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Part I Listening Comprehension ( 15 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of 3 sections.

Section A

Directions: This section is to test your ability to give proper responses. There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

1.A)Well, where do you want to go? B)It’s hard to say. C)It’s getting dark. D)What’s the problem 答案:A

原听力材料:1.Excuse me, can you show me the way?

2.A)It’ll probably be cold. B)I’m glad to hear that. C)It’ll probably rain. D) I’m lucky to do so.


原听力材料:It ‘s been rainy since Friday, but clear weather is for tomorrow.

3. A)It’s hard to say. B)It’s easy to do so. C)Certainly, they are.

D) Sure. Just a moment, Please. 答案:D

原听力材料:.Excuse me, would you please find these two books for ?

4. A)For what?

B)When, please?

C)How will you come? D) Where are you living? 答案:B

原听力材料:I ‘d like to make an appointment with the doctor.

5. A) You can call me.

B)Yes, he is in his office.

C)Only a few minutes. D) Usually by bus. 答案:C

原听力材料:How long will it take to get to the office?

Section B

Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short dialogues. There are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue, there is a recorded question. Both the dialogues and questions will be spoken two times. When you hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

6. A)The woman has many new stamps. B)They will exchange some stamps. C)The woman has got a problem. D) The man has sold a lot of stamps.



W: you’ve got so many stamps of the same kind. Can I exchange some with you? M: Yes, no problem.

Q: What can we learn from the talk?

7. A)He doesn’t give the woman much trouble. B)He doesn’t give the woman much trouble. C)He wants a copy of the paper. D) he will take the trouble to copy it. 答案:C


W: Would you like a copy of this paper?

M: Thanks, if it doesn’t trouble you too much. Q: What does the man mean?

8. A) At a restaurant. B)At the movie house. C)At a bank. D) At the theater. 答案:A


W:Can I take your order ,sir?

M:Yes, I’d like try this steak, please. Q:Where are these people?

9. A) Walking. B)By car.

C)Running. D) By bus. 答案:A


W:Miss Susan, if I were you, I would go to the movie by bus or by car. M:Thank you, but walking can make me healthy. Q:How would the woman go to the movie?

10.A) It’s beside a hotel. B) It’s next to a hospital. C) It’s opposite a busy road.

d) It’s opposite a hotel on a busy road.



W:Hi, Jim, I hear you’ve moved to a new office building. Where is it.? M:It’s opposite a hotel on a busy road. Q:Where is Jim’s new office?

Section C

Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. During the second reading, you are required to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of the numbered blanks according to what you hear. The third reading is for you to check your writing. Now the passage will begin.

Nowadays there are all kinds of different styles for nurse’s uniforms. And you can wear a shirt or top. You can even __11____ light blue uniforms, but I always __12____ white. And uniforms are useful. In the big hospital where I work, People know immediately who I am from my uniform. Uniforms are also_13_____l. They’re easy to _____ and comfortable to wear. And much cheaper than having to wear_______________ to work.

11. wear 12. stick to 13..practical 14 .take care of

15. suits and dresses

Part II Vocabulary and Structure ( 15 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.

Section A

Directions: In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

16. Mary is the kind of person who always seems to be ______ a hurry. A) on B) in C) with D) for


【解析】 “in a hurry”是一词组,表“匆忙”。

17. This time next week I’ll be on vacation. Probably I _________ on a beautiful beach. A) am lying B) have lain C) will be lying D) will have lain 答案:C

【解析】第一短句中有“This time next week”时间状语,因此,第二句中应表示下周的这个时间“正在做什么”。

18. __________________________, we went swimming in the river. A) The day being very hot B) It was a very hot day C) The day was very hot D) Being a very hot day


【解析】在整个句子中,“we went swimming in the river.”是主句,其前就用分词短语作状语。该题考的语法知识为“分语的独立结构”。按照语法要求,“being very hot”的真实主语应该是“The day”,因此应该保留。而答案B、C都是由简单句与主句相连。语法中有规定,两个简单句不能用逗号相连,应加上连词。而答案D,则表明“We”是“Being a very hot day”的逻辑主语,这显然是错误的。

19. She didn’t go to the cinema last night, _______ she had to finish her term paper. A) as B) if C) till D) though 答案:A


20. I have found some articles _________ the harmful effects of drinking.

A) being concerned B) concerned C) to concern D) concerning

答案:D 【解析】“concerning”一词意为“(表示论及)关于, 有关, 就…而论,涉及”,是介词,放在此处正好适合。

21.She has ___________ her mind and is going to Canada instead of Japan. A) exchanged B) changed C) decided D) made

答案:B 【解析】“exchange”表示“交换,交流”,“change”是“改变”,依据后句“is going to Canada instead of Japan.”表明“她是改变了自己的想法,不去日本而去加拿大”。

22.The __________ the proposal is considered, the worse it appears. A) carefully B) much carefully C) more carefully D) most carefully

答案:C 【解析】 这是由“the more….,the more….”引导的一种句子结构,要求形容词或副词用比较级的形式。而“carefully”是多音节词,所以要用“more”修饰。

23.When applying for a job, you have to __________ a resume. A) get off B) take away C) put out D) hand in

答案:D 【解析】“get off”意为(从…)下来;动身,“hand in”意为“上交”,

“put out”意为“伸出、扑灭、 熄灭、 生产、 制造、 出版、 发行、发布” “take away”意为“拿开, 拿走、 把…带走; 使离开” 根据句意,应为“上交”。

24.It is important that the committee __________ about the project at once. A) be informed B) is informed

C) will be informed D) being informed 答案:A

【解析】这是一个由It is important(necessary)+that 引导的主语从句。要求主语从句的谓语动词用“should +动词原形”。并且,“Should”可以省略。

25.He __________ several jackets and finally pick out a blue one. A) went on B) took on C) tried on D) got on


【解析】”go on”表示“继续”,“ take on”表示“ 承担、 呈现,穿上”,“ get on”表示“上车”等,而“try on”表示“试穿”。因此选C。

Section B

Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.

26. Miss Cherry is a well-known singer. She showed(music)________tendencies from her early age.

答案: musical 【解析】“tendencies”为名词,因此,其前应为形容词来修饰它。将music 改为musical即可。

27. Most students (take)_______sixty credits by the time they graduate.

答案:will have taken


28. Yesterday I was late getting to the railway station, but (fortunate )________, the train was late, too.

答案:fortunately 【解析】在该句中,“but…”引导的是一个插入语,充当状语成份,应为副词。

29. I have decided to accept their(invite) ______to pay a visit to their factory. 答案:invitation 【解析】“their”为形容词性物主代词,其后为名词。“invite”的名词形式为“invitation”。

30. Give the application to the man(sit) ______at that desk, please. 答案:sitting


31. He seemed very young, but he was(real) ______older than all of us. 答案:really 【解析】“older”为形容词,与“was”构成系表结构,其间应用副词来修饰“older”。“real”的副词形式为“really”。

32. As soon as I(get) ______home, it started to rain heavily. 答案:got

【解析】主句的谓语动词为“started”,为过去时,从句由“As soon as”引导,说明主从句的谓语动词几乎同时发生。所以,“get”改为“got”。

33. Did you get the(permit) _________from the authorities to run the bushiness? 答案:permission 【解析】“the” 是“冠词”,要求其后为名词。

34. Doctor Richard, together with his wife and three children, (be) _________to arrive in Beijing this afternoon.


【解析】因为“this afternoon”是一个现在时间,表明还没有抵达。“be to”可以表示将来。这里的关键点为“together with 后接复数名词”,其谓语动词主要看前面主语的数。“Doctor Richard”为单数,因此,应填“is”。与此类似的还有“accompanied by, along with”等。

35. They decided not to visit the Great Wall because it was raining(heavy) _________. 答案:heavily 【解析】“was raining”在此充当谓语成分,因此用副词修饰。如果,“rain”为名词,则为“heavy rain”.

Part III Reading Comprehension ( 40 minutes)

Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Task 1

Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 to 40. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Most of us grow up taking certain things for granted. We tend to assume that experts and religious leaders tell us “the truth”. We tend to believe that things advertised on television or in newspapers can’t be bad for us.

However, encouragement of critical thinking in students is one of the goals of most colleges and universities. Few professors require students to share the professors’ own beliefs. In general, professors are more concerned that students learn to question and critically examine the arguments of others, including some of their own beliefs or values. This does not mean that

professors insist that you change your beliefs, either. It does mean, however, that professors will usually ask you to support the views you express in class or in your writing.

If your premises (前提) are shaky, or if your arguments are not logical, professors personally point out the false reasoning in your arguments. Most professors want you to learn to recognize the premises of your arguments, to examine whether you really accept these premises, and to understand whether or not you draw logical conclusions. Put it this way: Professors don’t tell you what to think; they try to teach you how to think.

On the other hand, if you intend to disagree with your professors in class, you should be prepared to offer a strong argument in support of your ideas. Arguing just for the sake of arguing usually does not promote a critical examination of ideas. Many professors interpret it as rudeness. 36. In the first paragraph, the writer tries to tell us that people _______. A) easily accept certain things without a second thought B) grow up through learning certain things in life C) are forming their views during their growth D) have strong beliefs in authorities while getting old


【解析】理解第一句中的“ taking certain things for granted.”

37. Nowadays, most colleges and universities encourage students to ____________. A) criticize others B) share professors’ beliefs C) give their own ideas D) change their own beliefs


【解析】第二段中的最一后句点题:“It does mean, however, that professors will usually ask you to support the views you express in class or in your writing.”

38. The word “shaky” (Line 1, Para.3) most probably means “___________”. A) creative B) firm C) false D) weak



39. To help students develop their critical thinking, professors mainly teach them ______. A) choice of their premises

B) the way to think independently C) skills of drawing conclusions D) different kinds of arguments 答案:B 【解析】第三段最后一句“Professors don’t tell you what to think; they try to teach you how to think. ”表明了教授的意图。

40. According to the writer, the right way to argue is to _____________. A) argue mainly for the sake of arguing B) prove it with a good conclusion C) support your idea with sound reasoning D) examine others’ ideas critically



Task 2

Directions: This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 41 to 45.

An ebook, also known as an electronic (电子的) book , is an electronic version (版本) of a print book that you can download (下载) and read. What you need in order to read an ebook is an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer. Make sure you have the proper Reader before you download your ebook from the Internet. The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into proper size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your choice of viewing. Ebooks are a fun alternative to regular books. You can download them to any computer, including your portable (便携式) computer so you can take them with you when you travel, and create your own library of hundreds of titles. Best of all, when you order an ebook, there is no waiting and no shipping or handling charges. The amount of time it takes to download your ebook depends on the speed of your connection and the size of your book.

41. From this passage, we know that an ebook __________. A) can be read by any reader who has a computer

B) should be read with the help of a special kind of software C) is a print form of a book often found in libraries D) can be downloaded by turning on the computer. 答案:B

【解析】根据文中的“What you need in order to read an ebook is an Ebook Reader, which is a kind of free software used by your computer.”可以得知,“阅读电子书需要一个电子浏览器,它是一种免费使用的计算机软件。”

42. The Ebook Reader is useful for __________. A) turning a print book into an electronic version B) developing an ebook in an portable computer C) downloading an ebook from the Internet D) finding fun alternatives to an ebook 答案:D 【解析】依据文中的“The software allows you to turn the words on the screen into proper size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your choice of viewing. Ebooks are a fun alternative to regular books.”可以得知,“浏览器可以根据需要调整电脑屏幕上字体的大小,可以帮助翻页,选择你要的浏览的部分。与常规书相比,电子书是种有趣的选择”

43. From this passage, we can learn that __________. A) reading an ebook involves a lot of trouble B) the ordered ebooks have to be shipped to you C) you can order an ebook from the Ebook Reader

D) travelers can create an ebook on a portable computer

答案:D 【解析】“依据文中的You can download them to any computer, including your portable (便携式) computer so you can take them with you when you travel, and create your own library of hundreds of titles.”可以得知,“你可以从任何电脑上下载电子书,包括你的笔记本电脑,所以在你旅游时就可以带上电子书籍,创建上百种名称的图书馆”

44. Which of the following statements is TRUE? A) An ebook can be obtained through the Internet.

B) The size of the words in an ebook cannot be changed. C) An ebook is ordered in the same way as a print book. D) One has to pay some money to get an Ebook Reader. 答案:A

【解析】本题问哪一个叙述是正确的。所以要对以下的各句进行比较。答案A符合原文中的“An ebook, also known as an electronic (电子的) book , is an electronic version (版本) of a print book that you can download (下载) and read.”的描述,因此,A为正确答案。

45. Which of the following would be the best Title of the passage? A) Choices of Ebooks B) Advantages of Ebooks C) Introduction to Ebooks D) Importance of Ebooks 答案:c

【解析】这是一道主旨题,要求为短文选出最佳的标题。从全文来看,着重介绍了电子书的定义,使用方法及优点。因此选C最为适合。 Task 3

Directions: After reading the following introduction to the course on First Certificate in English,

