
更新时间:2023-05-08 09:39:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


. .. .


1.have ________2.go________3.do________4.put________ 5.dance ________6.talk________7.speak________8.help________ 9.watch ________10.study________


11. What time ______ he usually ______(go) to bed?

12. Scott______ (work) very long hours.

13. The food in the boxes _______(be) very delicious.

14. His parents usually_______ (get) up at five.

10. What about _______(listen) to the music.

15. Tom isn't good at _______(speak) Japanese.

16. His sister ________(want, join) the music club.

17. They are busy ________ (have) lunch.

18. Jack, _______ (put) on your raincoat.

19. It’s time _______ (go) home now.


()1.--What's the time?--______one-thirty.

A. Its


C.This is


()2.He likes ______ the radio(收音机)。

i. .w.

. .. .


B.to listen to

C. listens to

D.to listen

()3.We only have _______ shower.

A. some




()4.My sister _______ home at 5:00 every day.

A. gets

B.gets to


D.get to

()5.We can watch Beijing Opera _____ TV.

A. in




()6.Let's ________.

A. take a shower

B.have a shower

C.take the shower

D.A and B

()7.--______ do you usually go to bed?

--At six.

A. What time

B.How time


D.A and C ()8.Zhang Min usually gets up _______.

A. at six thirty

B.at thirty six

C.on six thirty

D.on thirty six ()9.Rick often does ______ homework at 6:00.




D.your ()10.In our school, school _____ at 7:30.





()11.Please write and tell us _____ your morning.




D.from ( )12. Tony usually eats breakfast_______7: 00 am_______Saturdays.

A. at; at

B. on; on

C. on; at

D. at; on

i. .w.

. .. .

13. —What time__ you get up on weekends? —He usually gets up exercis

e at 8:00. A. does B. do C. is D. are

14. Bob is very fat because he ______ exercises.

A. always

B. sometimes

C. usually

D. never

15. Scott____to school from Monday to Friday.

A. usually walk

B. walk usually

C. usually walks

D. walks usually

16. Either Jim or Tom________at a radio station.

A. work

B. works

C. to work

D. working

17. I have _______ homework to do in the evening.

A. many

B. lot of

C. lots of

D. much of

18.The apples tastes __________.

A. good

B. well

C. funny

D. interesting

19. I stay at school from Monday _______ Friday.

A. to

B. in

C. on

D. for

20. Mary knows the ice-cream is not good _______ her, but it tastes goo

d. A. with B. to C. for D at

()21.Is it ________ boring job? No, it is ________ interesting work.

A.a, an B.an, a C.×, a D.a,×

()22.What time ________ the child ________ his homework?

A.does, does B.does, do C.do, does D.do, do

i. .w.

. .. .

()23.We ________ a shower schedule(计划) and I am the one to ________ a shower.

A.take, take B.make, make C.take, make D.make, take

()24.Do you think the news________ very interesting?

A.are B.is C.sound D.look

()25.What time ________ your teacher ________ supper?

A.does, has B.does, have C.do, has D.do, have

()26.—What’s the time?—It’s _______ three-thirty. A. of B. around C. at D. in

()27.Please write and tell me _______ your school day.

A. about

B. for

C. with


()28.We often do _______ homework at

home A. we B. us C. our D. the

()29.Please come _______ here. Don’t go _______ now. A. to; home B. /; to home C. /; home D. to; to home

()30. I at ten o’clock in the evening.A. have breakfast B. get up C. go to bed D. have lunch

()31. Mary eats dinner at 7:30 in the evening.A. a B. an C.the D. /

()32.Sorry, I can’t go with you. I have _______ homework to do. A. little B. many C. lots of D. a lo t

i. .w.

. .. .

()33. —_______ do you eat breakfast?—At seven-thirty. A. What B. What time C. Where D. How

()34.He usually _____ work at a quarter ________eight .A go to B goes to ,to C goes , to D go to ,at

()35.Are you often late _______ school ?A to B for C at D in ()36.Victor wants to find a new____. He doesn’t like to ___here . A work , job B job , job C job ,work D work ,work

()37.I _______ go to the theater ,because I don’t like operas at all . A always

B often

C sometimes

D never


Sam Scott and his sister Ann are students. Sam 1 school by bus,and Ann does,too. Some of 2 walk(走) to school. Sam and

dinner(晚饭前),and they watch TV after dinner. They usually 5 early(早).

Sam and Ann 6 three meals a day:breakfast,lunch and dinner. They have breakfast at home.7 they have lunch8 school. They often eat dinner at home .M r. Scott9 from 10 at five and Mrs. Scott eats dinner at six.

()1.A.go to B. go to the C. goes to D. goes to the ()2.A.your friends B. their friends C. your fathers D .their fathers ()3.A.get to school B. get to home C. get school D. get home

i. .w.

. .. .

()4.A.do homework B. run C. watch TV D. play

()5.A.go to school B .go to bed C. get to school D. get up

()6.A.has B. have C. shows D .show

()7.A.In weekdays B. In Sundays C .On weekdays D .On Sundays ()8.A.at B. on C. of D. to

()0e6fbd41f021dd36a32d7375a417866fb94ac01be to home B. come home C. comes to home D. comes home ()10.A.working B. works C. work D .to work My cousin Jerry is __1___thirteen years old, but he is a good student and a successful musician.He usually _2___up at six ten. He has breakfast at seven o’clock. He__3___school at seven thirty. School starts(开始)at __4____8 o’clock. At twelve o’clock, he has a quick lunch at school. After lunch, he plays__5__guitar with his friends. They are __6__ players in S chool Show.

Jerry and his friends__7___a music club. After school, they take the nu mber 102 bus to their club. In the club, he helps kids(儿童) play the guita r for two__8____. He works very well. The kids___9___him a lot. He usu ally gets home at around 6: 00 pm. He has dinner with his parents at si x thirty. After dinner, Jerry and his parents listen to music, because they l ove music. And they go to bed at ______nine.

36. A. have B. has C. only D. more

37. A. goes B. does C. sleeps D. gets

i. .w.

. .. .

38. A. goes to B. go to C. goes for D. go for

39. A. in B. on C. at D. of

40. A. an B. a C. the D. /

41. A. guitar B. piano C. trumpet D. violin

42. A. is B. are C. have D. has

43. A. hours B. days C. weeks D. years

44. A. love B. need C. join D. listen

45. A.in B. on C. of D. around


51. Her cousin does his________(家庭作业)after school every day.

52. I often brush my ___________(牙齿) before I go to bed.

53. I work at a radio s___________. .

54. “8: 15”means(意思是)a q_________ past eight.

55. My father has a good j________, he w________ at a bank(银行). . VI.补全对话,词数不限

A: What's the matter with you? (怎么了?)

B: ______41______.

A: Hungry? Don't you ___42___ ___43___ in the morning?

B: No, I ___44___.A: ___45___ ?

B: Because I get up ___46___ and have ___47 ___ time to have it.

A: Here ___48___ some bread. Have it and ___49___ some water.

i. .w.

. .. .

i. .w. B: ___50___ a lot.

41.________ 42.________ 43.________ 44.________ 45.________

46.________ 47.________ 48.________ 49.________ 50.________

Oscar has two brothers, Oliver and Andy, and o 66 sister, Nancy. Osc ar ’s mother g 67 up at five-thirty. She t 68 a shower and then she eats b 69 at six o

’ clock.

Oscar and Nancy get up at six-thirty, b 70


r and Andy get up at eight-thirty. Oscar and Nancy t 71 showers in the morning, but Oliver and Andy d 72 . Oscar, his mother, Oliver and An dy w 73 TV in the evening. Nancy does her h 74 and goes to bed 66._________ 67._________ 68.________ _

69.___________ 70.____________

71._________ 72._________ 73.__________

74.__________ 75._____________


