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Adding more sizes to existing sections in Steel catalogs
This section describes how to add more sizes by updating the design table to an existing parametric section in DP steel catalogs
1 Create Directory
2 Update design table 3 Editing the Batch File 4 Launching the CATScript
5 Create Catalog List 6 Update Catalog
Create Directory Structure
For this example, we will add more sizes to TS steel section from AISC catalog as an example.
1. Browse to the \\
V1,R4\\GTR4\\Project Standards\\customstartup\\Catalogs\\Structural Steel\
2. Create a new folder within this directory called \ 3. Within the Custom Sections folder, create three additional folders (listed below):
DesignTables Models
4. Copy the parametric section from /AISC Steel Sections/Models to /Custom Sections/Models directory.
5. Copy the correspoding design table from /AISC Steel
Sections/DesignTables to /Custom Sections/DesignTables directory.
New Folders [edit]
Update design table
Open the design table (.xls) file from the /Custom
Sections/DesignTables directory and add the required sizes to the design table.
Open the parametric section in DP to update the part with changes in design table and save it.
Editing the Batch File
Download the batch file and CATScript file here. Extract both files to the C drive (c:\\).
(the .CATScript file later references the
LaunchCATCloGenerateResolvedParts.bat file at this location)
Files on the C Drive
Edit the file LaunchCATCloGenerateResolvedParts.bat to update the path locations.
Change the file extension from .bat to .txt
Open LaunchCATCloGenerateResolvedParts.txt in Notepad. On the third line, replace the first path (in quotes), with the path of the \
Also on the third line, replace the second path (in quotes), with the path of the \ Save the file
Change the file extension back to .bat
The content of the LaunchCATCloGenerateResolvedParts.bat file is: echo \
cd \V1,R2\\DSB15\\intel_a\\code\\command\
CATCloGenerateResolvedParts.bat \to models folder\\to modelsresolved folder\
Launching the CATScript File
In Digital Project, go to Tools > Macro > Macros
Choose Select
Browse for LaunchCatalogResolve.CATScript and click open
Click run to start the resolving process.
Create Catalog List
Original Process (Below) for Creating Catalog List For alternate process, click here here
On the Windows task bar, click Start and then choose Run Type cmd and press enter
Start > Run
Command Prompt
Open Notepad or MS Word and type chdir followed by the path of the \
chdir C:\\Program Files\\Gehry Technologies\\Digital Project V1,R2\\GTR2\\Project Standards\\customstartup\\Catalogs\\Structural Steel\\Custom Sections\\ModelsResolved
Copy the line to the clipboard (Using Edit > Copy or CTRL+C)
Right click on the top of the Command Prompt window and choose Edit > Paste
Changing Directory in Command Prompt
Press the enter key to change directory.
Type \ Type \ Save and then close the file.
Update Catalog
Open Digital Project and choose File > Open... and select the AISC.Catalog (the catalog you want to update). We are updating teh existing catalog, so open the catalog from its original location. Click on the Create/Modify Catalog command.
Select ‘Structure Design’ as application
Select the \parts directory
Select the newly created \ Click OK.
Once the import is done, Save the file as \
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