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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn




【 摘 要 】 信息共享空间是通过整合多种形式的信息资源,为用户获取信息资源、提高信息素养提供的一种特定空间,促进其学习、交流、协作和研究为目标的一种创新服务模式。文章从高等职业技术学院的发展和整合信息资源、构建公共信息的需要、目前高职院校所具备的各方面的条件等角度阐述了高等职业院校构建信息共享空间的必要性以及可行性,高职院校构建信息共享空间是科技发展的必然,是提升学生职业素质和信息素养的大势所趋。 【 关键词 】 信息共享空间;高职院校;资源整合

Construction of Information Commons in Higher Vocational Colleges Xu Xiu-hua

( Heilongjiang Communications Polytechnic HeilongjiangQiqihar 161000 )

【 Abstract 】 Information Commons Provides a sharing platform to get information resources for the user by the integration of various information resources , promotes their learning,

communication, collaboration and research as the goal of an innovative service model. This article from the development of higher vocational colleges and the integration of information resources, construction of public information needs of higher vocational colleges at present, with the various aspects of the condition of the high occupation colleges construct the information sharing space of the necessity and feasibility of building in vocational colleges, Information Commons is inevitable of the development of science and technology , is the trend of represent the student occupation quality and information literacy.

【 Keywords 】 information commons;higher vocational colleges; resources integration 0 引言


1 信息共享空间的内涵与特征 1.1 信息共享空间的内涵

