
更新时间:2023-04-14 07:02:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment , promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situatio n of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 million kWh t he annual Exe cutive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. --Se curity measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and

above, no major fire a cci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stabi lity to good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: t otal profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond t he Datang compa ny index 41.89 milli on Yuan, a n increase of 1.76 million Yua n, FCM assessment at grade four. --Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting 312.25 g /kWh, dow n 0.1 g /kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption rati o in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compare d to last year, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxi de 0.104 g /kWh NOx 0.512 g /k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. --Relia bility index: e quivale nt availability factor in 93.47%, i ncrease d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over t he same period a year e arlier. Major achievement s: first, we should a dhere to t he two "manageme nt system" basis, strengtheni ng technol ogical re search, strengt hen hidden hazards control a nd intri nsi c safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o "management system" for improvement. Focus on pr omoting t he power of the compa ny management sy stem and the applicati on a nd

implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, impr ove the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Furt her regulate secur ity routines, safety supervisi on a nd ma nagement network rol e to play to a chieve closed -loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd m anagement of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on of outsourcing contract ors. Carried out in spring a nd a utumn of security inspecti ons, flood control a nd i nspecti on, safety producti on month, day supervisi on of pr oduction safety and the Olympic Games and ot her

ctivities, compre hensive and tamping Safety Foundati on ... Troubl eshooti ng, manageme nt mechanism, give full play to role of technical supe rvision and realizati on of troubleshooting, ma nagement, impr oved process management. T his year completed t he boiler l ower hea der leakage, boil er pressure, a major ri sk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of gover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr ucti on, thermal control, a nd complete t he boiler scale integrated ma nagement, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific and technologi cal pr ojects, such a s. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-line simulation system devel opme nt and applicati on of cir culati ng water MCC standby power transformation, t he transformation of de sulfuri zation w aste water, the unit water supply system of compre hensive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mill 5 key technologi cal transformation projects, group healt h is improve d. --S cience and technology i nnovati on is furt her increase d. Strengthen the characteristi cs of super critical unit major issue s, gr adua lly cleari ng the parti cularity of supercritical unit a nd reg ularity. Developed mot or oil time managem ent, switch acti on times, statisti cs, coal -ai ded measurement software, improves t he pr oduction level of lea n

management. Increased inve stment in science a nd technolog y, reporting scie nce a nd te chnol ogy proje cts a nd 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per centage of the total annual producti on output of 0.25%. "Large-scal e coa l-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrificati on complete development and applicati on of key technologie s" proje ct, won the national sci ence and technology pr ogress second prize. 630M W supercriti cal units optimized control strategies and the 630M W devel opme nt and application of on-li ne sim ulation system for supercritica l unit s, supercriti cal 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Data ng technol ogy respectively one or two and thir d. Meanwhil e, information technology achievement s, the compa ny was name d "Chi na power information technology benchmarki ng enterpri ses." --Repair a nd maint enance ha s improve d further. Modify the inspe ction standards a nd sta ndar ds on a regular basi s, standardizi ng work procedures, che cking and inspe ction project. Deepeni ng the BFS++ system, and implement s maintena nce information share d. Reorgani zing RB l ogic agai n, and ensure t he success of the RB. Innovating the me cha nism of maintena nce management, im plemente d a project manager sy stem.

Succe ssful completi on of two autonom ous mai ntena nce , reliability impr oved stea dily. Impleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accom plish tw o cir culati ng pum ps repair a nd overha ul of four Mil ls, mainte nance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of e nergy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, compl ete the unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla nt water bala nce test, 10 energy -saving proje cts. Second, we should a dhere to "three" on the economic benefits of improving, outrea ch 高中地理·必修Ⅱ复习提纲

第一章 人口的变化



















“高”与“低”往往以1%为参照, 若低于或接近1%就能用 “低”来形容。














流向:从旧大陆流向新大陆,从已开发国家流向未开发国家。 主要移出地:欧洲;




Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment, promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situation of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 million kWh t he annual Exe cutive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. --Se curity measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and above, no major fire a cci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stabi lity t o good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: t otal profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond t he Datang compa ny index 41.89 milli on Yuan, a n increase of 1.76 million Yua n, FCM assessment at grade four. --Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting 312.25 g/kWh, dow n 0.1 g/kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption rati o in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compare d to last year, carbon 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxi de 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. --Relia bility index: e quivale nt availability factor in 93.47%, i ncrease d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over t he same period a year e arlier. Major achievement s: first, we should a dhere to t he two "manageme nt system" basis, strengtheni ng technol ogical re search, strengt hen hidden hazards control a nd intri nsi c safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o "management system" for improvement. Focus on pr omoting t he power of the compa ny management sy stem and the applicati on a nd

implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, impr ove the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Furt her regulate secur ity routines, safety supervisi on a nd ma nagement network rol e to play to a chieve closed-loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd m anagement of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on of outsourcing contract ors. Carried out in spring a nd a utumn of security inspecti ons, flood control a nd i nspecti on, safety producti on month, day supervisi on of pr oduction safety an d the Olympic Games and ot her












































ctivities, compre hensive and tamping Safety Foundati on ... Troubl eshooti ng, manageme nt mechanism, give full play to role of technical supe rvision and realizati on of troubleshooting, ma nagement, impr oved process management. T his year completed t he boiler l ower hea der leakage, boil er pressure, a major ri sk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of gover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr ucti on, thermal control, a nd complete t he boiler scale integrated ma nagement, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific and technologi cal pr ojects, such a s. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-line simulation system devel opme nt and applicati on of cir culati ng water MCC standby power transformation, t he transformation of de sulfuri zation w aste water, the unit water supply system of compre hensive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mill 5 key technologi cal transformation projects, group healt h is improve d. --S cience and technology i nnovati on is furt her increase d. Strengthen the characteristi cs of super critical unit major issue s, gr adua lly cleari ng the parti cularity of supercritical unit a nd reg ularity. Developed mot or oil time managem ent, switch acti on times, statisti cs, coal-ai ded measurement software, improves t he pr oduction level of lea n management. Increased inve stment in science a nd technolog y, reporting scie nce a nd te chnol ogy proje cts a nd 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per centage of the total annual producti on output of 0.25%. "Large-scal e coa l-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrificati on complete development and applicati on of key technologie s" proje ct, won the national sci ence and technology pr ogress second prize. 630M W supercriti cal units optimized control strategies and the 630M W devel opme nt and application of on-li ne sim ulation system for supercritica l unit s, supercriti cal 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Data ng technol ogy respectively one or two and thir d. Meanwhil e, information technology achievement s, the compa ny was name d "Chi na power information technology benchmarki ng enterpri ses." --Repair a nd maint enance ha s improve d further. Modify the inspe ction standards a nd sta ndar ds on a regular basi s, standardizi ng work procedures, che cking and inspe ction project. Deepeni ng the BFS++ system, and implement s maintena nce information share d. Reorgani zing RB l ogic agai n, and ensure t he success of the RB. Innovating the me cha nism of maintena nce management, im plemente d a project manager sy stem.

Succe ssful completi on of two autonom ous mai ntena nce, reliability impr oved stea dily. Impleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accom plish tw o cir culati ng pum ps repair a nd overha ul of four Mil ls, mainte nance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of e nergy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, compl ete the unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla nt water bala nce test, 10 energy-saving proje cts. Second, we should a dhere to "three" on the economic benefits of improving, outrea ch - 2 -

Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment , promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situation of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 million kWh t he annual Exe cutive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. --Se curity measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and

above, no major fire a cci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stabi lity to good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: t otal profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond t he Datang compa ny index 41.89 milli on Yuan, a n increase of 1.76 million Yua n, FCM assessment at grade four. --Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting 312.25 g /kWh, dow n 0.1 g /kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption rati o in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compare d to last year, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxi de 0.104 g /kWh NOx 0.512 g /k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. --Relia bility index: e quivale nt availability factor in 93.47%, i ncrease d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over t he same period a year e arlier. Major achievement s: first, we should a dhere to t he two "manageme nt system" basis, strengtheni ng technol ogical re search, strengt hen hidden hazards control a nd intri nsi c safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o "management system" for improvement. Focus on pr omoting t he power of the compa ny management sy stem and the applicati on a nd

implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, impr ove the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Furt her regulate secur ity routines, safety supervisi on a nd ma nagement network rol e to play to a chieve closed -loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd m anagement of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on of outsourcing contract ors. Carried out in spring a nd a utumn of security inspecti ons, flood control a nd i nspecti on, safety producti on month, day supervisi on of pr oduction safety and the Olympic Games and ot her

ctivities, compre hensive and tamping Safety Foundati on ... Troubl eshooti ng, manageme nt mechanism, give full play to role of technical supe rvision and realizati on of troubleshooting , ma nagement, impr oved process management. T his year completed t he boiler l ower hea der leakage, boil er pressure, a major ri sk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of gover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr ucti on, thermal control, a nd complete t he boiler scale integrated ma nagement, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific and technologi cal pr ojects, such a s. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-line simulation system devel opme nt and applicati on of cir culati ng water MCC standby power transformation, t he tran

management. Increased inve stment in science a nd technolog y, reporting scie nce a nd te chnol ogy proje cts a nd 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per centage of the total annual producti on output of 0.25%. "Large-scal e coa l-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrificati on complete development and applicati on of key technologie s" proje ct, won the national sci ence and technology pr ogress second prize. 630M W supercriti cal units optimized control strategies and the 630M W devel opme nt and application of on-li ne sim ulation system for supercritica l unit s, supercriti cal 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Data ng technol ogy respectively one or two and thir d. Meanwhil e,

Succe ssful completi on of two autonom ous mai ntena nce , reliability impr oved stea dily. Im pleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accom plish tw o cir culati ng pum ps repair a nd overha ul of four Mil ls, mainte nance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of e nergy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, compl ete the unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla nt water bala nce test, 10 energy -saving proje cts. Second, we should a dhere to "three" on the economic benefits of improving, outrea ch - 3 - 合理安排工业用地的位置,以减少对居住区的污染; 在工业区与生活区之间设置防护带; 要为城市发展留有余地。





图1 图2 图3





A 、表现:




B 、差异:时间上——初期阶段:城市化水平低(城市人口比重在30%以下),发展较慢;








C 、城市化对地理环境的影响:












Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment , promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situation of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 million kWh t he annual Exe cutive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. --Se curity measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and

above, no major fire a cci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stabi lity t o good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: t otal profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond t he Datang compa ny index 41.89 milli on Yuan, a n increase of 1.76 million Yua n, FCM assessment at grade four. --Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting 312.25 g /kWh, dow n 0.1 g /kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption rati o in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compare d to last year, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxi de 0.104 g /kWh NOx 0.512 g /k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. --Relia bility index: e quivale nt availability factor in 93.47%, i ncrease d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over t he same period a year e arlier. Major achievement s: first, we should a dhere to t he two "manageme nt system" basis, strengtheni ng technol ogical re search, strengt hen hidden hazards control a nd intri nsi c safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o "management system" for improvement. Focus on pr omoting t he power of the compa ny management sy stem and the applicati on a nd

implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, impr ove the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Furt her regulate secur ity routines, safety supervisi on a nd ma nagement network rol e to play to a chieve closed -loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd m anagement of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on of outsourcing contract ors. Carried out in spring a nd a utumn of security inspecti ons, flood control a nd i nspecti on, safety producti on month, day supervisi on of pr oduction safety an d the Olympic Games and ot her

ctivities, compre hensive and tamping Safety Foundati on ... Troubl eshooti ng, manageme nt mechanism, give full play to role of technical supe rvision and realizati on of troubleshooting, ma nagement, impr oved process management. T his year completed t he boiler l ower hea der leakage, boil er pressure, a major ri sk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of gover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr ucti on, thermal control, a nd complete t he boiler scale integrated ma nagement, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific and technologi cal pr ojects, such a s. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-line simulation system devel opme nt and applicati on of cir culati ng water MCC standby power transformation, t he transformation of de sulfuri zation w aste water, the unit water supply system of compre hensive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mill 5 key technologi cal transformation projects, group healt h is improve d. --S cience and technology i nnovati on is furt her increase d. Strengthen the characteristi cs of super critical unit major issue s, gr adua lly cleari ng the parti cularity of supercritical unit a nd reg ularity. Developed mot or oil time managem ent, switch acti on times, statisti cs, coal -ai ded measurement software, improves t he pr oduction level of lea n management. Increased inve stment in science a nd technolog y, reporting scie nce a nd te chnol ogy proje cts a nd 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per centage of the total annual producti on output of 0.25%. "Large-scal e coa l-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrificati on complete development and applicati on of key technologie s" proje ct, won the national sci ence and technology pr ogress second prize. 630M W supercriti cal units optimized control strategies and the 630M W devel opme nt and application of on-li ne sim ulation system for supercritica l unit s, supercriti cal 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Data ng technol ogy respectively one or two and thir d. Meanwhil e, information technology achievement s, the compa ny was name d "Chi na power information technology benchmarki ng enterpri ses." --Repair a nd maint enance ha s improve d further. Modify the inspe ction standards a nd sta ndar ds on a regular basi s, standardizi ng work procedures, che cking and inspe ction project. Deepeni ng the BFS++ system, and implement s maintena nce information share d. Reorgani zing RB l ogic agai n, and ensure t he success of the RB. Innovating the me cha nism of maintena nce management, im plemente d a project manager sy stem. Succe ssful completi on of two autonom ous mai ntena nce , reliability impr oved stea dily. Impleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accom plish tw o cir culati ng pum ps repair a nd overha ul of four Mil ls, mainte nance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of e nergy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, compl ete the unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla nt water bala nce test, 10 energy -saving proje cts. Second, we should a dhere to "three" on the economic benefits of improving, outrea ch

- 4 - ⑤保护和治理城市环境(加强环境管制、污染治理、建立绿化带等);

第三章 农业地域的形成与发展





农业发展 自

素 气候 光、热、水条件与农作物的分布、复种制度和产量关系最为密切。 地形 不同的地形区(坡向、坡度、高度),适宜发展不同类型的农业。 土壤 作物生长的物质基础;不同的土壤种类,适宜生长不同的作物,土壤的肥沃程度影响产量。 水源

年降水量少于250毫米的干旱地区,灌溉水源是决定性因素。 社


素 市场需求

市场的需求量最终决定了农业生产的类型和规模 交通运输 主要影响商品农业的区位,园艺、乳畜业等要求有方便快捷的交通运输条件 国家政策 世界各国的农业都受到国家政策以及政府干预手段的影响。 农业技术 包括良种技术、化肥、大型机械以及冷藏保鲜技术。 土地价格 在城市郊区及工矿区周围,往往形成以生产蔬菜、肉、乳、禽、蛋为重点的农业生产基地。以城市为中心,地价(租)呈递减分布。 劳动力

劳动力成本和素质影响农业生产成本。 工业基础 为农业生产发展提供先进的生产资料。


改造自然因素的措施:A 、温室农业——改造热量;

B 、修筑梯田——改造地形,但坡度超过25°不能修筑梯田;


A 、横断山区的立体农业、东南丘陵的立体农业——地形;

B 、东南丘陵的荼树——土壤;

C 、河西走廊的棉粮、南疆绿洲区的农业——水源;

D 、南方甘蔗、北方甜菜——热量;

E 、海南一年三熟、东北平原一年一熟——热量;

F 、珠江三角洲的基塘农业——地形;

G 、荷兰的鲜花远销世界各地——交通、保鲜冷藏技术; H 、郊区农业——市场;





城镇周围要发展乳牛、花卉、小麦种植三种农业。请在右图中A 、B 、C 三处安排这三种农业,并说明这样安排的


A 处 ,理由是 ;

B 处 ,理由是 ;

C 处 ,理由是 。

①单位面积产值最高; ②单位面积产值较高;

③单位面积产值低; ④占地面积不大;

⑤占地面积大; ⑥需水量大;


⑧对交通运输要求不高; ⑨产品需要及时运到市场; 二、农业地域类型:

主要类型 分布 典型地区 区位优势 特点

Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment , promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situation of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 million kWh t he annual Exe cutive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. --Se curity measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and

above, no major fire a cci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai

n stabi lity to good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: t otal profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond t he Datang compa ny index 41.89 milli on Yuan, a n increase of 1.76 million Yua n, FCM assessment at grade four. --Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting 312.25 g /kWh, dow n 0.1 g /kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption rati o in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compare d to last year, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxi de 0.104 g /kWh NOx 0.512 g /k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. --Relia bility index: e quivale nt availability factor in 93.47%, i ncrease d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over t he same period a year e arlier. Major achievement s: first, we should a dhere to t he two "manageme nt system" basis, strengtheni ng technol ogical re search, strengt hen hidden hazards control a nd intri nsi c safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o "management system" for improvement. Focus on pr omoting t he power of the compa ny management sy stem and the applicati on a nd

implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, impr ove the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Furt her regulate secur ity routines, safety supervisi on a nd ma nagement network rol e to play to a chieve closed -loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd m anagement of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on of outsourcing contract ors. Carried out in spring a nd a utumn of security inspecti ons, flood control a nd i nspecti on, safety producti on month, day supervisi on of pr oduction safety and the Olympic Games and ot her

ctivities, compre hensive and tamping Safety Foundati on ... Troubl eshooti ng, manageme nt mechanism, give full play to role of technical supe rvision and realizati on of troubleshooting , ma nagement, impr oved process management. T his year completed t he boiler l ower hea der leakage, boil er pressure, a major ri sk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of gover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr ucti on, thermal control, a nd complete t he boiler scale integrated ma nagement, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific and technologi cal pr ojects, such a s. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-line simulation system devel opme nt and applicati on of cir culati ng water MCC standby power transformation, t he tran management. Increased inve stment in science a nd technolog y, reporting scie nce a nd te chnol ogy proje cts a nd 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per centage of the total annual producti on output of 0.25%. "Large-scal e coa l-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrificati on complete development and applicati on of key technologie s" proje ct, won the national sci ence and technology pr ogress second prize. 630M W supercriti cal units optimized control strategies and the 630M W devel opme nt and application of on-li ne sim ulation system for supercritica l unit s, supercriti cal 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Data ng technol ogy respectively one or two and thir d. Meanwhil e,

Succe ssful completi on of two autonom ous mai ntena nce , reliability impr oved stea dily. Im pleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accom plish tw o cir culati ng pum ps repair a nd overha ul of four Mil ls, mainte nance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of e nergy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, compl ete the unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla nt water bala nce test, 10 energy -saving proje cts. Second, we should a dhere to "three" on the economic benefits of improving, outrea ch

- 5 -


东亚、东南亚、南亚的季风气候区和部分热带雨林气候区 东亚、 东南亚、 南亚

季风气候,水热充足,雨热同期; 地势平坦; 土壤肥沃。

人口稠密,劳动力充足; 稻米是当地人们喜爱的主要食粮。


小农经营; 单产高; 机械化程度低;

科技水平低; 商品率低。 商品谷物农业


亚、俄罗斯、阿根廷、 乌克兰等国的温带大





营); 美国中部


地势平坦开阔; 土壤肥沃;

气候温和,降水丰富; 地广人稀; 市场广阔; 交通便利; 机械化水平高; 农业科技先进。

生产规模大; 机械化水平高;

科技水平高; 产品商品率高。










有大面积的干旱、半干旱气候区,利于牧草的生长;地广人稀; 交通便利。

生产规模大; 专业化程度高;










市场(大多紧消费市场)、饲料供应。(西欧的温带海洋性气候由于温凉、潮湿,多雨多雾,日照少,不利于粮食作物的成熟,但有利于多汁牧草的生长) 面向城市市场;



美国、澳大利亚、 我国珠三角的基塘农业


地势较平坦(中部平原); 灌溉条件较好(墨累-达令河,东水西调);

地广人稀,生产规模大; 交通便利(靠近主要铁路、公路,距海港近); 市场广阔; 机械化程度高; 政府支持。



Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment , promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situation of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 million kWh t he annual Exe cutive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. --Se curity measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and

above, no major fire a cci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stabi lity t o good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: t otal profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond t he Datang compa ny index 41.89 milli on Yuan, a n increase of 1.76 million Yua n, FCM assessment at grade four. --Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting 312.25 g /kWh, dow n 0.1 g /kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption rati o in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compare d to last year, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxi de 0.104 g /kWh NOx 0.512 g /k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. --Relia bility index: e quivale nt availability factor in 93.47%, i ncrease d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over t he same period a year e arlier. Major achievement s: first, we should a dhere to t he two "manageme nt system" basis, strengtheni ng technol ogical re search, strengt hen hidden hazards control a nd intri nsi c safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o "management system" for improvement. Focus on pr omoting t he power of the compa ny management sy stem and the applicati on a nd

implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, impr ove the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Furt her regulate secur ity routines, safety supervisi on a nd ma nagement network rol e to play to a chieve closed -loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd m anagement of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on of outsourcing contract ors. Carried out in spring a nd a utumn of security inspecti ons, flood control a nd i nspecti on, safety producti on month, day supervisi on of pr oduction safety an d the Olympic Games and ot her

ctivities, compre hensive and tamping Safety Foundati on ... Troubl eshooti ng, manageme nt mechanism, give full play to role of technical supe rvision and realizati on of troubleshooting, ma nagement, impr oved process management. T his year completed t he boiler l ower hea der leakage, boil er pressure, a major ri sk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of gover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr ucti on, thermal control, a nd complete t he boiler scale integrated ma nagement, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific and technologi cal pr ojects, such a s. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-line simulation system devel opme nt and applicati on of cir culati ng water MCC standby power transformation, t he transformation of de sulfuri zation w aste water, the unit water supply system of compre hensive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mill 5 key technologi cal transformation projects, group healt h is improve d. --S cience and technology i nnovati on is furt her increase d. Strengthen the characteristi cs of super critical unit major issue s, gr adua lly cleari ng the parti cularity of supercritical unit a nd reg ularity. Developed mot or oil time managem ent, switch acti on times, statisti cs, coal -ai ded measurement software, improves t he pr oduction level of lea n management. Increased inve stment in science a nd technolog y, reporting scie nce a nd te chnol ogy proje cts a nd 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per centage of the total annual producti on output of 0.25%. "Large-scal e coa l-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrificati on complete development and applicati on of key technologie s" proje ct, won the national sci ence and technology pr ogress second prize. 630M W supercriti cal units optimized control strategies and the 630M W devel opme nt and application of on-li ne sim ulation system for supercritica l unit s, supercriti cal 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Data ng technol ogy respectively one or two and thir d. Meanwhil e, information technology achievement s, the compa ny was name d "Chi na power information technology benchmarki ng enterpri ses." --Repair a nd maint enance ha s improve d further. Modify the inspe ction standards a nd sta ndar ds on a regular basi s, standardizi ng work procedures, che cking and inspe ction project. Deepeni ng the BFS++ system, and implement s maintena nce information share d. Reorgani zing RB l ogic agai n, and ensure t he success of the RB. Innovating the me cha nism of maintena nce management, im plemente d a project manager sy stem. Succe ssful completi on of two autonom ous mai ntena nce , reliability impr oved stea dily. Impleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accom plish tw o cir culati ng pum ps repair a nd overha ul of four Mil ls, mainte nance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of e nergy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, compl ete the unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla nt water bala nce test, 10 energy -saving proje cts. Second, we should a dhere to "three" on the economic benefits of improving, outrea ch

- 6 -

第四章 工业地域的形成与发展


劳动力数量、原料、能源 因素对工业的影响在减弱;

市场、劳动力素质、信息通讯 的影响在加强; 交通一直都是对工业布局有很大的吸引力。



从经济效益考虑不同类型工业的区位选择: 工厂

自然因素: 水源 、 土地 、矿产 社会经济因素:原料(零部件)、 能源 、 劳动力 、 市场 、

交通 、 政策、

科技 产品 废弃物: 废水、废气、废渣 产出 工业的区


考虑经济效益:选择在具有明显优势条件的地方,以最低的生产成本获得最高的经济效益。如下表: 考虑环境效益: 原则:无污染的小工业可以布局的城区; 轻度污染的工业可以布局在近郊地区; 严重污染的工业要布局在远郊地区;如下图: 污染大气的工业:设置在常年盛行风向的下风地带,或与主导风向垂直的郊外,或最小风频的上风地区。 污染水源的工业:设置在河流下游; 固体废弃物污染的工业:远离农田和居民。

Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment, promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situation of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 million kWh t he annual Exe cutive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. --Se curity measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and

above, no major fire a cci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stabi lity to good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: t otal profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond t he Datang compa ny index 41.89 milli on Yuan, a n increase of 1.76 million Yua n, FCM assessment at grade four. --Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting 312.25 g/kWh, dow n 0.1 g/kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption rati o in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compare d to last year, carbon 0.09 g/kWh, sulfur dioxi de 0.104 g/kWh NOx 0.512 g/k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. --Relia bility index: e quivale nt availability factor in 93.47%, i ncrease d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over t he same period a year e arlier.

Major achievement s: first, we should a dhere to t he two "manageme nt system" basis, strengtheni ng technol ogical re search, strengt hen hidden

hazards control a

nd intri nsi c safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o "management system" for improvement. Focus on pr omoting t he power of the compa

ny management sy stem and the applicati on a nd

implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, impr ove the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Furt her regulate secur ity routines, safety supervisi on a nd ma nagement network rol e to play to a chieve closed-loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd m anagement of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on of outsourcing contract ors. Carried out in spring a nd a utumn of security inspecti ons, flood control a nd i nspecti on, safety producti on month, day supervisi on of pr oduction safety and the Olympic Games and ot her

ctivities, compre hensive and tamping Safety Foundati on ... Troubl eshooti ng, manageme nt mechanism, give full play to role of technical supe rvision and realizati on of troubleshooting, ma nagement, impr oved process management. T his year completed t he boiler l ower hea der leakage, boil er pressure, a major ri sk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of gover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr ucti on, thermal control, a nd complete t he boiler scale integrated ma nagement, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific and technologi cal pr ojects, such a s. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-line simulation system devel opme nt and applicati on of cir culati ng water MCC standby power transformation, t he tran

management. Increased inve stment in science a nd technolog y, reporting scie nce a nd te chnol ogy proje cts a nd 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per centage of the total annual producti on output of 0.25%. "Large-scal e coa l-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrificati on complete development and applicati on of key technologie s" proje ct, won the national sci ence and technology pr ogress second prize. 630M W supercriti cal units optimized control strategies and the 630M W devel opme nt and application of on-li ne sim ulation system for supercritica l unit s, supercriti cal 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Data ng technol ogy respectively one or two and thir d. Meanwhil e,

Succe ssful completi on of two autonom ous mai ntena nce, reliability impr oved stea dily. Im pleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accom plish tw o cir culati ng pum ps repair a nd overha ul of four Mil ls, mainte nance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of e nergy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, compl ete the unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla nt water bala nce test, 10 energy-saving proje cts. Second, we should a dhere to "three" on the economic benefits of improving, outrea ch- 7 - 工业类型工业特点部门举例区位选择原则原料导向型



























































Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment , promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situation of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 million kWh t he annual Exe cutive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. --Se curity measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and

above, no major fire a cci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stabi lity t o good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: t otal profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond t he Datang compa ny index 41.89 milli on Yuan, a n increase of 1.76 million Yua n, FCM assessment at grade four. --Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting 312.25 g /kWh, dow n 0.1 g /kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption rati o in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compare d to last year, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxi de 0.104 g /kWh NOx 0.512 g /k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. --Relia bility index: e quivale nt availability factor in 93.47%, i ncrease d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over t he same period a year e arlier. Major achievement s: first, we should a dhere to t he two "manageme nt system" basis, strengtheni ng technol ogical re search, strengt hen hidden hazards control a nd intri nsi c safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o "management system" for improvement. Focus on pr omoting t he power of the compa ny management sy stem and the applicati on a nd

implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, impr ove the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Furt her regulate secur ity routines, safety supervisi on a nd ma nagement network rol e to play to a chieve closed -loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd m anagement of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on of outsourcing contract ors. Carried out in spring a nd a utumn of security inspecti ons, flood control a nd i nspecti on, safety producti on month, day supervisi on of pr oduction safety an d the Olympic Games and ot her

ctivities, compre hensive and tamping Safety Foundati on ... Troubl eshooti ng, manageme nt mechanism, give full play to role of technical supe rvision and realizati on of troubleshooting, ma nagement, impr oved process management. T his year completed t he boiler l ower hea der leakage, boil er pressure, a major ri sk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of gover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr ucti on, thermal control, a nd complete t he boiler scale integrated ma nagement, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific and technologi cal pr ojects, such a s. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-line simulation system devel opme nt and applicati on of cir culati ng water MCC standby power transformation, t he transformation of de sulfuri zation w aste water, the unit water supply system of compre hensive treatment and discharge valve modification of coal mill 5 key technologi cal transformation projects, group healt h is improve d. --S cience and technology i nnovati on is furt her increase d. Strengthen the characteristi cs of super critical unit major issue s, gr adua lly cleari ng the parti cularity of supercritical unit a nd reg ularity. Developed mot or oil time managem ent, switch acti on times, statisti cs, coal -ai ded measurement software, improves t he pr oduction level of lea n management. Increased inve stment in science a nd technolog y, reporting scie nce a nd te chnol ogy proje cts a nd 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per centage of the total annual producti on output of 0.25%. "Large-scal e coa l-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrificati on complete development and applicati on of key technologie s" proje ct, won the national sci ence and technology pr ogress second prize. 630M W supercriti cal units optimized control strategies and the 630M W devel opme nt and application of on-li ne sim ulation system for supercritica l unit s, supercriti cal 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Data ng technol ogy respectively one or two and thir d. Meanwhil e, information technology achievement s, the compa ny was name d "Chi na power information technology benchmarki ng enterpri ses." --Repair a nd maint enance ha s improve d further. Modify the inspe ction standards a nd sta ndar ds on a regular basi s, standardizi ng work procedures, che cking and inspe ction project. Deepeni ng the BFS++ system, and implement s maintena nce information share d. Reorgani zing RB l ogic agai n, and ensure t he success of the RB. Innovating the me cha nism of maintena nce management, im plemente d a project manager sy stem. Succe ssful completi on of two autonom ous mai ntena nce , reliability impr oved stea dily. Impleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accom plish tw o cir culati ng pum ps repair a nd overha ul of four Mil ls, mainte nance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of e nergy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, compl ete the unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla nt water bala nce test, 10 energy -saving proje cts. Second, we should a dhere to "three" on the economic benefits of improving, outrea ch - 8 - 1、丰富的煤炭资源;






形成条件: 主要特点:














第五章 交通运输布局及其影响

第六章 人类与地理环境的协调发展

交通运输方式 主要的交通运输方式:铁路运输、公路运输、航空运输、水路运输、管道运输; 交通运输方式的选择原则:根据货物的性质、数量、运距、时效来选择适当的运输方式:贵重且急需货物、数量不大: ;大宗笨重货物:

;易死亡、变质的鲜货、活物:短途 ,远程 ; 影响交通运输(线、点)布局的主要因素:经济、社会、技术、自然。 交通运输布局 变化的影响:

对聚落空间形态的影响:聚落往往沿交通干线扩展,交通干线往往成为聚落的主要发展轴。 商业网 点分布 密度:山区小于平原(由于交通线稀疏以及运输方式单一)。 位置:商业网点的位置要求有便利的交通,很多商业网点以交通最优为原则,建立在市区环路边缘或市区边缘的高速公路沿线。 1、企业分布在小城镇,甚至农村,过程分散; 2、以中小企业为主; 3、以轻工业为主; 4、集中了大量同类或相关企业; 5、生产高度专业化;








Delegates, staff: Hello! in t he run-up to t he Spri ng Festival, we hel d one session of four staff represe ntatives Conference 2013-w orkshop, full ba ck in 2012, careful a nalysi s of the current sit uation, di scuss 2013 development pla ns. Here, on be half of my company 2013 work re ports t o the Ge neral Assembl y, for consi deration. Pillar I, 2012 back i n 2012, XX power compani es adhere to t he party's 17 great spirit for gui dance, compre hensively impleme nt the scientific conce pt of devel opment , promoti ng cost-lea dership strategy, standards, focus on im plementation, lea n management, conti nuously im prove, sm ooth prese nt safety situation of enter prise manag ement, busi ness ma nagement a nd control scie ntific and standardized, a nd the de dication of staff, manage a harmoni ous and dem ocratic atmosphere of the g ood situati on. M ain indicat ors are as foll ows:-the battery indi cator: power ge neration t otaled 7.815 billion kWh, bey ond the annual budget impleme ntation capa city of 315 milli on k Wh, a n increase of 757 milli on k Wh. Sales totaled 7.425 billion kWh, excee ding sales of 330 million kWh t he annual Exe cutive budget, an increase of 729 million kWh. --Se curity measure s: unpl anned outages 2.5 times. No personal i njury a cci dent occurred, no major accide nt and

above, no major fire a cci dents wit hout environmental poll ution accide nts, safety for three consecutive years to maintai n stabi lity to good posture. Busine ss fina ncial i ndi cators: t otal profits of 255 milli on Yuan, beyond the annual budget of 207 million Yuan, beyond t he Datang compa ny index 41.89 milli on Yuan, a n increase of 1.76 million Yua n, FCM assessment at grade four. --Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting 312.25 g /kWh, dow n 0.1 g /kWh; integrate d auxiliary power consum ption rati o in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pol lutant emissions performance greatly reduced compare d to last year, carbon 0.09 g /kWh, sulfur dioxi de 0.104 g /kWh NOx 0.512 g /k Wh; dust removal efficie ncy of more than 99.8%. --Relia bility index: e quivale nt availability factor in 93.47%, i ncrease d 7.95% from a year earlier. Equivalent forced outage rate 0.08%, 0.16% re duction over t he same period a year e arlier. Major achievement s: first, we should a dhere to t he two "manageme nt system" basis, strengtheni ng technol ogical re search, strengt hen hidden hazards control a nd intri nsi c safety Enterprise construction took new ste ps. -The tw o "management system" for improvement. Focus on pr omoting t he power of the compa ny management sy stem and the applicati on a nd

implementation of the safety loop five-star management system, impr ove the safety management system, realize the system of safety control. Furt her regulate secur ity routines, safety supervisi on a nd ma nagement network rol e to play to a chieve closed -loop. Stre ngthe ning the supervisi on a nd m anagement of ha bitual vi olation of, strengthe ning t he safety supervisi on of outsourcing contract ors. Carried out in spring a nd a utumn of security inspecti ons, flood control a nd i nspecti on, safety producti on month, day supervisi on of pr oduction safety and the Olympic Games and ot her

ctivities, compre hensive and tamping Safety Foundati on ... Troubl eshooti ng, manageme nt mechanism, give full play to role of technical supe rvision and realizati on of troubleshooting , ma nagement, impr oved process management. T his year completed t he boiler l ower hea der leakage, boil er pressure, a major ri sk management, completed 29 of great risks and 3 General problems of gover nance. Complete chemi stry lab constr ucti on, thermal control, a nd complete t he boiler scale integrated ma nagement, host shafting vi bration of 10 scie ntific and technologi cal pr ojects, such a s. Complete supercriti cal 630MW on-line simulation system devel opme nt and applicati on of cir culati ng water MCC standby power transformation, t he tran

management. Increased inve stment in science a nd technolog y, reporting scie nce a nd te chnol ogy proje cts a nd 14 te chnical proje ct total cost per centage of the total annual producti on output of 0.25%. "Large-scal e coa l-fired power plant flue gas desulfurization, denitrificati on complete development and applicati on of key technologie s" proje ct, won the national sci ence and technology pr ogress second prize. 630M W supercriti cal units optimized control strategies and the 630M W devel opme nt and application of on-li ne sim ulation system for supercritica l unit s, supercriti cal 600MW units of turbine driven boiler feed pum p set of comprehensive treatment of defects Data ng technol ogy respectively one or two and thir d. Meanwhil e,

Succe ssful completi on of two autonom ous mai ntena nce , reliability impr oved stea dily. Im pleme nting two c-l evel maintena nce, project themselves 48.7% a nd 42.3%, respectivel y. Accom plish tw o cir culati ng pum ps repair a nd overha ul of four Mil ls, mainte nance teams to get exercise. Promote the work of e nergy saving a nd consumpti on re ducing, compl ete the unit energy consum ption diagnosi s, pla nt water bala nce test, 10 energy -saving proje cts. Second, we should a dhere to "three" on the economic benefits of improving, outrea ch - 9 - 一、人地关系的发展

渔猎文明时期 农业文明时

工业文明时期 后工业文明时期 人地关系 崇拜依赖自然 改造自然

征服自然 谋求人地关系协调 环境问题 环境问题不严

重 环境遭破坏 人地关系呈现不协调,矛盾迅速激化 环境和发展问题得到普遍关注













环境问题 主要的全球性环境问题:全球气候变暖、臭氧层的破坏、酸雨、土地荒漠化等。



家,环境问题更加严骏。 分布 分类 环境污染:与片面追求经济增长的发展模式密切相关。主要表现为大气污染、水污染、固体废弃物污染等。 生态破坏:主要表现为水土流失、土地荒漠化、生物多样性减少。 产生原因 人类的生存和发展需要从环境中获取物质和能量,当人类向环境索取资源的速度

超过了资源本身及其替代品的再生速度时,便会出现资源短缺、生态破坏等问题; 人的新陈代谢和消费活动的废弃物需要排放到环境中,当人类向环境排放废弃物 的数量超过了环境的自净能力,就会导致环境质量下降,形成环境污染; 资源短缺:主要表现为可再生资源消耗超过其再生能力,非可再生资源短缺。

