原创新牛津7B Unit 1 Grammar 2教学案

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7B Unit 1 Grammar教学案2 教学课题:Unit 1 Grammar B 备课教师:刘建新

教学内容:Part B Ordinal numbers(序数词) 教学目标:I. Remembering the ordinal numbers;

II. Learning the meaning and functions of them. 一、对照Grammar A的基数词写出对应的序数词: 0-12 13-19 20、30、40、50、 60、70、80、90 100、200、300 0-12: 13-19:

整十(除10以外): 千以上:


1:_______________2:_____________________3:_______________________ 14:________________; 19:________________; 26:_____________________ 32:___________________________; 64:______________________________; 168:___________________________ ; 981:_____________________________ 37,068: 9,800,500:

教学重难点:I. Remembering the ordinal numbers;

II. Learning the meaning and functions of them and how to use it. 板书设计: 0-12 13-19 20、30、40、50、 60、70、80、90 二、找出以上序数词的规律及特点。

100、200、300 教学过程:

Step 1. Free talk about numbers. 1) How old are you? 2) What class are you in?


导入序数词的概念:We use ordinal numbers to order things and events. We use them to talk about dates, floors, positions, etc . 3)What’s the date today?

4)There are five students in this team? Which one is …?

Step 2 Showing the study-aims to the students.(Giving the teaching and studying papers to the students ahead of the lesson. Asking the students to prepare it first. ) Step 3 Self-study

1. Asking the students to study and discuss in group, trying to finish off Aim Ex. 1&2.(目标练习一二)(教师巡视指导) 2. Checking out the answers.

Step 5 Practice:(目标练习三&Part B on P12 ) Step 6 Breakthrough the important and difficult points.

1.日期:Women’s Day is on the eighth of March. 妇女节在三月(第)八日。 Ask:When is your birthday? It’s on the________________ of ______________. 2.楼层:Our flat is on the seventh floor. 我的公寓在七楼。

Ask:Which floor do you live on? I live on the ________________ floor. 3. 次序:

He is always the first to come school in our class.在我们班他总是第一个到校。 Ask:Who is the first to come school in our class this morning? ------___________________ is. Step 6 Consolidation Step 7 Homework

1. 读背表示数字的单词; 2. 课课练;

3. 预习Integrated skills.

Unit 1 Grammar B课堂测试 一、


20______ 90______ 99_____________ 101_______________ 500____________ 700,800____________________________

Unit 1 Grammar B课堂测试 二、


20______ 90______ 99_____________ 101_______________ 500____________ 700,800____________________________





