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Unit Two English around the world

Part One 单元重点知识点

I. 重点单词和词组

P. 9

Words: elevator, petrol, gas, official, voyage

Phrases: more than, because of, on/in a team, be different from P.10

Words: native, actually, apartment, AD, gradually, base, Danish, vocabulary, spelling,

latter, identity, fluent, Singapore, Malaysia, frequently

Phrases: come up, at present, make use of, such as, the number of, a number of P.11

Words: usage, rhyme

Phrases: instead of, make sense, without a second thought, P.13

Words: expression, Midwestern, African, Spanish, eastern, southeastern, northwestern,

recognize, lorry

Phrases: believe it or not, play a part in, make a list of P.14

Words: accent, lightning Phrases: take note of P.15

Words: straight, block, cab

Phrases: ask directions, on your right-hand side, on our right, on the left

II. 重点句型

There is more than one kind of English. 2. In some important ways they are very different from one another. 3. Native English speakers can understand each other even if they don’t speak the same kind of English.

4. So why has English changed over time?. 5. It was based more on German than the English we speak at present. 6. Today the number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly. 7. Only time will tell. 8.There is no such thing as standard English. 9. Then along comes this catfish about the size of a house. III. 重点语法



Part Two 单元目标检测

I. 根据下列句子意思用所给词的正确形式或所给汉语填空(1’X20=20’)

1. Hold that e__________ please! I don’t want to wait for another round.

2. Huang Xiaoming sang the song One World One Dream with quite a strong Chinese a


3. Some students don’t want to live in the dorm and live in rented(租来的) a__________


4. The ______________(southeast) part of Britain is the most populated (=has the most p


5. The Titanic, which was considered impossible to sink, sank on its first v__________in

April 1912.

6. As she got up late, she ate her breakfast at ___________(闪电) speed and ran off. 7. The people from Denmark are called _________ people.

8. We all have to ________________(recognition) that homesickness is quite natural.

9. Extensive(广泛的) reading is a very good way to enlarge your ______________(词汇). 10. When Agnes heard the question at the interview, there was a blank _________(express)

on her face.

11. Sometimes you’ll find the actual _____ (用法)of the word is different from the meaning given

in the dictionary.

12. The word ________ is the British way of saying truck.

13. The police are trying hard to discover the __________ (identify)of a baby found by the side of

a road.

14. Faye Wong has ____________(conquer) the hearts of many men.

15. It takes practice and good techniques to become _________ (fluently) English speakers. 16. The sports meeting is planned for the ________(late) part of October.

17. Please check the FAQ – _____________(frequent) Asked Questions – part first if you have

any questions.

18. There’s not so much _______(汽油) in the tank and if you burn it up too quickly you are in


19. Believe it or not, _____________(Spain) is the second widely used language in New Mexico,

California, Texas and many other states.

20. Education is a ____________(gradually) process; it’s almost impossible to look for quick

success. II. 用所给词的词组适当形式填空(1’X10=10’)

1. Health education will ________________(play) preparing us for old age.

2. Everyone was waiting for the good result but the subject of salaries (工资) didn't ___


3. Louis is a huge fan of the Apple products and bought the latest iPhone 6 Plus _____

_____________________(without, thought)when it was first released(发售) in the USA. 4. The whereabouts(行踪) of Kim Jong-un, the highest leader of North Korea, are still

unknown ____________(present).

5. The daily news time that most of us enjoyed had to be canceled _________________

(because) the inflexible(死板的) rules.

6. The leading actors and actresses of that TV series asked for one million dollars for a

single episode, and ____________________(believe), the producers said yes!

7. Why did she do a thing like that? It doesn't seem to _______________ (sense)at all! 8. Good learners will ______________________(use) every possible chance they have to

speak English.

9. While doing chemistry experiments, you must be _____________(more) careful with those

dangerous chemicals.

10. Cartoon characters __________(such) Mickey Mouse and Snoopy are still popular to this day. III.语法填空 (2’X10=20’)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(每空1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Believe it or not, many of the biggest changes in how English is spoken have come from common people in the streets. And one of the most important places __1__English has changed __2___(be) on the playground! For example, black kids ___3___ (invent) many new words in American English as they played basketball __4__ music. Often words ___5__(use) by black kids in the big cities become popular with other kids many years ___6___(late). Another popular sport, baseball, has also given many words and expressions to American ___7__(England). __8__ the beaches of southern California, teenagers invented words to describe __9__they felt when they surfed. These words found their way into the high schools and ___10__ to other places. 1.____________ 2.____________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5.___________ 6.____________ 7.____________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10___________

VI. 完成句子(2’X5=10’)

1. Visitors __________________ the exhibits when they visit the museum . (request) 参观者在参观博物馆时不得触摸展品。

2. Li Na _______________________one of the best tennis players around the world even

though she has retired.(recognize)


3. As we all know, _________________ a free lunch, but many people still get cheated because

they think they’re an exception. (such)

众所周知,世上没有免费的午餐,但是很多人仍然被骗,因为他们认为自己是个例外。 4. Learn to ____________________ your time and you will get closer to your goal sooner. (use)


5. Noah Webster’s dictionary __________________ American English spelling. (identity)


Unit Two


1.elevator 2. accent 3. apartments 4. southeastern 5. voyage 6. lightning 7. Danish 8. recognize 9. vocabulary 10. expression 11. usage 12. lorry 13. identity 14. conquered 15. fluent 16. latter 17. Frequently 18. petrol 19. Spanish 20. gradual II.

1.play a part in 2. come up 3. without a second thought 4. at present 5. because of 6. believe it or not 7. make sense 8. make use of 9.more than 10. such as III.

1.where 2. is 3.invented 4.or 5.used 6. later 7.English 8.On 9.how 10.then IV.

1.at →on 2. is →are 3. left →leave 4. as →even 5. in the world →around the world 6. played important →played an important 7. come→ came 8. frequently →frequent 9. make a good use →make good use 10. stop→stopping


VI. 1. are requested not to

2. is still recognized as/to be 3. there is no such thing as 4. make food/full use of

5. gave a separate identity to

