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Ⅱ (人教版)

第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 单项填空(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分) 1. —Do you think Jack can win the race?

—_____. He has been training hard for it. A. It’s nothing C. I believe he can A. 不填; a A. except for

B. That’s a good idea

D. It’s hard to say

C. 不填;不填

D. the; a

2. At _____ first glance, it appears to be _____ matter of hiring more people.

B. a; the

3. He was a nice person, but _____ his suggestions, I found them unhelpful.

B. instead of

C. as for D. but for

4. —Do you mind my watching the football match until midnight? —I’d rather you didn’t. If you _____, please turn the TV down. A. should

B. need C. must D. shall

5. No matter how busy he is, Mr. Brown makes _____ a rule to have a heart-to-heart talk with his children on weekends.

A. one B. it C. this D. that A. Ever B. Enough C. All A. honest B. sensitive

D. Much

6. _____ to the delight of the children, there are enough pieces of cakes for each one to have two. 7. So far we haven’t made a firm plan yet, so we’re _____ to suggestions.

C. likely D. open

8. The people were in _____ and didn’t know what to do when they got the news that a killer broke into the hall.

A. excitement A. pick up

B. panic C. peace D. action B. show off

C. take over

D. look after

9. Mary watched the other dancers to see if she could _____ something. 10. —Hello, Mrs Green. Is Peter at home? I’d like to play tennis with him. —_____. He has gone to the park with his sister.

A. Don’t mention it B. That’s OK C. I’m sorry D. That’s right

A. to have thought B. to think C. thought D. thinking A. hide B. avoid C. forbid D. ignore

11. Julie was touched by the happy scene, and found herself _____ of her childhood. 12. The play has been very popular. Advance booking is essential to _____disappointment. 13. Having my computer _____ really taught me a lesson — I’ll never leave the door unlocked


A. steal B. stolen C. to steal —Not until you _____ your homework.

A. have finished B. are finishing C. had finished D. will finish A. where A. had waited

B. which C. that B. wait

D. how D. stealing

14. —Mum, can I go out and play football now?

15. He left without taking anything away and everything in the house remained _____ it had been. 16. If we _____ another week, we could have bought the car at a lower price.

C. have waited D. would wait

17. I bought these gloves for my daughter, but they’re too large. Can I change them for _____ size?

A. the small

B. a smaller C. smallest

D. smaller

18. I was glad you told me about the meeting being cancelled. _____ I’d have traveled all the way to the office for nothing.

A. However

B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Besides

19. He won two gold medals in the Olympic Games, _____ came as a surprise to his parents. A. which B. that C. when D. where A. did sit a little boy B. a little boy did sit C. sat a little boy D. did a little boy sit

There may be a time to give up but there are also times when we need to keep trying. My 21 tells me that quitting too soon is the greater problem. And the reason is 22 : it’s usually easier to give something up than to stay with it.

My kids often wanted to give up music lessons. I 23 them not to quit too early. “ 24 with the lessons,” I told them. They 25 , and were later glad of it. I’ve spoken with many 26 who said to me, “I used to take music lessons when I was a child. I 27 that I quit too soon. I wish I knew how to play 28 today.” But nobody said, “I regret the fact that I didn’t quit sooner.”

29 , it’s not only about music lessons...it’s about knowing, when things are 30 , whether to keep going or to give up. How many 31 were never written because someone quit too soon? How many dreams never bore 32 because someone gave them up?

There were good times to 33 a boring job or to move on to a new relationship. But too often, I quit too early. I didn’t stick around long enough to see what might 34 if I persevered (坚持) just a bit longer.

I don’t think Albert Einstein had the 35 of quitting too early. “It’s not that I’m so smart,” he famously said, “it’s just that I stay with problems 36 .” I think he understood the 20. I got out of the car and walked to the house quietly, in front of which ______.

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

