
更新时间:2023-05-07 13:59:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



各种学习资料,仅供学习与交流 代 词

I am an English teacher. We are friends. You are a student. You

are students. He is a doctor. They are engineers. She is a nurse. It is Sunday today.

形容词性物主代词后面接名词. 名词性物主代词后面不接名词. This is my book. This book is mine. Your bag is black. Mine

is green. These are our bags. These bags are ours .

this, that, these, those

This is a book. This is not a book. Is this a book ? That is a bus. That is not a bus. Is that a bus ? These are apples. These are not apples. Are these apples ? Those are pears. Those are not pears. Are those pears ?

为了避免重复, 可用 that , those 代替前面提到过的名词。

The weather of Kunming is better than that of Beijing. ( that 代替 有定冠词的 名

词 )

The radios made in Shanghai are as good as those made in Tianjin. This is a problem of money rather than one of time. ( one 代替

有不定冠词的 名

词 )

-- 自己)


myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

Rose said to himself,“ Where am I ?”

I went to the post office by myself.

We should help each other.

They respect each other.

Don’t talk to each other.

We should point out each other’s shortcomings.


(1)作主语:What makes you so happy ?

(2)作宾语:Who/Whom is your manager talking with ?


About whom were they talking just now ?

(3) 作定语:Which subject do you like best ?

(4) 作表语:What’s your mother ?

both (两个)都 ---

all (三个或三个以上)都 ---

each 每一个 each student; each of them

every 每一个 every student;

some / something 用于肯定句(当表示一种邀请或请求,或期望得到肯定的回答时,用


any / anything 用于疑问句和否定句

many (很多)修饰可数名词

much (很多)修饰不可数名词

few 没多少,没几个

a few 一些,有几个

few 和 a few 都修饰可数名词



little 几乎没有,没有

a little 有一点儿

little 和 a little 都修饰不可数名词

either : (两者当中的)任何一个

neither : (二者之中)哪个也不,相当于第三人称单数。如: Neitehr of them is surprised.

the other(共有2个) one --- the other


other (people)其他的

others 其他人

some-- others -- :一些 ---, (还有)一些 ---

some-- the others -- :一些 ---,其余的 ----

everything 每件事 everybody / everyone 每个人

something 某件事 somebody / someone 某人

anything 任何事 anybody / anyone 任何人

nothing 没有事情 nobody / no one 没有人

no 没有 none 没有人



