职高英语基础模块下Unit 9 Advertisement学案

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Unit 9 Advertisement

年级:高二 科目:英语 课型:Reading 主备人:王晓燕 时间:2014.3.27

1. 知识与技能:key words and useful expressions

2.过程与方法 :Reading the text, understand the passage, complete the

questions and then retell the text.



1.重点:bring …to the attention of selected customer advertisement

space promotion commercial everywhere radio product

attention current mail contain design directly select

common notice appear major advantage however




一、温故互查:Translate the following.

1.一种重要的促销手段 2.公众,社会

3. potential customer 44. by means of

5. 选定的顾客6.或多或少7. 遛马 8.服装表演

10.by means of

二、 设问导读 Answer to the following questions.

①. What do famous persons really want to do when they appear in the ads?

②. Which are more expensive, TV ads or radio ads?


I.Study the sentences and fill in the blanks with the correct words according to

the text.

1. Brochures can contain information if designed well.

如果设计的好的话,宣传册会包含大量的信息。 a great deal of 大量,许多 +不可数n. If designed well =if (they are ) designed well 2. Mails can be sent to . 信函广告可以直接地投送到经过选择的客户那里。 in places where the customers notice them. 在顾客能看到招贴广告的地方,招贴广告是有作用的。 4. of radio announcements is that they are usually cheaper than television ads, and many people still listen to the radio, for example when they are in taxies or in their own car. 广播通知的优点是它们通常比电视广告便宜。当人们乘坐出租车或者在自己的车上时,许多人仍然在听广播。 四、巩固练习 Translate the following. 1. a great deal of 大量的工作 3. a common way of 4. be powerful in … 6. for example 事实上,实际8. 10. Please make sure that all the lights are turned off when you leave. 五、拓展延伸 填入所给词的正确形式 1、Look! How_____ Kate is running! (slow) 2、Mr. Green likes swimming. He is a good _____(swim). 3、Our English teacher often makes his lessons _____(live) and interesting. 4、Would you mind_______(open) the window? 5、Xiao Wang is a friend of __________(me) . 六、安全教育 外出时应该自觉遵守交通法规 七、课后记:教师填写“教后记”,学生填写“学后记” 1


班级: 姓名: 乌审旗职业中学学案


