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龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn


作者:杨柳 邵波


摘 要 论文以Web of Science数据库收录的智慧图书馆领域相关文献为研究对象,利用TDA清理数据并构建共词矩阵,使用SPSS对高频关键词进行聚类,探讨智慧图书馆RFID实验、信息构架、虚拟技术、建设意义、模型设计、信息服务六大研究主题;同时使用Ucinet绘制高产作者团体共现图谱,开展国际合作分析与中心性分析。在获悉研究热点与作者合作现状基础上,从重视用户调研、扩大研究群体、加强学术交流、理论切合实际四个方面探讨对国内研究的启示。

关键词 智慧图书馆 聚类分析 社会网络分析 研究热点 作者群体 分类号 G250.7

Abstract This paper studies literatures on smart library selected from the Web of Science

database. By using TDA to do data cleaning and build the co-word matrix, it clusters keywords of high frequency by SPSS and then explores the six research topics pertinent to smart library including RFID experiment, information architecture, virtual technology, its significance, model design and information service. In the same time, by drawing the co-occurrence map of the prolific co-authors through Ucinet, the paper conducts international cooperation analysis and centrality analysis. Based on the knowledge of the research hotspots and the current situation of cooperation among authors, it puts forward suggestions from four aspects, such as focusing on user research, expanding the research community, strengthening academic exchange as well as combining theory with practice, expecting to explore the enlightenment brought by foreign researches to domestic ones.

Keywords Smart library. Cluster analysis. Social network analysis. Research hotspots. Cooperative groups. 0 引言

“智慧图书馆”(Smart Library)一词最早于文献中出现可以追溯到2003年,芬兰奥卢大学学者Markus Aittola, Tapio Ryh nen, Timo Ojala三人合作发表的《Smart Library—Location-Aware Mobile Library Service》一文中,将智慧图书馆作为该校图书馆一项新的服务应用予以阐述[1]。智慧图书馆是现代图书馆科学发展的理念与实践,它以数字化、网络化、智能化的信息技术为基础,以互联、高效、便利为主要特征,以绿色发展和数字惠民为本质追求,是我国智慧城市建设的重要服务单位和主要推动力[2]。近年来,智慧城市的创建工作在国家政策

