新视野大学英语第三册练习和答案 - 图文

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Book 3 Unit 1

Memory Lane Isn't What It Used to Be

About this time every year, I get very nostalgic. Walking through my neighborhood on a fall afternoon reminds me of a time not too long ago when sounds of children filled the air, children playing games on a hill, and throwing leaves around in the street below, I was one of those children, carefree and happy. I live on a street that is only one block long. I have lived on the same street for sixteen years. I love my street. One side has six houses on it, and the other has only two houses, with a small hill in the middle and a huge cottonwood tree on one end. When I think of home, I think of my street, only I see it as it was before. Unfortunately, things change. One day, not long ago, I looked around and saw how different everything has become. Life on my street will never be the same because neighbors are quickly growing old, friends are growing up and leaving, and the city is planning to destroy my precious hill and sell the property to contractors.

It is hard for me to accept that many of my wonderful neighbors arc growing old and won't be around much longer. I have fond memories of the couple across the street, who sat together on their porch swing almost every evening, the widow next door who yelled at my brother and me for being too loud, and the crazy old man in a black suit who drove an old car. In contrast to those people, the people I see today are very old neighbors who have seen better days. The man in the black suit says he wants to die, and another neighbor just sold his house and moved into a nursing home. The lady who used to yell at us is too tired to bother anymore, and the couple across the street rarely go out to their front porch these days. It is difficult to watch these precious people as they near the end of their lives because at one time I thought they would live forever.

The ―comings and goings‖ of the younger generation of my street are now mostly ―going‖ as friends and peers move on. Once upon a time, my life and the lives of my peers revolve around home. The boundary of our world was the gutter at the end of the street. We got pleasure from playing night games, or from a breathtaking ride on a bicycle. Things are different now, as my friends become adults and move on. Children who rode tricycles now drive cars. The kids who once played with me now have new interests and values as they go their separate ways. Some have gone away to college, a few got married, two went into the army, and one went to prison. Watching all these people grow up and go away only makes me long for the good old days.

Perhaps the biggest change on my street is the fact that the city is going to turn my precious hill into several lots for new homes. For sixteen years, the view out of my kitchen window has been a view of that hill. The hill was a fundamental part of my childhood life; it was the hub of social activity for the children of my street. We spent hours there building forts, sledding, and playing tag. The view out of my kitchen window now is very different; it is one of tractors and dump trucks tearing up the hill. When the hill goes, the neighborhood will not be the same. It is a piece of my childhood. It is a visual reminder of being a kid. Without the hill, my street will be just another pea in the pod.

There was a time when my street was my world, and I thought my world would never change. But something happened. People grow up, and people grow old. Places change, and with the change comes the heartache of knowing I can never go back to the times I loved. In a year or so, I will be gone just like many of my neighbors. I will always look back to my years as a child, but the place I remember will not be the silent street whose


peace is interrupted by the sounds of construction. It will be the happy, noisy, somewhat strange, but wonderful street I knew as a child. Statements

1. By saying “nostalgic”, the writer means that he misses his parents very much.

2. The writer feels sentimental every time he walks along his street every year when autumn comes.

3. The writer has been living on the same street for sixteen years since he was born.

4. The writer finds it hard to accept the fact that many of his good neighbors are moving out.

5. The lady who used to yell at the writer and his brother for being too loud has ceased to live.

6. The writer thinks of the past all the more when he sees those who had grown up with him leave the neighborhood they grew up in.

7. None of the writer’s friends and peers still lives on the street now.

8. The biggest change on the writer's street is removing the hill to make way for residential development.

9. When the writer says that his street will be another pea in the pod, he means that his street will have some new attractions.

10. The writer will move out of his street like many of his neighbors in a year or so.

Key: 1-5 F T N F F 6-10 T F T F T

Passage one

The world population growth rate is expected to decline in the 2000s, falling from 1.8% currently (in 2000) to1.5% in the year 2010, according to the US Bureau of the Census. However, total population will increase by one billion during each of the next three decades.

―Global population was estimated at 5.3 billion people in1994. 75% of the earth’s inhabitants lived in developing nations, and that proportion is going to reach over 80% by the year 2020,‖ says the Census Bureau.

―Even with a reduced growth rate, population increases continue to be large because the population itself is so large,‖ points out the Population Reference Bureau (PRB). The United Nations’ high, medium, and low forecasts for the world’s population are based on specific assumptions about fertility and mortality (死亡率). For instance, if mortality continues to decline and current family-planning programs and other socioeconomic policies continue to lower fertility, the world’s population could stop growing after reaching about 10-11 billion people in the latter half of the next century. If fertility declines at a faster pace, world population could stop growing in 2040 at 8 bi1lion. But if fertility declines at a slower pace, the population will grow until 2130 to 14 billion according to PRB.

Rural-to-urban migration, combined with natural increase, is leading to a disproportionate (不成比例的) growth in urban population, especially in developing nations, says PRB. In 1950, only three cities had populations over 10 million. Now there are 11 such cities, and that number is growing.

Currently, 41% of the world's populations live in urban areas. In 2020, this proportion is expected to increase to 60%. Urban populations in developing countries are growing at twice the rural rate, according to the Census Bureau. But rural populations in


the Third World are still growing faster than urban populations in industrialized nations. Statements

1. It is estimated that the world population growth rate between 2000and 2010is going to decrease.

2. According to Paragraph 2, by the year 2020 there will be over 80% of the world population living in developed nations.

3. A large population base is the cause of the increase of the world population. 4. There are 11 cities with populations over 10 million in developing nations. 5. In 2020, 60% of the world's population is thought to live in urban area.

Passage Two

In Africa and Asia there is a very serious disease called schistosomiasis (血吸虫病 ). It is caused by a tiny worm which can penetrate the skin of a human being and cause a potentially serious illness. The larvae ( 幼虫) of these worms live in certain types of snails (蜗牛). When they are ready, the larvae (幼虫) leave the snails and enter the bodies of men and animals.

In many African rivers there is a large animal called a hippopotamus (河马). It looks rather like an enormous sausage with short legs and a big mouth. Hippos spend much of their time in the river and they do not seem to serve any purpose. Because of this, some African governments ordered that the great animals should be shot on sight to provide meat for local people. When hunters killed most of the hippos in some areas, the number of cases of the disease increased rapidly. There were outbreaks of the disease in areas which had not previously experienced it. At first, the health authorities could not understand the reason why the disease had spread. They made investigations and discovered some very surprising facts.

When they are in the water, hippos keep the muddy water in motion because they move about frequently. When they climb up on the river bank, they go in single file, making natural channels down which rain water can flow into the river. Without the hippos, mud gathered in the rivers and caused them to run over their banks. At the same time, rain water was unable to drain into the rivers easily, and this also helped to produce floods. Certain types of water snail breed rapidly on flooded land, carrying with them the larvae which spread schistosomiasis.

Now African governments are importing hippos so that Nature can do her work properly and keep the water snails under control. This is one example of what happens when Man interferes with the work of Nature. Statements

6. Schistosomiasis is caused when the skin of a human being is penetrated by certain kinds of snails.

7. When hippos are considered useless, some African governments ordered that the great animals be sent to zoos.

8. Schistosomiasis spread in some areas when hunters killed 90% of the hippos in some areas.

9. Rain water was able to drain into the rivers through the channels made by hippos. 10. Nature cannot do her work in a satisfactory way if Man interferes with its work. Key: 1-5 TFTNF 6-10 FFNTT II.Directions:


Educational researchers have found that there is a strong relationship between reading and academic success. In other words, a student who is a good reader is more 1 to do well in schoo1and pass exams than a student who is a weak reader. Good readers can understand the individual sentences and the organizational structure of a piece of writing. They can comprehend ideas, 2 arguments, and detect implications. They know most of the words in the text already, but they can also determine the meaning of many of the 3 words from the context—failing this, they can use their dictionary effectively to do so. In summary, good readers can obtain from the writing what is important for the particular task they are employed in (从事于). And they can do it quickly!

Educational researchers have also found a strong relationship between reading and vocabulary acquaintance. In other words, students who have a large vocabulary are usually good readers. This is not very surprising, since the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is to read a lot. And if you read 4 you are like1y to be or become a good reader! So if you want your child to be successful at school, encourage him or her to read. Reading non-fiction (非小说类文学) in English is probably the most important, but English fiction and any reading in the mother 5 --if done at length—will help your child develop the reading competence that is essential for academic achievement. Good book lists can be found in just about any library. A. extensively B. likely C. follow D. earn E. acquire F. inspire G. tongue H. unfamiliar Key: BCHAG 1. A. capacities B. instincts summer, my father brought me along to pick up a guest. Her C. talents D. genius name was Amana. She was coming to visit from out of 2. A. match town. She was a big, beautiful, middle-aged black woman B. compare C. contrast who was a singer. She had other 1 as well. These D. competition talents reached beyond 2 . Amana had one of the 3. A. expressions B. overlooks sweetest 3 I had ever seen. I did not know many black C. exhibitions people at that age though I had not been 4 as a racist D. indications 4. A. grown B. brought in the least. And there were no black kids at the schools I C. taught D. raised 5. A. attended B. taken had 5 . We picked her up at the San Francisco airport. C. intended D. gone When we reached our car, my dad 6 for me to get into 6. A. inquired B. motioned C. indicated D. identified the backseat. 7. A. place B. seat ―Come and sit in the front. There’s plenty of 7 C. room D. gap 8. A. sanction here, and you may sit right in the middle,‖ Amana said. I B. order smiled and without looking to my father for 8 I got in C. favor D. approval and moved quickly to the middle of the huge white leather 9. A. toward B. beside C. inside D. besides seats. ―There, that’s better,‖ she said as she sat down 9 10. A. imagine B. picture me. C. assume We drove up to North Beach to a seafood place. The D. suspect three of us sat there and talked. We had the most enormous 11. A. enough B. plenty Not a year after my mother’s death, the following 4

lobster feast you could ever 10 . These lobsters were so C. adequate D. abundant big that just the meat in their claws was 11 to make a 12. A. drove in B. walked in C. served in D. broke in meal. I was glad that I was quite hungry when I 12 . 13. A. giving Amana too was surprised at the feast. As for my father, he B. indicating C. granting was happy to hear the compliments we were 13 him D. rewarding for finding such a place and taking us to dinner there. It was 14. A. concerned B. preoccupied a dinner I will always remember, because of the wonderful C. interested food and Amana, who was as 14 in speaking with me D. attracted 15. A. mind B. atmosphere as she was in talking with my father. What’s more, my C. temper D. mood 16. A. fascination father was in a better 15 than I had seen him in some B. impression C. passion time. That night we drove south, back to Pebble Beach. Amana D. excitement 17. A. displayed B. showed was going to be our house guest, I discovered, much to my C. accompanied D. presented 16 . When we arrived home, I helped our guest with her 18. A. direct B. exact bags and 17 her my sister’s old room. It was 18 C. right D. accurate next to mine. This was where dad said she would be 19. A. occupying B. keeping 19 . The room was once for my sister Sheryn and since she C. remaining D. staying had moved away it was the one most 20 for house 20. A. used B. constructed guests now. Though I usually had more energy than there C. employed D. operated was time in the day to expend it on, I bid my new friend good night and she gave me a big hug and kiss. Key: 1-5 CBADA 6-10 BCDBA 11-15 ABACD 16-20 DBCDA

(Key: D)

1. Do you notice that a retarded child often shows a/an ______ look? A. hollow B. empty C. bare D. vacant (Key: C)

2. In many major cities there are more ______ apartments than there are homeless people. A. blank B. empty C. vacant D. bare (Key: C)

3. It is interesting that many animals can ______ their ears and noses. But it’s not easy for human beings to do so.

A. tremble B. shiver C. quiver D. quicken (Key: B)

4. A ______ computer of Apple brand costs far more in China than abroad. A. comparative B. comparable C. comparing D. compared (Key: D)

5. We should be ______ of the comfort of old people.

A. concerned B. careful C. considerable D. considerate (Key: D)

6. The leader of the expedition ______ everyone to follow his example. A. promoted B. aspired C. sparked D. inspired (Key: C)

7. After the English evening, the students said ―Good night‖ to one another and went home ______. A. respectably B. respectfully C. respectively D. respectedly


(Key: D)

8. All products for sale or on sale should be ______ as far as quality is concerned. A. protected B. pledged C. guarded D. guaranteed (Key: D)

9. The president called ______ the people of his country to work hard for national unity. A. up B. for C. out D. on (Key: C)

10. It is not easy for chain smokers to ______ from smoking. A. restrain B. check C. refrain D. retain (Key: C)

11. You should try to ______ your ambition and be more realistic. A. reserve B. refrain C. restrain D. retain (Key: A)

12. To make good friends, one has to be a(n) ______ person. A. upright B. erect C. upward D. straight (Key: B)

13. She cut her hair short and tried to ______ herself as a man. A. decorate B. disguise C. pretend D. fake (Key: A)

14. Our guide ______ all of us and we could not find our way back to the hotel. A. misled B. forgave C. forbade D. approached (Key: B)

15. Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, ______ themselves. A. expanding B. stretching C. enlarging D. extending (Key: D)

16. After four years in the same job, his enthusiasms finally ______. A. worsened B. boomed C. decayed D. drained (Key: C)

17. Although the two players are ______ in the tennis court, they are really good friends. A. partners B. enemies C. rivals D. companions (Key: A)

18. The prospect of increased prices has already ______ worries. A. provoked B. prohibited C. inspired D. encouraged


1. The next postal ______ is at 2 o’clock. (deliver) (Key: delivery)

2. There is a place ______ over there where we can park our car. (vacancy) (Key: vacant)

3. The dog remained ______ to his master. (faith) (Key: faithfumplicity) 5. Please make a written ______ of all the goods you bought abroad. (declare) (Key: declaration)

6. Selling your house can be a ______ and time-consuming business. (cost) (Key: costly) 7. A ______ car would cost far more abroad. (comparison) (Key: comparable)

8. Professor Hawking is ______ as one of the world's greatest living physicians. (acknowledgement) (Key: acknowledged)

9. Your children are always very ______ towards old people. (consideration) (Key: considerate)

10. I had to ___ myself from telling him what I thought of him. (restraint) (Key: restrain) VI. Translation

Directions: Translate the English sentences into Chinese. 1.When someone does something for you, no matter how small and no matter whether he


is superior or inferior, it is proper to say ―Thank you‖ to him.

答案:每当有人帮助你,不论事情大小,无论他地位高低,你都应对他说声―谢谢‖。 2.The boy, whose life revolved around his brother, had no difficulty working out what he should do to please him.


3. She claimed that increases in ―greenhouse gases‖ such as carbon dioxide are paralleling the growth in car ownership.

答案:她表示,二氧化碳等―温室气体‖正随着汽车保有量的增长而增加。 4. As a teacher you have to adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children. 答案:作为教师,必须适时调整方法,以满足接受能力较差的孩子的需要。 5. No matter how hard I tried to please her, she had a vacant expression on her face. 答案:不论我如何努力取悦她,她还是面无表情。 6. If you're agreeable to our proposal, we'll go ahead. 答案:如果你同意我们的建议, 我们就进行了。

7. By the end of the game, the stadium was almost vacant. 答案:到比赛结束的时候,体育馆几乎空了。 VII.GW (Guided Writing)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on Net Addiction according to the Chinese outline, and you must use at least 120 words. 1. 近年来青少年上网成瘾已经成为社会问题; 2. 青少年上网成瘾的主要原因是…; 3. 对此问题的解决办法 范文:

Net Addiction

Internet addiction among young people has long been recognized as a social problem in China. It's a common known fact that Internet addiction can have a devastating effect on young peoples' health and social lives. Students may waste too much of their youth in front of a computer screen.

Many youth are the only child in their families. They don't have enough chance to associate with parents. Also, the lack of activities for them can lead to internet addiction. When people grow up, if they don't spend time on sports or other positive interests they often turn to the Internet to kill time.

How do we deal with this problem? Associating more with family, friends and nature can really help internet addicts kick the habit. Everyone understands that parents nowadays are busy, but if they just spend more time communicating with their kids, they can help avoid their children from becoming addicted to the internet. But more than this, all of society should become concerned about the negative sides of the Internet. Thoroughly eradicating the problem of internet addiction involves many branches of society. We need more positive cultural products, we need to communicate with others more in the real world, and we also need to think about balancing economic prosperity with the futures of our kids.

英语读写(3) 第二单元



She Wanted to Teach


A railroad was being built all the way down the east coast off Florida, from Jacksonville to Miami and Negro workers were employed because they were cheap. A great many of them were in Daytona. Most of them had children. They were living in shacks worse than those in the Terry in Augusta. The children were running wild in the streets. Mary Bethune seemed to hear a voice say, ―What is the place? Build your school there.‖

Her husband, Albertus, wasn’t so sure about her school. He thought Palatka was a pretty good place for them to live. Mary listened but she never gave up her idea. She knew that if she went to Daytona, Albertus would come too.

One day she begged a ride for herself and her little boy with a family that was going to Daytona. It was only seventy miles away. But in 1904 the sand was deep on Florida roads. Practically no one had an automobile — certainly not the poor family that gave Mary and little Albert a ride. So it was three dusty days after they left Palatka before they reached Daytona. There Mary hunted up the only person she knew, and she and little Albert stayed with this friend for a few days.

As she had done in The Terry in Augusta, Mary walked up and down the poor streets of Daytona. She was looking for two things — a building for the school she was determined to start and some pupils for that school.

After a day or two, she found an empty shack on Oak Street. She thought this would do. The owner said she could rent it for $11.00 a month. But it wasn’t worth that much. The paint had peeled off, the front steps wobbled (摇晃) so that she had to hang onto the shaky railing to keep from falling, the house was dirty, it had a leaky roof. In most of the windows the panes of glass were broken or cracked.

Eleven dollars a month! Mary said she only had $1.50. She promised to pay the rent as soon as she could earn the money. The owner trusted her. By the time she was sure she could have the building, she had five little girls from the neighborhood as her pupils.

What a school! A rickety old house and five little girls! The little girls pitched in and cleaned the house. The neighbors helped with scrubbing brushes, brooms, hammers, nails, and saws. Soon the cottage could be lived in, but there were no chairs, no tables, no beds. There was no stove. However, there were no pots and pans to cook in, even if there had been a stove.

Mary set about changing these things. She found things in trash piles and the city dump. Nobody but Mary would have thought of making tables and chairs and desks from the old crates she picked up and brought home. Behind the hotels on the beach she found cracked dishes, old lamps, even some old clothes. She took them home too. Everything was scoured and mended and used. ―Keep things clean and neat‖ was her motto then; and as long as she lived the pupils in her school had to live up to that motto.

Her little pupils had no pencils. They wrote with pieces of charcoal made from burned logs. Their ink was elderberry juice. What good was ink or a pencil if there was no paper to write on? Mary took care of that too.

Every time she went to the store to get a little food, or a few pots and pans, she had each article wrapped separately. The pieces of wrapping paper were carefully removed and smoothed out. The little girls used this paper to write their lessons with their charcoal pencils.

She needed a cookstove very badly but she couldn’t pay for one. What should she do? Her little pupils had to have warm food.


Unexpectedly, the problem was solved for her. One day a wrinkled old white neighbor said to her, ―Can you read?‖ Mary said, ―Yes.‖

―Then will you read me this letter from my son? I can’t find my glasses‖ Mary read the letter to her. ―Thanks,‖ said the mother.

Mary turned to go. ―You’re welcome.‖

The old woman stood by her open door and thought a moment. Then she said, ―I got an old cookstove and I don’t need it. Would you want it?‖ Statements

1. According to the passage, we know that a railroad was under construction and it would connect Jacksonville with Miami.

2. The children of the Negro workers couldn’t attend school because Negroes had low

social status.

3. Mary’s husband, Albertus, was in favor of her idea of going to Daytona.

4. Mary and little Albert took a car and reached Daytona three days after they left


5. Mary was making preparations for her school.

6. The empty shack on Oak Street was in poor condition.

7. We can infer that Mary succeeded in renting the shack from the owner and she enrolled

five girl students.

8. Mary couldn’t find a solution to furnish her school with tables, chairs and desks. 9. Mary’s pupils used elderberry juice to write with because they preferred it to ink.

10. An old woman offered an old cookstove to Mary and Mary solved her problem


Key: 1-5 T N F F T 6-10 T T F F T

(2)Passage 1

By 2020, you may be driving a pollution-free, recyclable car, eating genetically engineered food grown without pesticides(杀虫剂); avoiding rush-hour traffic jams by working and shopping at your home computer, and lighting your home with wind power. The surprise is that in the 20th.centruy, technology sometimes seemed intent on destroying the environment with a mess of smog-belching cars, toxic wastes and polluted waters. Increasingly, technology has the potential to help clean up the mess. We are on the verge of a ―green revolution‖ in the way automobiles are fueled and energy is generated. And, best of all, the revolution may be relatively painless, sparing affluent consumers the need to sacrifice comfortable lifestyles.

The innovation creating the most excitement is the development of ―fuel cell‖ technology, which uses hydrogen(氢) and oxygen(氧) to set off a chemical reaction that produces electricity. The fuel cell, originally developed for the US space program and currently in use in the space shuttle, has the potential to replace the sort of engine that is presently used in cars and create motor vehicles that spew harmless water vapor from their tailpipes(排气管). Motorists would refuel at service stations, pumping methanol(甲醇)that would be converted to hydrogen inside their vehicles. Fuel cells also could act as mini power plants producing clean electricity and hot water in homes and offices. Statements

1. By 2020, the technology will destroy the environment with a mess of smog-belching


cars, toxic waste and polluted waters.

2. The “green revolution” in the way automobiles are fueled and energy is generated

may be painful.

3. The “fuel cell” is the technology originally developed for the US space program. 4. “Fuel cell” is the only safe technology used in the motor companies.

5. Electricity and hot water in homes and offices may be produced by “fuel cell”. Passage 2

Harvard is America’s oldest institution of higher learning, founded in 1636, 140 years before the Declaration of Independence was signed, and was named for its first benefactor, John Harvard of Charlestown. John Harvard was a young minister who, upon his death in 1638, left his library and half his estate to the new institution. Its mission, to advance new ideas and promote enduring knowledge, has kept the University young.

The expression ―every tub on its own bottom‖ is often used to describe the decentralized organization and financial arrangement of Harvard’s principal academic units: nine faculties overseeing Harvard’s 12 schools and colleges and the Radcliff Institute for Advanced Study. Each unit is headed by a dean, who is appointed by the president, and each is directly responsible for its own finances and organization. The University administration supports the activities of the academic units and other operations on a university-wide basis.

Since its founding, the University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 18,000 degree candidates, including undergraduates and students in 10 principal academic units. An additional 13,000 students are enrolled in one or more courses in the Harvard Extension School. Over 14,000 people work at Harvard, including more than 2,000 on the faculty. There are also 7,000 faculty appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals. Seven presidents of the United States---John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rutherford B. Hayes, John Fitzgerald Kennedy and George W. Bush---were graduates of Harvard. Its faculty has produced more than 40 Nobel laureates (获奖者).

The University’s recent successful capital campaign, which raised $2.6 billion, has allowed the University to take meaningful steps toward its goals, such as increasing both undergraduate and graduate student financial aid, starting new construction projects to provide cutting-edge facilities for study and research, and endowing new chairs and professorships to ensure Harvard continues to attract top faculty. Statements

6. Harvard is founded about 140 years ago.

7. Apart from Harvard University, Oxford University is attracting top faculty. 8. The president is responsible for each school’s finance and organization. 9. Harvard has 14,000 students in total.

10. There was only one teacher working at Harvard when it was founded in 1636. Key: 1-5 FFTNT 6-10 FNFFT II. RD (深度阅读) Directions:

Many words 1 to computers have become part of the daily language. Here is a guide to using your computer in English.

When your computer is ready to use, the first thing you see is the desktop. This is a(n) 2 of the screen that displays icons of programs installed on your computer. All the programs on the computer are called software. To start using a program, click on


its icon. This should open in a new area of the screen called a window. When you 3 information, you can save it to your hard disk (also called a hard drive) or on a floppy disk.

Large amounts of information can be copied (also written or burned) onto a CD. Most computers also have a DVD drive so that you can play DVDs. If your computer crashes, you might have to restart it. To surf the Internet (also called the Web), you need to be 4 to it with a modem. You will also need a browser, which is software that enables you to view WebPages. To go to a 5 website you need to type in its URL or web address. If you are not sure of the exact web address or want to search for particular information, you can use a search engine. Once you have found the site you want, you can browse the pages. A) program B) area C) connected D) uses E) particular F) relating T) making N) save Key: FBNCE

VI. Translation

Directions: Translate the English sentences into Chinese. 1.Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively.


至45 岁的女性中有一人缺铁。

2.For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency.


3. It is believed that the government’s decisions to modify the injustices of the private market are not accepted.

答案:大家相信政府对修正私有化市场中的不合理之处的决策是不能被接受的。 4. Not as other immigrants, his parents were anxious that he should do better than they did. 答案:不像其他的移民那样,他的父母极其希望他能干得比他们好。 5. They insist that the Chinese fans are very eager to support their team. 答案:他们坚持说中国球迷非常热情地支持他们的队伍。

6. All my efforts were concentrated on understanding their peculiar language. 答案:我所有的精力都花在弄懂他们奇特的语言上了。

7. Being a specialist in this subject equipped me to answer such questions. 答案:作为这方面的专家,我感觉回答这样的问题得心应手。 V.GW

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on Physical Exercise. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 越来越多的人意识到体育锻炼的重要性;

2. 有各种不同形式的锻炼方式适应各种人的爱好; 3. 我所采用的锻炼方式。 英文范文:


Physical Exercise

More and more people today are realizing the importance of physical exercise. Because of better working conditions, nowadays people don’t need to do hard jobs and their daily lives do not provide them with the exercise their body need. In order to keep them healthy and make their body strong, they must spend part of their free time doing physical exercise.

There are many different forms of physical exercise to suit different tastes. Some people enjoy playing tennis or badminton or swimming. Others prefer to go running or jogging regularly in the morning and evening. Most elderly people go in for the traditional forms of exercise; you can see them learning and practicing qigong or taijiquan. The traditional forms of exercise suit them best.

As a college student I also persist in doing physical exercise so as to keep healthy and concentrate my energies on my study. Every morning I do morning exercise and run around the playground. After class in the afternoon, I play basketball and table tennis. Besides, I have physical education courses every week.

III. Cloze Different countries have different cultures, 1. A. if B. whether which cause some misunderstanding. Here is just C. which D. where one example of it. In many countries, people will tell 2. A. polite B. moral you what they think you want to hear, 1 or C. gracious D. refined not it is true. To them, this is the 2 thing to do. 3. A. considered B. conversed To Americans, though, it is 3 confusing, even C. conveyed D. conducted 4 , to avoid telling the true facts. Even when 4. A. discouraged avoiding the truth is done only to be polite, it makes B. disturbed no difference. In America, this would still be C. dishonest considered the wrong thing to do. It is helpful to D. discouraged remember 5 different cultures consider some 5. A. about B. into matters more important than others. For Americans, C. that D. when 6 and truth are most important. One of the 7 6. A. certainty B. trust things that can be said about someone in America is C. reputation D. justice that ―you cannot trust him.’ 7. A. common B. best 8 such differences in values among the C. worst D. criminal many cultures of the world, we 9 know a 8. A. Reflecting B. Believing certain truth. We realize it is natural that C. Thinking D. Considering misunderstandings will 10 . ―How far is it to 9. A. come to B. begin the next town?‖ An American traveler asks a man C. come out to standing by the 11 of a road. In some D. come across to countries, a man may realize the traveler is tired and 10. A. spread B. occur eager to reach the next village. 12 , he will C. exist D. increase politely say, ―Just down the road‖ He thinks this is 11. A. edge B. margin 13 encouraging, gentler, and therefore the answer C. boundary D. limits the traveler wants to hear. So the American drives 12. A. Therefore B. However alone for many more hours 14 he comes to the C. Anyway D. Still village. The traveler is 15 , feeling tricked. He 13. A. much B. most thinks that the man has 16 lied to him. The C. less D. more man must have known quite well what the 17 14. A. before B. until was, the American traveler thinks. C. while D. after If a visitor to the United States asked an 15. A. excited B. satisfied 12

C. annoyed D. trapped 16. A. progressively B. purposely C. probably D. precisely 17. A. space B. distance C. length D. range 18. A. was standing B. stood C. is standing D. standing 19. A. Rather B. When C. While D. Even 20. A. In this case B. In case C. In the case D. In no case Key: 1-5 BAACC 6-10 BCDAB 11-15 AADAC 16-20 BBDCA


1. Ten years of working in the company enabled him to afford a house of _____ size. A) model B) modest C) moderate D) mild

2. Some of the most efficient refrigerators _____ 70 percent less electricity than traditional models. A) exhaust B) absorb C) resume D) consume

3.The bottom chart shows the _____ of personal debt to personal income.

A) rate B) ratio C) ration D) percentage

4. Johnson has made up his mind to _____ himself to five cigarettes a day. A) confine B) restrain C) restrict D) constrain

5. They say they expect the meeting to have a marked _____ on the future of the country. A) affect B) impression C) impact D) weight

6. In order to maintain physical well being, a person should eat wholesome food and get _____


A) abundant B) sufficient C) efficient D) excessive

7. The policy was agreed by the committee, but only in a _____ form. A) converted B) transformed C) modified D) transferred 8. These articles have been carefully ____ according to the style. A) selected B) chosen C) picked D) elected

9. It’s good to know that quite a few popular English expressions actually _____ from the Bible. A) acquire B) deprive C) result D) derive 10. It’s unwise to ____ between husband and wife. A) interrupt B) disturb C) interfere D) upset CDBCC BCADC V.Directions:

1. Running is a test of human ______ and the power of mind over body.(endure) 2. We had to build more rooms to give us more ______ space. (store)

3. The establishment of large towns and cities is a ______ feature of civilization. (type) 4. The suggestions were only accepted in a ______ form. (modify) 5. I regret to say that her disease is ______. (cure)

6. Do you know the ______ of Eiffel Tower or St. Paul’s Cathedral? (high) 7. The government’s ______in the strike has been widely criticized. (interfere)

8. He has to ______ the entire second act before the whole play is suitable to be staged on Broadway. (write)

9. He is self-employed because he finds working for other people too ______. (restrict) 10. There’s very little ______ priced housing in this area. (moderate)

Endurance storage typical modified incurable height interference rewrite Restrictive moderately

American 18 at the edge of a road how far the next town was, the American would think it dishonest if he said it was near when he knew it was actually 24 miles away. 19 he, too, would be sympathetic with the tired traveler, he would say, ―You have a long way to go yet; it is at least 24 miles more.‖ The traveler might be disappointed, but he would know what to expect. 20 , there would be no misunderstanding. 13


I. RF 3-RF-03


Best of friends, Worlds Apart

Havana, sometime before 1994: As dusk descends on the quaint seaside village of Guanabo, two young men kick a soccer ball back and forth and back and forth across the sand. The tall one, Joel Ruiz, is black. The short, muscular one, Achmed Valdes, is white. They are the best of friends.

Miami, January 2000: Mr. Valdes is playing soccer, as he does every Saturday, with a group of light-skinned Lationos in a park near his apartment. Mr. Ruiz surprises him with a visit, and Mr. Valdes, flushed and sweating, runs to greet him. They shake hands warmly.

But when Mr. Valdes darts back to the game, Mr. Ruiz stands off to the side, arms crossed, looking on as his childhood friend plays the game that was once their shared joy. Mr. Ruiz no longer plays soccer. He prefers basketball with black Latinos and African-Americans from his neighborhood.

The two men live only four miles apart, not even 15 minutes by car. Yet they are separated by a far greater distance, one they say they never imagined back in Cuba.

In ways that are obvious to the black man but far less so to the white one, they have grown apart in the United States because of race. For the first time, they inhabit a place where the color of their skin defines the outlines of their lives - where they live, the friends they make, how they speak, what they wear, even what they eat.

―It’s like I am here and he is over there,‖ Mr. Ruiz said, ―And we can’t cross over to the other’s world.‖

It is not that, growing up in Cuba’s mix of black and white, they were unaware of their difference in color. Fidel Castro may have officially put an end to racism in Cuba, but that does not mean racism has simply gone away. Still, color was not what defined them. Nationality, they had been taught, meant far more than race. They felt, above all, Cuban. Here in America, Mr. Ruiz still feels Cuban. But above all he feels black. His world is a black world, and to live there is to be constantly conscious of race. He works in a black-owned bar, dates black women, goes to an African-American barber. ―White barbers‖, he say, ―don’t understand black hair.‖ He generally avoids white neighborhoods, and when his world and the white world meet, he feels always watched, and he is always watchful.

For Joel Ruiz, there is little time for relaxation. On this night, he works as a cashier at his uncle’s bar in a black Miami neighborhood.

Mr. Valdes, who is 29, a year younger than his childhood friend, is simply, comfortably Cuban, an upwardly mobile citizen of the Miami mainstream. He lives in an all-white neighborhood, hangs out with white Cuban friends and goes to black neighborhoods only when his job, as a deliveryman for Restonic mattresses, forces him to. When he thinks about race, which is not very often, it is in terms learned from other white Cubans: American blacks, he now believes, are to be avoided because they are dangerous and resentful of whites. The only blacks he trusts, he says, are those he knows from Cuba. Since leaving Havana in separate boats in 1994, the two friends have seen each other


just a handful of times in Miami - at a funeral, a baby shower, a birthday party and that soccer game, a meeting arranged for a newspaper photographer. They have visited each other’s homes only once.

They say they remain as good friends as ever, yet they both know there is little that binds them anymore but their memories. Had they not become best friends in another country, in another time, they would not be friends at all today. Statements

1. Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Valdes are both Cuban- Americans.

2. Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Valdes feel separated from each other in the United States because they don’t live in the same neighborhood.

3. In the United States, the color of one’s skin will influence the way they travel

4. In Cuba, people feel that compared to nationality, the color of one’s skin is unimportant.

5. Mr. Valdes thinks white barbers don’t understand black hair.

6. Living in a white neighborhood, Mr. Valdes seems to be unconscious of racial issues. 7. Mr. Ruiz lives in an apartment in a black neighborhood.

8. It can be inferred from the passage that Mr. Valdes can still move up the social ladder. 9. Both Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Valdes left Cuba in 1994.

10. All that Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Valdes have left of their friendship are their memories.

Key: 1-5 T F N T F 6-10 F N T T T


Passage 1

Today we will discuss the Romantic Age in English literature.

We have already seen that elsewhere on the continent — France and Germany in particular — there was a definite Romantic Movement, complete with periodicals and publishers, philosophers and courses of university lectures. Unlike the French and Germans, the English romantics of this period were strong individualists who did not see themselves as cooperating in the time.

This period in English literature, which occurred from about the 1770s, ending in about 1830, is often called the Romantic Revival. This is actually a misnomer(用词错误) since, in fact, nothing was revived. On the contrary, during this period the typical 18th-century judgments of the value of medieval and Elizabethan literature were sharply reversed, as was that century's opinion of itself. Although much from the more distant past was rediscovered by romantic poets and critics, this did not constitute a return in spirit to these earlier ages. Rather, the Romantics were consciously expressing a new age, and a new spirit and outlook.

While some of the great literature of the English language was produced in this age, it was by no means the greatest. Nor was this age great at all in some forms of literature— namely drama, the novel and biography. Its greatness lay in poetry, in miscellaneous(集锦) prose, in the essay, and in occasional criticism. Statements:

1. Periodicals and publishers, philosophers and courses of university lectures were the parts included in the Romantic Movements.

2. Like the French and Germans, the English romantics saw themselves as individuals cooperating in the time.

3. Romantic Revival refers to the period in English literature when medieval and Elizabethan literature was revived.

4. During the Romantic Movement, romantic novels were very popular in European continent.

5. Besides poetry and occasional criticism, the miscellaneous prose and the essay were regarded as the greatness in the Romantic Age in English literature.

Passage 2


Robot devices are put into operation in some applications in which the general public sometimes never even notices that the robot has taken over. On the new Victoria Line subway in London the trains drive themselves. This in itself is not new, because for many years the post office has used a driverless subway train system in London to carry mail between sorting offices. However, now the reliability of the robot train is at last trusted to the extent that, although a single human staffs the Victoria Line trains, his function is merely one of the supervision. There are automatic controls to start and stop the trains, and to control the acceleration and the deceleration. If the signals are set at danger, then the train automatically stops, restating only when the signal indicates that the track ahead is clear. The human signalmen have been placed on this line by robot program machines that route all of the train throughout the week in accordance with a timetable. The central control room of this line, at Euston, is staffed by two men. However, they only intervene and take over control in an emergency. Otherwise their task is that of observing the operation of the robot system.

The passengers do not need to think about the revolutionary nature of the system which is carrying them. It has been known for many years that the robot passenger-carrying train was a possibility, and now at long last it is with us. How long will it be before it is decided that a human \train is unnecessary? Statements:

6. The general public all noticed the fact that the robot has taken over some jobs from men. 7. It is quite new that the trains drive themselves.

8. The robot train is so reliable that human beings only function as supervisors. 9. The train must receive signals from the signalmen before it restarts.

10. The possibility of the robot passenger-carrying train has been known for more than twenty years.

Key: 1-5 T F F N T 6-10 F F T F N

II. RD (深度阅读)

People can be addicted to different things—e.g. alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television. People who have such an addiction are compulsive, ie. they have a very powerful 1 need that they feel they must satisfy. According to psychologists, many people are compulsive spenders. They feel that they must spend money on something. This compulsion, like most others, is 2 ---- impossible to explain reasonably. For compulsive spenders, they feel excited when they buy on credit and charge accounts. In other words, compulsive spenders feel that with credit, they can do anything. Their pleasure in spending enormous 3 is actually greater than the pleasure that they get from the thing they buy.

There is even a special psychology of bargain hunting. To save money, of course, most people look for sales, low prices, and discounts. Compulsive bargain 4 , however, often buy things they don't need just because they are cheap. They want to believe that they are helping their 5 and save their money. When they can buy something for less than other people, they feel that they are winning. A) content B) irrational C) discounts D) psychological E) habits F) hunters G) amounts H) budgets Key: D B G F H III. Cloze Business schools are forever fine-tuning their 1. A. ethics brands. Some emphasize strategy, others 1 or C. technology skills. 2. A. mounting But the new president of Boston College's C. counting Carroll School of Management, long known for 2 3. A. profitable and accounting, has something else in mind. He C. promising wants to build Carroll's business school program 4. A. ideals around concepts that could prove less 3 though C. beliefs more enduring. Those concepts are 4 and 5. A. soul values. C. sense In a vision document and get-to –know-you 6. A. to B. values D. presentation B. finance D. balancing B. financial D. useful B. standards D. ethics B. mind D. feeling B. by 16

Key: 1-5 CBADB 6-10 CADAC 11-15 BADBC 16-20 BBDCD

meeting with faculty members, Andrew Boynton, C. with who arrived in January, has spoken a great deal 7. A. In turn about the \values\of developing 5 , C. In part body, and spirit. His ambition is to equip students 8. A. experience 6 motivation and compassion. 7 , they will C. access use these to serve others. 9. A. worthwhile I don't want this Carroll School to be the C. practical Carroll School of Money,\10. A. Nevertheless \ 8 to a new C. Otherwise job titles either. It has to be more about leading a 11. A. excuse 9 life. 10 , I see little 11 for it to exist. C. cause Boynton, 49, attended Carroll as a 12 . He 12. A. graduate has returned to take the leadership of a school that C. chairman had been without a 13 president for the last 13. A. leading year and a half. His 14 is to lead Carroll in a C. prevailing more competitive business school environment. 14. A. dilemma 15 , Carroll is overshadowed by Harvard C. choice Business School and MIT's Sloan School of 15. A. Timely Management. It is also facing the challenge of C. Popularly 16 a business education in a world where 16. A. promoting mistrust of corporation is high. C. expanding \graduates must exemplify 17 and 17. A. appearance values. These 18 Boston College and its Jesuit C. achievement mission. And they must come to be a part of 18. A. distinct Carroll 19,\he wrote in a vision document C. discharge circulated among Carroll faculty. \we are 19. A. for good successful, our graduated will make a difference. C. as well They will earn leadership roles in organizations 20. A. community that add value to 20 far beyond shareholder C. universe value. D. on B. In line D. In position B. life D. path B. useful D. passionate B. However D. Besides B. reason D. source B. president D. visitor B.domineering D. permanent B. challenge D. difficulty B. Currently D. Occasionally B. spreading D. enhancing B. character D. deeds B. disguise D. distinguish B. forever D. as addition B. world D. society IV. CVB

1. She ______ her mind by reading many books.

A) cultivated B) educated C) civilized D) tamed (Key: A)

2. You must take the ______ steps by yourself; after you have begun, I will help you. A) primitive B) preliminary C) primary D) prime (Key: B)

3. After three hours of heated debate, the ______ bill was passed by a narrow majority. A) virtual B) universal C) controversial D) substantial (Key: C)

4. They must know how to make use of, and, when necessary, to discard the old ______


A) conventional B) conservative C) constant D) convenient (Key: A) 5. I have tried to make the questions simple but ______ so that it won’t take many minutes to fill in; but your answers will give me a good idea of what is wanted and what is not.

A) integrated B) comparative C) comprehensive D) comprehensible(Key: C) 6. Two independent daily newspapers had been ordered to ______ publication on June. D) concentrate B) comprehend C) suspect D) suspend (Key: A)

7. It is made quite clear in the document that China will stick to its ______ and opening up policy.


A) reform B) transformation C) refrain D) formation (Key: A) 8. He is a person of average ______ .

A) talent B) prominence C) intelligence D) celebrity (Key: C)

9. When the news media and the public show a lot of interest in something, you can say

that it is receiving ______ .

A) popularity B) publicity C) publication D) priority (Key: B)

10. I felt most ______ when the shop assistant refused to show me the skirt and said that I didn’t seem to be able to afford it.

A) scolded B) blamed C) cursed D) insulted (Key: D)

11. Disappointment ______ on his face when he heard that he didn’t passed the entrance examination.

A) registered B) enrolled C) recorded D) entered (Key: A) V. Word Building 1. Key: acceptance

1. These scientists developed some new ideas and concepts, which gained ______ rapidly.


2. Key: energetic

2. Iron deficiency may derive from frequent ______ exercises. (energy) 3. Key: publicity

3. Some people, especially stars, try to seek ______ while some others try to avoid it.


4. Key: Enrollments

4. ______ in linguistics and history have fallen off. (enroll) 5. Key: controversy

5. The new plan led to a heated ______ . (controversial) 6. Key: comprehension

6. We are going to do a reading ______. (comprehensive) 7. Key: Curiosity

7. ______ caused the girl to open the door. (curious) 8. Key: suspended

8. Some rail services were ______ during the strike. (suspend) 9. Key: preparation

9. He didn’t do enough ______ for his exam, and failed. (prepare) 10. Key: economy

10. The new oil that we have found will improve our ______ . (economic)


Directions: Translate the English sentences into Chinese.

1. 答案:海德中学的办学宗旨是:如果你向学生传授诸如求真、勇敢、正直、领导


1. The Hyde School operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement naturally follows.

2. 答案:为了避免美国中学使用的其他品格培养方案引发的争议,高尔德解释说,“全力以赴”这一概念并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德原则或宗教观念。 2. To avoid the controversy of other character programs used in US schools, Gauld says


the concept of doing your best has nothing to with forcing the students to accept a particular set of morals or religious values.



2.选修课也对学生产生一些负面影响。 3.我的观点。


On Optional Courses

The discussion about optional courses has never stopped in the past few years. Its advantages and disadvantages are evident. The biggest advantage of optional courses is its variety. Students can choose any course in which they have a special interest. What’s more, optional courses often bring creative research findings or up-to-date breakthroughs, which are hardly seen in normal courses.

However, the negative effects are also obvious. To begin with, some students choose optional courses only to earn some credits or obtain a certificate --- they never put their hearts into studying the subject. In the second place, optional courses take up too much time and it is difficult for students to make the best of both worlds.

Up till now, we can see it clearly that an optional course is not beneficial or harmful in itself. In my opinion, the key lies in the user --- so long as we can make use of it properly, it can be most helpful for us in many respects.



(1)Black Holes

It was a star vastly larger than our own sun. For hundreds of years this giant star burned brightly in its corner of the universe. Then, at the end of its life span, a strange thing happened. The dying star began to collapse in on itself. While the star was in its death throes, all the matter that made up the star was squeezed together into a smaller and smaller area. Soon the star measured no more than a mile across. Its matter was so tightly packed that a piece of it the size of a small stone weighed as much as a mountain.

As the dead star continued to fall into itself, it brought with it every bit of matter in the area. Every speck of dust, every stray atom, was dragged into it. The star had become a black hole. A black hole is a small area of matter so dense that not even a light beam can escape the pull of its gravity.

Since no light can leave black holes, there is no way for us to see them. They are invisible. We know of their existence because of the strange things that happen around them. Light that is traveling through space just vanishes.

Just how wild is a black hole? Let’s take a look at gravity. A common expression related to gravity is, ―What goes up must come down.‖ When someone throws a ball into the air, it must return to Earth. This happens because Earth attracts the ball, or pulls it toward itself. A flowerpot that is knocked off a third-story window will always hit the sidewalk. It is only the great thrust of giant rockets that allows the space shuttle to escape the pull of earth’s gravity


On a planet with double or triple Earth’s gravity, objects would act quite differently, because the pull, or attraction, would be much stronger. A ball thrown into the air would not go very high, and it would plunge quickly back to the surface of the planet. A falling flowerpot would be a deadly weapon. It would kill any luckless pedestrian who might happen to get hit by it. Rockets far more powerful than those used on Earth would be needed to break away from the pull of the planet’s gravity.

Beams of light, however, would have no trouble at all escaping from this planet. Even if the force of gravity were increased to a million times that of Earth, light beams would still not be affected. Humans on such a world would be crushed flatter than their own shadows.

Only if the amount of gravity were many millions of times stronger than Earth’s would light beams bent back to the surface. That is the case with a black hole. It is hard to imagine just how dense and heavy black hole matter is. A penny made from black hole matter would rip through your pocket and plunge through the earth with the greatest of ease. When it emerged on the other side, it would hover in the air for a moment and then plunge back through the earth.

Black holes are the strangest objects in the universe. Nothing ever leaves a black hole. No light leaves it. No physical objects leave it. Once some thing enters a black hole, it is there forever. Black holes are like permanent detention halls in the sky. If a travel agent were to arrange a flight to a black hole, it would have to be a one-way trip. As the scientist Robert Jastrow said, ―It is almost as though the material inside the black hole no longer belongs to our universe.

Suppose, just for the sake of amusement, that you happened to drop into a black hole. What would happen to you? Think of going feet first. Your feet would be pulled down faster than your ears. As a result, you would be drawn into a very thin thread of matter. Then the individual atoms of your body would be pulled apart.

Were you to survive the trip, however, some scientists believe that you would emerge in the fourth dimension. You would be in a totally different universe. The point where matter exists from this universe and goes into the next is referred to as a white hole. But, then, no one really knows for sure. Our knowledge of black holes is based only on informed guesswork. Statements

1. The giant star collapsed into several smaller stars at the end of its life span.

2. A black hole is a small piece of matter whose gravity is a million times that of the earth.

3. A black hole results from the death of a giant star.

4. Black holes are too far away to be seen by telescope.

5. Since objects would act quite differently on a planet with double or triple Earth’s gravity, people can not live on it.

6. Light is the last thing affected by the black hole.

7. A penny made from black hole matter would plunge through the earth again and again and never stop.

8. One day, travel agent would be able to arrange trips to black holes. 9. A white hole is at the bottom of a black hole.

10. Black holes are strange, extremely dense objects whose existence scientists can only guess about. Key: 1-5 FFTFN 6-10 TFFFT


will still fail next time.

So in a word, failure is not necessarily a bad thing, once one adopts a right attitude toward it, failure sometimes can teach us a lot more than success.

Unit Eight

Background 1)Cloning:

The process of making a genetically identical organism through nonsexual means. 2)DNA: (deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸) the chemical at the center of the cells of living things which controls the structure and purpose of each cell and carries genetic information during reproduction.

-- Language points

1. word that…/of… (L. 1)

e.g. Word of his sexual scandal has been spread fast on the streets. 2. work for (L. 4)

e.g. China’s successful experience in economical development may work for most of the

developing countries. 3. within (one’s) reach (L. 5)

e.g. Rather than choose an ambitious goal beyond his reach, he would choose a goal

within his reach. 4. come to life (L. 5)

e.g. The dull play really came to life through the performance of these young people. 5. in the wake of (L. 6)

e.g. Human societies have to suffer one disaster after another that follows in the wake of

the ecological damage. 6. fall into (L. 17)

e.g. Things of a kind come together; people of a mind fall into a group. 7. break apart (L. 27)

e.g. The fortress is most liable to break apart from within. 8. be identical to / with (L. 28)

e.g. His indulgence in online love affairs is identical to neglecting his studies. 9. in terms of (L. 36)

e.g. He thinks of everything in terms of money. 10. get around / round (L. 50)

e.g. She is trying to get round this tricky problem by changing the subject.

11. give birth to sb. / sth. (L. 55) bring sth. / sb. into the world (L. 45) e.g. Our joint efforts finally gave birth to an effective solution to the problem. 12. regardless of (L. 59)

e.g. Those who, regardless of objective conditions, act as they think fit are less likely to


13.leave confusion over (L. 61)

e.g. The teacher’s explicit explanation left the students no confusion over that abstract



14. be comparable / similar to (L. 68)

e.g. In the eyes of some people, love is comparable to a maze, full of lures and traps. 15. puzzle over (L. 69)

e.g. He puzzled over the problem for hours, without making head or tail of it ---Sentence Patterns:

Typical patterns for comparison and contrast

1) Like sth. else, the appearance / arrival / birth / invention of sth. new generates /

produces / makes… 像某些事/ 物一样,某事 / 物的出现/ 诞生 / 发明产生 / 带来了······

就像历史上的任何一场战争一样伊拉克战争给世界带来了一长串的战后难题。 e.g. Like any other wars in history, the Iraq war has generated a long list of difficult

postwar problems for the world.

2) Sb. believes / thinks / agrees / argues sth. / sb. could (couldn’t) be comparable / similar to sth. / sb. else. 某人认为某人 / 某物类似于另一人 / 物 (不同于另一人 / 物)。 许多年轻人认为爱情可以比作一片汪洋,要么滋润你的心田要么冲垮你的理智。 e.g. Many young people argue that love could be comparable to a vast expanse of water,

which either nurtures your heart or floods your reasons. ---writing

Views on Cloning

1. 有人认为克隆技术的应用利大于弊,理由是······ 2. 也有人认为弊大于利,······ 3. 我的看法。

Views on Cloning

1) Almost everyone would agree that the birth of Dolly, as the first clone of an adult animal, has opened a new way of seeing the creation of life for the world. 2) But this agreement ceases to exist just when it comes to whether cloning will bring fortunes or misfortunes to human society.

3) Many contend that the merits of cloning will outrun its demerits. 4) They base their contention on the grounds that cloning is the most effective method of saving the rare wild lives from dying out. 5) Besides, as they also point out, cloning can help provide better ways to treat some serious or deadly sicknesses, such as diabetes, and Parkinson’s disease. 6) Yet others react to the issue the other way around and hold that the opposite is just reasonable. 7) From their angle of view, cloning will threaten the ecological balance by destroying the natural reproduction through the enjoyment of sexual love between the male and the female. 8) And even worse, as they reveal, cloning will bring greater disasters to human society if it is used in creation of individuals with extreme genetic qualities, like terrorists, desperate scoundrels, and war manias.

9) I stick to the opinion that anything new, including cloning, can bring human society fortunes or misfortunes, all depending on how it is exploited. 10) On the one hand, it will be an inestimable blessing to the human world if it is applied to reproduction of best dairy cows or other choice domestic poultries. 11) But on the other hand, it will form a big threat to human society once it is abused in copying those hostile toward humanity. 12) In short, the solution to the problem is always within man’s reach.

Section B:

Test B Vocabulary and Structure


1.panic: n. (a) sudden very strong feeling of anxiety and fear 恐慌, 惊慌 v. (cause a person or an animal to) be affected with panic (使)惊慌 Eg: He got in a panic that he would forget his lines on stage. The crowd panicked at the sound of the explosion.

2.send…into: make…enter a certain state 使处于(某种状态),使变得 Eg:Jane’s school report sent Father into a terrible temper. The news sent the whole school into a panic.

3.at the prospect of/that …: when aware of the possibility of/that … 当意识到……


Eg:He felt nervous at the prospect of seeing his new boss.

They were seized with panic at the prospect that they might lose 5 million US dollars this year. 4.preface: n. 1). an action that is intended to introduce sth. else more important 开

端, 前奏, 序幕

2). sth. which comes before and introduces sth. more important, esp.

a piece of text at the beginning of a book 序言, 前言, 引言

Eg:We’re hoping these talks could be a preface to peace.

In his preface, the author says that he took eight years to write the book. 5. grow out of: 1) have sth. as a source 由……而生,起因于

2). get too big for 因长大而穿不上(自己原来的衣服、鞋等)

Eg:Most international firms have grown out of small family businesses.

My daughter has grown out of all her old clothes. 归纳记忆: grow构成的短语动词

grow from 由...长大; 由...发展起来 grow in 增加; 在...方面成长

grow into 成长为; 变得成熟有经验 grow up 长大; 成人[熟]; 兴起; 发展 grow up into 长大成为……

6.conservative: a. tending not to like or trust change, esp. sudden change 保守的, 守旧的,传统的

Eg: It’s a very conservative society—they’re easily shocked by anything different.

I tend to be rather conservative in such matters. 7. constitute: v. 1. be or be considered as 是, 构成

2. form or make up (sth.) 组成,构成

Eg:Nuclear weapons constitute a very real threat to world peace.

There are nearly 200 million working women in China, constituting one-sixth of the total population.

8.gross: a. 1). clearly wrong 明显错误的 2). total 总的,总共的

Eg:The court has made a gross mistake in sending an innocent man to prison.

Once wrapped, the gross weight of the package is 2kg.

9.make sense: be a wise course of action 有道理,合乎情理;明智 Eg:It makes sense to take care of your health.

What you’ve said makes no sense. 归纳记忆: sense构成的短语

bring sb. to his senses 使某人恢复理性 come to one’s senses (昏迷后)苏醒过来


in one’s right senses 有理性;神志清醒 out of one’s senses 失去理智,精神错乱in a sense 从某种意义上说 make sense of 理解,弄懂······的意思

10.voluntary: a. done, made or given willingly, without being forced or paid to do it


Eg:She does voluntary work for the Red Cross two days a week.

Is it voluntary, or do we have to go?

11.consent: n. agreement as to opinion or a course of action 同意,准许 Eg:Mary’s parents refused their consent to her marriage.

They can’t publish your name without your consent.

12.vivid: a. producing very clear, powerful and detailed images in the mind 鲜艳

的, 鲜明的,生动的,逼真的

Eg:Parts of my childhood are so vivid to me that they could be memories of yesterday.

She was wearing a vivid pink skirt. 词根: viv: 生活;生存

vivify v. 赋予生命;使活泼;使生动 vivisection n. (动物)活体解剖 revive v. 复活;苏醒;重演 revival n. 回复;苏醒;(R-)文艺复兴 survive v. 继续存在;较某人活得长久 survival n. 残存;残存的人(物) 13. turn out: prove to be; come to be known that 证实是,原来是 Eg:Things turned out to be exactly as the professor had foreseen. 归纳记忆: turn构成的短语 turn down turn up turn upside down 把······倒过来;把······完全颠倒 turn over turn on turn off turn in turn to 向······求助;求得安慰

14.on/upon reflection: after considering sth. again 再考虑后 Eg:Upon reflection, I feel I made the wrong decision.

Upon further reflection, I saw that she might be right, after all.

15. for the sake of sth./doing sth.: in order to get or keep sth. 为了得到或拥有 Eg: His art does not try to serve society: it’s just art for art’s sake.

16. surplus: a. being more than what is needed or required 过剩的,多余的 Eg: Farmers are feeding all their surplus wheat to pigs.

The bank keeps a large amount of surplus money in reserve. 17. perceive…as: see…or think of…as 视为, 当作

Eg: It is important that the president be perceived as moving the country forward. 18. carry out: perform or conduct 进行,实施

Eg: If my instructions had been carried out, the accident would not have happened.

Every possible test was carried out to decide the nature of her illness. 19. in the name of: using the name of; for the sake of 借······之名;为······目的

Eg: In the course of history, many cruel deeds have been committed in the name of


They did it all in the name of promoting friendship. 20. queue up: wait in a queue 排长队

Eg: I hate queuing up in the cold to get into the cinema.

21. stand a chance of: have a chance of (achieving sth.) 有可能(取得)


Eg: You stand a very good chance of passing the exam if you work hard. 22. seek out: look for and find 寻找并发现

Eg: How can we seek out a really good person for the job?

We sought her out to tell her of her success.

23. artificial: a. 1). made by people, often as a copy of sth. natural 人造的, 人工的 2). lacking true feeling; insincere 假的, 矫揉造作的

Eg: This brand of tinned beans contains no artificial coloring.

Their cheerfulness seemed rather strained and artificial. 24. defect: n. a fault, problem or lack in sth. 缺陷, 缺点 Eg: I think there are a lot of defects in our educational system.

Before they leave the factory, all the cars are carefully tested for defects.

25. reproduce: v. 1). (of humans, animals, etc.) produce young by natural means (指


2). produce a copy of sth. or show or do sth. again 复制,再现

Eg: Humans can not only reproduce themselves but also produce the necessities of life.

The exact conditions that existed ten years ago are reproduced today.

26. resign oneself to: decide that one has to accept a difficult or unpleasant situation


Eg: The children have had to resign themselves to the fact that their father has gone.

I might as well resign myself to the fact that I can no longer be a TV producer. 27. pass on: hand or give sth. (to sb. else), esp. after receiving or using it oneself 传递,传给 Eg: He tried to pass the job on to me, but I soon got rid of it.

He caught cold and passed it on to her husband. 28. take a chance on: take a risk on 冒险

Eg: I don’t know whether we have enough money to sustain the whole holiday as we

have planned, but I’m prepared to take a chance on it.

29. dispose of: get rid of sb./sth. that one does not want or cannot keep 摆脱,处理,


Eg: While you are cleaning out the garage, please dispose of those piles of old


30. temporary: a. not lasting or needed for very long 短暂的,暂时的,临时的 Eg: Mobile homes are used as temporary housing for the homeless families.

Cease-fire only provided a temporary solution to the crisis.

31. resume: v. begin (sth.) again or continue (sth.) after stopping for a time 再继续,


Eg: He stopped to drink some water and then resumed speaking.

32. govern: v. 1). have a controlling influence on; have a direct effect on 影响,支配,


2). control and direct the public business of (a country, city, group of

people, etc.); rule 统治,治理,管理

Eg: They are fighting for the right to govern their own lives.


Why I Love the City

A lot of my friends are moving out of the city. They’re buying houses in the suburbs because they


(2)Passage 1

Who says English spelling is difficult? A computer analysis of 17000 English words has shown that 84% are spelled according to a regular pattern and that only 3% are so unpredictable that they will have to be learned totally by rote. Yet a professor at Cambridge University once declared that: ―I hold firmly to the belief that no one can tell how to pronounce an English word unless he has at some time or other heard it.‖

Believe it or not, English spelling was at one time virtually phonetic: even the ―k‖ in ―know‖ was pronounced. At that time, the Old English period, words which now look as if they should rhyme, for instance, ―cough‖, ―enough‖, ―thorough‖, and ―though‖, actually all had a different spelling and it was therefore natural that they should be pronounced differently.

It’s really the French’s (the Dutch’s, too, but more about them later) fault that English spelling is so absurd, for in 1066 the Normans invaded England and brought with them their own language, Norman French. For the two centuries after this disastrous invasion, poor old English was hardly ever written, because the language of the court, of law and of admiration was French---the Normans held all the positions of power. About 40% of the words in the Oxford English Dictionary derive from French. The problem is that the English have always been hopeless at learning languages and they consequently mispronounced the majority of words, which were introduced by the Normans into the English language. The Normans were also responsible for the capital ―I‖ as in ―I am‖, and for introducing extra letters into existent words, such as the ―u‖ in ―tongue‖ and ―guess‖. Statements

1. From the first Paragraph, we know that less than 3% of English words are irregularly spelled.

2. According to Paragraph 2, English words at one time could be pronounced simply by looking at their spellings.

3. The Norman invasion is the cause of absurd English spelling.

4. Besides language, the Normans brought with them their own eating habit when they invaded Britain.

5. The Normans were responsible for the capital “I” and introducing extra letters into existent words. Passage 2

Surfing the Internet can be as addictive as drugs, alcohol or gambling, a University of Pittsburgh researcher said last month.

In a study of almost 400 men and women in Canada, researchers found Internet addiction hooked people into spending 40 hours or more a week online, most often involved in role-playing games or engaging in chat-room discussions. One 17-year-old boy was so addicted to Internet activities that his parents had to admit him to a drug/ alcohol rehabilitation hospital for 10 days for treatment. One woman, described by friends, family and children as a perfect home maker, wife and mother, became so addicted to the Internet that she would not cook, clean or do the laundry and was neglecting her children and husband because she was spending as much as 12 hours a day talking to acquaintances on the Internet. Finally her husband said, ―Choose me or the computer.‖ She divorced him.

Psychologist Kimberly Young, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh’s Bradford campus, found that 76 percent of the subjects in the study spent an average of 40 hours a week on the Internet. Of 396 people who met Young’s criteria for addicted Internet users, 157 were men and 239 were women. The men were younger with an average age of 29; the women average 43 years of age. The largest group of addicted users of the Internet was people who were not working outside the home; that is, homemakers, students and those who were disabled or retired. In a presentation at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, 82 percent of the addicted users said they had slowly drifted into their addictions. Statements

6. According to the researcher at the University of Pittsburg, we know that even though it is harmful

people cannot stop surfing the Internet.

7. The 17-year-old boy was so addicted to the Internet that he was dispelled from school.

8. When the perfect wife was forced by her husband to choose between him and computer, she quitted


9. Over three fourths of people in a study spent 40 hours a week on the Internet.


10. According to the passage, office employees composed the smallest group of addicted Internet users. . Key: 1-5 F T T N T 6-10 T F F T N II. RD (深度阅读)

What do we mean by ―a perfect English pronunciation‖? In one 1 there are as many different kinds of English as there are speakers of it.

How do we decide what sort of English to use as a 2 ? This is not a question that can be answered in the same way for all foreign learners of English.

If you live in a part of the world like India or West Africa, where there is a long tradition of speaking English for general communication purposes, you should tend to 3 a good variety of the pronunciation in this area. It would not be a fashion in these circumstances to use as a model BBC English or anything of the sort.

On the other hand, if you live in a country where there is no traditional use of English, you must take as your model some other form of English pronunciation. Does it 4 very much which form you choose? Would one form be more 5 for you to learn? Simply take as your model the sort of English you can hear most often. Then use this model consistently. Key: B N C T D A) hand B) sense C) acquire D) effective E) workable F) count T) matter N) model III. Cloze. Key: 1-5 CBDCA 6-10 BBCBA 11-15 DADAD 16-20 BDDDC Most worthwhile careers require some kind of 1. A) job B) career specialized training. Ideally, the choice of a(n) 1 C) occupation D) option should be made even before the choice of a 2. A) then B) however curriculum in high school. Actually, 2 , most C) yet D) though people make several job choices during their lives. 3. A) atomic B) artistic This is partly because of 3 and industrial C) economical D) economic changes. Also, people want to 4 their positions. 4. A) raise B) promote The ―one perfect job‖ does not 5 . Young people C) improve D) advance should 6 enter into a broad flexible training 5. A) exist B) co-exist program. This program should 7 them for C) survive D) last different fields of work. That is, finished with a 6. A) but B) therefore training program, a person should be ready to do C) then D) instead many different things, not just a single job. 7. A) adopt B) prepare It is true that many young people make career C) adapt D) adjust plans with the help of a (n) 8 vocation counselor 8. A) sufficient B) enough or psychologist. Still, they know little about the C) competent D) capable occupational world or themselves for that 9 . And 9. A) thing B) matter their lack of knowledge causes them to make bad C) item D) object decisions. 10. A) basis B) basement Mostly, they choose their lifework on a C) chance D) purpose hit-or-miss 10 . Some drift from job to job. Others 11. A) insist B) persist 11 to work in which they are unhappy and for C) remain D) stick which they are not fitted. 12. A) imagined B)imaginative One common mistake in choosing an C) imaginable D) unreal occupation is for its real or 12 prestige. Too 13. A) unimportantly B) unthinkably many high school students---or their C) unimportantly D) unfortunately parents---choose the professional field in this way. 14. A) necessarily B) desirably But this is 13 not always the best. The assumed C) perfectly D) essentially or real prestige of profession of a ―white-collar‖ job 15. A) Then B) However is not 14 a good reason for choosing it as a life’s C) Further D) Moreover work. 15 , these occupations are not always well 16. A) prestige B) majority paid. Since a large proportion of jobs are in C) minority D) density mechanical and manual work, the 16 of young 17. A) influence B) examination 22

people should give serious thought to these fields. C) application D) consideration They are worth great 17 . 18. A) intelligent B) mental Before making an occupational choice, a person C) factual D) intellectual should have a general idea of what he wants out of 19. A) threat B) hazard life and how he is willing to work to get it. Some C) crisis D) risks people desire social prestige, others 18 satisfaction. 20. A) money B) awards Some want security; others are willing to take 19 C) rewards D) punishment for financial gain. Each occupational choice has its demands as well as 20 . They should all be weighed carefully before a decision is made. IV.CVB 1. If my plan isn’t ______ of by the committee, all my work will have been wasted. A) approved B) consented C) agreed D) admitted(Key: A)

2. All the representatives ______ in the hall where they were welcomed by the secretary. A) assembled B) accumulated C) piled D) joined(Key: A)

3. Each of them had a different ______ of what actually happened, but hers was by far more believable.

A) message B) theory C) version D) comment (Key: C)

4. As we know, blood types A and B cannot receive AB, but AB may receive A or B. Type O can be given to any other group; hence it is often called the _____ donor. A) general B) popular C) universal D) common (Key: C)

5. Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and argue that the power of the medium is _____.

A) granted B) implied C) exaggerated D) remedied (Key: C)

6. Of all the soldiers they had the _____ of being the fiercest, the most patriotic, the toughest.

A) recognition B) reservation C) recreation D) reputation (Key: D) 7. The company has _____ over the years into a multi-million dollar organization. A) involved B) resolved C) evolved D) revolved (Key: C)

8. During the war, the government _____ many soldiers from the workers and farmers. A) adopted B) collected C) integrated D) recruited(Key: D)

9. All the streets were ______ with flags to welcome the Chinese delegation. A) supplied B) mended C) decorated D) pasted (Key: C) 10. The wanted to erect a _____ of the king on a horse in the park. A) statue B) status C) stature D) statute(Key: A) V.WB

Key: intelligence

1. When the water pipe burst, she had the _____ to turn off the water at the main. (intelligent) Key: consequence

2. She was found guilty, and lost her job in _____. (consequent) Key: significance

3. Few people realized the ______ of the discovery. (significant) Key: indifference

4. It’s a matter of complete _____ to me. (indifferent) Key: ignorance


5. If he did wrong it was only through _____. (ignorant) Key: coexists

6. In some cases, love _____ with hatred. (exist) Key: co-operating

7. The two schools are _____ on the project. (operate) Key: co-director

8. The director and _____ of the movie were both criticized by the media for too much violence in the movie. (director) Key: co-author

9. She is the _____, with Professor Liu, of Principles of Language Learning. (author) Key: copilot

10. When the pilot is endangered, the _____ should take over immediately. (pilot) VI.ECT



1. Now more than sixty years old, Barbara --- who declines interviews but is said to have loved the doll --- may be the most famous unknown figure on the planet. 2.答案:他深受中世纪艺术家的影响,他的灵感来自于一所古老农舍的哥特式窗户,但最令世人注目的是画中人物的脸。

2.He was strongly influenced by medieval artists and inspired by the Gothic window of an old farm house, but the faces in his composition were what captured the world’s attention.


1. 我国爱国主义教育的现状。

2. 分析爱国主义教育的重要意义。

3. 如何在青少年中开展爱国主义教育? 英文范文:

How to Conduct Patriotic Education among the Youth of Today

Much to our distress, these years have seen a widespread neglect of patriotic education in our society. Many patriotic education centers have been closed down or kept open to the public for other more profitable purposes while many of our national heroes have given way to today’s pop stars in youths’ minds. If allowed to run its course, this current is bound to turn for the worse, with less and less sense of patriotism left in the youth. The significance of patriotic education to our society, however, can be seen from the perspectives as follows. In the first place, the patriotic education can make youth more aware of the glorious history and culture of our nation, thus building up their sense of pride as Chinese. In the second, the patriotic education helps youth value today’s hard-earned life so as to hold dearer their golden chances of enriching themselves with knowledge in peace. And above all, the patriotic education can push youth to draw upon more of their capabilities in order to make tomorrow’s life better than today’s and leave behind themselves more highlights for the nation’s culture.

So the most pressing for us now is how to effectively inculcate patriotism in the youth of today. In my opinion, the first step should be focused upon giving fuller play to the potentials of patriotic education centers instead of running them for the purpose of making money. Then, greater efforts must be made to integrate the patriotic education


into the curriculums throughout youth’s education. In one word, where there is an effective patriotic education of youth, there is a greater enhancement of national cohesiveness.

Unit Five

Language Points:

1.伸手去拉灯reach for the light (L. 6)

e.g. It is true that we can’t live without money, but we should never reach for it in the

public pocket.

2. observe the patient with an unemotional, medical eye (L. 7)

e.g. Seen with a romantic eye, living in mountains is an adventurous experience. 3. rise and fall with the uneven breaths (L. 12)

e.g. Opportunity in life does not arise with fate, but rises and falls with one’s

self-confidence and adaptability. 4. feel for the faint pulse (L. 15)

e.g. Blinded by the soap, she had to fee for his glasses

5. bend close to her (L. 16) subject to….

e.g. Globalization is not to force one country’s will to bend to another’s, but to coordinate

them to jointly contribute to the bright future of mankind. 6. 缓解她的干渴 ease her thirst (L. 20)

e.g. Smile through any challenge, for smile is the best medicine to ease your anxiety and


7. 没有用力去吞咽 make no attempt to swallow (L. 21)

e.g. Don’t beat a retreat immediately after any setback, at least you should make another attempt to hit it.

8. be too weak for conversation (L. 26)

e.g. As for friends-making, some people are too sophisticated for you to turn to when you

are in trouble.

9. go about providing for her needs (L. 26)

e.g. If you are determined to pursue a master’s degree, just go about preparing for it from

now on.

10. remove the lid from a jar of skin cream (L. 29)

e.g. One’s reputation, like a piece of white cloth, is easy to stain while it is hard to

remove the stains from it.

11. rub cream into her yellow skin (L. 30)

e.g. It is better for a dutiful teacher to avoid rubbing cut-and-dried things into students 12. take her free hand between mine (L. 34)

e.g. That grey-haired old woman took the hands of her son between hers, whom she had

had no news of for years, tearful, wordless. 13. sense my thoughts (L. 41)

e.g. A person who is able to sense the change in others’ feelings and respond accordingly

is said to be thoughtful and understanding. 14 to spare her family an episode (L. 54)


e.g. Being open and honest in romantic relations will spare you a lot of troubles. 15. perhaps they were not equipped to handle (L. 47)

e.g. Getting divorced may be acceptable to some adults, but their children are not

equipped for the change.

16. read about Mrs. Clark in the newspaper (L. 57)

e.g. Many years after his passing, I read more about the famous artist in his biography


1. 1) The suffix –th can be added to verbs and adjectives to form nouns to show behavior, quality, state and situation

steal- stealth strong- strength

2) The suffix –ure can be added to verbs and adjectives to form nouns to show behavior, result of behavior, state and situation

depart- departure moist- moisture

3) Other suffixes that can be added to verbs and adjectives to form nouns - age

store-storage short- shortage -y

recover- recovery honest- honesty 2. Agent nouns

1) The suffix –eer can be added to nouns to form agent nouns – names of persons who are specially engaged in a certain kind of work or occupation that is related to the noun engine- engineer profit- profiteer

2) Other suffixes that can be added to nouns to form agent nouns V. + er /or /ar payer inventor liar V. + ee payee interviewee a./n. + ist socialist capitalist

specialist cartoonist

v./n. + ant participant assistant accountant n. + ian musician Italian

1)There + be ( 或用作系动词的stand, lie, exist, remain, appear, seem, come等) 存在句本身就是一种强调结构,主语为系动词后的名词,故系动词应与其后的名词的数一至

There stands a stone bridge across the river 2)句首状语型


Away went his hat. Bang goes his hope.


In this chapter will be found an answer. Partial Inversion 1)重复型

在以so, nor, neither, no more开头的并列句中,表示前一句话中的谓语 说的情况也适合后一句时, 采用倒装并省去与前一句相同的部分。但要注 意后一句中所用的助动词。系动词,情态动词与前一句相一致

She wanted to go, and so did her brother. I can’t answer the question, nor can I


2) 在―so…that‖句型中,so放在句首句子引起半倒装,若谓语为实义动词, 须借助助动词

So dangerous was the storm that the match had to be stopped. So much does he worry about her that he can’t sleep at night. 3) 句首否定型

Never have I found him in such a good mood. (seldom, rarely, little, scarcely, hardly…)

No sooner had the bus stopped than the waiting crowd got on it. (scarcely/hardly …when…) In no way can he give in.

(at no time, by no means. In no case, under no circumstance…) Not only did he show himself a good student, but also proved him a good athlete.

Not until midnight did he come back. 4) 让步型

Much as he likes her, he does et annoyed with her sometimes. Be it good or not, we would set off as we planned.

Had you come back earlier, you would have sent e movie star. Only when I am free (then, in this way) will I come.

Text B

1. stroke: n. 1). a sudden change in the blood supply to a part of the brain, which can cause loss of the ability to move, speak clearly, etc. 中风 Eg:She had a stroke which left her unable to speak.

2) a blow, esp. with (the edge of) a weapon 击,打,敲

Eg: The thief was caught on the spot and received several strokes of the whip. 2. make oneself understood: make one’s meaning clear

Eg: He doesn’t speak much English but he can make himself understood. 3. on one’s own: 1). alone 单独,独自 2). withouthelp 独立地 Eg: He got the job on his own.

4.be dependent on: need support from 依赖,依靠

Eg: West Europe was still heavily dependent on Middle East oil. 5. come along: arrive; appear 到达,出现 Eg: Take every chance that comes along. 归纳记忆: come构成的短语动词

come to 苏醒;总数 come up to 比得上,等于 come up with 想出,提出 come across 偶然碰到

come along 进展,进步 come apart 分离,裂开 come by 经过;获得 come down to: be able to be concluded as (sth.); be a question of (sth.) 归结为, Eg: What it all comes down to is that there isn’t much in his story.

6. deny: vt. 1). refuse to give sb., or prevent sb. from having (sth. asked for or wanted) 拒绝给予,拒绝······的要求

Eg: She was angry at being denied the opportunity to see me. 2). not admit 不承认,否认


Eg: Green denied doing anything illegal.

7.condemn: vt. 1). force into a usu. unhappy state or situation 迫使某人陷于不幸

状态 2). criticize strongly, usu. for moral reasons 批评,谴责

Eg: After the accident, the injury in his backbone condemned him to bed.

I did not condemn him for what he had done.

8.in vain: without a successful result; uselessly 无结果地,无用地,徒劳 Eg: We tried to persuade him not to go swimming, but in vain.

9. relieve: vt. 1). lessen or remove (pain, disease, etc.) 减轻,解除(痛苦、疾病等) Eg:This medicine will help to relieve you from your pain.

2) provide aid or assistance for (people in need, etc.) 救济,援助 Eg: It is one of the government’s duties to relieve poverty-stricken families 10.withdraw: vt. pull or take (sb./sth.) back or away 收回,撤消,撤退 Eg: I want to withdraw a statement I made earlier on.

11.transparent: a. 1. about which there can be no doubt 明显的,无疑的 Eg:I think we should try to make the instructions more transparent. 12.confront sb. with sth.: face sb. with sth. 使面对(问题、挑战等) Eg: The writer was confronted with a pile of work.

14.sympathetic: a. 1). feeling, showing or resulting from sympathy 有同情心的,表示同情的 2). showing favor or approval 表示好感或赞同的

Eg:He suffered from back trouble too, so he was very sympathetic about my problem. 15.neutral: a.

Eg:The police have been criticized for being insensitive to complaints from the public. 16. on demand : when being asked for Eg: Babies should be fed on demand

17.profession: n. any type of work which needs a special training or a particular skill (尤指需要特殊训练或专门知识的)职业

Eg:The report notes that forty percent of lawyers entering the profession are women. 18.arbitrary: a. based on personal opinion, not on reason;

Eg:I didn’t know anything about these books, so my choice was quite arbitrary. 19.intimate: a. 1). having or being a very close and friendly relationship 亲密的

2). private and personal 私下的

Eg: Mary has been on intimate terms with John since college.

20. interference: n. the act of interfering in sth. (used to show disapproval) 干涉,干预

Eg: I wanted to do the thing on my own without outside interference or help. 21. bar: vt. 1). prevent from doing or using sth. 阻止,不许

2). obstruct so as to prevent progress 阻碍,阻塞

Eg: If I were in charge, I would bar tourists from getting into the wildlife reserve.

The road ahead was barred by a solid line of policemen.

Book3 Unit5

From Your Valentine

Considering the number of ethnic groups that make up the U.S. population, it is not surprising that Americans have a variety of different holidays. From Thanksgiving to


Cinco de Mayo, from Chanukah to the Chinese New Year, they are seldom at a loss for a reason to celebrate. Some of these holidays are rather unusual. Some examples follow. Groundhog Day, February 2:

The groundhog, a small burrowing animal also known as a woodchuck, is supposed to come out of his hole to look for his shadow on this day. As the legend goes, if he fails to see his shadow it means spring has come; if he sees it he returns to his hole to sleep, for winter will continue for another six weeks. April Fool’s Day, April 1:

Don't believe anything you hear on this day of tricks and jokes designed to make you an ―April Fool‖!

Halloween,October 31:

After dark, children dressed like ghosts and witches go from house to house shouting, ―Trick or treat!‖ The people they visit must fill their bags with candy and other treats or else the children will play tricks on them.

Sadie Hawkins Day, the first Saturday after November 11:

Traditionally, it is the boys who chase the girls, but on Sadie Hawkins Day a girl can keep any boy she can catch.

On February 14 Americans celebrate another unusual holiday, St. Valentine’s Day, a special day for lovers. Valentines are cards — usually red and shaped like hearts — with messages of love written on them. Lovers send these cards to each other, often anonymously, on St. Valentine's Day.

The origins of this holiday are uncertain, but according to one legend. it gets its name from a Christian priest named Valentine who lived in Rome during the third century after Christ. His job was to perform marriages for Christian couples. Unfortunately, the Emperor of Rome, Claudius II, did not allow Christian marriages, so they had to be performed in secret. Eventually Valentine was arrested and put into prison. While in prison he fell in love with the daughter of the prison guard. After one year, the Emperor offered to release Valentine if he would agree to stop performing these secret marriages. Valentine refused, so the Emperor sentenced him to death. Valentine was executed in 270 A.D. on February 14, the same day the Romans worshiped their goddess of marriage, Juno. Before he was killed, Valentine sent a love letter to the daughter of the prison guard. He signed the letter ―from your Valentine.‖ That was the first valentine.

The next valentine was sent in 1415 A.D. Charles, Duke of Orleans sent the valentine to his wife while he was a prisoner in the Tower of London. His valentine is now on exhibit in the British Museum. The first commercially printed valentines did not appear until 1809. Some of these valentines were not messages of love. Comic valentines or ―penny dreadfuls‖ as they were called, were often funny and sometimes insulting. The ―Golden Age‖ of valentines began in the 1840s when valentine makers started making elaborate and expensive valentines.

Jonathan King became famous as a publisher of beautiful and unusual valentines in Britain in the 1870s. Esther Howland was the first to publish valentines in the United States, in the 1860s. She created handmade designs for valentines, which cost as much as thirty-five dollars.

Today, millions of Americans send and receive valentines on St. Valentine’s Day. Whether it is an expensive heart-shaped box of chocolates from a secret admirer or a


simple handmade card from a child, a valentine is a very special message of love.


1. In the United States, there are a great many holidays due to various ethnic groups.

2. According to the legend, the groundhog will stay out of his hole on February Day if he can’t find his shadow.

3. Children can play tricks on adults if they are not treated well on Halloween.

4. On Sadie Hawkins Day, the girls chase the boys.

5. St. Valentine’s Day is a special day for the young lovers.

6. St. Valentine sent a love letter to his wife before he was killed. 7. Charles, Duke of Orleans sent the first valentine.

8. When valentine makers started making beautiful and cheap valentines, the “Gold Age” of valentines came.

9. It was Esther Howland who created handmade designs for valentines in the U.S.A. 10. A valentine can be a simple handmade card from a child.

Key: 1-5 T N T T F 6-10 F F F T T


Directions: Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences. 1. Because of his ______ manners, most of the girls in this party like him.

A) gracious B) graceful C) grateful D) greedy 2. The smell of death and ______ hung over the town.

A) rot B) decomposition C) worse D) decay 3. She was depressed and let things ______.

A) slide B) slip C) glide D) slipped 4. This is the brief ______ of the events. A) outline B) skeleton C) abstract D) summary 5. The blue sky gave no ______ of storm to come. A) clue B) suggestion C) hint D) inference

6. I’m afraid I can’t agree with you. Your decision is based on ______ rather than

rational thoughts. A) passion B) feeling C) emotion D) mood 7. This painting is ______ because it is only a copy, a fake one.

A) priceless B) worthy C) invaluable D) worthless 8. This medicine can help you _______ the symptom of your cold.

A) release B) relieve C) reset C) recover 9. Don’t eat sweet food; it will spoil your ______ for dinner.

A) taste B) appetite C) appeal D) altitude 10. The lawyer is at the very top of his ______. A) career B) job C) profession D) work Key: BDAAC CDBBC



1. Sometimes ______ have to take the risk of losing their lives when climbing mountains.(mountain)

2. Perfectionists have to stand too much ______ every day so that they tend to become angry easily. (press)

3. The murderer was sentenced to ______ yesterday. (die)

4. Prolonged ______ to harmful radiation may lead to cancer. (expose)

5. The ______ of the factory resulted in the unemployment of many workers. (close)

6. Dentists often suggest that their patients brush regularly to prevent their teeth from ______. (decay)

7. Little kids have ______ need, for which their parents should take responsibility. (emotions)

8. The young man has dropped some ______ to his boss that he will quit the job. (hint) 9. The young man dropped a word to his boss ______ that he would quit the job. (hint) 10. She is always wearing such cheap, ______ clothes on formal occasions. (graceful) 11. The middle-aged man was severely crippled so he couldn’t stand ______ on the soft sand. (aid)

答案:mountaineers pressure death exposure closure decaying emotional hints hinting graceless /ungraceful unaided

1. She ______ her mind by reading many books.

A) cultivated B) educated C) civilized D) tamed

2. You must take the ______ steps by yourself; after you have begun, I will help you. A) primitive B) preliminary C) primary D) prime

3. After three hours of heated debate, the ______ bill was passed by a narrow majority. A) virtual B) universal C) controversial D) substantial

4. They must know how to make use of, and, when necessary, to discard the old ______ rules. A) conventional B) conservative C) constant D) convenient

5. I have tried to make the questions simple but ______ so that it won’t take many minutes to fill in; but your answers will give me a good idea of what is wanted and what is not. A) integrated B) comparative C) comprehensive D) comprehensible

6. Two independent daily newspapers had been ordered to ______ publication on June. A) concentrate B) comprehend C) suspect D) suspend

7. It is made quite clear in the document that China will stick to its ______ and opening up policy.

A) reform B) transformation C) refrain D) formation

8. He is a person of average ______ .

A) talent B) prominence C) intelligence D) celebrity

9. When the news media and the public show a lot of interest in something, you can say that it is receiving ______ .

A) popularity B) publicity C) publication D) priority

10. I felt most ______ when the shop assistant refused to show me the skirt and said that I didn’t seem to be able to afford it.

A) scolded B) blamed C) cursed D) insulted



Best of friends, Worlds Apart

Havana, sometime before 1994: As dusk descends on the quaint seaside village of Guanabo, two young men kick a soccer ball back and forth and back and forth across the sand. The tall one, Joel Ruiz, is black. The short, muscular one, Achmed Valdes, is white. They are the best of friends.

Miami, January 2000: Mr. Valdes is playing soccer, as he does every Saturday, with a group of light-skinned Lationos in a park near his apartment. Mr. Ruiz surprises him with a visit, and Mr. Valdes, flushed and sweating, runs to greet him. They shake hands warmly.

But when Mr. Valdes darts back to the game, Mr. Ruiz stands off to the side, arms crossed, looking on as his childhood friend plays the game that was once their shared joy. Mr. Ruiz no longer plays soccer. He prefers basketball with black Latinos and African-Americans from his neighborhood.

The two men live only four miles apart, not even 15 minutes by car. Yet they are separated by a far greater distance, one they say they never imagined back in Cuba.

In ways that are obvious to the black man but far less so to the white one, they have grown apart in the United States because of race. For the first time, they inhabit a place where the color of their skin defines the outlines of their lives - where they live, the friends they make, how they speak, what they wear, even what they eat.

“It’s like I am here and he is over there,” Mr. Ruiz said, “And we can’t cross over to the other’s world.”

It is not that, growing up in Cuba’s mix of black and white, they were unaware of their difference in color. Fidel Castro may have officially put an end to racism in Cuba, but that does not mean racism has simply gone away. Still, color was not what defined them. Nationality, they had been taught, meant far more than race. They felt, above all, Cuban.

Here in America, Mr. Ruiz still feels Cuban. But above all he feels black. His world is a black world, and to live there is to be constantly conscious of race. He works in a black-owned bar, dates black women, goes to an African-American barber. “White barbers”, he say, “don’t understand black hair.” He generally avoids white neighborhoods, and when his world and the white world meet, he feels always watched, and he is always watchful.

For Joel Ruiz, there is little time for relaxation. On this night, he works as a cashier at his uncle’s bar in a black Miami neighborhood.

Mr. Valdes, who is 29, a year younger than his childhood friend, is simply, comfortably Cuban, an upwardly mobile citizen of the Miami mainstream. He lives in an all-white neighborhood, hangs out with white Cuban friends and goes to black neighborhoods only when his job, as a

deliveryman for Restonic mattresses, forces him to. When he thinks about race, which is not very often, it is in terms learned from other white Cubans: American blacks, he now believes, are to be avoided because they are dangerous and resentful of whites. The only blacks he trusts, he says, are those he knows from Cuba.

Since leaving Havana in separate boats in 1994, the two friends have seen each other just a handful of times in Miami - at a funeral, a baby shower, a birthday party and that soccer game, a meeting arranged for a newspaper photographer. They have visited each other’s homes only once.

They say they remain as good friends as ever, yet they both know there is little that binds them anymore but their memories. Had they not become best friends in another country, in another time, they would not be friends at all today. Statements

1. Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Valdes are both Cuban- Americans.

2. Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Valdes feel separated from each other in the United States because they don’t live in the same neighborhood.

3. In the United States, the color of one’s skin will influence the way they travel

4. In Cuba, people feel that compared to nationality, the color of one’s skin is unimportant. 5. Mr. Valdes thinks white barbers don’t understand black hair.

6. Living in a white neighborhood, Mr. Valdes seems to be unconscious of racial issues. 7. Mr. Ruiz lives in an apartment in a black neighborhood.

8. It can be inferred from the passage that Mr. Valdes can still move up the social ladder.


9. Both Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Valdes left Cuba in 1994.

10. All that Mr. Ruiz and Mr. Valdes have left of their friendship are their memories. 学生回答:F F N T F T N F T T 答案:T F N T F F N T T T III. Word Building

1. These scientists developed some new ideas and concepts, which gained ______ rapidly. (accept)

2. Iron deficiency may derive from frequent ______ exercises. (energy)

3. Some people, especially stars, try to seek ______ while some others try to avoid it. (public) 4. ______ in linguistics and history have fallen off. (enroll) 5. The new plan led to a heated ______ . (controversial) 6. We are going to do a reading ______. (comprehensive) 7. ______ caused the girl to open the door. (curious)

8. Some rail services were ______ during the strike. (suspend) 9. He didn’t do enough ______ for his exam, and failed. (prepare)

10. The new oil that we have found will improve our ______ . (economic) 学生回答:

acceptance energetic publicity Enrollments controversy comprehension curiosity suspent preparation economy

答案:acceptance energetic publicity Enrollments controversy comprehension Curiosity suspended preparation economy

(U6B3) Ⅴ Word-building

1. The majority of the students at the meeting were ______ to the proposal. (resist)

2. We should always keep the flashlight ______ in case the fuse (保险丝) blows again. (hand)

3. The doctor advised us to take every ______ so as not to catch cold. (caution) 4. It was the strangest ______ I can remember in my university days. (occur) 5. The ____ concern is to get the job done as soon as possible. (principle) 6. His health is her sole and ____ concern. (continue)

7. Don’t ______ her laziness by doing things for her. (courage)

8. The meeting ended in a plan to _______ the central park into a stadium (运动场) that is able to seat 50,000 people. (large)

9. A sixty-foot-high concrete wall ________ the jail. (circle)

10. The new test should ______ doctors to detect the disease early. (able)

学生回答:resistant handy precaution occurrence pricipled continuous encourage enlarge circled enable

答案:resistant handy precaution occurrence principal continual encourage enlarge encircles enable

1. In theory every citizen in a democratic country may _____ to the law for protection.

A) claim B) appeal C) pronounce D) pray

2. Ideas _____ from one's own experience are sometimes more valuable than those from books.

A) derived B) deposited C) retreated D) restored

3. By _____ computation, he estimated that the repairs on the house would cost him a thousand dollars.

A) rail B) rude C) rack D) rough

4. I could see that my wife was _____ having that fashionable coat, whether I approved of it or not.

A) determined to B) intent on C) short of D) focused in


5. They have ______ for the car to pick them up at the station.

A) arranged B) managed C) appointed D) borrowed

6. If you want to ______ a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country. A) secure B) serve C) sure D) ensure 7. Mike had dropped in to ______ how things were going on.

A) inquire B) require C) assign D) acquire

8. She ______ the respect of everybody present. A)

achieved B) secured C) earned D) collected

9. Both sides exchanged their views on a wide ______ of topics they were interested in at the meeting.

A) extent B) expand C) number D) range

10. “Are you going to Shanghai on business?” “No, for ______. This is my holiday.”

A) enjoyment B) pleasure C) joy D) delight


Ⅲ Directions: Having experienced many earthquakes, I 1. A. alarm B. terror C. can tell you a few things about them.We all surprise D. scare know the dangers of the earthquake itself 2. A. inform B. notify C. warn D. counsel ---- the destruction to buildings, the 3. A. advice B. recommendation troubles that can be caused by falling C. suggestion D. opinion trees, and the 1 that occurs in those times when the earth actually opens up 4. A. focus on B. take notice C. hear out D. 1isten up ---- but what isn't always spoken about are the things that you have to watch out for 5. A. ensure B. view C. notice D. check immediately after the earthquake.It is this period of time that I would like to 2 you 6. A. tend to B. deal C. about now.The 3 I give you here can attend D. care 7. A. support B. repair save your life.So 4 ! C. first aid D. service The first thing that you should do after 8. A. risk B. threat C. an earthquake is to 5 yourself for injuries. Often people 6 others without warning D. danger 9. A. damaged B. broken checking their own injuries. You will be C. wrecked D. mined better able to care for others if you are not 10. A. confined B. trapped injured or if you have received 7 for C. caught D. cornered your injuries.Then don’t forget to protect yourself from further 8 by putting on 11. A. correct B. fitting long pants, a heavy shirt, strong shoes, C. prosper D. appropriate and work gloves. This will protect you from further injury by 9 objects.After you 12. A. harmed B. smashed have taken care of yourself, help injured C. wounded D. injured or 10 persons.If you have it in your area, 13. A. either B. further call emergency services, then give first aid C. farther D. another when 11 . Don’t try to move seriously 12 people unless they are in 14. A. distinguish B. extinguish 34

immediate danger of further injury. C. extinct D. distinct Once people are taken care of, you must take care of anything that can 15. A. means B. possessions cause 13 harm. Look for and 14 small C. resources D. assets fires and eliminate fire hazards. Putting out small fires quickly, using available 15 , 16. A. risk B. hazard will prevent them from spreading. Fire is C. 1iability D. nuisance the most common 16 following earthquakes.Fires followed the San 17. A. flowing B. dripping Francisco earthquake of 1906 for three C. 1eaking D. 1eaving days, creating more damage than the 18. A. progressives B. procedures earthquake. Don't leave the gas on, unless C promoters D. professionals you smell gas or think it’s 17 . It may be 19. A. improperly B. improbably weeks or months before 18 can turn gas C. impulsively D. impatiently back on using the correct procedures. Explosions have caused injury and death 20. A. splashed B. spelled when homeowners have 19 turned their C. split D. spilled gas back on by themselves. Clean up 20 medicines, gasoline, or other flammable liquids immediately. Avoid the hazard of a chemical emergency. 学生回答:ADCBDDCDABDABBABCBAD 答案:BCADD ACDBB DDBBC BCDAD

ⅡDirections: Questions 1-5 are based on the following passage.

Here is the result of a survey of women’s employment situation.The survey shows that women's unemployment problem has improved 1 , yet age is still all obstacle to middle-aged women who are looking for a job.Also,

unemployed 2 are found to have good educational backgrounds.The survey was 3 between Dec. 2003 and Feb. 2004.751 women were interviewed, showing a result that women’s unemployment rate has decreased from 12.9 percent last year to 10.1 percent this year.The insufficient employment rate is 4.1 percent, which happened mainly in imports and exports, catering and hotel, wholesale and retail industries.The survey shows that nearly 50 percent of the unemployed interviewees have finished 4 high school and 10 percent of them had received tertiary education.The Federation (联盟) said such a result shows that well-educated women are also facing an unemployment problem.It mainly

happened among the grass roots in the past.Besides, it is shown in the survey that middle-aged women are facing difficulties in job 5 .Among the unemployed interviewees, 68.3 percent belong to the age group of 35 to 54. A) senior B) hunting C) individuals D) done 学生E) exactly F) interviewed N) posts T) slightly 回答:

T C D A B 答案: T C D A B

T (for True) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; F (for False) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; N (for Not Given) if the statement is not given in the passage.

One day in 1848 a carpenter named Marshall, who worked in a saw mill on


Unit 7

I. (快速阅读) (1)

Starting Your Own Business

Many people, particularly recent college graduates, dream of owing their own businesses. Although such ventures are often exciting and profitable, the new entrepreneur should thoroughly investigate and plan the situation before plunging in. The first step should be to assemble a board of advisers, including a lawyer, an accountant, and an insurance representative. These individuals can provide valuable information and counsel. Securing the necessary licenses and permits is also a precondition and may require research to determine what is necessary.

Most successful small-business owners have considerable experience in the field working for others before they become independent. They also begin with substantial financial backing and a good location. Renting space may be preferable or necessary at the start, but the lease on the building must be examined carefully before it is signed. The new owner should be thoroughly familiar with the market and the competition. A person who wants to buy an existing business can often learn the history of the company and its prospects from the owner’s records. Once the business gets started, accurate and complete records should be kept to monitor the company’s progress and profits.

Financing may be the most difficult step for small-business owners. They may rely on their own savings or borrow money from a bank or the Small Business Administration. Some suppliers will sell merchandise on credit, and manufactures may be willing to finance the purchase of equipment. If the new business is a corporation, the owner may choose to sell stock.

Once the new business is started, the Small Business Administration is a good source of advice. Several of its programs are designed to help new owners with the advice and expertise of retired executives. A nearby university or trade association may also help owners locate local sources of help.

New business owners often report that they work long, hard hours but find the experience extremely satisfying. The realization that their efforts will produce actual results in the form of profit, success, and pride can be quite motivating. Those who have worked for others enjoy the opportunity to make decisions and follow projects through to completion. Many report that hard work has never been so enjoyable before. Careful research, investigation, and planning at the outset do not guarantee success, but they provide a good foundation for the new small business and its owner. Statements:

1. More and more college graduates have started their own businesses upon graduation. 2. A bank officer can be very helpful in planning a new business.

3. The most successful small-business owners are financially secured.

4. The author suggests buying an existing business over starting a new one because it already has many customers.

5. One way to avoid potential problems is by keeping accurate and complete records. 6. The government will provide a certain sum of money to new business owners. 7. Manufactures will also give preferential policies for the new businesses.

8. The new business can seek legal support from the Small Business Administration. 9. Besides financial success, starting a new business can also bring satisfaction

10. The main idea of the passage is about the best way to build up a profitable business.



(2) Passage One

As more people live closer together, and as they use machines to produce leisure, they find that their leisure, and even their working hours, becomes spoiled by a by-product of their machines — namely, noise. Noise is nowadays in the news; it has acquired political status, and public opinion is demanding, more and more insistently, that something be done about it.

To control noise is to demand much self-discipline (annoyance arises often from lack of common courtesy), a sense of proportion (there is usually a conflict of interest if a noise is to be stopped), the expenditure of money (and it is far more economical to do this early rather than late), and finally, technical knowledge.

Technical difficulties often arise from the subjective-objective nature of the problem. You can define the excessive speed of a motor car in terms of a pointer reading on a speedometer. But can you define excessive noise in the same way? You find that with any existing simple \ter‖, vehicles, which are judged to be equally noisy, may show considerable difference on the meter.

Though the ideal cure for noise is to stop it at its source, this may in many cases be impossible. The next remedy is to absorb it on its way to the ear.

Domestic noises may perhaps be controlled by forethought (先见) and courtesy, and industrial noises by good planning and technical improvement. But if we are going to allow fast motorcycles and heavy lorries to pass continuously through residential and business districts, the community must decide on the control it needs to exercise, for in the long run it has got to pay for it. And if a nation is to take part in modern air transport, it must enter into international agreements on the noise control measures it will impose on its airports and here the cost of any real control is to be measured in millions of dollars. Statements

1. The sentence \Noise is nowadays in the news\ means “News is broadcast too loudly”, so the noise annoys people.

2. When people have little self-discipline, it is almost impossible to control noise. 3. It is not so easy for us to define excessive noise as we do excessive speed of vehicles.

4. Since it is impractical to stop noise at its source, we had better reduce or silence it before it reaches our ear.

5. If we let the noise situation continue, in the long run the international organization will punish us severely.

Passage 2

Walter Kelley, a master carpenter, moved his family to a small emerging town in South Dakota in 1909. The small town atmosphere allowed the Kelley family to become respected members of the community. The citizens in this closely-knit community were like extended family and lived peacefully until two horrible events changed their lives forever.

In 1918, World War One ravished the entire world. Immediately after experiencing this terrible war, people had to deal with influenza, which broke out in 1918. The hundreds of thousands of war casualties paled (相形见绌) in comparison with worldwide casualties by influenza, which numbered in the tens of millions.

Walter Kelley tried desperately to protect his family and town from the danger of the influenza. Struggling with fear, helplessness, and grief he watched his town and family succumb to the deadly disease one-by-one.

The cause of the epidemic has never been fully determined. Even today, as scientists explore tissue samples of fallen victims, we know nothing more about its origin. In 2003, we had Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and in 2005 we had the Bird Flu. Experts are comparing these new epidemics to the influenza of 1918. They are trying to discover the solution to this pandemic (大流行病).


6. The Kelly family were respected elsewhere before they moved to the small town in South Dakota.


7. The Kelly family led a happy and peaceful life in South Dakota for nearly a decade. 8. The casualties caused by influenza outnumbered those of World War One.

9. Walter Kelley saw his family members and town people suffer and die of the deadly disease in 1918. 10. Experts succeeded in working out the cause of the epidemic by comparing the one of 1918 with SARS and the Bird Flu.


II. RD (深度阅读)

James Smith, a health economist at the RAND Corporation, has heard a variety of ideas about what it takes to live a long life — money, lack of stress, a loving family, lots of friends. But he finds these answers hard to believe.

Yes, he says, it is clear that on average some groups in every society live longer than others. The rich live longer than the poor, whites live longer than blacks in the United States. Longevity, in general, is not evenly 1 in the population. But what, he asks, is cause and what is effect? And how can they be separated?

He is 2 , of course, into one of the prevailing mysteries of aging, the differences seen in the life spans of large groups. In every country, there is an average life span for the nation as a whole and there are average life spans for different subgroups, based on race, geography, education and even churchgoing.

But the questions for researchers like Dr. Smith are why? And what really matters?

The answers, he and others say, have been a surprise. The one social factor that researchers agree is 3 linked to longer lives in every country where it has been studied is education.

It is not the only factor, of course.

There is smoking, which sharply shortens life span. There is a connection between having a(n) 4 of friends and family and living a long and healthy life. And there is evidence that people with more powerful jobs and, presumably, with more control over their work lives, are healthier and longer lived.

But there is little 5 about the importance of education.

\you were to ask me what affects health and longevity,\says Michael Grossman, a health economist at the City University of New York, \A) consistently B) constantly D) venturing C) network E) claim F) coming up T) argument N) distributed Key: NDACT III. Cloze Cancer is often described as being \ 1 l. A)And B)Or C) Yet D) So this word can mean several different things. 2. A) imply B) represent People sometimes say cancer is \ C) mean D) indicate 2 that children inherit traits that cause cancer from 3. A) means B) ways their parents. However, this can occur in two 3 C) methods D) styles that are quite different. 4. A) associates B) ancients In the first case, children may inherit a gene that has C) architects D) ancestors been present in their 4 for generations. Such a 5. A) tend B) try gene would 5 to affect several members of the C) like D) intend family. 6 inherited genes can be important cause of 6. A) The B) These some forms of cancer. However, they 7 to be the C) Those D) Such cause of a relatively small percentage of cancer cases. 7. A) pretend B) happen And for children, such genes are not a(n) 8 cause C) appear D) show of cancer. 8. A) brilliant B) significant In the second 9 , a child may receive altered C) constant D) abundant genes from his parents. This may occur because of 9. A) instance B) case 10 to the cells of the egg or sperm merging during C) example D) place conception. Such damage may be caused by parent’s 10. A) injury B) spoil 11 to environmental agents such as chemicals or C) damage D) ruin 43

radiation. 11. A) attention B) exposures Scientists are beginning to investigate the 12 C) devotion D) contributions between genes and the environment. In the past, 12. A) difference B) agreement scientists looked for genes that 13 caused cancer C) similarity D) interaction in families. Now, scientists are beginning to 14 a 13. A) correctly B) directly truth that escaped them in the past. They now know that C) straightly D) honestly genetics and environmental factors have an interplay that 14. A) study B) look is different among 15 . C) understand D) try Genetic factors influence 16 susceptible 15. A) populations B) folks individuals are to carcinogens (致癌物). There are also C) individuals D) personnel many ways that 17 can disrupt the body. In 16. A) what B) how C) when D. why addition, environmental agents 18 disrupt: ·the way that DNA provides signals to cells, __19__ 17. A) elements B) chemicals C) substances D) compounds them how to function; 18. A) have to B) must ·cell growth; ·the development of cells into specialized forms that C) may D) need to 19. A) saying B) commanding are capable of performing 20 tasks in the body; C) telling D) leading ·death of damaged cells. 20. A) spectacular B) speculated All of these are directed in some ways by DNA and C) specified D) specific so have a genetic component, but they also provide opportunities for interference by environmental agents. Key: CCBDA DCBBC BDBCC BBCCB IV.CVB (易混词选择题)

1. The mountain area where the rare giant pandas live is declared a national ______.

A) observation B) reservation C) preservation D) conservation 2. Teachers and students should be ______ for class.

A) punctuate B) punctual C) punching D) progressive

3. For people with a tight-schedule, outdoor ______ like camping, climbing and fishing can be an effective way to ease working pressure.

A) pleasure B) entertainment C) enjoyment D) recreation

4. The Jones brothers were attacked by a grizzly bear when having a weekend ______ to the camping


A) journey B) travel C) excursion D) tour

5. A thick fog caused a ______ crash on the motorway this morning when a truck hit the bottom of a minivan.

A) multiplied B) multiple C) various D) diverse

6. Imaginative ideas passed in quick ______ through the inventor’s mind. A) process B) procedure C) march D) procession

7. The food company spokesman made ______ remarks on public doubt about the safety of its infant formula powder.

A) vague B) faint C) weak D) feeble

8. For cowboys, many things could go wrong during the ______ of transportation of cattle to train stations.

A) progress B) profession C) process D) promise

9. The good model role set by his parents and family education is what ______ him from average ten-year-olds in the school.

A) distinguishes B) recognizes C) realizes D) disorganizes

10. In the United States, the power bestowed by the Constitution is evenly ______ among the executive, the judiciary and the legislative branch.

A) discovered B) attribute C) contributed D) distributed



V.WB (Word Building: 构词法应用10题)(文本题)

1. The local government will provide money to ______ the networks of local hospitals. (modern)

2. Upon hearing the sad news of his only child, the old man suddenly fell ______ to the couch, crying despairingly. (back)

3. In nature world, all species are ______ ; no one can live without others. (dependent)

4. Many students choose to sell their text books, ______ books and other study materials before graduation. (refer)

5. For some small independent TV stations, funds are mainly from private donors and groups, not from ______ advertisements. (commerce )

6. Having lived overseas for ten years and with a good command of four languages, Mr. Lightfoot is fully qualified to be our chief ______. (interpret)

7. He brought great wealth to this poor village by ______ high quality organic fruits to the neighboring countries. (export)

8. Intense exercises can be ______ to people with heart diseases, high blood pressure and strokes. (dead)

9. The ______ of missing national treasures suddenly received considerable public attention due to the auction of a piece of rare china vase. (conserve)

10. More and more people are criticizing the tax system for the uneven ______ of income among different classes. (distribute)

答案:modernize Backward interdependent reference commercial interpreter

exporting deadly conservation distribution

VI.ECT (英译汉两句) (主观题)


1.There is no use doing something and then saying you did not mean to do it. Had you not meant to do it, you would not have done it.



2.Unlike fathers, mothers are judged by their parenting successes or failures; for mothers, everything depends on how their kids turn out. VII.GW (Guided Writing) 1. 失败并非一件坏事;

2. 经历失败而后取得成功的例子; 3. 对待失败的正确心态 Sample:

Failure Is Not a Bad Thing

As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. It happens everyday and sometimes we fear of it; thus it is regarded as a bad thing, but it is not so discouraging. A famous example is Thomas A. Edison’s invention of light bulb. After experimenting on over a thousand different materials and failing so many times, he finally found the most suitable material. When asked about his failures, Addison said, ―At least I found a thousand or so materials that were not appropriate for bulb.‖

People like Edison will draw a lesson from their failures and face every new failure bravely. Thus they can really benefit from these experiences and finally achieve success. Nevertheless, not all shares the same attitude towards failure as Edison. Some people tend to have a low opinion of them after they get a failure. Their confidence, courage and self-worth are likely to be hurt; consequently they choose to ignore failures. Other people are likely to lay blame on others for their failures but not learn from it; as a result they


