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Leslie Morissette’s son, Graham, was 6 years old when he was diagnosed with leukemia (白血病).

Throughout Graham’s ___21___ in the hospital, Graham connected with everyone he met, from___22___ patients to younger children. “He would ___23___ other sick children his toys or act silly to make them laugh.” Morissette said. “Graham’s special spirit is what kept me going. He gave me the energy and the ___24___ to fight with him.” In 1997, when he was 8 years old, Graham passed away.

___25___ by how Graham lived his life caring about others, Morissette ___26___ the nonprofit Grahamtastic Connection in his honor. The organization provides free technology-including computers, iPads, and robots—to children ___27___ cancer and other serious illnesses.

One of the major goal of Morissette’s work is to ___28___ kids to their classrooms, which really helps them continue their___29___ despite hospitalizations and days ___30___ from school.

The robots “transport” children right into the classroom in real time. They can ___31___ the robots right from their ___32___ bed or home. If a child is unable to attend school, they can___33___ log on to their tablet or laptop and call in to the robot. They can ___34___ up and down the school paths. They can go to lunch with their ___35___. The real magic happens between classes, when they’re walking down the hallway with their friends, by robot,___36___ their weekend and their favorite foods and other things. It’s great technology that really gives children the feeling of control, when their world is maybe ___37___ control.

“Every time I can help a child in need, I feel ___38___ Graham is smiling down.” Morissette said, “I believe that Graham’s ___39___ lives on in the work that I do. And I’m ___40___ and privileged to be able to do it in his honor.” 21. A. surgery 22. A. elderly 23. A. buy

24. A. focus 25. A. Confused 26. A. left

27. A. causing 28. A. connect 29. A. career 30. A. missed 31. A. operate 32. A. flower 33. A. hardly 34. A. drive 35. A. parents 36. A. talking about 37. A. under 38. A. even if 39. A. success 40. A. angry

B. treatment B. sleepy B. charge B. strength B. visited B. curing B. force B. stopped B. build B. river B. jump B. friends B. within B. joy B. sad

C. vacation C. deadly C. return C. resource C. Inspired C. battling C. invite C. struggle C. suffered C. steal C. hospital C. simply C. climb C. doctors

D. rest D. naughty D. lend D. attention D. Worried D. founded D. preventing D. throw D. business D. graduated D. separate D. hotel D. luckily D. walk D. patients D. thinking of D. out of D. so that D. fortune D. proud

B. Depressed

C. benefited

B. education

B. accidentally

B. putting off B. as though

C. depending on C. away from C. in case C. love C. careful


2. Dear girls,

The dream itself comes from hard work, some good luck and good timing. Here are some words of wisdom as you___41___your way in the world, from an entrepreneur(企业家)and your ___42___.

In high school, I wanted to be a politician. I left my hometown for college in Washington DC. There, I___43___that I loved to support women. It taught me that I’m a creative, strong leader and great at

marketing.___44___, I moved to be the head of a national healthcare nonprofit. Becoming a mother opened my mind to___45___a breast pump bag(储奶袋)business. Now I___46___a highly successful company that I started up on my own.___47___what you are good at and what you are passionate about. Keep an open mind.

Failure is ___48___to your success. I won’t tell you to feel good about___49___. But I will tell you that every failure I’ve had along the way has absolutely made me ___50___

Failing the big math exam in high school was___51___. I eventually passed, and I’ve ___52___failed an exam again. I learned from that___53___to ask for help. Now I ask for help in business___54___.

Being passed over for a significant job opportunity that I more than qualified ___55___hurt me. I was so depressed ___56___soon I got a big job at a national organization. It’s okay to get angry! Take that and ___57___it into positive action.

I’m proud to be a role ___58___to you as a mom and an entrepreneur. I hope I inspire you to believe that you can be ___59___you want and you can have everything on your list. It will be my pleasure to watch your life___60___before my eyes. 41. A. lose 42. A. aunt

B. pay B. mama

C. get C. uncle

D. make D. papa D. developed D. Meanwhile D. pulling D. work D. Figure out D. different D. honesty D. better D. inspiring D. often D. memory D. in no time D. with D. but D. get D. model D. something D. uncover

43. A. discovered 44. A. However 45. A. pushing 46. A. run

47. A. Come out 48. A. pleasant 49. A. justice 50. A. worse 51. A. embarrassing 52. A. ever

53. A. accident 54. A. all the time 55. A. on 56. A. or 57. A. turn

B. informed B. Therefore B. taking B. close

C. imagined C. Otherwise C. launching C. leave C. critical C. courage C. well C. amusing C. never C. feeling C. for C. while C. make C. symbol C. cover

C. Hold out

B. Work out B. convenient B. failure B. bad B. exciting B. always

B. experience B. of all time B. to B. so B. put B. star B. nothing B. unfold

C. at a time

58. A. example 59. A. anything 60. A. fold

C. everything



One day, an expert was speaking to a group of business students. He used an ___21___ those students will never ___22___. As he stood in front of the group, he pulled out a jar and set it on the table. He then ___23___ placed about a dozen fist-sized rocks, one ___24___a lime, into the jar. When the jar was filled to the ___25___ and no more rocks would fit ___26___ , he asked, the jar ___27___?” Everyone in the class said, “Yes, \“Really?”

He reached under the table and pulled out lots of gravel(碎石), then put some gravel in and ___28___ the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the ___29___ between the big rocks. He asked the group once more, “Is the jar full?\

He reached under the table again and ___31___ a bag of sand. He started putting the sand into the jar and it went into all the spaces ___32___ between the rocks and the gravel. Once more he asked the ___33___ question, “Is the jar full?” “No!\

Once again he said, “Good!\ter and began to pour it in ___35___ the jar was filled to the top. Then he looked at the class and said, “The truth this example ___36___ us is: If you don't put the big rocks in ___37___ , you'll never get them in ___38___. What are the ‘big rocks’ in your life? In my life they are my ___39___ ones, my dreams, doing things that I love, time for myself, and my health. Remember to put these big ___40___in first or you'll never get them in at all. 21. A. agreement B. accident C. example D. excuse 22. A. realize 23. A. carefully 24. A. in 25. A. top

B. forget B. on B. bottom B. inside B. new. B. broke B. paths B. took on B. other B. pond B. until

C. remember C. especially C. by C. line C. indoors C. fall C. kicked C. units C. warned C. repaired C. different C. bottle C. when . C. teaches C. second C. changed C. people

D. agree D. hopefully D. at D. row D. outdoors D. useful D. shook D. streets D. ordered D. put up D. left D. easy D. room D. as D. changes D. first D. after all D. admitted D. rocks

B. suddenly

26. A. outside 27. A. good 28. A. beat

29. A. spaces 30. A. doubted 31. A. spoke out 32. A. thrown 33. A. same 34. A. car 35. A. after 37. A. last

B. answered B. damaged

C. brought out

36. A. blames 38. A. above all 39. A. loved 40. A. sand

B. punishes B. suddenly B. at all B. planned B. villages

C. first of all



At 7 a, m. on October 2, 2016, I got up, feeling excited and nervous. The first thought on my mind was, “Today’s game is my first ___21___football game.” I’ve played before but not like this, Not in pads (护具), not with a helmet on my head, my heart started beating faster. I ___22___finished breakfast and left for the field.

The whole time on the bus, I felt sick and nervous. Finally, I reached the field. ___23___that white number 7 jersey (运动衫) for the first time made me feel great. I felt like ___24___was my fortune.

We stood there. By the look on our faces, you could see who had ___25___before and who hadn’t. To me, it felt like a war. I was a(n) ___26___soldier going into battle. Now I know that feeling was fear, We had ___27___, but not the real game. In training, we took a form and knew each other. In the ___28___you don’t know your opponent’s strength. Everything just happened ___29___you know it was happening.

We did warm-ups, Some of us couldn’t ___30___to play, jumping around and yelling. Others stood still waiting for direction, The referees came out. We knew the game ___31___came. As a captain, I went out for the coin toss to see which team would get the ball first. Campus Magnet won the coin toss. They ___32___to receive.

Soon the game ___33___I tracked down the ball carrier and ran at a full speed. I lowered my shoulders and ran into his side with all my ___34___, knocking him down and at the same time knocking my ___35___out. I stood to my feet and___36___ what I had done. I’d made my first tackle (阻截). I was ___37___my dream, feeling renewed, That tackle ___38___me, giving me strength, confidence and the desire to go on.

We ___39___ that game—48 to 6. That year we went undefeated, ___40___every team on our schedule, I was rated the best receiver in our division. 21. A. usual 22. A. calmly 23. A. Taking off 24. A. career 25. A. played 26. A. active 27. A. tried 29. A. once 30. A. try

28. A. game

B. significant B. patiently B. Giving up B. reality B. fresh B. test B. until B. wait B. show B. chose B. paused B. strength B. hope

B. travelled B. expected

C. excel lent C. elegantly C. Putting on C. study C. changed C. strong

D. informal D. quickly D. Showing off D. football D. applied D. brave D. practiced D. end D. though D. continue D. chance D. failed D. continued D. trouble D. courage D. realized D. rewarding D. surrounded D. forgot D. Beating

C. improved C. production C. before C. want C. time C. stopped C. finished C. wealth C. fear C. covered C. forming

31. A. result 32. A. struggled 33. A. began 34. A. mind 35. A. award 36. A. admitted 37. A. living 38. A. saved 39. A. won

40. A. Comparing

B. regretted B. imagining B. found B. attended B. Judging

C. encouraged C. recorded C. Joining




21. B 22. A 23. D 24. B 25. C 26. D 27. C 28. A 29. B 30. A 31. A 32. C 33. C 34. D 35. B 36. A 37. D 38. B 39. C 40. D

Leslie Morissette六岁的儿子, Graham患白血病,八岁去世。他在住院期间乐观向上,想法使其他病人发笑。Morissette以Graham的荣誉创立了非盈利组织。他相信Graham的爱存在于他的工作中。 21. B考查名词。A. surgery外科; B. treatment 治疗; C. vacation 假期; D. rest休息。在医院里Graham通过治疗,他与认识的每个人都有联系,从年长者到年轻的孩子。故选B。

22. A考查形容词。A. elderly上了年纪的; B. sleepy 困乏的; C. deadly 致命的; D. naughty淘气的。在医院里Graham通过治疗,他与认识的每个人都有联系,从年长者到年轻的孩子。故选A。

23. D考查动词。A. buy 买; B. charge 充电; C. return 返回,归还; D. lend借出。他会借给其他生病的孩子玩具,或做愚蠢的动作让他们发笑。故选D。

24. B考查名词。A. focus 焦点; B. strength 力气,力量; C. resource 资源; D. attention注意力,关心。他给了我精力和与他并肩战斗的力量。故选B。

25. C 考查动词。A. Confused 困惑; B. Depressed使沮丧; C. Inspired 鼓励; D. Worried使担忧。他的灵感来自于Graham如何生活在关心他人的生活中,Morissette以他的荣誉创立了非盈利组织。故选C。 26. D考查动词。A. left 离开; B. visited 访问; C. benefited 有利于; D. founded建立。Graham的灵感来自于他如何生活在关心他人的生活中,Morissette以他的荣誉创立了非盈利组织。故选D。

27. C考查动词。A. causing 引起; B. curing 治愈; C. battling 斗争; D. preventing阻止。该组织向儿童提供包括电脑、ipad和机器人在内的免费技术,帮助他们对抗癌症和其他严重疾病。根据句意可知选C。 28. A 考查动词。A. connect连接; B. force 强迫; C. invite 邀请; D. throw扔掉。Morissette的主要目标之一就是把孩子们和他们的教室联系起来。根据句意可知选A。

29. B考查名词。 A. career 事业; B. education教育; C. struggle 努力; D. business生意。这确实帮助他们继续接受教育,尽管有住院治疗,错过了上学。根据句意可知选B。

30. A考查动词。A. missed 错过,想念; B. stopped 停止; C. suffered 遭受; D. graduated毕业。这确实帮助他们继续接受教育,尽管有住院治疗,错过了上学。根据句意可知选A。

31. A 考查动词。A. operate操作,动手术; B. build 建立; C. steal 偷; D. separate分离。他们可以在医院的病床或家里操作这些机器人。故选A。

32. C考查名词。A. flower 花; B. river 河流; C. hospital 医院; D. hotel宾馆。他们可以在医院的病床或家里操作这些机器人。故选C。

33. C考查副词。A. hardly几乎不; B. accidentally 意外地; C. simply 仅仅;D. luckily幸运地。如果一个孩子不能上学,他们可以直接登录到他们的平板电脑或笔记本电脑,然后打电话给机器人。根据句意可知选C。

34. D考查动词。A. drive驾驶; B. jump 跳; C. climb 爬; D. walk散步。他们可以在学校的小路上走来走去。根据句意可知选D。

35. B考查名词。 A. parents父母; B. friends 朋友; C. doctors 医生; D. patients病人。他们和朋友一



36. A考查动词词组。A. talking about谈论---; B. putting off推迟; C. depending on 依赖; D. thinking of想起。真正的魔法发生在不同的班级之间,在那时他们和他们的朋友,机器人一起散步,谈论他们的周末,他们最喜欢的食物和其他事情。根据句意可知选A。

37. D考查介词。A. under 在---下面; B. within 在---之内; C. away from 远离; D. out of由于。这是一项伟大的技术,当孩子们的世界失去控制的时候,这种技术真的能给孩子们一种控制感。固定词组:out of control失控,故答案为D。

38. B考查连词。A. even if 即使; B. as though 好像; C. in case万一; D. so that为了。每次我能帮助一个有需要的孩子时,我就觉得好像Graham在笑。根据句意可知选B。

39. C考查名词。 A. success 成功; B. joy快乐; C. love爱; D. fortune幸运。我相信Graham的爱存在于我的工作中。故选C。

40. D考查形容词。 A. angry 生气的; B. sad 伤心的; C. careful细心的; D. proud自豪的。我感到自豪和荣幸能够以他的荣誉来做这件事。根据句意可知选D。 2.

41. D 42. B 43. A 44. B 45. C 46. A 47. D 48. C 49. B 50. D 51. A 52. C 53. B 54. A 55. C 56. D 57. A 58. D 59. A 60. B


41. 考查固定搭配以及对语境的理解。句意:当你在社会上摸索前进时,这里有些至理名言送给你。make one’s way前进,行进。故本题选D。

42. 考查对语境的理解。根据信件开头的称呼Dear girls,以及最后一段的句子I’m proud to be a role ___18___to you as a mom and an entrepreneur.可知,这里的智慧是作为企业家以及妈妈的身份中总结出来的。故选B。

43. 考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. discovered发现;B. informed通知;C. imagined想象;D. developed发展,开发。句意:在那里,我发现我喜欢从事帮助妇女弱势群体的工作。根据句意可知选A。 44. 考查副词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. However但是;B. Therefore因此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Meanwhile同时。句意:因此,我转而作为一个公益健康中心的领导者服务于大众。根据句意可知选B。 45. 考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. pushing推,推动;B. taking带;C. launching着手进行,热衷于…,发射,发动;D. pulling拉。句意:成为妈妈打开了我着手进行储奶袋生意的思维。故这里用C。 46. 考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. run经营,跑;B. close关闭;C. leave离开;D. work工作,起作用。句意:现在,我经营一家我一手创办的非常成功的公司。从上文可知,这位妈妈是一位企业家,故她经营公司符合语境,选A。

47. 考查动词短语辨析以及对语境的理解。A. Come out出来,出版;B. Work out计算,解决,锻炼;C. Hold out坚持,保持,伸出;D. Figure out想出,解决,弄清楚。句意:弄清楚你自己擅长的事情、你热衷的事情,保持开放性思维。首先要弄清楚自己擅长什么,故D项符合语境。

48. 考查形容词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. pleasant愉快的;B. convenient方便的;C. critical关键的,批评


的,严重的;D. different不同的。下文母亲介绍自己在失败中成长的经历,故这里她的意思是,失败对于成功非常重要,故选C。

49. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. justice公平,公正;B. failure失败;C. courage勇气;D. honesty诚实。句意:我不会告诉你我对失败有好感。根据句意可知选B。

50. 考查对文章语境的理解。A. worse更糟糕;B. bad糟糕的,坏的;C. well好;D. better更好。句意:但我要告诉你们,每一次我人生成长道路上的失败都绝对让我变得更好。故选D。

51. 考查形容词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. embarrassing令人尴尬的;B. exciting令人激动的;C. amusing有趣的,逗人笑的;D. inspiring鼓舞人心的,启发灵感的。句意:高中数学大考不及格是很尴尬的。根据句意可知选A。

52. 考查副词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. ever曾经;B. always总是;C. never从不;D. often经常。句意:我最终通过了考试,并且再也没有不及格过。根据语境可知选C。

53. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. accident事故;B. experience经历;C. feeling情感;D. memory记忆。句意:我从那次的经历中学到了要懂得寻求帮助。根据句意可知选B。

54. 考查短语辨析以及对语境的理解。A. all the time总是;B. of all time一直,始终,有史以来;C. at a time依次,每一;D. in no time立刻。句意:现在,我经常在生意上寻求帮助。故选A。

55. 考查固定介词搭配以及对语境的理解。句意:有一次,我被拒绝了一个重要的工作机会,那时我是完全胜任那份工作的,这让我很伤心。本题考查固定的介词搭配qualified for,表示“有资格的;有担任…的资格”。故选C。

56. 考查连词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. or或者,否则;B. so因此;C. while当……时,尽管;D. but但是。句意:我当时非常的沮丧,但是很快我在一个国家机构里得到了一份非常令人垂涎的工作。根据句意可知选D。

57. 考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. turn转变;B. put放;C. make做;D. get得到。turn into(使)变成;句意:生气是没关系的!但关键是将其转化为积极的行动。故选A。

58. 考查名词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. example例子;B. star星星,明星;C. symbol象征;D. model模范,典范。句意:作为一位母亲和企业家,我非常骄傲能够成为你们的榜样。根据句意可知选D。 59. 考查代词辨析以及对语境的理解。句意:我希望我能够让你们相信,你们可以成为你们想成为的任何人并且得到所有你们清单上想得到的东西。根据句意可知这里用anything合适,故选A。

60. 考查动词辨析以及对语境的理解。A. fold折叠;B. unfold展开,展现;C. cover覆盖,报道;D. uncover揭开,揭露,发现。句意:我会非常高兴看到你们的全部人生在我眼前展开的样子。根据句意可知这里选B。 3.

21. C 22. B 23. A 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. C 28. D 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. D 37. B 38. A 39. D 40. C

本文通过一个故事,诠释了这样一个哲理:如果你奔忙于琐事,那么,这些无关紧要的小事就会填满你的生活,让你成天操心,你就永远没办法腾出真正的\黄金时光\来处理你的大事和要事(即\大石块\)。 21. C

考查名词。A. agreement 协议; B. accident事故; C. example 例子; D. excuse借口。他用了一个那些


学生从来不会忘记的例子。故选C。 22. A

考查动词。A. forget 忘记; B. realize 意识到; C. remember记得; D. agree同意。他用了一个那些学生从来不会忘记的例子。故选A。 23. B

考查副词。A. suddenly 突然地; B. carefully 细心地; C. especially 特殊地; D. hopefully充满希望地。这里想表达他拿出十多个拳头大小的石块,将它们小心翼翼、一块一块地放进瓶子里,故选B。 24. D

考查介词。句意:这里想表达他拿出十多个拳头大小的石块,将它们小心翼翼、一块一块地放进瓶子里。at a time一次,故选D。 25. A

考查名词。A. top顶部; B. bottom底部; C. line路线; D. row排。根据and no more rocks would fit inside可知这里想说等石块填满到瓶口,再也塞不下时,故选A。 26. B

考查副词。A. outside在外面; B. inside 在里面; C. indoors在户内; D. outdoors在户外。等石块填满到瓶口,里面再也塞不下了。故选B。 27. C

考查形容词。A. good 好的; B. new新的; C. full满的; D. useful有用的。他问,“缸满了吗?”班里的每个人都说“是的”,故选C。 28. D

考查动词。A. beat 打败; B. broke 弄坏; C. kicked 踢; D. shook摇动。他伸手到桌下取出一桶碎石,接着,他将一些碎石倒进瓶子里,并摇晃着瓶子让碎石顺着石块之间的间隙里漏进瓶中。故选D。 29. B

考查名词。A. paths 小路; B. spaces 空间; C. units单元; D. streets街道。他伸手到桌下取出一桶碎石,接着,他将一些碎石倒进瓶子里,并摇晃着瓶子让碎石顺着石块之间的间隙里漏进瓶中。故选B。 30. A

考查动词。A. answered回答; B. doubted 怀疑; C. warned 警告; D. ordered命令。“缸满吗?”“可能不会”,一个人回答道。故选A。 31. C

考查动词词组。A. spoke out大胆地说; B. took on 承担; C. brought out 拿出; D. put up举起,张贴。老师又在桌子底下拿出一带沙子。故选C。 32. D

考查动词。A. thrown 扔掉; B. damaged损害; C. repaired 修理; D. left留下,剩下,离开。他突然把沙往瓶子里倒,沙子漏进了石块与碎石之间残留的缝隙,到不能再倒进沙子时。故选D。 33. A

考查形容词。A. same 相同的; B. other 其他的; C. different 不同的; D. easy容易的。老师再次问相同


的问题,“缸满了吗?”,故选A。 34. B

考查名词。A. car汽车; B. bottle 瓶子; C. pond池塘; D. room房间。然后他又一把抓过一瓶水,开始往瓶子里倒,一直倒到水浸到瓶口。故选B。 35. C

考查状语从句。A. after在―――之后; B. when 当―――时候; C. until直到―――为止; D. as由于―――。然后他又一把抓过一瓶水,开始往瓶子里倒,一直倒到水浸到瓶口。故选C。 36. D

考查动词。A. blames 责备; B. punishes 惩罚; C. changes 改变; D. teaches教。这个演示教给了我们一个事实:如果你不是先放大石块,它们就永远就没有机会被放进去。故选D。 37. C

考查副词。A. last最后的; B. suddenly突然地; C. first 首先; D. second第二,其次。这个演示教给了我们一个事实:如果你不是先放大石块,它们就永远就没有机会被放进去。故选C。 38. B

考查词组。A. above all 上面全部,最重要的是; B. at all 根本; C. first of all首先,最重要的是; D. after all终究,毕竟。这个演示教给了我们一个事实:如果你不是先放大石块,它们就永远就没有机会被放进去。故选B。 39. A

考查动词。A. loved钟爱的; B. planned 计划; C. changed改变; D. admitted承认。在我的生命中,他们是我爱的人,我的梦,做自己喜欢的事,为自己做些事,和为了自己的健康。故选A。 40. D

考查名词。A. sand 沙子; B. villages 村庄; C. people人们; D. rocks岩石。记得先把这些大石块放进去,否则你根本就进不来。故选D。 5.

21. B 22. D 23. C 24. D 25. A 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. C 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. A 34. B 35. C 36. D 37. A 38. C 39. A 40. D


21. B 考查形容词。由I’ve played before but not like this. Not in pads (护具), not with a helmet on my head, my heart started beating faster.可知今天的比赛是我第一次有意义的足球比赛。 Usual通常的, significant有意义的, excellent 极好的,Informal非正式的。

22. D 考查副词。我快速地吃完早饭,去往球场。calmly 平静地, patiently 耐心地, elegantly优美地,quickly迅速地。

23. C 考查动词短语。穿上白色的七号运动衫。taking off 除去, Giving up放弃, Putting on 穿上, Showing off炫耀。

24. D考查名词。由“Today’s game is my first ___1___ football game.”可知我感觉足球是我的运气。career 职业,reality现实, study 学习,football足球。

25. A 考查动词。从我们的脸上你可以看出谁踢过球赛,谁没有。played 参加比赛, travelled 旅行,


changed 改变, applied应用。

26. B考查形容词。 由Now I know that feeling was fear. 可知在这场战役中,我好像一名没有经验的士兵。active积极的,fresh无经验的, strong 强壮的,brave勇敢的。

27. D考查动词。由In training, we took a form and knew each other.可知我们练习过。 tried 尝试, expected盼望,improved改进, practiced练习。

28. A 考查名词。由We had ___7___, but not the real game. 可知在比赛中你不知道你对手真正的实力。game比赛,test 实验,production产品, end结束。

29. C 考查连词。在你知道它正在发生之前,它发生了。once 曾经,until直到…时, before 在…之前, though尽管。

30. B 考查动词。由jumping around and yelling.可知我们中的一些人迫不及待的比赛。try 尝试, wait 等待, want需要, continue继续。

31. C 考查名词。由The referees came out 可知比赛时间来了。result 结果,show显示, time 时间,chance机会。

32. B 考查动词。由Campus Magnet won the coin toss. 可知他们选择接发球。struggled 奋斗,chose选择,stopped停止,failed失败。

33. A 考查动词。不久,这场比赛开始了。began开始, paused停顿,finished完成,continued继续。 34. B 考查名词。我放低我的肩膀,在他旁边,用尽全力跑着。mind 精神,strength 力量,wealth 财富,trouble麻烦。

35. C 考查名词。由Now I know that feeling was fear.可知我撞倒了他,同时也击败了我的害怕。 award奖品,hope 希望, fear害怕,courage勇气。

36. D 考查动词。我站起来,意识到我做了什么。admitted承认, regretted后悔,covered 覆盖, realized意识到。

37. A 考查动词。我感觉重新活出了自己的梦想。living 活, imagining想象, forming 形成, rewarding奖赏。

38. C 考查动词。由giving me strength, confidence and the desire to go on.可知那次拦截抢球鼓励了我。Saved得救, found找到,encouraged 鼓励, surrounded围住。

39. A 考查动词。我们以48:6赢得了那场比赛。won赢得, attended参加, recorded记录, forgot忘记。 40. D 考查动词。由That year we went undefeated.可知在我们的计划表中,打败了每个队。Comparing比较, Judging 判断,Joining 连接, Beating打败。


