
更新时间:2023-05-17 17:44:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





Project: 机库


Where indicated a three component solvent free epoxy resin floor overlay shall be applied to the concrete floor slab at a thickness of 1.5mm to 2mm, such that it forms a durable hygienic surface for medium to heavy duty use.


Application shall be conducted strictly in accordance with the manufacturer’s written instructions. Material shall be supplied by a manufacturer who is certified to conform with the quality management systems described in ISO 9002.

施工应严遵照制造商的书面说明进行。材料应由符合ISO 9002质量管理系统的制造商提供。

This description covers the preparation and application of a solvent free self smoothing medium to heavy duty epoxy floor topping (1.5-2 mm self leveling epoxy floor).


1. Substrate Preparation:


1.1. Prior to starting preparation, close the area to be prepared to all traffic and other trades. 在进行表面处理之前,封闭施工区域的一切交通及替他的承包商。

1.2. The preferred methods of substrate preparation are; captive blasting using medium shot, high pressure water jetting, scarifying (using Bartel, Erut, Von Arx or similar equipment) or surface grinding.

推荐的基层处理方法为:使用中等大小的钢丸喷砂、高压水喷射、研磨(使用Bartel,Erut,Von Arx或同类设备)或表面打磨。 1.3. NOTE: Acid etching should not be used unless there is no other suitable means of preparation. If acid etching is used, great care should be taken to ensure all acid residues is removed, by washing the floor thoroughly with copious amounts of water.


1.4. If any part of the floor is contaminated by oil, grease or fat, the contamination should be removed before other forms of preparation are undertaken.



1.5. At free edges such as aisle ways and doorways the floor topping should be terminated

properly. Cut a groove in the substrate along the line of termination. The groove to be at least as deep as the thickness of the topping with the inner edge cut at a 20° angle.


1.6. Prepare the concrete substrate using the chosen method, removing all laitance and weak or friable concrete. The finished surface should have the texture of medium to coarse sandpaper. 用选用的方法处理混凝土基层,去除所有的混凝土浮浆层或松散的混凝土。完工后的表面应该呈现中或粗砂纸的纹理。

1.7. Surface defects exposed during surface preparation such as shrinkage cracks, blow holes,

minor honey combing, minor damage to joint arrises, etc. shall be filled with thixo-tropic two component surface filler.


1.8. Larger repairs can be carried out using a rapid setting polymer repair compound.


NOTE : When it is known prior to starting work on the floor that repairs are required, the repairs should be executed before general preparation is undertaken.


Remove joint sealant if installed.


Place joint backer rod in joints, with the top of the backer rod either flush or 1-2mm above the floor surface. Push nails between the backer rod and the side of the joint, leaving the nails protruding, to act as markers. The Epoxy self-leveling will be laid over the joint, the joint being cut out later.


1.12. When floor preparation is complete, vacuum the area to remove all dust and debris. 当地面处理完成以后,吸除区域内所有的灰尘和碎片。

Protect areas such as the bottom of walls and columns that may be splashed when the wet epoxy is being rolled with the spiked roller.


1.14. Place 50mm wide masking tape along free edges.



2. Application Procedures:


2.1. Before starting application of the topping, ensure that all materials and tools are on hand to allow completion of the work.


2.2. Ensure that the mixing equipment is adequate, with a back up mixer available in case of a break down.


2.3. A slow speed (3-400rpm) electric drill rated at 700-1000 Watts fitted with a 100mm diameter spiral mixer is most commonly used for mixing this type of product.


2.4. Security of the power supply should be verified.


2.5. The solvent free epoxy self-leveling material can be applied using notched or plain trowels, or pin screeds.


2.6. A spiked rollers and spiked shoes are essential pieces of equipment when laying the solvent free epoxy self-leveling material. Do not start the application if the substrate and air temperatures are less than 12°C. Ideally the temperatures should be in the range of 18 - 30°C.

在施工无溶剂的自流平环氧材料时,消泡滚筒和钉鞋的使用是尤为必要的工具。在基层和空气温度低于12°C的情况下,勿开始施工。理想的施工温度应在18 - 30°C之间。

2.7. Do not apply when the relative humidity is greater than 90%, or the dew point is reached.


2.8. Do not apply in direct sunlight.


2.9. During hot weather it is preferable to lay the solvent free epoxy self-leveling material in the late afternoon or early evening, when the temperature is falling, if the temperature of the building is not controlled.


3. Surface Sealing:


3.1. Prior to application of the solvent free epoxy self-leveling material, the surface should be sealed, using a solvent free epoxy primer



3.2. Pour the reactor into the base, then mix the components together for 1-2 minutes using a slow speed drill (3-400 rpm) fitted with a spiral mixer.

把材料倒入容器中,用慢速螺旋式搅拌机(3-400 rpm)搅拌该混合物1-2分钟。 3.3. Depending on surface roughness, use a short or medium pile roller, to apply the mixed material to the prepared substrate, ensuring total coverage. Application rates will vary depending on substrate roughness and absorption, but should be in the range of 6-9m².


3.4. Allow the sealer coat to cure to a tack free state before starting application of the topping. 该密封层需固化直至干燥,然后再开始面层的施工。

4. Mixing:


4.1. Pour the reactor into the base and mix together for 1-2 minutes, then pour the mixed material into a suitable mixing vessel with a capacity of not less than 25 litres.


4.2. Start mixing again and add the aggregate component, mixing for 2 minutes or until a lump free mix is obtained. Always maintain the same mixing times throughout the application.


4.3. Pour the mixed material in a strip along the edge against which the application will start. Start the leveling operation immediately.


4.4. Using a trowel or pin screed, spread the material at the desired thickness.


4.5. When placing fresh material, pour it in a strip along the edge of and into the previously leveled solvent free epoxy self-leveling material, so that the different mixes blend together as they are leveled and rolled.


4.6. As soon as sufficient material has been laid to allow the operative with the spiked roller to work without interfering with the laying operation, rolling should begin. Rolling should always start within 5 minutes of the material being laid. The operative should wear spiked shoes to allow him to walk in the wet material.



4.7. The spiked roller is used to aid the release of air from the solvent free epoxy self-leveling material, to smooth out trowel marks and ensure uniformity of colour.


4.8. Rolling can be considered as a continuous operation. Rolling should only cease when air no longer rises to the surface and the surface finish is acceptable, or when a cut made with a knife in the wet material does not heal within 30 seconds.


4.9. As a minimum, areas shall be rolled within 5 minutes of being laid and again 20 minutes later.


5. Forming Day Joints:


5.1. At the predetermined termination point lay two strips of 50mm wide masking tape, one on top of the other along the line of the intended joint. Place a strip of 3mm thick 5 5-10mm wide self adhesive foam tape near the back edge of the strip.


5.2. Stop laying the epoxy floor at the foam strip. Allow to cure overnight.


5.3. The following morning, lift the edge of the masking tape and fold back. The epoxy floor will break along the line of the masking tape. If the break is not clean enough, it can be re-cut with a sharp knife or an angle grinder.


5.4. Prior to starting laying operations, tape a 1 meter wide sheet of polythene on top of the epoxy floor, along the cut edge, to protect it from being splashed with wet resin.


5.5. When rolling with the spiked roller has ceased in the vicinity of the day joint, remove the polythene and tape.


6. Movement Joints:



6.1. Where joints have been treated as in points 1.10, strike a chalk line along the nails protruding from the joint, remove the nails, then cut along the joint line with a saw or angle grinder, to

reform the joint. Cut the epoxy back to the joint face, remove the sharp arris and reseal the joint. 接缝位置的处理可见1.10,沿着接缝处突出的钉子画上粉笔线,去除钉子,使用锯或带角度的磨具沿着接缝线进行切割,形成移动接缝。去除接缝表面的环氧层和锋利的棱角,再重新密封接缝。

