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初高中知识衔接:句子成分& 五种简单基本句型


? S: Subject 主语; V: Verb 动词(谓语); ? O: Object 宾语; P: Predicative 表语; ? OC: Object Complement 宾语补足语;

? InO: Indirect Object 间接宾语; DO:Direct Object 直接宾语


a. 主语(subject):句子说明的人或事物,也是谓语动词的发出者,多位于句首 请画出下列句子的主语并思考由什么充当的主语: 1. The sun rises in the east. 2. He likes dancing.

3. Twenty years is a short time in history. 4. Seeing is believing. 5. To see is to believe. 6. What he needs is a book.

7. It is very clear that the elephant is round and tall like a tree.

总结:从以上7个句子我们可以知道,一个句子的主语可以由 ________ ___________ ____________ _________ ___________ ___________ ____________ 充当。 b.谓语(predicate): 说明主语的动作、状态和特征。只能由动词充当。 请画出下列句子的谓语 We study English. I sleep.

He is asleep.

c. . 表语(predicative): 系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质、状态和特征。

常见系动词: be, sound(听), look(看), feel(摸),smell(闻), taste(吃), remain,keep, stay(保持,仍是), feel(感觉),变得(become, turn, go, get),seem(似乎),appear(好像)...

e.g: 1.It sounds a good idea. 2.The boy looks smart.

3.The food smells delicious. 4.The food tastes good. 5.The door remains open. 6.Now I feel tired.

7. The shop stays open until 12. 8. The food went bad. 9. The room became dirty. 10. He keeps silent all day.


1. He is a teacher. 2. He is kind.

3. His father is away. 4. The picture is on the wall.



归纳总结:一个句子的表语可以有__________ _________ ________ __________ 等充当。

d. 宾语:1)动作的承受者-----动宾(动词后)/介宾(介词后的名词,代词,动名词)/双


1. I like China. 2. He hates you.

3. How many do you need? We need two. 4. I enjoy working with you. 5. I hope to see you again.

6. Did you write down what he said?

2) 介词后的名词、代词和动名词-----介宾

1.Are you afraid of the snake? 2.Under the snow, there are many rocks. 3) 双宾语-----间宾(指人)和直宾(指物)

1.He gave me a book yesterday. 2. Give the poor man some money.

归纳总结:一个句子的宾语可以有__________ _________ ________ __________ ___________ __________充当。

e. 宾补:对宾语的补充,全称为宾语补足语。


1. We elected him monitor. 2. I wish her happy.

3. She allows me to come in. 4. Don’t let him do that. 5. She kept me waiting. 6. I heard a song sung.

归纳总结:一个句子的宾补可以有__________ _________ ________ __________ ___________ __________充当。




1. S V (主+谓) ______________________________ 2. S V P (主+谓+表) ___________________________ 3. S V O (主+谓+宾) ____________________________ 4. S V InO DO(主+谓+间宾+直宾)______________________ 5. S V O C (主+谓+宾+宾补)_________________________ 请分析下列句子分别属于哪一种句型并把番号填在横线上:

a. I have a lot of friends here. b. Tom lent me 200 dollars. c. Now I feel tired. d. He is an honest student. e. The silk feels soft. f. The food smells delicious. g. The machine doesn’t work. h. Birds fly.

i. we are walking on the playground. j. I saw him writing a letter.



k. I find maths difficult. l. We call her Lily. m. Father asked me to turn off the TV.

Exercise: 分析下列同学自我介绍中的句子属于哪一类? (1)

My name is Jin Yaqian. I like singing very much. In my opinion, it can give me

a lot of fun. So I always ask my friends to go singing with me. I will succeed one day.


My name is Jia Qiao. Some people call me Joy. Time flies. I’m 17 years old now, I feel happy to study in QiangXiang Middle School. I enjoy writing diaries in my blog and playing the piano. I always tell myself to be confident.


I. 说出下列各句的成分名称

1. The factory makes cars. A B C

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ 2. He walks after supper. A B C

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ 3. Little Tom surfs the internet at home. A B C D

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ D._____________ 4. He can dance. A B

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ 5. Tom is a student. A B C

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ 6. English is very important. A B C

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ 7. Seeing is believing. A B C

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ 8. QiangXiang Middle school is a beautiful place. A B C

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ 9. I have been collecting them for many years. A B C D

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ D._____________ 10. ~~your question will sound much more polite. A B C

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________

11. And doing this will help you become better at English. A B C D



A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ 12. He told me to cloze the door. A B C D

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ D.___________ 13. My father bought me a car. A B C D

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ 14. The teacher tells us a funny story everyday. A B C D E

A.__________ B.__________ C.___________ D._________ E._________ II. 翻译下列句子(注意要求) 1. 谁买的这辆自行车?(主谓宾)

______________________________________________________________________ 2. 他正在弹钢琴。(主谓宾)

______________________________________________________________________ 3. 我让他看了看我的身份证。(主谓双宾)

______________________________________________________________________ 4. 这主意听起来很好。(主系表)

______________________________________________________________________ 5. 常听英语能帮你学习英语。(主谓宾宾补)

______________________________________________________________________ 6. 他常迟到。(主谓状)

______________________________________________________________________ 7. 我们期盼他努力学习。(主谓宾宾补)

______________________________________________________________________ 8. 玛丽经常在阅览室读报。(主谓宾状)

______________________________________________________________________ 9. 杰克会唱歌。(主谓)

______________________________________________________________________ 10. 学习数学很难。(it 作主,主系表)



