沪教版小学牛津英语第二学期四年级4B M2U1练习(附答案)

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沪教版小学牛津英语第二学期四年级4B M2U1练习 班级___________ 姓名___________ 学号___________

Ⅰ.Read and number (读一读,填上适当的句子完成对话,每句限用一次) Mark : What do you like doing after school, Ted?

Ted : I often play badminton with my father at weekends. I like playing badminton in the garden. (1)____________________________ Mark : No, I don’t. Sports make me feel tired. Ted : (2)______________________________

Mark : I like chocolates, sweets and biscuits. They are tasty.

(3) _____________________________

Ted : Don’t eat so many sweet things. It’s not good for you. You need exercise. There are many sports clubs in our school. I want to join the basketball club. (4)__________________________

Mark : I’d love to, but I can’t play basketball very well. (5) ____________________________________ Ted : Yes, of course. Mark : OK. I can have a try.

A. Would you like to join it too? B. Can you help me? C. How about you , Mark? Do you like sports? D. What do you like then? E. They are very nice. Ⅱ. Reading comprehension (阅读理解)

There are many animals around us. Some are fat. Some are thin. Some are tall. Some are short. My favourite animal is dogs. Dogs are man’s good friend. They are very clever. They like eating meat and bone. They don’t like eating fruits or fish. They can run and swim very fast. They can make our yards safe (安全的) too. But they cannot see colours. They are colour-blind.

In a dog’s eyes, everything is black, white and gray.

How can a dog hunt (猎捕) for food then? They can hear and smell very well.

Many animals cannot see colours. Lions,tigers,cats,cows and sheep are all colour-blind. But monkeys can see colours. Many birds,fish and insects can see colours too. Our world is very interesting (有趣的). Do you think so? Part 1 Read and judge (阅读短文,判断正误,用T或 F 表示) ( ) 1. Some animals are big. ( ) 2. Dogs aren’t man’s good friend. ( ) 3. They like eating bones and fish. ( ) 4. They can see the colours well.

( ) 5. There are many interesting things around us.

Part 2 Answer the questions (根据短文,回答问题, 每线词数不限) 1. What is your favourite animal? ________________________________ 2. Do they like eating fruits? ___________________________________ 3. What can they do? _________________________________

4. How can they hunt for the food? _____________________________ 5. Are monkeys colour-blind? ____________________________

Ⅲ Read and write (阅读短文,填入适当的单词,使其内容通顺,每线一词,首字母已给):

There are many c___________ in my school. They are the badminton club, table t__________ club, swimming club, running club, singing club, dancing club and painting club. I like p___________ badminton and dancing. I like swimming in the pool and running in the playground. I like singing too. I can p___________ beautiful pictures! They are so fun! Can I j__________ all these clubs?

Ⅳ Think and write (请介绍一种你最喜欢的体育运动,至少35个单词,3种及以上句型):

My favourite sport

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________


Ⅰ. (1) C (2) D (3) E (4) A (5) B Ⅱ. Part 1 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. F 5.T

Part 2 1. My favourite animal is dogs. 2. No, they don’t.

3. They can run and swim very fast. 4. They can hear and smell very well. 5.No, they aren’t.

Ⅲ. clubs tennis playing paint join

