A formal model for information selection in multi-sentence text extraction
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Selecting important information while accounting for repetitions is a hard task for both summarization and question answering. We propose a formal model that represents a collection of documents in a two-dimensional space of textual and conceptual units wi
A Formal Model for Information Selection in Multi-Sentence Text
Elena Filatova Department of Computer Science Columbia University
New York,NY10027,USA filatova@cs.columbia.edu
Vasileios Hatzivassiloglou Center for Computational Learning Systems
Columbia University
New York,NY10027,USA
Selecting important information while account-
ing for repetitions is a hard task for both sum-
marization and question answering.We pro-
pose a formal model that represents a collec-
tion of documents in a two-dimensional space
of textual and conceptual units with an asso-
ciated mapping between these two dimensions.
This representation is then used to describe the
task of selecting textual units for a summary or
answer as a formal optimization task.We pro-
vide approximation algorithms and empirically
validate the performance of the proposed model
when used with two very different sets of fea-
tures,words and atomic events.
Many natural language processing tasks involve the collection and assembling of pieces of informa-tion from multiple sources,such as different doc-uments or different parts of a document.Text sum-marization clearly entails selecting the most salient information(whether generically or for a speci?c task)and putting it together in a coherent sum-mary.Question answering research has recently started examining the production of multi-sentence answers,where multiple pieces of information are included in the?nal output.
When the answer or summary consists of mul-tiple separately extracted(or constructed)phrases, sentences,or paragraphs,additional factors in?u-ence the selection process.Obviously,each of the selected text snippets should individually be impor-tant.However,when many of the competing pas-sages are included in the?nal output,the issue of information overlap between the parts of the output comes up,and a mechanism for addressing redun-dancy is needed.Current approaches in both sum-marization and long answer generation are primar-ily oriented towards making good decisions for each potential part of the output,rather than examining whether these parts overlap.Most current methods adopt a statistical framework,without full semantic analysis of the selected content passages;this makes the comparison of content across multiple selected text passages hard,and necessarily approximated by the textual similarity of those passages.
Thus,most current summarization or long-answer question-answering systems employ two levels of analysis:a content level,where every tex-tual unit is scored according to the concepts or fea-tures it covers,and a textual level,when,before being added to the?nal output,the textual units deemed to be important are compared to each other and only those that are not too similar to other can-didates are included in the?nal answer or summary. This comparison can be performed purely on the ba-sis of text similarity,or on the basis of shared fea-tures that may be the same as the features used to select the candidate text units in the?rst place.
In this paper,we propose a formal model for in-tegrating these two tasks,simultaneously perform-ing the selection of important text passages and the minimization of information overlap between them. We formalize the problem by positing a textual unit space,from which all potential parts of the summary or answer are drawn,a conceptual unit space,which represents the distinct conceptual pieces of informa-tion that should be maximally included in the?nal output,and a mapping between conceptual and tex-tual units.All three components of the model are application-and task-dependent,allowing for dif-ferent applications to operate on text pieces of dif-ferent granularity and aim to cover different concep-tual features,as appropriate for the task at hand.We cast the problem of selecting the best textual units as an optimization problem over a general scoring function that measures the total coverage of concep-tual units by any given set of textual units,and pro-vide general algorithms for obtaining a solution. By integrating redundancy checking into the se-lection of the textual units we provide a uni?ed framework for addressing content overlap that does not require external measures of similarity between textual units.We also account for the partial overlap of information between textual units(e.g.,a single shared clause),a situation which is common in nat-
Selecting important information while accounting for repetitions is a hard task for both summarization and question answering. We propose a formal model that represents a collection of documents in a two-dimensional space of textual and conceptual units wi
ural language but not handled by current methods for reducing redundancy.
2Formal Model for Information Selection and Packing
Our model for selecting and packing information across multiple text units relies on three compo-nents that are speci?ed by each application.First, we assume that there is a?nite set T of textual units t1,t2,...,t n,a subset of which will form the an-swer or summary.For most approaches to sum-marization and question answering,which follow the extraction paradigm,the textual units t i will be obtained by segmenting the input text(s)at an application-speci?ed granularity level,so each t i would typically be a sentence or paragraph. Second,we posit the existence of a?nite set C of conceptual units c1,c2,...,c m.The conceptual units encode the information that should be present in the output,and they can be de?ned in different ways according to the task at hand and the prior-ities of each system.Obviously,de?ning the ap-propriate conceptual units is a core problem,akin to feature selection in machine learning:There is no exact de?nition of what an important concept is that would apply to all tasks.Current summariza-tion systems often represent concepts indirectly via textual features that give high scores to the textual units that contain important information and should be used in the summary and low scores to those tex-tual units which are not likely to contain informa-tion worth to be included in the?nal output.Thus, many summarization approaches use as conceptual units lexical features like tf*idf weighing of words in the input text(s),words used in the titles and sec-tion headings of the source documents(Luhn,1959;
H.P.Edmundson,1968),or certain cue phrases like signi?cant,important and in conclusion(Kupiec et al.,1995;Teufel and Moens,1997).Conceptual units can also be de?ned out of more basic concep-tual units,based on the co-occurrence of important concepts(Barzilay and Elhadad,1997)or syntac-tic constraints between representations of concepts (Hatzivassiloglou et al.,2001).Conceptual units do not have to be directly observable as text snippets; they can represent abstract properties that particular text units may or may not satisfy,for example,status as a?rst sentence in a paragraph or generally posi-tion in the source text(Lin and Hovy,1997).Some summarization systems assume that the importance of a sentence is derivable from a rhetorical repre-sentation of the source text(Marcu,1997),while others leverage information from multiple texts to re-score the importance of conceptual units across all the sources(Hatzivassiloglou et al.,2001).
No matter how these important concepts are de-?ned,different systems use text-observable features that either correspond to the concepts of interest (e.g.,words and their frequencies)or point out those text units that potentially contain important con-cepts(e.g.,position or discourse properties of the text unit in the source document).The former class of features can be directly converted to concep-tual units in our representation,while the latter can be accounted for by postulating abstract conceptual units associated with a particular status(e.g.,?rst sentence)for a particular textual unit.We assume that each conceptual unit has an associated impor-tance weight w i that indicates how important unit c i is to the overall summary or answer.
2.1A?rst model:Full correspondence
Having formally de?ned the sets T and C of tex-tual and conceptual units,the part that remains in order to have the complete picture of the constraints given by the data and summarization approach is the mapping between textual units and conceptual units. This mapping,a function f:T×C→[0,1],tells us how well each conceptual unit is covered by a given textual unit.Presumably,different approaches will assign different coverage scores for even the same sentences and conceptual units,and the consistency and quality of these scores would be one way to de-termine the success of each competing approach. We?rst examine the case where the function f is limited to zero or one values,i.e.,each textual unit either contains/matches a given conceptual feature or not.This is the case with many simple features, such as words and sentence position.Then,we de-?ne the total information covered by any given sub-set S of T(a proposed summary or answer)as
w i·δi(1) where w i is the weight of the concept c i and
1,if?j∈{1,...,m}such that f(t j,c i)=1
In other words,the information contained in a summary is the sum of the weights of the concep-tual units covered by at least one of the textual units included in the summary.
2.2Partial correspondence between textual
and conceptual units
Depending on the nature of the conceptual units,the assumption of a0-1mapping between textual and conceptual units may or may not be practical or even
Selecting important information while accounting for repetitions is a hard task for both summarization and question answering. We propose a formal model that represents a collection of documents in a two-dimensional space of textual and conceptual units wi
feasible.For many relatively simple representations of concepts,this restriction poses no dif?culties:the concept is uniquely identi?ed and can be recognized as present or absent in a text passage.However,it is possible that the concepts have some structure and can be decomposed to more elementary conceptual units,or that partial matches between concepts and text are natural.For example,if the conceptual units represent named entities(a common occurrence in list-type long answers),a partial match between a name found in a text and another name is possi-ble;handling these two names as distinct concepts would be inaccurate.Similarly,an event can be rep-resented as a concept with components correspond-ing to participants,time,location,and action,with only some of these components found in a particular piece of text.
Partial matches between textual and conceptual units introduce a new problem,however:if two tex-tual units partially cover the same concept,it is not apparent to what extent the coverage overlaps. Thus,there are multiple ways to revise equation(1) in order to account for partial matches,depending on how conservative we are on the expected over-lap.One such way is to assume minimum overlap (the most conservative assumption)and de?ne the total information in the summary as
i=1,...,m w i·max
f(t j,c i)(2)
An alternative is to consider that f(t j,c i)repre-sents the extent of the[0,1]interval corresponding to concept c i that t j covers,and assume that the coverage is spread over that interval uniformly and independently across textual units.Then the com-bined coverage of two textual units t j and t k is f(t j,c i)+f(t k,c i)?f(t j,c i)·f(t k,c i) This operator can be naturally extended to more than two textual units and plugged into equation(2) in the place of the max operator,resulting into an equation we will refer to as equation(3).Note that both of these equations reduce to our original for-mula for information content(equation(1))if the mapping function f only produces0and1values.
2.3Length and textual constraints
We have provided formulae that measure the infor-mation covered by a collection of textual units un-der different mapping constraints.Obviously,we want to maximize this information content.How-ever,this can only sensibly happen when additional constraints on the number or length of the selected textual units are introduced;otherwise,the full set of available textual units would be a solution that proffers a maximal value for equations(1)–(3),i.e.,?S?T,I(S)≤I(T).We achieve this by assign-ing a cost p i to each textual unit t i,i=1,...,n, and de?ning a function P over a set of textual units that provides the total penalty associated with se-lecting those textual units as the output.In our ab-straction,replacing a textual unit with one or more textual units that provide the same content should only affect the penalty,and it makes sense to assign the same cost to a long sentence as to two sentences produced by splitting the original sentence.Also, a shorter sentence should be preferable to a longer sentence with the same information content.Hence, our operational de?nitions for p i and P are
p i=length(t i),P(S)=
t i∈S
p i
i.e.,the total penalty is equal to the total length of the answer in some basic unit(e.g.,words).
Note however,than in the general case the p i’s need not depend solely on the length,and the to-tal penalty does not need to be a linear combina-tion of them.The cost function can depend on features other then length,for example,number of pronouns—the more pronouns used in a textual unit, the higher the risk of dangling references and the higher the price should be.Finding the best cost function is an interesting research problem by itself. With the introduction of the cost function P(S) our model has two generally competing compo-nents.One approach is to set a limit on P(S)and optimize I(S)while keeping P(S)under that limit. This approach is similar to that taken in evaluations that keep the length of the output summary within certain bounds,such as the recent major summa-rization evaluations in the Document Understand-ing Conferences from2001to the present(Harman and V oorhees,2001).Another approach would be to combine the two components and assign a com-posite score to each summary,essentially mandat-ing a speci?c tradeoff between recall and precision; for example,the total score can be de?ned as a lin-ear combination of I(S)and P(S),in which case the weights specify the relative importance of cov-erage and precision/brevity,as well as accounting for scale differences between the two metrics.This approach is similar to the calculation of recall,pre-cision,and F-measure adopted in the recent NIST evaluation of long answers for de?nitional questions (V oorhees,2003).In this paper,we will follow the ?rst tactic of maximizing I(S)with a limit on P(S) rather than attempting to solve the thorny issues of
Selecting important information while accounting for repetitions is a hard task for both summarization and question answering. We propose a formal model that represents a collection of documents in a two-dimensional space of textual and conceptual units wi
weighing the two components appropriately.
3Handling Redundancy in
Redundancy of information has been found useful in determining what text pieces should be included during summarization,on the basis that information that is repeated is likely to be central to the topic or event being discussed.Earlier work has also recog-nized that,while it is a good idea to select among the passages repeating information,it is also impor-tant to avoid repetition of the same information in the?nal output.
Two main approaches have been proposed for avoiding redundancy in the output.One approach relies on grouping together potential output text units on the basis of their similarity,and outputting only a representative from each group(Hatzivas-siloglou et al.,2001).Sentences can be clustered in this manner according to word overlap,or by us-ing additional content similarity features.This ap-proach has been recently applied to the construction of paragraph-long answers(e.g.,(Blair-Goldensohn et al.,2003;Yu and Hatzivassiloglou,2003)).
An alternative approach,proposed for the synthe-sis of information during query-based passage re-trieval is the maximum marginal relevance(MMR) method(Goldstein et al.,2000).This approach as-signs to each potential new sentence in the output a similarity score with the sentences already included in the summary.Only those sentences that contain a substantial amount of new information can get into the summary.MMR bases this similarity score on word overlap and additional information about the time when each document was released,and thus can fail to identify repeated information when para-phrasing is used to convey the same meaning.
In contrast to these approaches,our model han-dles redundancy in the output at the same time it selects the output sentences.It is clear from equa-tions(1)–(3)that each conceptual unit is counted only once whether it appears in one or multiple tex-tual units.Thus,when we?nd the subset of textual units that maximizes overall information coverage with a constraint on the total number or length of textual units,the model will prefer the collection of textual units that have minimal overlap of covered conceptual units.Our approach offers three advan-tages versus both clustering and MMR:First,it in-tegrates redundancy elimination into the selection process,requiring no additional features for de?n-ing a text-level similarity between selected textual units.Second,decisions are based on the same fea-tures that drive the summarization itself,not on ad-ditional surface properties of similarity.Finally,be-cause all decisions are informed by the overlap of conceptual units,our approach accounts for partial overlap of information across textual units.To illus-trate this last point,consider a case where three fea-tures A,B,and C should be covered in the output, and where three textual units are available,cover-ing A and B,A and C,and B and C,respectively. Then our model will determine that selecting any two of the textual units is fully suf?cient,while this may not be apparent on the basis of text similarity between the three text units;a clustering algorithm may form three singleton clusters,and MMR may determine that each textual unit is suf?ciently dif-ferent from each other,especially if A,B,and C are realized with nearly the same number of words. 4Applying the Model
Having presented a formal metric for the informa-tion content(and optionally the cost)of any poten-tial summary or answer,the task that remains is to optimize this metric and select the corresponding set of textual units for the?nal output.As stated in Section2.3,one possible way to do this is to fo-cus on the information content metric and introduce an additional constraint,limiting the total cost to a constant.An alternative is to optimize directly the composite function that combines cost and informa-tion content into a single number.
We examine the case of zero-one mappings be-tween textual and conceptual units,where the to-tal information content is speci?ed by equation(1). The complexity of the problem depends on the cost function,and whether we optimize I(S)while keeping P(S)?xed or whether we optimize a com-bined function of both of those quantities.We will only consider the former case in the present paper. We start by examining an arti?cially simple case, where the cost assigned to each textual unit is1,and the function P for combining costs is their sum.In this case,the total cost is equal to the number of textual units used in a summary.
This problem,as we have formalized it above, is identical to the Maximum Set Coverage problem studied in theoretical computer science:given C,a ?nite set of weighted elements,a collection T of subsets of C,and an integer k,?nd those k sets that maximize the total number of elements in the union of T’s members(Hochbaum,1997).In our case, the zero-one mapping allows us to view each textual unit as a subset of the conceptual units space,con-taining those conceptual units covered by the tex-tual unit,and k is the total target cost.Unfortu-nately,maximum set coverage is NP-hard,as it is
Selecting important information while accounting for repetitions is a hard task for both summarization and question answering. We propose a formal model that represents a collection of documents in a two-dimensional space of textual and conceptual units wi
reducible to the classic set cover problem (given a ?nite set and a collection of subsets of that set,?nd the smallest subset of that collection whose mem-bers’union is equal to the original set)(Hochbaum,1997).It follows that more general formulations of the cost function that actually are more realistic for our problem (such as de?ning the total cost as the sum of the lengths of the selected textual units and allowing the textual units to have different lengths)will also result in an NP-hard problem,as we can re-duce these versions to the special case of maximum set coverage .
Nevertheless,the correspondence with maximum set coverage provides a silver lining.Since the problem is known to be NP-hard,properties of simple greedy algorithms have been explored,and a straightforward local maximization method has been proved to give solutions within a known bound of the optimal solution.The greedy algorithm for maximum set coverage has as follows:Start with an empty solution S ,and iteratively add to the S the set T i that maximizes I (S ∪T i ).It is provable that this algorithm is the best polynomial approximation algorithm for the problem (Hochbaum,1997),and that it achieves a solution bounded as follows
I (O PT )≥I (G REEDY )≥
1? 1?1
I (O PT )
> 1?1
I (O PT )≈0.6321×I (O PT )
where I (O PT )is the information content of the op-timal summary and I (G REEDY )is the information content of the summary produced by this greedy al-gorithm.
For the more realistic case where cost is speci-?ed as the total length of the summary,and where we try to optimize I (S )with a limit on P (S )(see Section 2.3),we propose two greedy algorithms in-spired by the algorithm above.Both our algorithms operate by ?rst calculating a ranking of the textual units in decreasing order.This ranking is for the ?rst algorithm,which we call adaptive greedy algo-rithm ,identical to the ranking provided by the ba-sic greedy algorithm,i.e.,each textual unit receives as score the increase in I (S )that it generates when added to the output,in the order speci?ed by the ba-sic greedy algorithm.Our second greedy algorithm (dubbed modi?ed greedy algorithm below)modi?es this ranking by prioritizing the conceptual units with highest individual weight w i ;it ranks ?rst the tex-tual unit that has the highest contribution to I (S )while covering this conceptual unit with the high-est individual weight,and then iteratively proceeds with the textual unit that has the highest contribu-tion to I (S )while covering the next most important
unaccounted for conceptual unit.
Given the rankings of textual units,we can then produce an output of a given length by adopting ap-propriate stopping criteria for when to stop adding textual units (in order according to their ranking)to the output.There is no clear rule for conform-ing to a speci?c length (for example,DUC 2001al-lowed submitted summaries to go over “a reason-able percentage”of the target length,while DUC 2004cuts summaries mid-sentence at exactly the target length).As the summary length in DUC is measured in words,in our experiments we extracted the speci?ed number of words out of the top sen-tences (truncating the last sentence if necessary).
To empirically establish the effectiveness of the pre-sented model we ran experiments comparing evalu-ation scores on summaries obtained with a baseline algorithm that does not account for redundancy of information and with the two variants of greedy al-gorithms described in Section 4.We chose summa-rization as the evaluation task because “ideal”out-put (prepared by humans)and methods for scoring arbitrary system output were available for this task,but not for evaluating long answers to questions.Data We chose as our input data the document sets used in the evaluation of multidocument sum-marization during the Document Understanding Conference (DUC),organized by NIST in 2001(Harman and V oorhees,2001).This collection con-tains 30test document sets,each containing approx-imately 10news stories on different events;docu-ment sets vary signi?cantly in their internal cohere-ness.For each document set 12human-constructed summaries are provided,3for each of the target lengths of 50,100,200,and 400words.We se-lected DUC 2001because unlike later DUCs,ideal summaries are available for multiple lengths.We consider sentences as our textual units.
Features In our experiments we used two sets of features (i.e.,conceptual units).First,we chose a fairly basic and widely used set of lexical fea-tures,namely the list of words present in each input text.We set the weight of each feature to its tf*idf value,taking idf values from http://elib.cs.berkeley.edu/docfreq/.
Our alternative set of conceptual units was the list of weighted atomic events extracted from the input texts.An atomic event is a triplet consisting of two named entities extracted from a sentence and a con-nector expressed by a verb or an event-related noun that appears in-between these two named entities.
Selecting important information while accounting for repetitions is a hard task for both summarization and question answering. We propose a formal model that represents a collection of documents in a two-dimensional space of textual and conceptual units wi
The score of the atomic event depends on the fre-quency of the named entities pair for the input text and the frequency of the connector for that named entities pair.Filatova and Hatzivassiloglou(2003) de?ne the procedure for extracting atomic events in detail,and show that these triplets capture the most important relations connecting the major constituent parts of events,such as location,dates and partici-pants.Our hypothesis is that using these events as conceptual units would provide a reasonable basis for summarizing texts that are supposed to describe one or more events.
Evaluation Metric Given the dif?culties in com-ing up with a universally accepted evaluation mea-sure for summarization,and the fact that judgments by humans are time-consuming and labor-intensive, we adopted an automated process for comparing system-produced summaries to the ideal summaries written by humans.The ROUGE method(Lin and Hovy,2003)is based on n-gram overlap between the system-produced and ideal summaries.As such, it is a recall-based measure,and it requires that the length of the summaries be controlled in or-der to allow for meaningful comparisons.Although ROUGE is only a proxy measure of summary qual-ity,it offers the advantage that it can be readily ap-plied to compare the performance of different sys-tems on the same set of documents,assuming that ideal summaries are available for those documents. Baseline Our baseline method does not consider the overlap in information content between selected textual units.Instead,we?x the score of each sen-tence as the sum of tf*idf values or atomic event scores.At every step we choose the remaining sen-tence with the largest score,until the stopping crite-rion for summary length is satis?ed.
Results For every version of our baseline and approximation algorithms,and separately for the tf*idf-weighted words and event features,we get a sorted list of sentences extracted according to a par-ticular algorithm.Then,for each DUC document set we create four summaries of each suggested length (50,100,200,and400words)by extracting accord-ingly the?rst50,100,200,and400words from the top sentences.
To evaluate the performance of our summarizers we compare their outputs against the human models of the corresponding length provided by DUC,us-ing the ROUGE-created scores for unigrams.Since scores are not comparable across different docu-ment sets,instead of average scores we report the number of document sets for which one algorithm outperforms another.We compare each of our
Length Events tf*idf
Table1:Adaptive greedy algorithm versus baseline.
Length Events tf*idf
Table2:Modi?ed greedy algorithm versus baseline. approximation algorithms(adaptive and modi?ed greedy)to the baseline.
Table1shows the number of data sets for which the adaptive greedy algorithm outperforms our baseline.This implementation of our informa-tion packing model improves the ROUGE scores in most cases when events are used as features,while the opposite is true when tf*idf provides the con-ceptual units.This may be partly explained because of the nature of the tf*idf-weighted word features: it is possible that important words cannot be con-sidered independently,and that the repetition of im-portant words in later sentence does not necessarily mean that the sentence offers no new information. Thus words may not provide independent enough features for our approach to work.
Table2compares our modi?ed greedy algorithm to the baseline.In that case,the model offers gains in performance when both events and words are used as features,and in fact the gains are most pro-nounced with the word features.For both algo-rithms,the gains are generally minimal for50word summaries and most pronounced for the longest, 400word summaries.This validates our approach, as the information packing model has a limited op-portunity to alter the set of selected sentences when those sentences are very few(often one or two for the shortest summaries).
It is worth noting that in direct comparisons be-tween the adaptive and modi?ed greedy algorithm we found the latter to outperform the former.We found also events to lead to better performance than tf*idf-weighted words with statistically signi?cant differences.Events tend to be a particularly good representation for document sets with well-de?ned constituent parts(such as speci?c participants)that cluster around a narrow event.Events not only give us a higher absolute performance when compared
Selecting important information while accounting for repetitions is a hard task for both summarization and question answering. We propose a formal model that represents a collection of documents in a two-dimensional space of textual and conceptual units wi
to just words but also lead to more pronounced im-provement when our model is employed.A more detailed analysis of the above experiments together with the discussion of advantages and disadvantages of our evaluation schema can be found in(Filatova and Hatzivassiloglou,2004).
In this paper we proposed a formal model for in-formation selection and redundancy avoidance in summarization and question-answering.Within this two-dimensional model,summarization and question-answering entail mapping textual units onto conceptual units,and optimizing the selection of a subset of textual units that maximizes the in-formation content of the covered conceptual units. The formalization of the process allows us to bene?t from theoretical results,including suitable approx-imation algorithms.Experiments using DUC data showed that this approach does indeed lead to im-provements due to better information packing over a straightforward content selection method.
We wish to thank Rocco Servedio and Mihalis Yannakakis for valuable discussions of theoreti-cal foundations of the set cover problem.This work was supported by ARDA under Advanced Question Answering for Intelligence(AQUAINT) project MDA908-02-C-0008.
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A formal model for information selection in multi-sentence text extraction03-19
- 1【选择排序】selection sort
- 2Merging uncertain information with semantic heterogeneity in XML. Knowledge and Information
- 3Lecture 4 Recruitment and Selection(1)
- 4grammatical hierachy sentence structure
- 5Formal verification of a theory of ieee rounding
- 8Model Test One
- 9Simple Text Processing
- 10model combination (tong)
- 粮油储藏基础知识
- 论文范文(包括统一封面和内容的格式)
- 经典解题方法
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- bl03海运提单3国际贸易答案
- 2010-2011学年湖北省武汉市武珞路中学七年级(上)期中数学试卷
- VB程序填空改错设计题库全
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- information
- extraction
- selection
- sentence
- formal
- model
- multi
- text
- 电力拖动自动控制系统-运动控制系统-课后题答案
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- 存款方式与收益研究
- 甘肃路桥公路投资有限公司安全生产费用计量支付管理办法
- 电梯标准化管理制度
- 理想与现实的矛盾
- 结核杆菌_TB_PCR荧光诊断试剂盒的临床应用
- Super-Giant Glitches and Quark Stars Sources of Gamma Ray Bursts
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