivated in his early years.

In his early years, He was sent to study at Eton, but he did not like the life there. At 18, Shelly entered Oxford University, where he had written an circulated a pamphlet, The Necessity of Atheism(1811).

Shortly, the 19-year-old Shelly went to London where he met Harrit Westbrook.He eloped with her toEdinburgh and married her.Back in London, Shelly became a disciple of the radical social philosopher,William Godwin. In 1814, Shelly fell in love with Godwin's daughter, Mary Wollstonecraft. In 1816, Harriet's drowning freed him to legalize his union with Mary.

In the summer of 1816, when he was during another brief visit to the Continent. Shelley met Byron in Geneva and began to form a close association with him . During this trip shelley composed teo short poems ,"Hymn to intellectual beauty "and "Mont Blanc" . Back home , Shelley started to develop his acquaintance withLeigh Hunt, Keats ,Hazlitt and Thomas Love Peacock. Then , early in 1818, Shelley and his wife Mary left England for the last time .

During the remaining four years of his life ,Shelley traveled and lived in various Italian cities,peoducing all his major works , scores of magnificent lyrics ,and the major prose essay, A Defence of Poerty. Shelley was drowed in 1822 in a storm near La Spezia , at the age of 30.

The Necessity of Atheism (1811) Queen Mab (1813) The Spirit of Solitude (1816) Julian and Maddalo (1818) The Revolt of Islam (1818) The Cenci (1819) Prometheus Unbound (1819) Ode to the West Wind (1819) Adonais (1821)

«无神论的必然性» « 麦布女王» «孤独之精神» «朱利安与麦达罗» «伊斯兰的起义» «钦契一家» «解放的普罗米修斯» «西风颂» «阿多那伊斯»

Comments Shelly is one of the most talented lyric poet in Britain literal history . William wordsworth called him " one of the best artists of us all". The same times writer Byron (拜伦) 拜伦) 拜伦 said " without exception thr best and least selfish man i ever knew".

Style 他的诗歌语言清新别致,文化底蕴深厚, 他的诗歌语言清新别致,文化底蕴深厚, 含有丰富的典故,并多用拟人与隐喻,将 含有丰富的典故,并多用拟人与隐喻, 我们看到或感受到的事物 完全生动的描绘 出来,感人至深。 出来,感人至深。

名言 If winter comes ,can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 爱你的心永不过期。 爱你的心永不过期。 过去属于死神,未来属于你自己。 过去属于死神,

未来属于你自己。 爱情就像灯光同时照两个人,光辉并不会 爱情就像灯光同时照两个人, 减弱。 减弱。

吻是灵魂与灵魂相遇在爱人的嘴唇上(嘴 吻是灵魂与灵魂相遇在爱人的嘴唇上( 唇是一对爱人两个灵魂交会的地方。 唇是一对爱人两个灵魂交会的地方。 精明的人是精细考虑他自己利益的人,智 精明的人是精细考虑他自己利益的人, 慧的人精细考虑他人利益的人。 慧的人精细考虑他人利益的人。 希望会使人年轻,因为希望和青春是一对 希望会使人年轻, 同胞兄弟。 同胞兄弟。 感受不到光明是因为本身阴暗。 感受不到光明是因为本身阴暗。

