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学校:枣庄市第四十中学年级:九年级第周星期第节主讲人:王杰个人手机:138******** 邮箱:wj66261@

Unit 8 I’ll help clean up the city parks

Section B 1a –2c(period4)

Ⅰ.Teaching Aims and Demands

1.Knowledge Objects

(1)Key V ocabulary

run out of, take after, fix up, give away, repair, not…any more, similar ,advertisements

(2)Target Language

What do you do, Jimmy?

I fix up bikes and give them away.

2.Ability Objects

(1)Train the students’reading, writing, speaking and listening skills with the target language.

(2)Train the students to use the new phrasal verbs.3.Moral Object

Come up with a good idea to help others.It will bring you much enjoyment.

Ⅱ. Preview and check预习检测(预习体现了以学生为中心的思想,强调学生的参与、体验、感知、实践和交流,以学定教。)


(1)用光,用完__________________ (2)与…相像________ (3)修理____________________ (4)捐赠___________________ (5)不再________________

答案:(1)run out of (2) take after (3) fix up

(4)give away (5)not... any more

2. 句型展示


Ive ______ _____ ______ my money .


I______ _______ my father .


He ______ _______ his bicycle yesterday .

答案:(1)run out of (2) take after (3) fixed up

Ⅲ. Warming up and leading in

Read the instructions to the students.

1.Try to explain the four sentences in English for the children, especially the new phrasal verbs in the sentences.

A. I’ve run out of it

Run out of is a phrasal verb.It means reach an end of, use up or become short of.I’ve run out of it, means I’ve used it up, nothing left.

B.I take after my mother.

take after——be like sb.or be similar to sb.

I take after my mother.——I am like my mother.

C.I fixed it up.

fix up——install, fit together and place in position, repair, renew

I fixed it up.——I installed it, or I repair it.

D.I gave it away.

give away——make a present of, donate

I gave it away.——I donated it.I gave it to someone without money.

2.Ask the students to repeat.

3. Now match the numbered sentences with the lettered sentences in the box.


1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d


IV. Presentation1:

Make sentences with the new phrasal verbs.

1.run out of: He is always running out of money before payday.

2.take after: He takes after his father in everything but his nose.

3.fix up: The workers: have fixed up the big machine.

4.give away: The writer gave away his books to a library.



I am going to play a dialogue to you. It is between a man and

a boy called Jimmy.

1. Listening for the general idea听取大意

Listen and choose the main idea of the conversation.

The main idea of the conversation is to talk about.

A. the Bike Boy

B. the Bike Girl

C.The Bike man


2. Listening for the specific ideas听取细节

Listen and number the pictures1-4 in the correct order. Tapescript:

Man:This morning I’m talking with a very generous young man, Jimmy the Bike boy.Jimmy is the boy who fixes up old bikes and gives them away.Good morning, Jimmy.

Boy: Good morning.

Man: So, Jimmy, tell our listeners what you do.

Boy: Well, as you just said.I find or buy old bikes that nobody wants.Then I fix up the bikes and give them away to kids who don’t have enough money to buy their own bikes.Man: That’s fantastic.What gave you the idea?

Boy: I guess I take after my father.He’s always helping people.

Man: Wow! Y our parents must be proud of you.

Boy: I guess so.But now I’ve run out of money to buy old bikes.

Man: Oh, that’s too had.

Boy: Y eah.I need to come up with some way of getting money, or I’ll have to stop.

Answers: 4,2,1,3

2b Listening and matching

Listen again to the dialogue and match the sentence parts in the box on page 21 Play the recording again.Ask the students to circle the correct answer to each question—T for true or F for false.

Check the answer.Remember to say congratulations to the students who had a good guess before listening.


1.T 2. F 3. F 4.T


3.Post-listening activities听后活动

(1)Listen and repeat

(2)Read the dialogue in pairs .

(3) Copy down the expressions from the dialogue into your notebook.


1.Ask a pair of the students to read the model conversation.

S A:What do you do, Jimmy?

S B: I fix up bikes and give them away.

Write the conversation on the blackboard.

2.Then let them practice their own conversations in pairs.

As the pairs work together, more around the room offering help as needed.

3.Ask several pairs to share their conversations with the class.(听后活动是接近学生实际生活,培养学生用英语做事情的能力,在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力及交流与合作的能力,形成语感,以便在具体情境下开展有效交流。)

VII.Summary and Homework

Say, In this class, we’ve learned how to use some new phrasal verbs first.And

we’ve done much listening practice on the target language.At last, we did some oral practice by making our own conversations.

Ⅷ.Inquiry into knowledge

1.I take after my mother.

. take after 指的是“(在外貌性格方面)与……像”,不管是名词还是代词只能放在其后。look like“长得像,看起来像”,(只指外表)。be like既指性格像也可指外表像。

eg. His son really ____. A. take after him B. take him after C.

takes after him D. takes him after

2.Jim has run out of money.

run out of 意为“用完,用尽”= use up

eg. The woman has run out of all her money, she is poor now.

A.u sed up B. mixed up C. run off D. run away Jim is the boy who fixes up old bikes and gives them away.

give away 表示“捐赠”,如果宾语是代词,必须把代词放在中间,give it/them away.

小结含give的短语:give sb a call; give up; give out; give off 发出(光.热.气体)

eg. The rich man has given away all his money to charity.

3.Then I fix up the bikes and give them away to kids who don’t

have enough money t buy their own bikes.

fix up意为“修理;修补”。区别fix; mend; repair.

fix: “固定;安装;修理”;mend“修理;修补”,一般指



eg. 1) I have to ______ my MP4.

2) How long did you spend _____ your car?

3) In the past, people always _____ old clothes.

4. I’m similar to her.

be similar to意为“与……类似”; be the same as“与……完全


eg. All eggs look similar _____ one another, but not two eggs are the same_____ each other.

A. to; to

B. as; as

C. to; as

D. as; to

答案:1.C 2.A 3.fix up ,repair,mend 4.C




The end-of class test 当堂检测

一.选择适当的短语并用其正确形式填空think up, take after, fix up, run out of, give away

1. Linda _____ her mother. They’re both quiet.

2. You need to _____ a good idea.

3. He didn’t buy the book because he _____ his money.

4. They _____ many school things to the children in the poor areas.

5. He is helping _____ the broken bike.


1. My bike is broken. I want to have it repaired. For I can’t mend it by myself.

A. repair it

B. fix it up

C. fix up it

D. ask someone to fix it up

2. She takes after her mother. A. follows B. looks after C. looks like D. goes after

3. After three hours’ flight, the soldiers ______ the town to the enemies.

A. give out

B. give in

C. give up

D. give off

4. The first we visited school _____ yesterday is not far from


A. which

B. to which

C. that

D. where

5. Something is wrong with the car. And I should have it _____ soon.

A. fixed

B. mending

C. to repair

D. to fix


A: This morning I’m talking with a very generous young man, Jimmy, the Bike Boy. 1 Good morning, Jimmy. B: Good morning.

A: So, Jimmy, tell our listeners what you do.

B: 2 Then I fix up the bikes and give them away to kids who don’t have enough money to buy their own bikes. A: That’s fantastic. 3

B: I guess I take after my father. He’s always helping people.

A: 4

B: I guess so. But now I’ve run out of money to buy old bikes.

A: 5

B: Yeah. I need to come up with some ways of getting money, or I’ll have to stop.

1. ______

2. _______

3. ______

4. _______

5. ______



